I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 121 In10se competition! The trapped and the trapped, the reincarnation is endless

In fact, this fourth auction method is a personal invention of white and black.

There is no special purpose, it is purely for the money of the nobles of the Six Nations.

This auction method is based on the later English auction law.

It is an open, incremental auction.

That is, in later generations, film and television dramas, including novels, are more mentioned in the auction method.

White and Black just added such a rule psychologically.

Now that you've got the second highest bid, it's proof that you're genuinely interested in this auction item.

So if you can't keep bidding, not only will you lose all your money, but in the end, you won't get the auction item either.

Therefore, in comparison of the two, any normal person will not let his price stop at second.

Strictly speaking, such an auction method is unfair to the bidders.

But now, facing the new-style "bidding", most of the nobles of the Six Nations have not yet figured it out.

Therefore, it is inevitable that they will be cut by a wave of leeks by white and black.

This is equivalent to earning the price of an entire auction for nothing!

Although this fourth auction has discouraged many people.

However, due to the particularity of the auction method, even those who lost the auction qualifications came to the auditorium at the back.

They all wanted to see, in such a new auction method, who was the final winner and who was the one who made the second highest bid.

During a short break, Xiao He quickly ascended to the high platform of the auction house again.

"Everyone, the fourth auction has officially started.

"This is not only the last auction today, but also the last twenty jars of Jingyang wine."

After speaking, the ten Great Qin Ruishis immediately moved the remaining twenty jars of Jingyang wine to the stage.

"Before, I have announced the fourth auction rules, so I won't repeat them here."

"Because of the special rules of this auction, bidders need to sign the "Voluntary Form" in advance.

"The reserve price this time is 1,000 yuan, and each bid shall not be less than 100 yuan."

As soon as Xiao He's voice fell, the followers on both sides immediately sent the "Voluntary Letter" to every bidder.

It was not until the "Voluntary Letter" was signed that the fourth auction officially started!

"The Yan family in Xianyang offered a thousand dollars.

This time, the eldest son of the Yan family took the lead in bidding without any hesitation.

Because he has already missed three chances.

If the bid fails this time, he will have to return to Xianyang empty-handed.

Once he was defeated, the elders in the family who opposed his father would have an excuse to dismiss him.

Therefore, in this auction, he cannot lose no matter what!

11 "The Wei family in Xianyang bid one thousand two hundred dollars."

This time, due to the special bidding mechanism, everyone is more cautious in bidding.

After all, once you make an offer, you want to get out of it.

There must be at least two bidders above you.

Otherwise, you either bid to be number one.

Or be the unlucky second.

"The Han family in Xianyang offered fifteen hundred dollars.""

Over time, the price has slowly risen.

Although not as high as the previous bids, this time,

Every time someone bids, everyone's heart goes to their throats.

Look! Another big deal!

"The Zhao family in Xianyang offered two thousand dollars. 35

It seems to be to show the momentum that he is bound to win for this auction.

The head of the Zhao family immediately stood up and shouted for the price.

after the auction starts.

The head of the Zhao family was secretly delighted.

Because unlike other families, the Zhao family's patriarch is extremely good at wine.

It can be said that it has reached the level of habit.

So that after accidentally smelling the taste of Jingyang wine, the Zhao family owner will never forget it.

It was not until he received the news from Jingyang County that he rushed over in person overnight.

The head of the family is naturally incomparable to other families.

This time, the Zhao family immediately persuaded those families that had been timid.

For a while, there was no answer in the audience.

"Two thousand dollars once!"

The hammer struck quickly.

Seeing the small hammer hit, the Zhao family's patriarch became more and more proud.

In his opinion, the last twenty jars of Jingyang wine are within reach.

However, just when the hammer hit the second time, the Yan family's son opened his mouth again: "The Yan family in Xianyang, the bid is 2,500 yuan!

Seeing that the Yan family made a bid, the Han family was relieved for a long time.

Good guy, almost lost fifteen hundred dollars in vain.


Hear the voice of Yan's son.

The head of the Han family looked unhappy, and immediately cast a bad look.

After hesitating for a while, the Zhao family's patriarch couldn't hold back.

I saw him stand up again, and bowed his hands to the crowd behind him: "Everyone, my Zhao family is bound to get the twenty jars of wine this time, so please..."

Although it was said towards the back, everyone knows that this sentence is for the bidder just now.

Xianyang Yan family, Han family, Wei family said.

It seems that this Zhao family's patriarch is ready to use his power to overwhelm people!

But obviously, Xiao He could not let him succeed.

"Patriarch Zhao, please sit back in your seat calmly, or I will send Da Qin Ruishi to drive you out!

Xiao He's face immediately sank.

The hammer in his hand was also placed on the table.

Obviously, if the Zhao family dares to make any changes, I am afraid that the next moment will be put out by Da Qin Ruishi!

Under the threat of Daqin Ruishi's force, the head of the Zhao family confessed.

Although he hadn't finished speaking yet, he had no choice but to sit back in his seat quietly.

Then he glanced angrily at the Yan family not far away.

