I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 165 Dian Wei and Zhao Yun's 1 appearance, Yuan Shu is defeated 1 after another!

"Good Guan Yu, but in the end he will die under my gun!

Although his calf was injured, Ma Chao's spirit did not diminish at all.

"Don't be mad, look at the knife!

When you can meet an opponent like Ma Chao, Guan Yu's fighting spirit rises in awe. If you want to fight, I will fight!

Soon, a Azure Dragon Crescent Sword and a Dragon Riding Spear were mixed together.

For more than 50 rounds, the two fought together, no winner or loser.

Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong, who were fighting in the army, gradually saw the way.

"Ma Chao is really young and frivolous.

During the battle between the two, Gao Chong found it more interesting the more he watched.

What Ma Chao is good at is speed and reaction. With his young and flexible body, the Dragon Cavalry spear turns and moves fiercely.

But at the same time, Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Saber is heavy and thick, and it is also impenetrable in defense.

So the two fought together, and for more than 50 rounds, they couldn't tell the winner.

"General Gao, how does your golden tiger-headed spear compare to his dragon-mounted spear?"

Yuwen Cheng smiled and turned to look at Gao Chong.

"General Yuwen is joking. Although this horse has superb marksmanship, he is going to lose by three points in the face of my golden tiger-headed spear."

In this regard, Yuwen Chengdu nodded.

Others don't know Gao Chong's ability, but he Yuwen Chengdu is the clearest.

When they have nothing to do on weekdays, the two will get together whenever they have the chance to learn about martial arts.

Gao Chong's golden tiger head gun is flexible and powerful.

If Gao Chong was there when the Five Tiger Generals were selected, I'm afraid Peng Yue would not have anything to do with it.

As for Ma Chao in front of him, his marksmanship was sharp and aggressive.

But Yuwen Chengdu knew very well that in front of Gao Chong, Ma Chao was no match at all.

Even, Yuwen Chengdu guessed that within ten rounds, Gao Chong would be able to take out Ma Chao!

"But General Yuwen, look at the two of them fighting together, who will win or lose in the end?"

Gao Chong held the golden tiger head spear on his horse and looked at Yuwen Chengdu.

Yuwen Chengdu nodded and turned to look at Ma Chao and Guan Yu who were fighting "Seven Four Seven".

On the surface, the two seem to be fighting vigorously.

"Although it seems that Ma Chao and Guan Yu are on the same level, but after dozens of rounds, Ma Chao will gradually lose his strength."

Yuwen Chengdu's words were very firm, and Gao Chong couldn't help but wonder: "How did General Yuwen decide?"

Yu Wencheng pointed to the dragon lance in Ma Chao's hand: "Look at Ma Chao's offensive, it is not only fierce but also extremely fast.

Following the direction of Yuwen Chengdu's finger, Gao Chong looked.

Indeed, Ma Chao's dragon lance was indeed proficient and flexible, flying up and down, and his moves were all aimed at Guan Yu's vital points.

"But look again, did such a fierce move really cause any harm to Guan Yu?

Looking up, Gao Chong nodded: "Yes, General Guan's Qinglong Yanyue Saber is really tight in defense. It can not only use strength to fight, but also save a lot of energy."

For Gao Chong's analysis, Yuwen Chengdu nodded in agreement:

"So, after dozens or hundreds of rounds, General Guan will still have some spare energy, but then Ma Chao will gradually lose his strength, move slower and slower, and eventually lose."

"Yeah, although Ma Chao is a good seedling, it's a pity that he still doesn't have enough experience in fighting games."

Gao Chong sighed slightly and continued to watch the fight between the two.

At their level, especially the contest between Guan Yu and Ma Chaojian.

The battle is no longer purely based on force, but with rich combat experience.

After fighting for more than 50 rounds, the fronts of Guan Yu and Ma Chao were already soaked with sweat, and the movements in their hands slowed down visibly.

Not to mention them, even the allied troops of princes who were watching the battle could not help but wipe the sweat from their foreheads from time to time.

Right now, the sun hangs high above the sky, and an army of 400,000 people is spread out on the ground, allowing the sun to bask in the sun.

The princes could still put up curtains to cover the sun, but the soldiers were tired, thirsty, and exhausted.

Taking a big gulp of water, Yuan Shu wiped the sweat from his face and sighed, "I really don't know how long the fight between the two will last!"

The princes felt the same way.

Except for Ma Teng, who was still nervous about the outcome of his son and stared intently at the battle between the two, the other princes had long since lost interest in watching.

