I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 123 Hu Hai's foodie attribute awakens, poisonous and poisonous!

Since Jingyang Tower welcomed the first batch of diners, there has been an endless stream of customers coming here.

Some of them traveled dozens of miles from Xianyang.

Some are local people in Jingyang County.

Originally, the nobles of the Six Nations in Xianyang wanted to send their servants to the Jingyang Tower in Jingyang County, and after purchasing their food and beverages, they would return to Xianyang.

As a result, they will be less of a lot of suffering.

However, when they arrived at Jingyang Tower, they were surprised to find out.

Jingyang Tower only provides dine-in!

Good guy, it's fine if you don't have takeout, and I can't do it myself?

However, Jingyang Building has the rules of Jingyang Building, only provides dine-in, and refuses all take-out behaviors!

Helpless, this time, anyone who wants to enjoy the food of Jingyang Tower, no matter whether you are a prince or a general, wants to eat the food of Jingyang Tower, you have to leave Xianyang for me and come to Jingyang Tower in person!

Over time, many nobles of the Six Nations in Xianyang suddenly began to think carefully.

Since you don't allow delivery, only dine-in.

Then we simply bought a mansion in Jingyang County!

In this way, as long as you want to eat it someday, isn't it better to live in Jingyang County and eat as long as you want in Jingyang Tower?

But after walking around Jingyang County, they discovered that, at some point, Baihei actually wrapped up all the empty mansions around Jingyang Tower!

As long as they met the place, as soon as they asked, it was guaranteed that Lord Rui Beast had just bought it.

In desperation, they had to beg Xiao He to contact Lord Rui Beast on his behalf.

And under Bai Hei's pre-instruction, Xiao He had already ordered people to clean up those mansions.

Then I added some daily necessities and flowers and plants.

Then, on the grounds that Lord Ruiwu was reluctant, he refused to buy it.

However, at his own request, Lord Rui Beast finally agreed,

These mansions can be rented out to the nobles of the Six Nations.

The lease term is one month, five thousand dollars per month.

Don't think 10,000 dollars is a lot. For these nobles of the Six Nations, 5,000 dollars a month.

Being able to live in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters like Jingyang County, not to mention the fact that it is close to Jingyang Tower, is really a good deal!

So for a while, the mansion around Jingyang County can be said to be hard to find!

Under the rush of these nobles to buy, the most expensive mansion sold for an astonishing price of 20,000 yuan a month in the form of auction!

And this mansion, when Bai Hei bought it from Jingyang County,

Only spent fifteen thousand dollars.

That is to say, from the first month, the price this mansion earns far exceeds its cost!

As for the others, such as the loss of living in this mansion, it is calculated separately.

In addition, as for the local people in Jingyang County, it is much more convenient.

Although at this time, the commodity economy in Daqin has not yet prevailed.

But a few days ago, the people of Jingyang County made a lot of money from the potato harvest.

Then, another plague of locusts erupted.

The people of Jingyang County responded to the call of Lord Ruiwu and raised chickens and ducks in large quantities.

723 With the rise of Jingyang Tower, the sales of these chickens and ducks have also expanded a lot.

In this way, the people of Jingyang County are only a few months after the arrival of Lord Ruiwu.

The waist bag on his body was obviously bulging.

So for them, this Jingyang Building is not only convenient, but also affordable.

Reluctant to cook in the morning?

Jingyang Tower, let's go!

Does your home meal taste good at noon?

Jingyang Tower, let's go!

Don't want to wash the dishes after dinner at night?

Let's go to Jingyang Tower... Next time I'll go to Jingyang Tower to eat!

As a result, the Jingyang Tower is full every day as the diners come here one after another.

Don't say it's meal time.

Even on weekdays, the seats in Jingyang Tower are always full.

Even in the afternoon, sitting in Jingyang Tower, watching Jingyang County gradually rise.

It is also a rare enjoyment to taste the mellow Jingyang wine in your hand!

At the same time that Jingyanglou's reputation is so explosive, since the last time the dishes he cooked have been recognized by the diners.

