I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 177 Is it hard to do... Master Rui Beast like this?

"Okay, okay, this is a good thing, Xiao Rui Beast is their good teacher, and Meng De will have a good time in the future."

Seeing Xiao Rui Beast's dissatisfaction, the First Emperor immediately spoke out to excuse Cao Cao.

It has been more than half a month that people have been busy before and after, which is really not easy.

When the First Emperor spoke, Bai Zhu had to sit back slowly, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Cao Cao, so frightened that Cao Cao hurriedly lowered his head to eat rice, pretending he didn't see it.

"Well, the dishes are indeed well done."

After the First Emperor moved the chopsticks, Gao Chong, Yuwen Chengdu and others quickly moved the chopsticks, and as soon as the dishes were entered, they couldn't stop and devoured them.

At the banquet, there was another person who devoured it, Cao Cao.

In order to avoid the staring eyes of Bai Hei, he had to lower his head and frantically eat rice, even though he was very full now, he still did not dare to relax.

Once he raised his head, Bai Hei's cold eyes seemed to kill him!

No, you have to find a way!

Taking advantage of the time to eat, Cao Cao searched his intestines and scraped his stomach, thinking about all the methods he could think of.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone present was full of food and drink.

The First Emperor put down his chopsticks with satisfaction: "Today's dishes are really good, Xiao Rui Beast, Meng De, you really worked hard.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, this is what the minister should do."

Cao Cao bowed respectfully.

"Okay, then I'll go back to rest first. 55

After finishing speaking, the First Emperor turned his head and walked towards the palace at the back of the palace.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty.

All the people present bowed down to send them off.

Although Cao Cao wanted Shi Emperor to stay and save his life, it was obvious that Bai Hei didn't make a meat sauce on the spot because it was for Shi Emperor's face.

He didn't dare to ask for too much, but fortunately, Yuwen Chengcheng and Gao Chong were still there, so Bai Hei should not dare to do anything to himself.

It's a pity that things didn't develop as he imagined.

After the first emperor left, Bai Zhu immediately overturned the table and pointed at Cao Cao and cursed:

"Cuckoo! 99

"Cuckoo! 95

"Cuckoo cuckoo!

Although Cao Cao didn't understand it, he could guarantee that it must be about greeting his deceased parents.

Bai Zhu was so powerful that he overturned the table in front of him on the spot, and then went straight to Cao Cao!

Looking at the fierce appearance of Baihei, it is not difficult to imagine that if Cao Cao is caught, he will definitely be photographed as a meat pie in the next moment!

Facing the incomparably fierce white and black, Cao Cao walked around the column while asking Yuwen Chengcheng and Gao Chong for help:

"Two generals save me!"

"Cough cough.

Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong looked at each other awkwardly.

"Well, I still have soup stewing at home, so I have to go back and see the fire first."

"By the way, my grandma's 60th birthday today, I have to go back to celebrate her birthday too."

Everyone found a "reasonable" excuse and fled in a hurry.

Just kidding, white and black are coming, even Yuwen Chengdu can't stop it, who dares to step forward?

"General Cao, I'm afraid you can only ask for more happiness.

Silently, Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong returned to the barracks.

Seeing the two leave, Cao Cao was completely desperate.

Baihei is still chasing after him, what should I do? Wait online! Urgent!

Taking three steps at the same time, Baihei quickly grabbed Cao Cao's collar from behind, and then lifted it up.


The so-called urgent wisdom, Cao Cao at the moment of dying, immediately came up with a solution.

"Don't worry, Lord Rui Beast, I have a daughter! And Zhen Mi!"

Zhen Mi?

Baihei's expressionless hand loosened, and with a "thump" sound, Cao Cao's body fell freely and fell to the ground.

Has it slowed down?

Cao Cao immediately got up from the ground with the hope of surviving.

"Lord Rui Beast, I have a daughter named Cao Jie, if Lord Meng Rui Beast does not dislike it, I will send it to the mansion tomorrow!

Without any hesitation, Cao Cao immediately sold his daughter.

Cao Jie, Bai Hei is quite familiar with this woman.

Cao Jie, Cao Cao's daughter, married Emperor Xian of Han in history, was named a nobleman, and was later established as an empress.

In the process of Cao Pi usurping the throne, Cao Jie cursed his brother and cursed Cao Wei who was established by him.

