Chapter 268 Mist

Na Menghu, who had completely entered the center of the enemy camp, hid his body behind the brazier next to him.

You can clearly hear two people talking softly.

It's just because the sound is small, the complicated environment here makes it difficult for him to tell which direction the sound is coming from.

So he can only find them one by one, risking his life and death, one by one trial and error.

Once he is wrong, what awaits him will be doomed.

But he was very confident, and while searching constantly, he looked around, listened to all directions, and his body was strong and agile, and he never revealed his actions in the slightest.

Carefully, he was finally in the middle of a tent, and he heard the voices of conversation getting louder and louder.

"Come on, add fire, it's freezing me."

"It's so cold here, it's really unfortunate for our brothers to be given such a chore."

"Be content, at least here, with no life to worry about. 35

"If we don't have food, let's add fire here, and a pile of dry wood for company, I'm going to starve to death.

"It sounds nice, I don't have to worry about the future, I don't have to go to the battlefield and work hard, just rest here.

"I'd rather go to the battlefield to fight with the Qin army, and it's better than starving to death here, useless!""

"Hehe, just blow it..."

"The more you need something, the more you think about it. When you go to the battlefield, 830 thinks about saving your life and going home to rest. Once you get a rest, you dislike this and that, and you won't go to the battlefield."

After they said these words, they walked towards the brazier here.

Meng Hu watched the other party get closer and closer to him, but his eyes also became more and more fierce.


"Qin Army?"

Meng Hu, who had nowhere to hide, was suddenly discovered by the opponent. His claws were like a beast. He grabbed the opponent's voice like lightning.

The corpse fell.

Meng Hu immediately dragged the man down.

At a glance, there are many figures in the Huns' camp, sitting neatly and uniformly.

"Is there an ambush?"

He meditated silently in his heart.

But when he opened the tent slowly, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Actually, they're all fakes?"

Fear immediately flooded into his heart.

Astonished, panicked?

It is difficult to describe his mood at this moment.

When and where did the Huns become so cunning and cunning?

Unable to accept the facts in front of you.

A cold sweat broke out uncontrollably from behind.

Goosebumps came out.

Only at this moment did he understand what true despair was.

Soldiers never tire of cheating!

In fact, he had understood this a long time ago.

But at this moment, when he was confirmed by the other party to himself, he knew what it means to be helpless...

It was as if the world had been hollowed out.

An iron-fisted warrior who has fought for many years and killed countless people under the sword, now his wrists and legs are shaking involuntarily!

Almost fell to the ground.

Turning around to look at the other tents, he hurriedly ran over to check the truth.

However, he gave himself a blow.


All are fake, without exception!

"What about people? 35

"Where have they all gone?"

He shouted to himself, losing his direction, like a fly without a head.

lost his mind.

Standing in front of a camp full of dummies, he didn't want to say a word, and his head was aching.

Suddenly, he smelled a dangerous breath, and subconsciously put his hand on the short sword around his waist.

After waiting for the opponent to approach, he turned around abruptly, and the short sword in his hand quickly drew an arc.

In the middle of the opponent's neck, he stuck his neck neatly, but did not hurt his life.

The man was as timid as a mouse, and in the face of such a fierce threat, he was so thin that he shivered, and the long sword in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

"The hero spares his life, the hero spares his life..."

I saw this Huns, wearing a mustache, kneeling on the ground, "Although I am wearing the clothes of the Huns, in fact, I am a Han..."

"But when I was six years old (bbcc), I was caught by them and used as a slave in the tribe. Now I go out with the army and I can't help myself..."

"Hey man, spare my life, I'll tell you everything I know!

After he finished speaking, Meng Hu's murderous eyes loosened for a while. He was eager to find out the situation, so the person in front of him was still useful and could not be killed.

Suppress the urge in your heart, and even ask, "How about you people? 99

"During the day, your cavalry brigade, why is there no one now?

"Where did it go?"

"Why are there so many dummies in the tent, and what are you doing here?"

"One by one, if there is a half-false word..."

His fierce eyes stared straight at the Xiongnu people in front of him, like a wolf staring at the prey in his hands.

It is possible to kill him at any time.

So he slowly let go, the Huns really breathed a sigh of relief, and said at random, "We obeyed General Udi's orders during the day and divided them into many small groups and staggered troops to escape your sentry. The eyeliner came to the rear and cut off the food path. 99

"After cutting off the food route and setting up the temporary camp, General Udi left with our cavalry army."

"Because I have a congenital disability, my hands and feet are inconvenient, and it is not conducive to go out with the army, so I have been fighting in the army. The general ordered me and another person to stay here, keep the brazier unextinguished, and add firewood in time.

"Among the other camps, they are all fakes, and none of them are real."

Meng Hu was horrified, his sword turned, and he couldn't help but ask, "Where did they go?"

"Did you make it clear?

The Huns shook his head, "I don't know about that. The general seemed to have said it at the time, but the scene was so chaotic and chaotic that I forgot..."

"Say! 99

A sharp knife soon appeared under his chin.

"I say, I say!"

"They, they knew the location of the Great Qin Emperor, so they attacked directly.

Meng Hu: "???"

"How did they know that the Daqin Emperor was on his expedition?

The Xiongnu people shivered. Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, they hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "Because, because in the Daqin army, there are Xiongnu people's inner responders."

"After the last major defeat, some important officials in Daqin reached a temporary cooperative relationship with the remnants of the Huns."

"How is this going?

It's getting more and more confusing.

Meng Hu, a martial artist, could also vaguely guess that there was a big conspiracy gradually emerging.

No wonder, the surviving Xiongnu army was able to break through many counties in Daqin so quickly...

It turned out that there was a problem in Daqin, and some people betrayed the country.

This is a mortal sin!.

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