Hu Hai is like being possessed,

He almost gave up all his schoolwork and devoted himself to the recipes that Bai Zhi bought from the system.

Although the ingredients of these recipes are only for chicken and duck,

But just chickens and ducks, dozens of ways are listed before and after!

Sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, full of flavors.

After many attempts, Hu Hai's cooking skills are getting better and better.

But Rao is so, it still attracts Fusu's displeasure.

The reason for his objection is simple.

Confucius said that a gentleman is far away from cooking.

As the eighteenth prince of the Qin Dynasty, Hu Hai did not learn rituals and music, nor poetry and calligraphy, but he played with these dishes every day.

In the face of Fusu's objection, Hu Hai couldn't listen at all.

After Fusu came to the mansion to persuade several times, Hu Hai became more and more bored,

He simply closed the door and studied those recipes in the kitchen alone.

However, as time went on, there were fewer and fewer people available for him to try.

Although after a thousand trials and tribulations, Hu Hai has already cooked several dishes in a good way.

But he has not tried any of the remaining methods.

Therefore, a large number of testers has become a difficult problem for him to hone his cooking skills.

In desperation, he had no choice but to find Bai Zhu boldly.

"Lord Rui Beast, Ben... I have a request."

After hesitating for a while, Hu Hai finally decided to keep his posture at the lowest level in front of Bai Hei.

One is that he does not want to be beaten, and the other is that he is here to ask for help.

Looking at Hu Hai with low eyebrows in front of him, Bai Hei also found it interesting.

Since the last time he went to Xianyang and was severely cleaned up by the First Emperor, Hu Hai has completely calmed down.

I thought he would just go down like this.

But what was never expected was that Hu Hai actually found fun again in the process of cooking!

"Gugu-(Tell me, what are you doing here?)"

Ying Yinman on the side pouted and deliberately did not translate for Hu Hai.

It turned out that the three daughters of Ying Yinman (bbcc) have had nothing to do in recent days.

Before going to bed at night, I always tell stories in white and black.

But they have one more request, which is to tell stories about them.

Therefore, in this way, Bai Hei can only teach the stories of several people one by one according to the development of the original history.

Cai Wenji's story made them sigh.

Diaochan's story also made them secretly admire.

Only the story of Ying Yinman made them grit their teeth.

It turns out that this boy Hu Hai is not a thing!

You said that you just killed other princes. How did you manage this group of princesses?

They have no threat to your throne and are innocent and lovely.

But no normal person would start!

But in history, Hu Hai is one who never stayed!

This makes Ying Yinman very angry!

The consequences are very serious!

After a long while, seeing Ying Yinman not speaking, Hu Hai panicked.

Good guy, how did he know what Mr. Rui Beast said?

But seeing that Ying Yinman was dissatisfied with himself, he had no choice but to lick his face and smiled apologetically, "Good sister, please help me with a few words of kindness."


Ying Yinman glared at him, unmoved.

But fortunately, although Hu Hai sometimes acted in a dazed way, when it comes to pleasing the girls, he does it with his hands.

"Hey, sister, don't be angry, I recently got a batch of good rouge from all over the world,

If the elder sister does not dislike it, the younger brother is willing to dedicate it to the elder sister. "

As the saying goes, beauty is a woman's nature.

Ying Yinman is the age when the love is beginning to open, and of course it is no exception.

Hearing Hu Hai say this, half of his anger disappeared, and he pouted and replied, "Okay, let's help you for the time being.

"Little Rui Beast is asking you, why are you here?"

Hu Hai bowed towards Bai Hei: "I came here especially to ask Lord Rui Beast to allow me to go to Jingyang Tower to cook. 39

Go to Jingyanglou to cook?

Baihei waved his hand: "Cuckoo—(No!)"

Good guy, with Hu Hai's current cooking level,

If he was asked to cook in Jingyang Tower, wouldn't he kill all the nobles of the Six Nations?

That's according to your father's intention, but I still can't open the Jingyang Tower!

Seeing Baihei shaking his head, Hu Hai felt anxious: "Lord Rui Beast, please give me a chance! 35

Seeing the anxious and eager look on Hu Hai's face, Bai Zhu suddenly became interested.