Later, he entered Shanyang with Emperor Xian and was named the Lady of Shanyang County.

Cao Jie's appearance is dignified, her temperament is virtuous and prudent, and she is kind and knowledgeable. Under the influence of her father and brother, she is quite literary.

But compared to Cao Jie, Bai Hei is more interested in another person mentioned by Cao Cao just now, Zhen Mi.

It stands to reason that Zhen Mi should be still in the clan at this time, and will be accepted by Yuan Xi as his wife soon.

How did Cao Cao get this woman?

Seeing that Bai Hei didn't speak, Cao Cao beat a drum in his heart. Could it be that a daughter is not enough?

Thinking about what he said just now in a hurry, Cao Cao couldn't help but regret it for a while.

Zhen Mi was captured when he dispatched Xiahou Yuan and Le Jin to attack Zhongshan, which was still under Yuan Shao's rule, when he was dispatching troops to Luoyang.

Just yesterday, Le Jin and Xiahou Yuan led their troops back to Luoyang.

As a relative of Cao Cao and a general, Xiahou Yuan naturally knew what kind of virtue Cao Cao was, especially when he saw that Zhen Mi was quite proficient in rhythm and literature, he knew that this was Cao Cao's dish.

It's a pity that Cao Cao doesn't necessarily like it because he hasn't married yet.

Therefore, Xiahou Yuan sent people to strictly guard them along the way, so that they could protect Zhen Mi from being bullied at all, until they returned to Luoyang City.

As he was busy preparing for the competition between Baihei and Shi Huangdi, although Cao Cao liked it in his heart, he never had time to deal with it.

Just now in a hurry to tell the matter, he immediately regretted it. Originally, he wanted to give Zhen Mi to Cao Pi.

But looking at Bai Hei's silent and still gloomy face, Cao Cao thought about it, and it was still important to save his life, daughter-in-law and so on, there are many!

So, he immediately told what happened to Zhen Mi:

"Today, the minister captured a woman in Zhongshan, the name is Zhen Mi, she is beautiful and beautiful, she is good at rhythm and poetry, and she is knowledgeable and reasonable. She doesn't dislike it, and she is willing to give it to her as a maid.

At this point, Bai Hei just realized that during the battle of Luoyang City, the old boy Cao Cao still kept his hand and attacked Zhongshan directly from the base camp?


A big paw of Baihei quickly patted Cao Cao's shoulder.

Then squeezed hard.

The shoulders were squeezed by gravity, and Cao Cao felt even more uneasy in his heart. Could it be that Bai Hei was not satisfied?

However, I have no more cards, and if I continue to offer it, I am afraid that the next one will be Mrs. Bian.

Could it be that... Master Rui Beast is also good at this?

Finally, Cao Cao finally let out a sigh of relief when he felt the strength on Baihei's claws loosen.


Sure enough, Bai Hei's face became much kinder, and then he immediately kicked Cao Cao's ass, signaling that he can get out.

Early in the morning of the second day, when everyone gathered on the campus again, they found that, at some point, there were two more little beauties beside Bai Hei, hugging from side to side, making people envious.

Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong looked at Cao Cao, who was jumping around, and then looked at the two women beside Bai Hei, and immediately understood what happened.

Selling women for glory Cao Mengde!



But Cao Cao was disdainful of this, and his life was saved anyway.

On the contrary, he even felt a little honored, did he see the little beauty next to Lord Rui Beast, my daughter!

With his head held high, Cao Cao stood up again and announced to the generals in front of him:

"Today's first game is a step-by-step battle, each person can choose a weapon that is in hand, and click until the end.

Step battle, the third item of the battle!

The difference from the first two is that foot-battle is more prone to accidental injuries!

Needless to say, in archery, there is basically no accidental injury.

Due to the limitation of horses, it is difficult for the generals of both sides to really hurt the other side's vital points. After all, the horse battle is mainly based on rounds. When the strength of the two sides is relatively balanced, there will be no situation where they will be beaten for a second.

As for hand-to-hand combat, it is even more safe. It is nothing more than a fall and then a few punches. For the generals who participated in the battle, it was a piece of cake.

But foot combat is completely different.

Since there are no restrictions on horses, the two sides can easily fight together.

Once they fight each other, the speed of their moves will inevitably become faster, and the closer they are, the more difficult it is to control the speed and strength in their hands.

Easy to get out, hard to close!

