I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 179 Your army is besieging the city, and I will cook rice!

After the drum beat, Zhao Yun took the lead in attacking Gao Chong.

As the long-armed party, he must first entangle Yuwen Chengdu, and then give Zhou Yu a chance to attack!

Zhao Yun studied under Tong Yuan, and all the marksmanship he learned came from Tong Yuan.

Tong Yuan, another strange man in the Three Kingdoms period.

Although there is no Guiguzi in the Warring States period, which turned upside down and turned the clouds over the rain, but only in terms of the Three Kingdoms, the contribution is not - it can be said that it is not big.

Tong Yuan, courtesy name Xiongfu. He is a sworn brother with Li Yan in Bingzhou, and he is taught by Chengyu-Zhenzi.

There were three disciples, namely Zhang Xiu, Zhang Ren, and Zhao Yun.

These three people were all in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, stirring up the existence of the situation, and Zhao Yun himself ran through the entire Three Kingdoms period.

Zhang Xiu killed Dian Wei, killed Cao Ang, and defeated Cao Cao in the first battle.

Zhang Ren, designed to kill the phoenix chick Pang Tong.

Not to mention Zhao Yun, who is also one of the most favored disciples of Tong Yuan. Tong Yuan once taught Zhao Yun his unique skill, "Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear".

Therefore, at the beginning, in order to overwhelm Yuwen Chengdu in aura, Zhao Yun's bright silver spear flew over, and he immediately exerted his full strength to use the "hundred birds toward the phoenix spear"!

However, as a descendant, Yuwen Chengdu is familiar with the "Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear", and the perfected "Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear" in the Sui and Tang Dynasties is even more aggressive.

Therefore, Zhao Yun's all-out strike had little effect on Yuwen Chengdu.

The phoenix wings in the dancing hands were adorned with Jin Rui, and Yu Wencheng retreated while fighting, his pace was steady, his breath was calm, and there was no trace of panic.

After more than ten moves in succession, seeing that Yuwen Chengdu was unmoved at all, Zhao Yun had to once again display his own move "Seven Snake Coiled Spear" based on "Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear".


Different from the attack method of "Hundred Birds Chasing the Phoenix Gun", "Seven Detective Snake Coiled Gun" pays more attention to the attack on the local lower three roads, which is intended to disrupt the enemy's defense and make it into chaos.

The surrounding soldiers saw it clearly. When Zhao Yun used the "Seven Snake Coiled Spear", the spears danced wildly. They couldn't even see where the spear was attacking, which showed that it was extremely fast.

When Zhou Yu on the side saw this, he immediately seized the opportunity, raised the long sword in his hand, and headed straight for Yuwen Chengdu's Shangsan Road.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun went up and down and attacked Yuwen Chengdu at the same time, and the pressure soon came to Yuwen Chengdu.

"Well done! 35

Yuwen Chengdu's force value is naturally far higher than the two, plus the title of "Five Tigers General", if he wants, within ten moves, he can suppress the two on the spot.

But after all, Cao Cao was watching from the side, and many of the soldiers watching the battle were also from Cao Ying. If he really used ten moves to suppress the two, how much of a shame for Cao Cao?

So in order to act more like, Yu Wencheng only used 70% of his strength, but it is so, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu combined attack, it is still difficult to gain the upper hand.

Yu Wencheng kept waving a phoenix wing and Jin Rui up and down, always keeping the two men's attacks just right.

Seeing that his big moves are almost exhausted, and he hasn't been able to kill Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Yun is a little anxious.

He clearly knew that once he and Zhou Yu's offensive stopped, it was the end of the fight.

If they can't maintain the aggressiveness of the offensive, what they will face next is Yuwen Chengdu's mad counterattack!


Zhao Yun said to Zhou Yu.

In fact, the two of them don't have any formations at all now, and the changes they are talking about are just changing positions and attacking Yuwen Chengdu from different directions.

Quickly, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, left and right, attacked Yuwen Chengdu again!

On the right is Zhao Yun's bright silver spear, and on the left is Zhou Yu's long sword. It is still up and down, but now it has changed to upper left and lower right. As a result, Yuwen Chengdu can't smoothly use phoenix wings and gold sharpness to block the two at the same time. s attack.

I have to say that Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu's battle choices were very smart.

It's a pity that if the difference in force value is not too big, the two really have a chance to win.