The two have been fighting for more than 100 rounds in a row, yet there is still no winner?

For a time, the princes wiped their sweat, and the curtains were supported, and they didn't care what their soldiers looked at.

However, although the situation of the coalition forces at this time was extremely miserable, it was another scene in the city.

At this time, Bai Hei and Shi Huangdi were sitting on the city, watching the battles under the city.

Due to the lack of soldiers, under Bai Hei's repeated instructions, Yuwen Chengcheng, Gao Chong and others lined up, and they were always within the shooting range of the bow and arrows on the city, not far from the city wall.

In front of them were not only all kinds of exotic fruits that Cao Cao had collected from all over the place, but also many delicious dishes, wine and meat.

In addition to Bai Zhu, who wanted to bask in the sun, Shi Huangdi and Cao Cao also put parasols on their heads to cover the sun.

[‘Old Zhao, you see how the allied troops in the city are drying, hurry up and send some melons, fruits, cold water, etc. to our people. ’]

After Bai Hei said this, the First Emperor expressed his approval and waved his hand: "Mengde, go and send some cold water melons and fruits to the soldiers under the city."

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Cao Cao never objected to the first emperor's orders.

He quickly ordered Dian Wei and Zhao Yun, with five hundred infantrymen, to carry melons and fruits and cold water, and send them to the military horses outside the city.

Since Cao Cao's base camp was not far from here, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei and other generals also brought troops to Luoyang City one after another.

As a result, there are many more generals and soldiers that can be dispatched in the city.

So, under the watchful eyes of the 400,000 feudal feudal coalition forces, the city gate of Luoyang slowly opened, and five hundred soldiers walked out, led by Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, and distributed the melons, fruits and cold water to the soldiers who left the city.

"Thank you two generals."

Yuwen Chengdu took the melons and fruits, and looked in the direction of the coalition forces with a bit of amusement.

"Leader, they are going too far!"

"Yeah, it's just hitting us in the face! 35

"If they are allowed to do their best, our troops will be dissatisfied.

Yuan Shu also nodded in favor of the ideas of the princes.

In such a situation, if some measures cannot be taken, the morale of the coalition soldiers will be damaged.

Why is it that people can eat and drink even under the same sun exposure, but we have to be hot and thirsty?

In other words, even if it wasn't for the soldiers, Yuan Shu would never be able to swallow this breath!

"Ji Ling and Zhang Xun, you two lead a cavalry army of 2,000 each, lead your troops out from behind the formation, and go straight to the foot of Luoyang City, attacking their left and right flanks separately, making sure to disrupt the enemy's position."5

"Once you succeed, I will immediately wave the army to cover and kill, and a major event can be accomplished!"

Soon, Yuan Shu secretly deployed the two wings. In order to avoid being noticed by the city, he only mobilized 2,000 troops on the left and right wings.

Although there are not many people, the Cao soldiers and horses in front of them seem to be only a few thousand.

As long as the two flanks can successfully disrupt their positions, the next attack can be won in one fell swoop!

Ji Ling and Zhang Xun were both generals under Yuan Shu.

Ji Ling was exceptionally brave, Zhang Xun was also brave and good at fighting, and both of them were Yuan Shu's confidants and favorite generals. From this, it was not difficult to see how much hope Yuan Shu had given to this battle.

Soon, in order to cover the second general, Yuan Shu carried out a series of mobilization of troops and horses.

However, such a move could not be concealed from Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong, who immediately noticed Yuan Jun's abnormality.

"I'm afraid that fellow Yuan Shu is going to start."

Gao Chong shook the golden tiger head gun in his handshake and said softly.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Luoshui protecting the city, how could he feel at ease fighting against us here?

Yuwen Cheng pouted, although he knew that Yuan Shu was about to attack them, but he didn't care.

Whether it is Gao Chong or himself, he is invincible in this world, even Lu Bu is no problem, let alone Yuan Shu's little general?

Sure enough, while the battle between Guan Yu and Ma Chao was in full swing, smoke rose from the left and right flanks, and two light cavalry galloped out from the rear of the coalition, taking Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong directly.

"The thief will leave, and accept the order!"

Seeing how close they were, Ji Ling and Zhang Xun even shouted loudly, trying to frighten Cao Jun.

Seeing the two troops rushing out, Yuan Shu was overjoyed: "Hahaha, Cao Cao is finished! My two generals will definitely be able to smash the enemy's line!

