I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 201 The auction officially begins! Master Fusu, the main aucti1er

For a time, even the nobles of the Six Nations who were cheated last time began to move.

Seeing that there are only twenty cans, who is not a person with face?

If he could grab a can on the spot, wouldn't he be showing his face once?

Not only that, the son Fusu is the main shooter, doesn't that mean he left a deep impression in front of Fusu?

Maybe I can take the opportunity to get to know Young Master Fusu and win an official position in the future!

As for the Daqin officials in the imperial court, they wished that the less canned food the better, as a result, their faces in front of Fusu would be even bigger.

Of course, everyone's thoughts and feelings for Su naturally do not understand, he is now only thinking about how to preside over the auction better.

After a detailed introduction to the so-called "efficacy" of canned Jingyang treasures, the auction was officially started.

"The base price of Jingyang Treasures cans is 1,000 yuan per can, and each bid shall not be less than 500 yuan. Twenty cans of Jingyang Treasures can be sold in 20 times. The highest bidder can choose to buy several cans at the same price. ,while stocks last."

After briefly introducing the rules of the sale, Fusu motioned to the attendants on both sides to put away the cans of Jingyang treasures.

Similarly, the auction rules this time were thought up by Bai Hei himself.

There are two new rules, one is divided into twenty sales.

Different from the previous bundled sale of Jingyang wine, it is equivalent to twenty cans of Jingyang Treasures, each of which is retailed.

But at the same time, there is a new auction rule, each time the highest bidder can choose to buy several cans at the same price.

In other words, if you happen to encounter a low price once, you can even get a one-time full package of twenty cans with deep pockets, saving time and effort.

The addition of the two rules has added a lot of unknowns to the originally public auction.

After chewing on the two rules, some sensible people off the court quickly understood the meaning of white and black:

Avoid bad competition!

To put it bluntly, the people present are really too big, and there are people from all walks of life, of all types, although everyone wants a can of Jingyang treasures.

But if Li Si really used his power to overwhelm people, most people would not dare to compete with him.

This is the reason why Baihei will send Fusu, the eldest son of Qin is in charge, you Li Si definitely dare not make a mistake, right?

In addition to the restrictions of the rules, once the rest of the people really dare to sell Li Si's face and let Li Si take pictures at a very low price, maybe Li Si will dare to wave his hand and get a full package of 20 cans!

Therefore, under special rules, no one dares to let anyone, so that the price of each can can be guaranteed to be equal or at least not very low.

But now, Fusu is on the stage. Seeing it through and not saying it, Mingzhe is the king.

"I announce that the auction has officially started!

Following Fusu's order, everyone on the field finally moved.

The reserve price is 1,000 yuan, which is several times that of Jingyang wine, but no one thinks the reserve price is unreasonable.

First of all, the fruits in winter are originally rare, and the things originally produced in Jingyang are expensive, but the taste is good.

If you complain about the price, you're probably going to be thrown out the next moment.

You are too expensive and I am too expensive!

"Three thousand dollars!

As expected of everyone present, they tripled the reserve price as soon as they opened their mouths.

"Hmph, I'll give you five thousand dollars!"

Someone raised the price immediately.

"A few thousand dollars, you are too embarrassed to ask? I'll give ten thousand dollars!"

At the moment, in order to attract Fusu's attention, an official did not hesitate to offend others, uttered wild words, and called out sky-high prices.

"I'll pay 20,000!"

The people present are all officials, nobles, and the last one can be a family owner. The price will not only stay at the level of "10,000".

Twenty thousand dollars is already a very high price.

It can be said that 20,000 yuan, even the cost of a can of Jingyang Treasures, is only a few percent of the price.

However, the discerning person present can see that it is a good start, and the price will not stop there.

"One hundred thousand dollars!"

Soon, a wealthy businessman once again raised the price to a higher level.

One hundred thousand dollars, if it is a clean official, I am afraid it is all their belongings.

For example, Feng Quji, even though he received an invitation letter, people also arrived, and his seat was extremely high.

But since the beginning of the auction, he has been silent.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer, and a few thousand dollars is justified. Old Feng gritted his teeth and stood up, and he was able to survive.

But tens of thousands of dollars, oh, he really couldn't come up with it.

Even if you take it out, you can't use it to buy a can of canned food. How will you live in the future?

So simply, Feng Quji sat on the seat dully, while watching the colleagues beside you vying for it.

When the price was raised to a level of more than 100,000, finally, the officials of Daqin also lost their temper.

Although they are officials, they are paid salary after all.

As the saying goes, don't get rich when you are an official, and don't become an official if you are rich. After all, there are only a few people who really have money in the presence of an official.

The real rich are all wealthy businessmen, and their positions are all at the back, even behind the six-nation nobility.

"Twenty thousand dollars!"

After the price climbed to 100,000 yuan, every bid was a multi-party trial and game.

If anyone said at this time: "One hundred thousand five hundred dollars", they would definitely be laughed at by everyone.

Once the price is increased, 783 is an exciting double price!

Shocked by the wealth of the businessmen, Li Si secretly made a note in his heart. It seems that the commercial tax will be increased in the future to make them arrogant!

"Five hundred thousand dollars.

"A million dollars!

"Two million dollars!

In the end, a nobleman from the Six Nations stood up.

He is the head of the family, and the family still has business in Xianyang, so he can afford the money.

As for the canned food itself, two million dollars is still too extravagant to eat. His idea was to enter the palace and give the canned Jingyang treasures to His Majesty the First Emperor, in order to gain the first emperor's favor and completely protect his family.

Two million dollars to buy a Ping An is not too expensive.

"Two million at a time!"

"Two million twice!"

"Two million three times!""

"make a deal!

As the small hammer in Fusu's hand fell, the nobles of the Six Nations who bid the price immediately got the first can of Jingyang treasures.

"How many cans do you need? 35

The attendant quickly came to ask.

This person hesitated for a while, and when he made the bid, his head became hot, and he didn't think much of it at all.

"Two cans.

He quickly gritted his teeth and made a decision.

It doesn't matter if it costs four million, now he only hopes that two cans of Jingyang treasures can be exchanged for the safety of their whole family.

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