Therefore, in order to reduce accidental injuries, Baihei ordered Cao Cao in advance to announce that in the process of fighting on foot, the vital parts must be protected with fine iron pieces!

In addition, the weapons used by the two sides for the fight should also use a one-to-one replica without a blade.

Therefore, after the generals who participated in the battle had chosen their weapons, Cao Cao ordered his men to build twelve weapons overnight.

Since infantry warfare is not as heavy as horse warfare, Guan Yu first gave up his Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

Eighty-two pounds and without the help of the speed of a horse, when you dance, people's sharp swords will chop you into eight pieces!

However, apart from Guan Yu, the others did not give up the weapons used in horse warfare.

Regardless of Dian Wei's double halberd, or the long swords and spears of Cao Hong, Xu Huang and others, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is not like Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

It was still in the order of white and black, and the battle of the generals soon began.

The first fight was Zhou Yu versus Cao Chun.

Just when Bai Hei wanted to concentrate on admiring the foot-battle competition, he suddenly realized that Zhen Mi was actually pulling her hair!

Good guy, Zhen Mi, this little girl, has been sticking to her side since she was sent by Cao Cao. Originally, Bai Hei was still thinking, if Zhen Mi really didn't want to, she didn't want to force it.

The result was good, at the first sight of Bai Hei, Zhen Mi was completely taken aback.

"Wow, so cute!"

After speaking, he threw himself into Baihei's arms, kneading Baihei's soft meat.

Cao Jie, who was on the side, was not to be outdone. Originally, her father said that she wanted to give her away, but she was still crying, but when she saw Baihei, she changed her mind and abandoned her dead ghost father.

The two women, one on the left and one on the right, like curious babies, pinched here beside Bai Hei, where to look.

For a while, he pinched on the soft meat, and then tugged on the fluff, which made Bai Hei Haosheng distressed.

Now that he can understand a little Cao Cao, it seems that being young is a good thing.

Shen Shen, ignoring the movements in the hands of the two women, Bai Hei set his eyes on the ring.

Now, it is Zhou Yu and Cao Chun who are fighting.

It seemed that the spear in Cao Chun's hand was majestic and mighty, as if he could defeat Zhou Yu immediately.

On the other hand, Zhou Yu had a long sword in his hand, no matter how he looked at it, he looked ordinary.

Comparing the two, even Cao Cao couldn't help laughing.

"Zhou Yu, do you want to change to a longer weapon?"

Cao Cao laughed out loud.

As the saying goes, one inch long, one inch strong, is the truth summed up through actual combat in the military camp.

Although everyone knows that after getting close, the effect of the spear will be weakened a lot, but looking at Zhou Yu's appearance, elegant and easy-going, personable, how does it look like a person who can play with knives and spears?

So for a while, the people around watching the battle were more optimistic about Cao Chun. After all, he had already led the Tiger and Leopard Riders at a young age. How could he be comparable to the little-known Zhou Yu?

But White and Black disagreed.

He knew how much Zhou Yu was capable of, one-handed swordsmanship was superb, especially after his death, the swordsmanship was compiled into a book and handed down, how could a mere Cao Chun be able to compare?

Although it is still not up to the level of martial arts between Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong, Zhou Yu can at least make it to the semi-finals with his superb swordsmanship!

Soon, the gong sounded, and the battle between the two officially began!

Unsurprisingly, Cao Chun danced his spear and attacked fiercely, heading straight for Zhou Yu's upper third road.

Reciprocating jabs, one after another.

On the other hand, Zhou Yu retreated while avoiding Cao Chun's attack.

Bowing his head, leaning back, plucking his sword, dodging, every time he evaded it was just right, without leaving the slightest flaw for Cao Chun.

After taking nearly ten steps back in a row, Zhou Yu had come to the edge of the ring, and once he fell, he would be considered a loser.

It's a pity, looking at his pace, he should be a master of swordsmanship, but it's a pity that Cao Chun's spear is too powerful, and it is difficult to compete for a while! 35

Guan Yu, who was sitting on the side, saw the doorway, Zhou Yu's every step was just right, and so far there was no panic or mistake, and at a glance, he knew that he was a master of swordsmanship.

It's a pity that once you gain momentum in a competition, it will be very difficult to turn it over again. Unless you set a trap from the beginning, if you lose your momentum, you will almost lose the game.

"What Yunchang said is very true, but in my opinion, the outcome is not yet determined."

