I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 163 Yuan Benchu ​​beheads Liu Bei in anger! Guan Yunchang faces the alliance army!

"Go... and bring that Liu Bei to me!"

Yuan Shao waved his hand and finally made up his mind to execute Liu Bei.

If it wasn't for Liu Bei's bewitching, how could he have lost his army and lost his position as the leader of the alliance?

Since there was no place to camp, Yuan Shao could only summon Liu Bei in front of the coalition's main camp.

Since the withdrawal of troops, Liu Bei has been under house arrest in the Chinese army by Yuan Shao.

Although he was protected by two top guards, Show and Li Yuanfang, Liu Bei was still in a state of panic.

Others don't know, but Liu Bei's heart is like a mirror.

Although the martial arts of these two guards are indeed beyond ordinary, but in front of Yuan Shao's army of more than 100,000 people, they are really not enough to see.

As the saying goes, the more you are afraid of something, the more you will be. Since Liu Bei arrived in the coalition, he ordered the two of them to inquire about news.

See what happens next.

Why didn't Yuan Shao set up camp on the spot?

Soon, Zhan Zhao brought news from the front that it was Yuan Shu who took the position of the leader of the alliance!

Liu Bei secretly said that it was not good.

If Yuan Shao can get the position of the leader of the alliance according to his plan, he may still have the possibility of surviving or even escaping in the future.

But now, Yuan Shao not only lost his troops, but also lost his position as the leader of the alliance, so once he was to blame, he would surely be to blame.

Seeing Liu Bei's terrified expression, Zhan Zhao hurriedly comforted him: "Master, don't be afraid, with the two of me here, they certainly won't hurt the master!"5

"I'm afraid that no matter how good your martial arts are, when Yuan Shao's person who took my life arrives, and all arrows will be fired at that time, how will you resist?"

When Liu Bei asked, Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang looked at each other immediately.

Is it possible...to start early now?

Just do it!

Instead of dying in the army, it's better to break through the encirclement before Yuan Shao has made a clear order!

After exchanging glances with each other, "actor" Liu Bei immediately started his performance.

"Oops, Sha, my stomach hurts, my stomach hurts...Going to the toilet."

After speaking, Liu Bei immediately fell down and rode on the horse's stomach.

In charge of Liu Bei was a lieutenant of Yuan Shao's personal escort, who with eight soldiers was in charge of placing Liu Bei under house arrest.

Although it is called house arrest, the most basic food, drink and Lhasa are still acceptable.

So, the lieutenant immediately waved to the eight people around him, motioning them to take Liu Bei to the outside of the team.

Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao subconsciously wanted to follow, but were stopped by the lieutenant.

"What are you going to do?"

The lieutenant asked cautiously.

"We are of course to protect General Liu Bei.

Li Yuanfang frowned.

"General Liu Bei is protected by us, and it's superfluous for you to go. 99

The lieutenant refused.

Zhan Zhao lowered his eyebrows and glanced around, all of Yuan Shao's sergeants.

It was easy for the two of them to escape, but it was a pity that Liu Bei was not good at martial arts. Although he was able to get on the battlefield, his ability to escape was a little worse.

If they act rashly, it would be unfavorable to Liu Bei, so the two of them had to retreat silently.

It was not until the lieutenant and the eight people completely took Liu Bei out of the team that Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang glanced at 747, and immediately performed light work, trying to break out of the encirclement.

Coincidentally, the messenger sent by Yuan Shao just arrived in the Central Army.

Seeing that the two were fighting with the surrounding soldiers, they immediately shouted: "Liu Bei rebelled! Liu Bei rebelled!

While shouting, he turned his head to report the situation to Yuan Shao's former army.

After Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao cleared the surrounding soldiers, they immediately exchanged their backs: "Go save the lord, I'll hold them back first!"

Zhan Zhao immediately flew with his sword and stopped the soldiers who came, so that Li Yuanfang could escape and go to rescue Liu Bei.

At the same time, the herald had already run back to the former army, out of breath: "No, Liu Bei rebelled!"

"What did you say? Liu Bei really rebelled?"

Yuan Shao slapped the horse's head: "Okay, I was worried that I couldn't find a reason to kill him, but this fellow wanted to rebel and run away, this time, he will die! 99

"Ju Yi, you stay here, Zhang He follows me to capture Liu Bei."

"Yes, my lord.