"Everyone, we are ready to respond, once my two generals succeed, we will immediately lead the army to kill! 99

Seeing that Yuan Shu's plan succeeded, the princes quickly flattered: "Congratulations to Yuan Shuo!

"Lord Yuan is indeed a genius! 39

"The two generals under the leader of the alliance are indeed heroic and extraordinary! 35

For a time, the princes patted Yuan Shu's rainbow fart one after another.

On the other side, looking at the two cavalry troops rushing from the left and right flanks, Gao Chong and Yu Wencheng glanced at each other. When they raised their weapons and were about to fight, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun came to deliver fruits and cold water. stopped.

"The two generals have worked hard, and you can rest again, and you can leave such weak generals to me and the two of them."

Gao Chong glanced at Zhao Yun in surprise, and Gao Chong silently retracted the weapon in his hand.

It seems that not only he and Yuwen are arrogant, but even Cao Jun's generals are all brave?

Okay, since you are willing, Gao Chong will naturally be happy.

Since the purpose of leaving the city this time was to deliver fruit and cold water, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun did not bring many troops.

The two hurriedly led five hundred tigers and leopards from Gao Chong's formation to attack Ji Ling and Zhang Xun respectively.

Needless to say, Zhao Yun ranked second in the ranking of military generals of the Three Kingdoms, second only to Lu Bu.

He even killed a seven-in-seven out of Cao's army on Changban Slope. Whether he was leading troops or fighting alone, Zhao Yun was the top existence in the world.

Coupled with the help of five hundred tigers and leopards, Zhao Yun was even more fearless.

The direction Zhao Yun was attacking was Zhang Xun, and he saw that Zhao Yun was an unknown person in front of him.

The heart of underestimating the enemy is even more, and he directly pounced on his horse and raised his gun, rushing to the front, opening the distance from the three thousand Qingqi behind him.

This move gave Zhao Yun a chance to kill him quickly!

Seeing the direction Zhang Xun was running from, Zhao Yun also steered forward, holding the bright silver spear under his arm, and rushing towards Zhang Xun.

The moment the two were only in contact, Zhao Yun first dodged Zhang Xun's attack, then flipped the silver spear in his hand and stabbed Zhang Xun's seat to dismount!

Shoot people first shoot horses, capture thieves first capture kings!

The next moment, Zhang Xun's seat got off his horse and was hit by this blow. He immediately raised his hoofs in pain and overturned Zhang Xun to the ground.

Immediately, Zhao Yun's bright silver spear flipped over and stabbed Zhang Xun in the chest with one shot. Zhang Xun was instantly killed!

Seeing Zhang Xun in the end, the two thousand cavalry troops behind him were stunned, what should I do?

On, the general is gone.

No, Yuan Shu is watching!

But soon, with a wave of Zhao Yunliang's silver spear, they could not choose.

Five hundred tigers and leopards galloped out, immediately dismantling the helmets and armors of the rabble in front of them! Scattered and fled!

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shu was dumbfounded.

The princes also fell into a state of confusion, what happened?

Why does Zhang Xun, who was originally aggressive, seem to be gone in an instant?

What kind of monster-like generals are Cao Cao's subordinates?

"Don't panic, everyone, I also have Ji Lingjun from the left wing, he is my confidant and favorite general, he is extremely brave, and he will definitely disrupt the enemy's position!

Zhang Xun's fall made Yuan Shu very embarrassed, so he had to console himself and put his hope on the left wing.

But he soon regretted it.

It wasn't because of anything else, because it was Dian Wei who attacked the left wing.

Dian Wei, a burly-looking man with extraordinary arm strength, held a pair of large iron halberds.

Throughout the entire Three Kingdoms, apart from Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, there is no rival!

Historically, because Cao Cao's female vote for the Zou family was stolen, the halberd was outnumbered and died.

But now, the iron and iron halberd in his hand is the magic weapon that Cao Cao obtained from the Q&A space of luck!

Not only that!

Now, Dian Wei is still the first of the five good generals!

Because he had obtained the title of General Wu Ziliang early, Cao Cao was not like the five people in history, but he gave Dian Wei the title of General of Wu Ziliang.

With the blessing of these two things, Dian Wei, who was originally invincible in the Three Kingdoms, is even more like a duck to water, even the current Zhao Yun, Dian Wei is not afraid at all!

Not to mention, a little Ji Ling!

Although historically, Ji Ling had fought against Guan Yu for 30 rounds without a winner, but now, facing Dian Wei, Ji Ling is still not enough to watch.