In order to prevent Cao Cao from being too embarrassed, Yuwen took some strength and used a 50% level to tremble with the two of them.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu are both famous generals in the world, and Yuwen's use of 50% of his strength is naturally not enough, so he quickly falls into the disadvantage.

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu's actions, Baihei and Shi Huangdi both knew it well.

If you really compete according to your ability, I am afraid that apart from Gao Chong, no one can limit Yuwen Chengdu, right?

Although Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu in front of them are powerful, they are not as good as Yuwen Chengdu's martial arts.

However, polite words are still required.

At the moment, Xiao He, on behalf of the First Emperor, raised the glass to Cao Cao:

"The two generals are very talented, Meng De has won a good general! 35

"Where and where, General Yuwen is brave, fighting against two with one, is the real good general in the world!

Cao Cao also raised his glass and returned the salute immediately, showing some courtesy.

After drinking a glass of wine, the situation on the field quickly changed.

Although it was because Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu were fighting, Yuwen Cheng was not only fighting, but also paying attention to what was going on off the court.

Now that Xiao He has already had a drink with Cao Cao and is polite, he can also show a little strength!


With a loud shout, Yuwen Chengdu slammed the phoenix wings into gold, and immediately moved the bright silver spear attacked by Zhao Yun to one side.

Affected by the power, Zhao Yun staggered and almost fell to the ground on the spot. Fortunately, with the support of the bright silver spear, he barely stood firm.

When Zhao Yun stabilized his body, the phoenix wings and Jin Rui quickly stirred the long sword in Zhou Yu's hand, stabbing left and right, making Zhou Yu overwhelmed.

After only seven or eight rounds, Yuwen Cheng suddenly exerted force, and the phoenix wing Jin Rui was thrown upwards, and the long sword in Zhou Yu's hand was picked up.




The surrounding soldiers cheered loudly.

The long sword was thrown flying, and Zhou Yu was considered to have withdrawn from the battle on the spot.

The remaining Zhao Yun will face Yuwen Chengdu alone.

As a result, Bidou completely lost the suspense. How could Zhao Yun be Yuwen Chengdu's opponent alone?

The two fought for more than a dozen rounds, Yuwen Chengdu saw the opportunity, and flicked to the left with a stride, and then moved the phoenix wings and Jin Rui to suppress Zhao Yun's bright silver spear.

In the end, the boring tip also touched Zhao Yun's chest.

At this point, the fight is completely over.

"I announce that the final winner is - Yuwen Chengdu! 55

Cao Cao quickly stood up and announced himself.

In addition, he also poured a glass of wine himself, walked to the arena, and asked Yuwen Chengdu to have a glass.

Coming to Yuwen Chengdu, Cao Cao lowered his voice and whispered:

"Thank you, General, for the concession."

Cao Cao is not blind. From the sudden outbreak of Yuwen Chengdu, it is not difficult to see that Yuwen Chengdu deliberately kept his hand in the previous fight.

For this, Cao Cao had to be grateful and saved himself face in front of the whole army.

"General Cao is serious."

Yuwen Chengdu took the wine vessel and drank it all.





There was another sound of drumming and cheering, and the soldiers began to celebrate Yuwen Chengdu's victory.

After toasting Yuwen with a glass of wine, Cao Cao quickly returned to his seat.

But soon, he fell into contemplation.

Right now, the generals have just been fighting on foot, and everyone is tired, and they are bound to take some rest.

But yesterday had already eaten the banquet, and today there is really nothing to entertain the First Emperor and Bai Hei.

While Cao Cao was thinking about the next program, suddenly, the sound of drum horns came from the direction of the city.

Huh? The sound of drum horns?

Cao Cao frowned.

He strictly ordered that in order not to disturb Baihei's rest, except for enemy attacks, no horns should be made under any circumstances.

Who is offending now?

"What's going on at the top of the city? Who is breaking the ban?"

Cao Cao elongated his face, looked around, and asked.

"This...I don't know.

The servants around you look at me, I look at you, and they all shook their heads.

Man, we've been standing next to you since the game started, you ask me who I ask?

But soon, Cao Cao got the answer.

A messenger rushed into the arena and bowed at the feet of the First Emperor and Bai Hei.

"Your Majesty, a large army suddenly appeared outside the city, and now it has surrounded Luoyang City on both sides.


The First Emperor and Bai Hei looked at each other, where did the army come from now?

Suddenly, Bai Hei snapped his fingers, yes!

['It's Yuan Shao!']

Shi Huang frowned: "Is it the remnant of the soldiers who were beaten by Meng Huo and retreated?

