I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 127 Not my race, its heart must be different! Qiang rebellion

Qiang people.

A small number of people, but a nation deeply involved in the Central Plains.

The history of him and the Qin Dynasty can be traced back to the period of Empress Dowager Qin Xuan.

The story of Zhai Li, the emperor of Yiqu, and Mi Yue, the empress dowager of Qin Xuan.

Let's not talk about the love affair between the two, in short,

In the end, Lord Yiqu died at the hands of Mi Yue.

As a result, both the Qiang tribes outside Daqin and the Qiang ethnic minorities within Daqin all looked upon Daqin as a tiger and hatred.

This time, when the Yellow River burst its banks, the disaster situation in several nearby counties is not optimistic.

It just so happened that Dong County, where the Qiang minority inhabited in the Qin Dynasty, was within the scope of several counties that were affected by the disaster.

From the beginning of the flood, the disaster relief situation in Dong County was not optimistic.

In addition to the corruption of the local county governor, more importantly, these Qiang people who were originally dissatisfied with Da Qin immediately began to secretly prepare for the future rebellion.

In their view, the geographical location of Dong County is extremely special.

It is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In order to be stationed on the Yellow River dam.

The first emperor built a high fortified city here.

And there are heavy guards stationed there.

On the one hand, it is to maintain the local rule of the Han people.

On the other hand, it is to prevent the Yellow River from bursting its banks.

However, after the Yellow River really burst, these soldiers were scattered everywhere, giving the local Qiang people a chance to rebel - quickly occupy Dongjun!

Not only is the city wall sturdy and towering, but it is now almost a ghost town.

In addition, the county governor of Dongjun was originally an unpopular and corrupt official, and the people had long been accusing him of grievances.

Therefore, under various favorable conditions, the Qiang people in Dong County chose to raise the banner of rebellion!

When the news of the Qiang rebellion reached Shi Huangdi's desk, Shi Huangdi was planning to attack the Xiongnu.

"Qiang people? Are you talking about the Qiang people in Dongjun?"

The First Emperor's eyes were condensed, and the murderous aura on his face gradually revealed.

It seems that it is really not my race, its heart must be different!

For the sake of this natural and man-made disaster, he was fighting against the nobles of the Six Nations, and he was carrying the abuse of the Confucian scholars.

Still have to come up with various ways to "relief for work", how are these aliens still not satisfied?

"Go back to Your Majesty, when the news came, Dong County had already fallen. 35


The First Emperor slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and his anger rose sharply.

This useless East County Sheriff!

In fact, the ability of this Dongjun county governor is really not great.

But fortunately, he has been running Dongjun for many years, and his complex situation of Dongjun and his familiarity with the Yellow River are incomparable to others.

This is also the reason why the Shi Emperor has never been willing to take him down from the position of the governor of Dongjun.

But this time, this idiot actually lost Dongjun at such a critical time!

You must know that once Dongjun loses, the entire Yellow River Basin will be in turmoil!

Originally, disaster relief has always been a major problem that plagued the court.

This is good, Dongjun has successfully set an example for all the disaster-stricken counties and counties. Once the disaster relief of the imperial court is unfavorable, we will rebel!

Moreover, it is not difficult to imagine that after the successful rebellion in Dongjun, a large number of refugees with disobedience will continue to pour in.

The strength of the rebels will also grow.

In addition, no matter whether it is the Confucian scholar in the court who has always been against Shi Huangdi.

The nobles of the Six Nations who have been on the move all the time, once they get this news, then the next Daqin,

Maybe something else will happen!

What is even more terrifying is that at this time, in the west of Qin State.

It's Shiron!

That is, the vast territory of the Western Qiang people!

Once the Qiang people in the Yellow River Basin got in touch with these people, they colluded with each other.

I am afraid that the newly established Daqin will be crumbling again!

Therefore, the First Emperor decided that no matter what the price was, he would completely strangle this rebel army!

However, making such a decision is not difficult.

It's so hard to implement!

The terrain of Dongjun was originally more complicated.

Coupled with the current flooding of the Yellow River, the river has been diverted.

The entire East County is muddy and watery, not to mention chariots, even the newly formed iron cavalry of the First Emperor would not be able to move a single step in this environment!