Yuwen Chengdu, who was beside him, was also a master of swordsmanship. In his opinion, although Zhou Yu was losing ground, he now had the upper hand.

At this moment, Cao Chun's spear had forced Zhou Yu into the corner of the ring, and it seemed that Zhou Yu was in danger.

In fact, as long as Cao Chun was a little careless, at the edge of the ring, it was easy for Zhou Yu to use his strength to fight Cao Chun quickly.

Just as Yuwen Chengdu had expected, Cao Chun was overjoyed when he saw that Zhou Yu had been forced into a corner. Seeing that victory was just around the corner, could he go further?

People tend to be dizzy when faced with victory, but become more sober when faced with desperation. Right now, two situations are happening to two people respectively.

One is Cao Chun, who thinks that he is not far from victory, and the other is Zhou Yu, who seems to be on the verge of desperation.

Cao Chun was eager to win, but the spear in his hand did not mess up the rules. He still forced Zhou Yu to continue to retreat, and turned to attack his next three lanes.

As long as Zhou Yu is dropped from the ring, the game is considered to be Cao Chun's victory!

Therefore, Cao Chun continuously swept and stabbed Zhou Yu's legs, hoping that Zhou Yu's footsteps would be chaotic, and then he was forced to fall off the ring.

It's a pity that Zhou Yu's pace is steady, and every time he landed, he was very methodical. Even if Cao Chun's spear accelerated again and again, he was still able to dodge with ease.

Yuwen Chengdu's eyes narrowed slightly:

"here we go."

Following Yuwen Chengdu's opening, Zhou Yu, after dodging Cao Chun's sweep, immediately waved the long sword in his hand and suppressed the long spear that was about to be lifted by Cao Chun.


Cao Chun's eyes moved, and he immediately realized that something was wrong. He quickly retracted his legs and wanted to withdraw the spear.

The next moment, Zhou Yu held down the long sword in his hand, flew up, turned around in the air, and his legs quickly fell to Cao Chun's side!


Cao Chun is now in a dilemma.

Entering, you must (Zhao Lihao) and Zhou Yu melee.

Zhou Yu used a sword, he used a spear.

Retreat, at least take out the spear?

But the spear was still firmly suppressed by Zhou Yu's sword.

The trade-off between the light and the flint, Cao Chun quickly made a decision. Fighting with Zhou Yu with his bare hands was almost tantamount to admitting defeat, so he chose to fight Zhou Yu in melee!

Once he chose to fight Zhou Yu in melee, then he would be able to draw back the spear at close range, and the suppressing power of Zhou Yu's long sword would be insignificant.

At the same time, when Cao Chun was about to withdraw the spear, Zhou Yu decisively gave up the suppression of the spear and turned to attack Cao Chun's hands!

His hands were suddenly attacked, and Cao Chun instinctively avoided it. Zhou Yu's long sword seized the opportunity and immediately slashed between the long spear and Cao Chun's hands.


Cao Chun was forced to withdraw his hands and gave up his spear.

Zhou Yu did not take the next step.

Because, the outcome is already divided.

The weapons have been knocked out, so wouldn't the bare hands become hand-to-hand combat?

So in this battle, Zhou Yu won a game!




Seeing that the outcome was already decided, the surrounding soldiers couldn't help cheering for Zhou Yu.

With his superb swordsmanship and flexible pace, Zhou Yu won the first battle.

In the next few fights, Cao Hong vs Xu Huang.

Cao Hong, relying on his youthful vigor and full of energy, finally forcibly broke Xu Huang's airtight defense through a hole and defeated Xu Huang.

In the third battle, Li Dian faced Zhang Liao.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, I thought it should be a mediocre battle, but I didn't expect Zhang Liao and Li Dian to be an opponent!

The two of them each held a long sword and fought together. It took a full two hundred rounds to decide the winner.

In the end, Zhang Liao caught Li Dian's mistake and forced Li Dian off the ring.

As for Guan Yu vs Zhao Yun...

After Guan Yu gave up the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, he clearly explained to the surrounding soldiers what it means to specialize in the arts.

With Zhao Yunliang's silver spear flying, Guan Yu was forced to give up the fight after only thirty rounds.

Apart from the Azure Dragon Saber, he really didn't practice much swordsmanship, so compared with Zhao Yun, who was holding a bright silver spear, it was really difficult to compete with him.

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