['The same can be said of... 1

White and Black nodded.

The first emperor's statement was correct. Yuan Shao broke down Yan Liang and Wen Chou and lost a lot of troops. Originally, they could be regarded as remnants of soldiers.

But after all, the background is still there. The 170,000-strong army, after a short rest, is another team besieging the city.

"Little Rui Beast, teach him a lesson for me."

After speaking, Shi Shiran left under everyone's attention.

Without any instructions, he didn't even bother to go up to the city to take a look, his face was light and calm, if it wasn't for the troops now approaching the city, the generals almost thought that the First Emperor was going on a picnic.

Although the soldiers were surprised, Cao Cao seemed to be used to it.

After all, when the 400,000 princes joined forces to besiege the city last time, the first emperor also had the same attitude, and he even had time to argue with white and black.

【'Oh. ’]

For the first emperor's words, white and black did not object.

Anyway, you don't have to fight by yourself, and you don't have to go out to fight. What are you panicking about with a few hundred thousand troops?

"Lord Rui Beast please go to the city to make a decision.

Cao Cao has always been very knowledgeable.

Since the First Emperor has handed over the matter to Bai Hei, the whole army will be dominated by Bai Zhu.

['Go, I'll show you the monkeys!']

Baihei held Cao Jie with his left hand and Zhen Mi with his right hand, rushing towards the city head slowly.

Cao Cao and a group of generals followed closely behind and went up to the front of the city.

When he arrived at the city head, Bai Zhu looked down the city, and sure enough, it was Yuan Shao's army.

It seemed that someone in Yuan Shao's army had come up with some bad idea.

I want Yuan Shao to kill a carbine, capture Luoyang, and seize the emperor.

Originally, this strategy was fine.

Any army will have all kinds of problems after defeating an army of 400,000.

Especially after a big victory, you will be more careless about the enemy.

But unfortunately, Baihei's troops were too strong, and they lost almost nothing in defeating Yuan Shu's 400,000 coalition forces, which was something Yuan Shao never expected.

"Lord Rui Beast, there is also news from the south of the city. Five thousand cavalry have also surrounded the south of the city, and Pianjia cannot leave the city."

【‘Tell me, how to fight. l

Baihei squinted at Cao Cao.

"I think that Yuan Shao's army has not yet arrived, and there are only 10,000 cavalry troops to surround the east and south of our city. It is nothing more than to trap our horses in the city and cannot move. 99

"However, there are no troops in the north and west of Luoyang City. Our troops can send troops from the north and west of the city respectively, and detour to outflank the enemy army in the east and south of the city. Before the enemy army arrives, take the lead in annihilating its vanguard!"

"Then we sent a force to camp outside the city, and the city of Luoyang became an antagonism to each other. Yuan Shao attacked the camp, and we sent troops in the city to attack the army behind."

"Yuan Shao attacked the city, the army in the camp, attacked the army behind, and the two armies were horns of each other, so the Yuan army did not dare to move rashly."

In a few words, Cao Cao analyzed the whole situation very thoroughly, and came up with an excellent battle plan.

asking for flowers....

['Meng De's words have deeply captured the essence of the art of war. 9】

Rarely, Bai Hei actually praised Cao Cao.

Cao Cao first smiled, then bowed his hands to Bai Hei:

"My subordinate will do it now. 35

【‘Hey? I told you to do it?’】

Cao Cao was also stunned when he was grabbed by Bai Hei.

"It's not that Lord Rui Beast just praised his subordinates for their good plans, so..."

【‘Just complimenting you casually, you take it seriously. dream

Bai Hei pouted.

Cao Cao: 6699

"Okay, my subordinates will follow the instructions of Lord Rui Beast.""

[‘Order the soldiers to cook and cook.

Cao Cao looked at Bai Hei in disbelief:

"Lord Rui Beast, there are 10,000 cavalry troops under the city, and there will soon be nearly 200,000 troops surrounding Luoyang, then it will be difficult for us to think about leaving the city!

Cao Cao was very anxious.

Although they had just defeated the coalition of 400,000 princes, Yuan Shao's army was a whole, unlike the internal division of the coalition.

And looking at the way they attacked, it was obvious that they wanted to control the four city gates, so that the soldiers and horses in Luoyang City could not go out to fight, and then they were trapped in Luoyang City.

Seeing Cao Cao's anxious look, Bai Hei couldn't help laughing. He touched Cao Jie's smiling face and joked:

【‘Look at your father’s urgency. ’]

Cao Jie smiled shyly, and then immediately got into Bai Hei's arms.