Yuan Shao and Zhang He led the five thousand cavalry to the central army. By the time they got here, Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao had already killed the eight soldiers guarding Liu Bei, including the lieutenant.

"Stop them for me!"

Seeing this, Yuan Shao gave an order, and Zhang He personally led five thousand cavalry troops to surround the three in Gaixin.

Originally, the three of them were about to break through the siege, but in the end they were not as fast as the cavalry, and they were quickly caught up and surrounded.

With the martial arts of Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang, it is not difficult to break through the encirclement, but unfortunately, Liu Bei's Qinggong is so poor that it is almost impossible to break through.


The three were surrounded by groups, and Zhang He immediately rushed to kill them.

According to his idea, so many horse troops besieged the three people, and they could be captured in an instant.

But what surprised him was that the two guards around Liu Bei were really good at martial arts!

Although they do not have horses under them, they are always attacked by the horse army.

They were always able to flexibly evade the attack of the horse army, and at the same time the flying sword stabbed the horse army.

After several rounds of back and forth, after losing a dozen horsemen, Yuan Shao came slowly.

"Why haven't Liu Bei been captured? 35

Seeing that the horse army was still surrounded, Yuan Shao's face was displeased.

"My lord, the two guards by Liu Bei's side are really good at martial arts, and have already killed more than a dozen of our cavalry.


Although he didn't know these two guards, Yuan Shao immediately became interested in the two of them after hearing what Zhang He said.

He walked forward a little and looked at Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang: "It's a pity that you two followed Liu Bei, why don't you turn to me instead?

Liu Bei laughed at Yuan Shao's behavior.

Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang were given by the system, and their loyalty was full. Even Guan Yu and Zhang Fei couldn't compare, how could Yuan Shao take them away with just a few words?

Sure enough, at the next moment, Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang directly ignored (bbcc) Yuan Shao's solicitation, which made Yuan Shao very angry!

"Good you Liu Bei, I treat you well, you not only killed Yan Liangwen Chou, but now you are rebelling against me!

"Zhang He, quickly capture this thief with me!"

Since ordinary soldiers don't work, they can only be masters!

After receiving Yuan Shao's order, Zhang He quickly jumped on his horse and raised his gun, and went straight to the three of them.

Apart from ordering Zhang He, Yuan Shao was not idle, and immediately mobilized 200 spearmen and 200 longbowmen, standing behind him, waiting for an opportunity at any time.

Facing Zhang He's menacing approach, Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao charged with two swords, facing Zhang He's attack from the left and the right.

Before Zhang He's spear could turn around, he was immediately restrained by the two's long swords, and then shot it down forcibly.

Losing his spear, Zhang He had no choice but to go back.

And Yuan Shao also seized the opportunity and stopped giving Liu Bei time to defend himself. When Zhang He stepped out, he immediately ordered:

"Shoot the arrow! Release the arrow!

In an instant, the two hundred long bows loosened at the same time, and a full two hundred arrows shot towards the three of them.

"One more shot!

"Then the gunmen follow!"

When it comes to fighting with troops, Yuan Shao is not as good as Cao Cao and Sun Jian.

But compared to Liu Biao, Yuan Shu and others, it was a lot higher.

Right now, he uses a longbow and a long spear to deal a fatal blow to the three people in front of him!

Sure enough, under the two rounds of arrow rain, in order to cover Liu Bei, Zhan Zhao and Li Yuanfang were both injured, but Liu Bei, under the reasonable protection of the two, did not see even a trace of blood.

However, Yuan Shao's two rounds of attacks really frightened him.

This time, it was the closest he was to death!

"Original! Why did I hurt me!

Feeling anxious, Liu Bei wanted to use his eloquence again to persuade Yuan Shao.

Unfortunately, when Yuan Shao was still hesitating, Zhang He, who was beside him, shouted loudly: "Liu Bei, are you still going to confuse the lord?"

As a result, Yuan Shao quickly woke up and immediately waved his hand.

Two hundred spearmen swarmed up and stabbed at the three of them!

The next moment, the three were stabbed into hedgehogs.

In order to protect Liu Bei, Li Yuanfang and Zhan Zhao were also stabbed to death and surrounded by them, even if they were dying, they were blocked in front of Liu Bei.

"Send another round of arrow rain!"

Afraid that Liu Bei's death would not be thorough enough, Yuan Shao ordered his men to shoot arrows again.

