Chapter 253

Soon, Baihei issued its second order: [From now on, 200,000 grains of grain and grass will be transferred from Jingyang County to supply the front-line army, and they must arrive within three days.

After such an order was given, the military servant in front of him made a 180-degree turn, kowtowing and kneeling to thank the white and black saints.

But what he didn't expect at all was that Bai Zhu didn't take this matter to heart at all.

In fact, it could have used the Suzaku Organ Beast to transport this large amount of grain and troops to the front line in a very short period of time.

But when I think of Lao Zhao's unswerving attitude towards him, if he offends him in a special way and cures his sins in the future, it will really outweigh the gains.

Therefore, it can manage these tedious things below, but it must not interfere in it and let Lao Zhao catch the handle. After all, others have said before, and repeatedly emphasized that it is forbidden to mobilize one soldier and one soldier to help, otherwise severe punishment will not be granted.

With such a sage in front, no matter how stupid Bai Hei is, he will never make fun of the emperor's dignified face.

After all, he was the one who brought down the world of Daqin, and now the Huns are on the menacing force, and they have the potential to overwhelm Daqin. As an emperor, how could he not have the slightest emotion?

In doing so, even White and Black respected his behavior very much.

In the age of cold weapons, a large number of people can be an advantage or a disadvantage.

820 Although Daqin was large, it was unavoidably harassed by elite soldiers from the local frontier, always suffering losses, and there was no good way to govern it.

The Huns were small, but their soldiers were strong and strong, and they could catch up with the Qin soldiers one-on-one, and they would not fall behind.

This is the strange thing, Da Qin is not undefeated in a hundred battles, and the Huns are not weak and incapable of fighting.

Qin attacked the Huns, and they were inexhaustible.

The Huns fought against the Qin, and the war was endless.

There is no advantage at all in the age of cold weapons.

Power is just a moment of luck.

Even if a new dynasty is established, in case of bad luck one day, the city of a certain county on the border is extremely easy to be breached because of inconsistent command of soldiers or lack of food and grass.

Even in the early days of the establishment of the dynasty when the military literacy was not low, once the distribution of military merit was unfair, some generals and soldiers who did stupid things would naturally emerge.

This time when the Huns invaded, although Bai Zhu was clearly ordered to prohibit sending troops to help, he did not say that he was not allowed to do other things.

Grain supply.

Army support from surrounding cities.

These are actually all factors that can be mobilized.

Because in many places, the army cannot be mobilized, it is not that there are no soldiers, but that it is difficult and unrewarding (bbcc) and cannot be rewarded.

But the rules have always been like this.

Although these counties and counties in Daqin are nominally the territory of the state, in reality, people are divided and their interests are mixed.

"Thank you sir."

"I retire!""

After the Minister of War finished saying these words, he got up and went back.

And not long after he went out, a person came in from outside. This person was none other than Xi Yingfeng.

"My minister, see Lord Rui Beast.

Yin Man nodded: "No gift, get up quickly, what's the report?

"The composition of gunpowder, sulfur, nitrate, and carbon, has been collected, and the harvest is quite good."


He opened a book in his hand, and then read the above content aloud: "This time, a total of 300,000 sulphur stones were collected. After eliminating defective and defective products, the remaining 100,000 stones have the purest concentration and the highest accuracy. .35

"400,000 stone of saltpeter, eliminate the stones, and the pure saltpeter part will remain about 250,000 stone. 99

"Half-million stone of carbon stone, because it is the easiest to obtain, it has the largest quantity and the highest purity."

"With the help of the Suzaku Organ Beast, the transportation has become extremely efficient and fast, and within a very short period of time, everything has been transported to the gunpowder factory where Jingyang City is located.

"Although many systems are imperfect and the craftsmanship is immature today, in this case of lack of arms and legs, gunpowder is still made according to the method you explained.

"This is a sample, please check it out, Lord Baihei.

After he finished saying these words, even when he presented the gunpowder in a cloth bag, the white and black eyes in front of him became excited.

【After so many days, I finally heard good news! 】

It was just about to take the gunpowder, but unexpectedly, it was stopped by Xiao He who was standing beside him.

"This is a dangerous thing, not to mention that it has just appeared in the world, and the craftsmanship is immature. If something goes wrong, it suddenly burns and hurts Lord Baihei..."

"It's still up to me to open it instead, and it will have the same effect if Lord Baihei watches from a distance."

"No problem!"

Yin Man nodded, not giving Bai Hei time to object.

It also caused great dissatisfaction.

After all, who doesn't want to see their hard work pay off?

Presumably Xi Yingfeng in front of him is like this, not to mention the white and black who are planning this matter wholeheartedly?

[This matter was proposed by me, but in the end, I was not allowed to see the first product, alas!]

【It's really a big joke in the world!】

[But fortunately, it’s the same when you open it and look at it, adding a little sense of surprise, it’s always right. 】

Although I already understood in my heart that Xiao He and Yin Man's intentions are all for their own safety, but when I think that I can't play this gunpowder with my own hands, I have no sense of expectation and no sense at all.

Soon after, Xiao He slowly opened the cloth bag in his hand, revealing a small piece of finely powdered sand inside.

The powder is not particularly fine, but rather rough, but this is the first product, and white and black will naturally accept these small flaws.

According to that Xi Yingfeng, in order to create this thing, he searched all over the entire Jiangdu County, large and small, in order to find a sieve with a suitable size.

Either too big or too small.

In order to ensure the purity of gunpowder powder, large and small stones must be screened out.

The gunpowder that was taken down by knocking directly from the ore was covered with countless impurities.

How to deal with these impurities is actually a technical task.

In order to get a sieve of the right size, he had people weave a coarse cloth net, sieve all the dust out, go through the fishing net again, sift out the large stones, and finally, pass the fine net again, sift out all the small stones .

Only then can you get the finished product at hand.

Although it is still so rough and visible, it is actually quite good.

White and Black are not particularly demanding for the things they make for the first time. Seeing this result, it is already very satisfied.

[Is it added and mixed according to the proportion I said? 】

Bai Zhu asked a question.

Yin Man conveys its meaning.

Xi Yingfeng nodded and said, "Yes. 99

"But not.


【What is there to say about this?】

Yin Man, Xiao He and the others all looked at Xi Yingfeng in surprise, wanting to hear what else he had to say to explain this.

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