But if an infantry is dispatched, I am afraid that there will not be ten days and a half months.

Difficult to reach East County.

Once the time has dragged on for half a month,

When the traitors completely control Dongjun, that will be the biggest problem for the imperial court to suppress the rebellion!

How difficult is it to conquer traitors!

In terms of generals, Yuwen Chengdu is naturally the best candidate.

However, no matter which troop was selected, the First Emperor felt that it was not suitable.

Either the price paid is too high, or the firefighting is paid.

The first to bear the brunt is the 8,000 Beiwei Army.

Although the Beiwei Army's combat power is very high, the marching speed is also very fast.

But cavalry siege has always been the most exhausting behavior.

In particular, the city walls of Dongjun County are tall and strong. If the Beiwei Army is used to carry out a strong attack, I am afraid that the loss is bound to be heavy.

And it would be even more inadvisable if Lingbeiwei's army dismounted to fight on foot after arriving in Dongjun.

On the one hand, the Eight Thousand Horse Army of the Beiwei Army was originally good at horse fighting.

And no matter what, if these 8,000 people became infantry, in front of the strong Dongjun, I am afraid it is difficult to break through this strong city.

As for the rest, 30,000 golden fire cavalry, 30,000 black armored heavy cavalry, and 70,000 large Qin iron cavalry.

Without exception, it is very difficult to reach Dongjun within ten days.

Besides, Shi Huangdi didn't want to stop the expedition against the Xiongnu because of the rebellion of the Qiang people!

After thinking about it, the first emperor could not find a perfect solution.

There is no way to say it.

As long as they can reach Dong County within ten days, they will be able to kill these rebels by surprise.

And the shorter the time, the greater the odds of winning.

After all, even if the rebels occupied Dongjun in a short period of time, they still need to clean up the city and appease the people in the city, which cannot be accomplished overnight.

Furthermore, the rebels in Dongjun City were also very clear about the various choices of the imperial court.

It is impossible for Qin Shihuang to attack Dongjun within ten days!

Even the fastest cavalry would take at least ten days to reach Dongjun from Xianyang.

At that time, will they not just wait for it?

As for the other counties sending troops to jointly attack Dong County?

It's even more of a fantasy!

Now that the Yellow River is flooding, every county is unable to protect itself.

At this time, who has the leisure to organize troops to suppress the rebellion?

Even if they did raise troops to suppress the rebellion, what would happen to their local disaster?

Therefore, for a time, the arrogance of the Dongjun rebels was extremely arrogant.

Since the First Emperor can't do anything to them within ten days, what is there to fear from them?

Therefore, after taking Dongjun, they carried out a "Qing:" in the city.



All Han people who disobeyed the rule of the Qiang people will be executed!

This led to the collective escape of the people who had originally sought refuge in Dongjun.

And these rebels did not stop them, and opened the city gates, allowing them to escape.

In their eyes, the role of these people is simply insignificant!

As long as they control the fortified city in their hands, they will send people to contact the old nobles of the Six Nations.

Set the time for the unification uprising.

Then send someone to contact the Western Qiang, and let them send troops to the west of Qin.

Invade the old land of Qin.

At that time, the first emperor will be unable to care for each other.

And they can start from Xiqiang and gradually win the surrounding counties.

Then stick to the risk and want to compete with the court!

It has to be said that the abacus of this group of rebels played well.

According to the current First Emperor's military strength and the conditions that can be provided, it is true that they can't do anything about it.

However, the first emperor was even more angry.

After learning about the rebellion of the Qiang people, the Confucian scholars in the court clapped their hands and laughed.

Even if these Qiang people are killing their compatriots, they don't think there is anything wrong with this.

In their view, all these incidents happened because of Shi Huangdi's cruelty.

As long as the First Emperor does not admit defeat to them, the disaster will not end for a day.

Of course, all this is just their wishful thinking.

For Shi Huangdi, what he was worried about was not these Confucian scholars who only played "lipstick".

At best, they are just flies in their ears.

It's annoying, but it doesn't really hurt yourself.

What he is most worried about is the old nobles of the Six Nations scattered all over the place.

Once the Qiang people are connected with them, that is the beginning of the Great Qin war!