This time, the three of them were filled with bows and arrows, and they were already dead.

Yuan Shao ordered the heads of the three of them to be cut off and threw them under the city of Luoyang. Then he slowly led his troops to retreat.

After Yuan Shao left, Yuan Shu, who had received the news, was relieved.

Among the allied forces of the feudal lords, the greatest threat to his position as the leader of the alliance was Yuan Shao.

As long as he leaves, the position of the leader of the alliance will be firmly established.

"Everyone, we have a total of 400,000 troops now, and as far as I know, the banner of Cao Cao hangs in this city.

"Cao Cao has only had 20,000 troops since he started, and we are 20 times as many as him!"

"The last time in the alliance, due to Yuan Shao's hesitation, I missed the opportunity to rescue the emperor again, but this time, for the leader of the alliance, I must work hard to save the emperor and save the big man!"

Although he had the heart of usurpation, on the surface, in order to gain the support of the princes, he had already achieved his goal of relying on the emperor to command the princes, so Yuan Shu had no choice but to do this.

Sure enough, the next moment, his words were immediately supported by everyone.

"Good road!

"This is the aura that an alliance leader should have!

"This first battle, we must win!"

Yuan Shu looked at the statistics of the military generals in front of him, and was delighted.

Although the number of princes in the alliance this time is not as much as the last time.

But the total number of troops and horses added up is more than the last time, I don't know how much.

This time, they not only have many troops, but also many generals!

"So good, I wonder which general is willing to fight in this first battle?"

As soon as these words came out, all the princes fell into silence.

Now it's no different than the original alliance of the princes, everyone is fighting to be the first, and now this time the princes meet, who didn't come here for the sake of oil and water?

Especially with Yuan Shao's precedent here, after a large number of soldiers and horses are damaged, their status in the alliance will also decline. In this case, who is willing to die?

"In this first battle, the main thing is to win. In my opinion, the leader of the alliance will fight in person, and it is most appropriate for your generals to fight in person."

Liu Biao stood up first.

This time, he didn't want to come, but he couldn't bear his wife at home.

Cai Shi said no matter what, and insisted that he come to share a piece of the pie, so he did not hesitate to go a long way and lead troops to come.

"What General Liu said is exactly, this first battle is too important, and it must be the leader of the alliance in person.

Tao Qian also stood up and agreed.

Soon, the other princes joined in.

"Okay, okay, since everyone has recommended it unanimously, then in this first battle, we will be a little more powerful. The 400,000-strong army will come out in full force, and the discipline Cao Cao will be terrified!""


The crowd joined in unison.

Soon, under Yuan Shu's order, the 400,000-strong alliance army rushed out and came to Luoyang City to call for battle.

The voice quickly alarmed Cao Cao.

He rushed to Bai Hei and Shi Huang's house, but was dumbfounded.

At this time, Bai Zhu was leaning on the rattan chair to bask in the sun, and the first emperor was also sitting at the table reading a book.

"Your Majesty, Lord Rui Beast, Yuan Shu's army of 400,000 people is already calling out. 99

The First Emperor: "Oh.

Baihei: ['Oh. ’]

"Wait until I finish this page. 99

Cao Cao:

I said two people, the 400,000 troops outside are on the siege.

There are less than 50,000 horses in the city at best. Is the reaction of the two of them a sure win?

That's 400,000 troops!

However, although he was anxious in his heart, the two of them were not in a hurry, and Cao Cao had no choice but to find Xiao He first and called everyone into the hall.

It happened that when the crowd came, the First Emperor had just finished reading this page, and a dark cloud happened to appear in the sky, blocking the sun.

【‘Why are there still dark clouds at this time, it’s outrageous. ’]

Silently complaining in his heart, Bai Hei walked back to the hall with big strides and sat next to the First Emperor.

"Meng De, tell me, what happened?"

"Your Majesty, now Yuan Shu is calling for a formation outside, and the 400,000-strong army is lined up in formation.

"Very good, as long as you don't reveal our news, Quan thinks it's you Cao Cao who are fighting these people."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing that the First Emperor was as steady as Mount Tai, Bai Hei also had a relaxed expression, inexplicable, and Cao Cao suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind for some reason.

['Old Zhao, in this era, you generally have to fight the generals first. You can send Yuwen Chengcheng out and fight them all. l

Bai Hei knew a lot about the so-called fierce generals under Yuan Shu.