In the blink of an eye, the two thousand light cavalry led by Ji Ling came to Dian Wei.

Ji Ling brandished the three-pointed sword, and without saying a word, went straight to Dian Wei.

In his opinion, as long as Dian Wei is beheaded, the rest will naturally collapse.

Similar to Ji Ling's thoughts, Dian Wei was also too lazy to kill his soldiers, so he went straight to Ji Ling, a pair of iron and iron halberds and a three-pointed sword collided with a "keng" sound, and the two soon began to fight immediately.

Dian Wei made a pair of iron and iron halberds, and smashed them towards Ji Ling's face one after another without reservation.

Due to Dian Wei's fierce attack, Ji Ling had no choice but to raise a three-pointed knife horizontally, trying to stop Dian Wei's attack.

But it is a pity that Dian Wei's double iron halberd is a high-quality weapon, cutting iron like mud, just three strokes, the three-pointed knife is cut off, and Ji Ling is split in half from the top of his head.

For a time, blood splattered everywhere, extremely terrifying.

Standing in the pool of blood, Dian Wei looked at the two thousand light cavalry in front of him and grinned: "Would you like to taste the great halberd of the Lord?

Seeing Dian Wei's devilish appearance, the 2,000 light cavalry were immediately frightened and fled!

In this way, Yuan Shu's left flank quickly disintegrated.

The allied army of princes was completely silent, the two soldiers and horses were defeated and scattered almost instantly, and both the main generals were the first to be beheaded!

The most important thing is that the general who killed Yuan Shu's two generals was actually sent by Cao Cao to deliver the fruit!

Simply outrageous!


After smashing two generals in a row, Yuan Shu's expression was as ugly as if he had eaten a catty of shit.

At this time, he had lost all his energy. Ji Ling and Zhang Xun were one of the few generals under his command who were extremely trusted. Now that they were beheaded like this, it was really hard for him to calm down.

The rest of the princes also bowed their heads silently. As of now, they seem to have lost four people in a row...

Just when everyone's mood fell to the bottom, Ma Teng suddenly opened his mouth: "Everyone, don't panic, isn't my son still fighting against Guan Yu?"

Ma Teng's words made Yuan Shu seem to have grabbed a life-saving straw:

"Yes! Yes! There is also Meng Qi, as long as Meng Qi defeats that Guan Yu in 2.2, he will be able to strengthen the prestige of our coalition!

"Yes, yes, as long as 'Jin Ma Chao' wins, our coalition will also win a great victory!

In the field of shamelessness, Yuan Shu's coalition was the number one.

As if being influenced by everyone's anti-milk, Ma Chao, who was originally offensive, suddenly slowed down.

Gao Chong's eyes lit up, here we come!

He and Yuwen Chengdu's guesses were right at all. Guan Yu's preparations finally paid off, and Ma Chao began to run out of energy!

Under the continuous and fast attack, Ma Chao has persisted for a full two hundred rounds. Even when everyone's eyes are drawn to the two wings, Ma Chao still firmly holds the upper hand.

But now, he can clearly feel the loss of his physical strength.

The dragoon spear in his hand was getting slower and slower, and the offensive was almost stagnant.

However, Guan Yu didn't seem to be in a hurry, and was still in a defensive stance.

"Almost over."

Looking at it, Yuwen nodded suddenly.

Ma Chao's movements are getting slower and slower, which is a sign that his strength is exhausted.

Sure enough, as soon as Yuwen's words came out, the situation on the field reversed instantly.

Guan Yu, who was passively defending everywhere, suddenly changed his aura, and the Azure Dragon Moon Sword in his hand was like a tiger that had been dormant for a long time, and suddenly awakened!

At this moment, people finally realize that it seems that Guan Yu is also known for his fast and fierce attack!

Taking advantage of Ma Chao's loss of strength, Guan Yu no longer kept a low profile, but used all his strength, waving the Azure Dragon Saber in his hand, and smashed it fiercely towards Ma Chao in front of him.

One, two, three...

The simplest offensive move is the most effective right now!

Guan Yu has always pursued only the word "victory", and disdain to use fancy moves. Right now, Ma Chao has no strength, only such "unpretentious" moves can cause more damage to him!

Sure enough, under the continuous heavy blows of the Azure Dragon Sword, Ma Chao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and after a dodge and Guan Yu pulled away, he immediately spewed out a mouthful of blood!

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