['Go and cook, don't get in the way here. After dinner, I will make arrangements. ’]

Since white and black have orders, Cao Cao can only obey.

The sergeants were ordered to cook rice on the spot, and more than a dozen cooks in the backyard also began to work.

With the detailed cooking methods given by Baihei, the dishes they made can be eaten anyway.

By the noon sun, Baihei, Shi Huangdi and others had a full meal.

Put down the chopsticks, white and black on the spot.

['Oh, it's really comfortable. ’]

At this time, Cao Cao wished he could set fire to the palace.

"Lord Rui Beast, the army outside has arrived now, I urge you to mobilize your troops immediately and prepare to fight.

Cao Cao stepped forward and suggested again.

['Oh, yes, I almost forgot about it. ’]

Baihei scratched his head.

Cao Cao:

【‘Well, since you insist on fighting, send Cao Chun to lead three thousand tigers and leopards to ride out of the city. ’]

['Remember, you can only harass the enemy's food route, burn the food, don't fight with the army, I will send someone to drop it by air if there is no food, go. 】

After instructing a few words casually, Bai Hei lay down again.

I have to say, it is still comfortable to lie down!

It wasn't that he wasn't in a hurry, but that there was the Suzaku organ beast, and Baihei didn't panic at all.

What was the era of the last year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, did he master the air dominance or did he master everything?

Not to mention that the defenders in the city are all elites from dynasties and dynasties, how about Yuan Shao's army of hundreds of thousands?

Cao Cao knew that the art of war was indeed correct, but unfortunately his understanding of the Suzaku mechanism beast was too simple.

With Bai Hei's instructions, Cao Cao quickly summoned Cao Chun, and ordered him to detour from the west of the city to leave the city, and lead three thousand tigers and leopards to harass them from the rear of Yuan Shao's army.

To be on the safe side, Cao Cao also sent Zhang Liao to lead 3,000 Cao Cavalry cavalry troops as co-coopers, and at the same time sent out to the city.

Not long after Cao Chun and Zhang Liao left the city, Yuan Shao's army quickly overwhelmed the entire city of Luoyang!

Under the city, in Yuan Shao's army tent.

Xu You and Yuan Shao were drinking wine with joy.

"My lord, congratulations on your imminent capture of Luoyang. 35

Xu You picked up a glass of wine and bowed to Yuan Shao.

"Mr. help me.

Rarely, Yuan Shao actually became humble.

"Now Luoyang City is surrounded on all sides, and there are less than 20,000 Cao troops in Luoyang City, why don't I immediately order to attack the city tonight, how about it?

Yuan Shao widened his eyes and asked Xu You for advice.

"Master is absolutely impossible!"

Regarding Yuan Shao's suggestion, Xu You immediately stopped him and said:

"I have received news from the lords' remnants of soldiers that there are beasts in Cao's army.

"The reason why I asked the lord to surround Luoyang City is to trap all his elite troops in the city. As long as they open the city gate and want to leave the city, we will immediately surround them with bows and crossbows, forcing them to give up and leave the city."

"However, how can we obtain the capture of Luoyang City?"

Yuan Shao was puzzled.

"My lord, when Cao Cao first came to Luoyang City, Luoyang City was just in ruins. Although Cao Cao has dispatched a lot of food from various places in recent days, it will not last long. As long as we surround Luoyang City, it will be within a few months. Luoyang City is bound to change.

"There is not enough food in the city of Luoyang, and you can't go out to fight. At that time, there will definitely be rebels in the city. Even if there is no, the battle strength will be greatly damaged. At that time, the lord will not waste his efforts and take Luoyang lightly!"

After Xu You's explanation, Yuan Shao suddenly realized:

"What the teacher said is very true, in this way, our army's losses will be much less.


Xu You nodded.

"However, the key to this plan is whether our army has enough food?"

Regarding Xu You's worries, Yuan Shao waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't worry! I have sent people to the rear to transport food, enough for us to eat for three months!"

Yuan Shao's base was vast and he had been stockpiling grain for a long time, so the grain was naturally much more than Cao Cao's.

"Please send additional staff to ensure that the food supply is safe."

"Don't worry, I have sent Jiang Qi to lead 5,000 cavalry troops to support. Cao Cao's troops are few, and the defense of the city is still insufficient. How can there be any troops to attack my rear?" Dao.

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