Except for one Ji Ling, which was considered a slight threat, the rest were vulnerable.

As long as Yuwen Chengdu plays, even if Lu Bu and the others swarm up, they will not be opponents!

['But those guys don't talk about martial arts, we have to send troops to protect our generals. ’]

For this group of lords who came to "gain gold", Bai Hei dared not expect them to do anything gentlemanly.

If once they were fighting generals, their 400,000-strong army would mobilize their troops to cover and kill, even if Yuwen Chengdu had three heads and six arms, it would not be able to withstand it.

It is estimated that it will become a hedgehog or a meat puree in minutes.

Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of Yuwen Chengdu, before dispatching troops, there must be a corresponding supporting military appearance!

"Yuwen Chengdu, are you willing to fight?

The First Emperor glanced at Yuwen Chengdu.

Before Yuwen Chengdu could speak, Guan Yu, who was beside him, immediately stood up.

"Why use a bull's knife to kill a chicken? If Your Majesty doesn't dislike it, Guan is willing to fight and capture Yuan Shu for His Majesty!

In gratitude for the revenge of the First Emperor and Bai Hei, Guan Yu took the initiative to invite Ying to fight.

['Guan Yu is fine to fight, but you have to tell Yuwen Chengcheng and Gao Chong, there are a few people who can't let Guan Yu fight, and you have to find a reason to let them go. 1

['First is Lu Bu, and the second is Ji Ling. Except for these two, let Guan Yu fight, one child per knife. ’]

According to what Bai Hei said, the First Emperor nodded.

"Since you have this intention, then you will be the vanguard, Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong will be the support, and Cao Chun will lead the tigers and leopards to fight for you! 35

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

Even the martial arts of Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong made Guan Yu more confident.

"Furthermore, Zhou Yu, you lead two thousand Wei Wu soldiers and prepare to go out of the city to provide support. At the same time, Xiao He, you lead two thousand Qin Ruishis to ride the Vermilion Birds and hover over Luoyang City. If there is any change in the group of villains, shoot them immediately! "

"Follow the order!

"Meng De, my ten thousand Wudang Flying Army will be handed over to you. You are standing in the city for Yunchang. If they have any changes, the poisonous crossbow of the Wudang Flying Army can drive them back!""

"Yes, Your Majesty.

After arranging the men and horses to fight, everyone quickly took action one by one.

The first is Qin Ruishi, who is two thousand people, who are skilled in driving the Suzaku Organ Beast.

Starting from the city head of Luoyang City, it took off in place and circled over the allied army of 400,000 princes, constantly circling, attracting a lot of attention.

"What is this? Bird? 35

"I don't know, I haven't seen it, but it seems to have flown out of Luoyang City.

"Maybe it's Cao Cao's trick, we have to be careful."

For a time, the princes were talking about it.

Seeing that the army was unstable, Yuan Shu originally wanted to shoot down those "big birds" with arrows, but he tried it and found that the range was not enough, so he had to give up.

He could only send people to keep an eye on it, and at the same time ordered the infantry to hold shields and be ready to cover at any time.

The first emperor's troops, the Suzaku Organ Beast alone, made the princes talk a lot and were surprised.

Then, tens of thousands of crossbowmen appeared in the city, and the poisonous crossbows poured down continuously, forcing the coalition forces to retreat out of range.

Afterwards, the city gate opened wide, and the mighty tiger and leopard cavalry took the lead under the leadership of Cao Chun. Then, three generals, Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu, and Gao Chong walked out slowly.

In fact, in this battle, Baihei still has a killer that has not been released, and that is the Panda Rui Army led by the holy beast Baihu!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Baihei releases this troop, the 400,000-strong army does not need to fight, and half of them can die just by stepping on each other!

Coupled with the poisonous crossbow shot of the Wudang Flying Army, the Zhuge Repeating Crossbow in the sky and the fire attack of the Suzaku Organ Beast, which is not an artifact that can easily inflict 10,000 critical hits on the coalition forces?

If you count Cao Cao's Tiger Leopard Cavalry, who ranks 21st in the elite soldiers list, and Qin Ruishi, who ranks second, the army of 400,000 people in front of you is a piece of cake!

However, Bai Hei didn't want to let this battle end so boringly.

After all, the time limit given by the luck question and answer space is more than half a month. If the princes are scared away in advance, so that no one is attacking the city, wouldn't it be very boring?.

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