This kid seems to really like cooking?

Could it be that the Eighteenth Prince of Great Qin, Hu Hai, the second emperor of Qin, who was scolded all over the world, still has the potential to be a chef?

After thinking about it, Bai Hei decided to give Hu Hai a chance.

['Since you are so obsessed, then I will give you a chance']

['Go back now and cook a new dish immediately, it may not be in my recipe']

['If you do well enough, I will consider granting your request']

Under the translation of Ying Yinman, Hu Hai almost jumped up with joy after hearing this.

And then immediately disappeared in front of Bai Hei's eyes.

Although he has been studying the dishes in the recipe in recent days, he has hardly even touched other dishes.

But anyway, white and black gave him this chance!

As long as he has the opportunity to show, Hu Hai believes that his cooking skills will definitely convince Lord Rui Beast!

Three times five divided by two, follow the ingredients on the recipe.

Hu Hai quickly made a nondescript duck dish.

For this reason, he even gave him a special name,

It's called "Prince Duck".

He happily brought his "Prince Duck" in front of Lord Rui Beast.

Naturally, Ying Yinman and other three women also have a share.

Looking at the "Prince Duck" in front of him, Bai Hei nodded.

Not to mention, it still looks like that,

Just don't know how it tastes?

When Bai Hei was hesitating, Ying Yin Man and the three girls had already moved their chopsticks and took the first bite.


Ying Yinman, who was the first to eat the "Prince Duck", immediately spit it out without mercy, then drank a large gulp of water and frowned deeply: "This is too unpalatable!"

Looking at the two girls Cai Wenji and Diao Chan on the side, they also frowned.

But for Hu Hai's face, they still resisted the nausea in their hearts and reluctantly ate a little bit.

"Hmm. 39



Two simple and short evaluations.

Hu Hai is about to cry, dear sister, is it so unpalatable?

Looking at the reaction of the three women, Bai Hei hesitated.

At this moment, he began to doubt whether he made the right choice to let Hu Hai cook.

But since everyone has made it, I have to try it myself, right?

Slowly, he picked up a piece of duck meat and sent it to his mouth.

Seeing that the duck meat was about to enter, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Looking up, it was Xiao He.

"Gugu-(what's the hurry?)"

Bai Hei put down the chopsticks in his hand without hesitation.

He really didn't want to torture himself.

"Lord Rui Beast, there are some problems with the raw materials of Jingyang Building.

Xiao He's face was full of seriousness.

【'what is the problem?'】

Bai Hei has some doubts. It stands to reason that the chicken and duck in the entire Jingyang County are enough for Jingyanglou to eat for a whole year.

Could it be eaten so quickly?

"After learning that the main ingredient of Jingyang Tower's dishes is chicken and duck, some people in Jingyang County sat down and raised the price, and many people followed suit when they saw the money.

Now our cost of buying chickens and ducks has begun to gradually increase. ""


For this, white and black are very unexpected.

But if you think about it, it makes sense.

In a group, there will always be some people who will become rats that spoil a pot of soup.

It doesn't matter how nice you are to them.

Because human nature is inherently greedy.

"Humph! These white-eyed wolves!

Ying Yinman, who was on the side, knew nothing about business.

But the basic meaning can still be understood.

How much did Xiao Rui Beast do for Jingyang County, but some people are still falling into the trap?

Looking at Hu Hai in front of him, suddenly, Bai Hei had a new idea in his heart!

【‘Tell Xiao He to talk to this part of the people. l

【‘If they are willing to provide us with free chickens and ducks,’】

【‘We will continue to provide them with the “special delicacies” of our Jingyang Tower!’1

[‘Only once an agreement is reached, you cannot go back! l

After Ying Yinman's translation, Xiao He was stunned.

Originally thought, to this part of the people who fell into the trap.

Lord Rui Beast will take thunder measures.

But it seems... as if these people are still making money?

The food in Jingyang Tower is already delicious to that extent. If it is "special food", it must be even more delicious, right?