As expected by the First Emperor, the nobles of the Six Nations at this time had already received the news from Dongjun, and began to secretly prepare.

Chu land, Xiangliang.

Since Xiang Yu went to Xianyang and never returned, and was named the Five Tiger Generals,

Xiang Liang's mood has not been very good.

Xiang Yu was born with divine power and could make a giant cauldron with one hand.

He was also his own nephew, so Xiang Liang relied heavily on him.

Now he is equivalent to losing an arm.

Although Xiang Yu also wrote a letter to himself after he became a general of the Five Tigers.

But Xiang Liang knew too much about his nephew.

Just reading between the lines, Xiang Liang could see that Xiang Yu at this time was no longer the young man who used to regard Qin people as a gangster.

At this time, Xiang Yu, in addition to his high spirits, also had more worship and obedience to the First Emperor.

However, although Xiang Yu was lost, the anti-Qin great cause in his hands would continue.

Xiang Liang secretly trained his "Xiang Jiajun",

One side secretly waiting for the opportunity.

Finally, the news of the rebellion in Dongjun came!

Xiang Liang was very excited, and at the same time, he was secretly sending sentries to Xianyang and Dongjun.

Find out the first emperor's reaction and the news of this group of rebels.

Although it was the Qiang people who rebelled against Qin, Xiang Liang didn't care.

No matter who you are, as long as you can oppose Qin, you are my half-brother Xiang Liang!

And these Dongjun rebels did not disappoint Xiang Liang.

In just three days, they completely took over the East County.

Stabilized the rebel situation in the entire Yellow River area.

Moreover, they also sent invitations to Xiang Liang.

Invite him to raise the banner of rebellion against the Qin Dynasty!

In addition to Xiang Liang, many nobles from other places were also invited by the Dongjun rebels.

But these people are all human beings, and when the situation is still unclear,

How could it be possible to act rashly?

Therefore, the responses of Xiang Liang et al. are very uniform.

The situation is uncertain at the moment, and rashly raising troops is not only difficult to gather soldiers together for a while.

Moreover, it is quite inconvenient to organize food, grass and ordnance.

Therefore, please stick with it for another month. After a month, we will definitely raise troops from all over the country to cooperate with you.

To put it bluntly, the attitude of the nobles of the Six Nations is easy to understand.

You persist first, if you can persist for a month, we will immediately raise troops against Qin!

Meet you in East County!

For the replies of these people, the rebels in Dongjun didn't care.

It's too easy for them to stick to it for a month.

First of all, if the first emperor really wanted to exterminate them, he would have to raise an army.

And once the army starts, the journey in the middle will take half a month or even longer.

At that time, as long as they stick to the risk and wait for work.

Even if the Qin Dynasty launched 100,000 troops.

Relying on the complex terrain of Dong County and the sturdy city walls, they were not a problem to hold on for half a month.

A month later, all parts of the country raised troops to oppose Qin.

At that time, if the first emperor withdrew his troops, they could mobilize their troops to cover and kill.

If the first emperor did not withdraw his troops, he would continue to besiege Dongjun.

Then the beacon fires will be ignited in various places, and it will not be long before Dongjun will receive support from all over the place.

At that time, the entire form of offense and defense will be transformed.

Therefore, even though the nobles of the Six Nations have not given them much help, the rebels in Dongjun are still as arrogant as before.

However, the movement of the nobles of the Six Nations was noticed by the Black Ice Terrace,

And handed over the table of the first emperor.

It even includes the "change list" of the nobles of the six countries,

The first emperor also had a copy.

Among them, the first emperor noticed Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu's uncle.

There is also Han Wangcheng, whom Zhang Liang had been loyal to before.

According to Dun weak's suggestion, the first emperor should immediately arrest Zhang Liang and Xiang Yu.

In order to prevent the two from colluding with relatives outside.

But his proposal was quickly rejected by the first emperor.

Therefore, there is no need to doubt people, and people do not need to be suspicious.

The First Emperor is the ancestor of the monarchs in the world, so how could he look ahead and look back, be suspicious of ghosts?

And right now, the matter of the nobles of the Six Nations is not the point.

The First Emperor believed that as long as he quickly quelled the rebellion in Dongjun, these nobles of the Six Kingdoms would not dare to act rashly!