"Yes, Lord Rui Beast."

Xiao He quickly led the order to leave.

As soon as Xiao He left, Ying Yinman immediately pouted: "Little Rui Beast, they are obviously making trouble, why are you still being so kind to them?"

"Cuckoo-(who said I'm nice to them?)"

"You have let them eat the special delicacies of Jingyang Tower, I have never eaten it!"

White and Black: 66...99

However, this time, he did not comfort Ying Yinman.

Instead, he turned his head and glanced at Hu Hai.

【‘For the sake of your sincerity, in the future, Jingyang Tower will serve special delicacies, and you will be in charge of it yourself. 'J

【'You're welcome, those people are your chefs!'】

【‘In addition, I will hold a special banquet for you when you have mastered your cooking skills.】

【‘How about letting you show all your cooking skills?’】

After listening to Xiao Rui Beast's words, Ying Yinman understood everything.

It turned out that Xiao Rui Beast was suffocating in his heart again!

Aren't those people making trouble, then let you taste the power of the Eighteenth Prince of Great Qin!

"Lord Xie Ruiwu! The subordinates will do their best to bring delicious food to Lord Ruiwu!"

Subconsciously shivering, Bai Zhu immediately waved his hand and told Hu Hai to get out.

Good guy, let your dad enjoy the food you make!

I can't stand it!

Although Baihei couldn't bear it, on the other side, the troubled people in Jingyang County had a good time.

After Xiao He went to discuss it.

As soon as I heard the five words "special offering of Jingyang Tower",

Many people have left saliva on the spot.

They have the same idea as Xiao He, the food in Jingyang Tower is already delicacy in the world.

If it was a special offering, wouldn't it be so beautiful?

So, with little hesitation,

They immediately signed a contract with Xiao He.

On the one hand, they are willing to hand over all the chickens and ducks in their hands and use them as ingredients for Jingyanglou.

On the other hand, Jingyang Tower will be responsible for providing special food for them.

The period is one year.

Originally, Xiao He was reluctant.

But these people could not stand the threat of ingredients, and finally the time was finalized as one year.

At this time, these people did not realize the fear of being dominated by Hu Hai.

At the beginning of the contract signing.

These people happily came to the first floor of Jingyang Building.

There are no visitors here on weekdays.

Dedicated to responsible for providing "special food"

And the kitchen on the first floor is the special test warehouse for Hu Hai.

When they eat the first bite of the special food, these people realize that they have been fooled!

Where is this special food, this is simply inedible pig food!

Do not!

Pigs don't eat!

No wonder, since opening up the whole "special food".

Hu Hai completely released himself.

But every combination he could think of, he would try it out himself.

Since there is diced spicy chicken, why can't there be salted duck?

Since there is white chopped chicken, why can't there be sour vinegar duck?

As a result, a series of strange dishes were placed on the special table.

So much so that the people who thought they had made money with their blood suddenly regretted their decision.

You have to say sorry, the contract has been signed.

If you want to make trouble, Xiao He told them Hu Hai's identity before they came.

Eighteenth Prince of Daqin, please make trouble.

Someone will come to check the water meter tomorrow!

But if you want to let them eat it, they don't have the courage.

After all, who wouldn't want to eat that shit.

So after weighing the left and right, they finally decided,

If the chickens and ducks lose, they will lose, and it is important to save lives!

As a result, one after another, "special delicacies" lost people who tasted them.


How could Hu Hai just give up this opportunity?

Finally, Lord Rui Beast agreed and asked you to try the dishes for me. Seeing that my personal banquet was about to be set up, you didn't eat it. Isn't this causing trouble for me?

Therefore, Hu Hai took the trouble to order the servants to deliver "special delicacies" to the homes of these people from house to house.

Ask them to eat it in front of them!

As a result, half of Jingyang County fell into the wailing of ghosts and wolves!

But Hu Hai couldn't control that much. All he was thinking about now was that Lord Rui Beast promised him the banquet.

A feast made entirely by him!

And according to Lord Rui Beast, he will even invite the emperor over there!

He couldn't wait to see how his father praised him!

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