So, right now, his problem is how to win East County within ten days!

But after discussing with you Jiangliang, everyone agreed that it would be impossible to win Dongjun within ten days!

Even if Yuwen Chengdu personally led the army, 30,000 iron cavalry hurried on the starry night.

Even if they were able to arrive at Dongjun on the tenth day, it would still be exhausted and rashly launching an attack would be tantamount to self-destruction.

Moreover, after ten days, the rebels in Dong County will definitely increase their defensive efforts, and they will be quite vigilant.

At that time, it would take ten days and a half to win the East County, and it would be difficult to complete it.

According to what the generals said, now we can only dispatch a large army to Dongjun in a step-by-step manner.

First set up camp near Dongjun, then confront each other, and then make plans.

But the generals' strategy was quickly opposed by Zhang Liang.

The reason is very simple, Zhang Liang is the descendant of the nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

He fully understood what the nobles of the Six Nations were thinking.

Once the situation in Dongjun falls into a stalemate, I am afraid that beacon fires everywhere will be ignited.

At that time, even if the First Emperor had an army of one million, it was difficult to control the situation.

Therefore, the top priority is to quickly win the East County!

This war must not be allowed to drag on for a long time!

However, although the situation was clearly seen, it was the question of how to win the East County within half a month.

Zhang Liang was also helpless. After all, this time is not the future.

To end a war quickly, most of the time is spent rushing and gathering troops!

Just when the first emperor and the generals were at a loss, Xiao He, who came to Xianyang to escort the last batch of grain and forage, brought a piece of good news.

Bai Hei is very interested in this counterinsurgency!

"..little auspicious beast?"

The first emperor's eyes lit up suddenly, could it be possible, what good idea did he have?

If this rebellion can be quelled quickly, it would not be a bad thing to hand over this matter to Jingyang County?

You must know that the current Jingyang County is not as simple as an ordinary county!

In the literature there are people of Xiao He, and in Wu there are Gao Chong, Zhang Han, Li Xin and others.

Moreover, after several months of operation, Jingyang County's grain reserves almost caught up with Xianyang City!

Even the food for this disaster relief was purchased at a high price from Bai Hei.

"What are the requirements of Xiao Rui Beast, you can say it!"

Seeing Xiao He hesitating, Shi Huang waved his hand without hesitation.

He knows Xiao Rui Beast's disposition, although everything is for the sake of him and Da Qin.

But it's always been unprofitable.

As long as he can quell the Qiang rebellion in a short period of time,

Don't say it's money, even if he wants the title, I will give it all!

As for what the little auspicious beast wanted, it was beyond the first emperor's expectations.

According to Xiao He, one of the things that the auspicious beast asked for was two thousand great Qin Ruishis.

It is said to be used for this counter-insurgency.

The second is the titles of the civil servants and military generals under Rui Beast (Zhao Liaozhao) in Jingyang County.

The small abacus of white and black jingled, and Daqin was originally a military meritorious award.

Gao Chong and others haven't been hanging out with him for a short time, so they can't let them go home empty-handed, right?

If the suppression of the rebellion is resolved in a short period of time, then the significance to Da Qin is far more than the war itself.

This point, I believe that the first emperor knew better than himself.

The third is the question of money and food.

White and black demanded that the first emperor should return all the expenses this time!

Want to break through the marching limits of this era.

There is no other way but to rely on the system mall.

But the system mall spends points, and the landlord's family has no surplus!

Since the first emperor could not provide himself with points, then it is not too much to ask for a little food for himself, right?

Regarding the three demands put forward by Bai Hei, the First Emperor hardly hesitated, waved his hand, and immediately agreed.

If it is other people, this first point will be difficult to pass.

The two thousand Great Qin Ruishis can be said to have used the most elite power of the entire Great Qin.

Apart from Bai Hei, looking at the whole of the Qin Dynasty, there is no second emperor who is so incomparably trusted.

As for the title, the Qin Dynasty was originally a military award.

If the rebellion is quelled, their credit is not small, even if they grant some more titles, it is justified.

As for the last one, the question of rations.

Even better.

The significance of quelling this rebellion is far beyond these rations.

Don't say twice, even if it is ten times, as long as the first emperor can get it, he is willing to give it!

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