"My Zhao family gave three thousand money! 39

Like a demonstration, the face of the head of the Zhao family turned slightly red.

Seeing this scene, the white and black eyes narrowed slightly, and the attribute bonus of this auction house began to take effect!

Three thousand dollars!

It is already the critical point of the first auction price!

But it seems that these few will not give up easily!

"A price increase!

"Additional price!""

"A price increase!

Under the invisible blessing of the attributes of the auction house, even the audience on the sidelines are now emotionally aroused.

They shouted the word "price increase".

The eyes of Yan's father's son gradually became bloodshot.

If he stopped bidding now, not only would he not get Jingyang wine, but he would lose a full 2,500 yuan!

Although this amount of money is nothing to the Yan family.

But this will have serious consequences for his father and his position in the family.

You know, the old guys in the family are always staring at the head of the Yan family!

After just hesitating for a while, the Yan family soon made up their minds!

"The Yan family in Xianyang, bid four thousand dollars! 35

Four thousand dollars!

Now it is only 100 yuan away from the highest price of the previous three auctions - 4,110 yuan!

See the situation on the field is getting more and more anxious.

The old Han family on the side laughed wickedly.

Well, since you are bound to win these twenty jars,

My Han family has little power and cannot compete with you, but I can always make this auction more exciting, right?

Thinking of this, the head of the Han family tickled the corner of his mouth and called for a price with a smirk.

"The Han family in Xianyang, the offer is four thousand five hundred dollars!

Four thousand five hundred dollars!

Highest price in four auctions!

And this is only in the process, the fourth auction price has not yet been determined!

Seeing that the Han family actually stepped in, the audience's mood was even higher!

"A price increase!

"Additional price! 35

“Additional price!”

As the people who eat melons, the "price increase" must be shouted, and it is not their own money anyway.

Watch the fun, who doesn't want to watch the fun?

Four thousand five hundred dollars, not too much, not too much.

There is no turbulence in the heart of the Zhao family's patriarch.

Originally, for the last twenty jars of wine, he expected the price to be around five thousand dollars.

"Five thousand dollars! My Zhao family is willing to give five thousand dollars! 35

Raising five fingers, the Zhao family patriarch stood up from his seat in excitement and looked down on the audience.

"Oh oh oh!""

"The Zhao family!""

"Zhao Family!"5

"The Zhao family! 99

The crowd erupted in cheers again.

The voice of "Zhao Family" is getting louder every time!

Enjoying the applause and praise around, the current Zhao family's patriarch seems to have returned to the era when the Zhao family ruled ten years ago!

Subconsciously, he glanced at the audience, and finally set his eyes on the Yan family's son.

"Boy, aren't you crazy? Come on!


Naked provocation!

However, this kind of provocation that helps to raise the auction price will not be handled by Xiao He.

As long as you don't fight on the spot, Daqin Ruishi will be too lazy to move.

At this time, the heart of Yan's father's son fell into torment.

Five thousand dollars!

This number is on the verge of its own limit.

Although the last auction price was already 4,110 dollars, in comparison, the 5,000 dollars didn't seem like much.

But if it's real.

Five thousand money, twenty jars of wine.

Then the price of each jar of wine is two hundred and fifty dollars!

This wine is too expensive! Sky-high wine.

While he was hesitating, the small hammer in Xiao He's hand had already struck.

A smile appeared on the face of the Zhao family's head, this time it should be stable!

But at this time, the Han family was panicking!

Guys, I'm just stoking the fire for you guys, how did this get on me?

If this really allowed the Zhao family to complete the business, wouldn't he have lost 4,500 dollars in vain!

"That... Yan family boy!"

"You can't admit it! 35

"Look at the Zhao family's face, can you bear it?

Seeing that the small hammer in Xiao He's hand has been knocked for the second time, the Yan family in front of him is still hesitating.

The Han family is completely numb.

Good guy, this is a home robbery if it is impossible to arrest someone!

This time, the Han family lost a lot.


Absolutely not!

No matter what you say, you have to convince the Yan family!

"My Han family gave 5,100 money!

In order to buy himself time to persuade, Patriarch Han quickly made a price and stabilized the situation.


Immediately there was a screaming voice on the field.

Well, the price increase for others is 1,000 yuan and 500 yuan. You're good. It's really annoying to add 100 yuan all of a sudden!

Ignoring the screams on the floor, the head of the Han family has only one purpose now, hurry up and let the Yan family and the Zhao family add the price, so that he can get out.

"Swallow, listen to Uncle's advice, you have to hold on to these twenty jars of wine..."

Under the good and bad words of the head of the Han family, the Yan family remained indifferent.

Although now he is already blushing, he is only one step away from losing his mind.

But his last shreds of reason still persisted.

Seeing that he had called for the price, but the situation still did not improve, the head of the Han family immediately turned around like an ant on a hot pot.


Why are you being so rude?

Wouldn't it be better to let them fight the price on their own?

"My Zhao family gave out 5,500 coins!

Seemingly seeing through what the old Han family was thinking, the Zhao family's patriarch unhurriedly added another price.

As the owner of the house, although 5,500 yuan is a lot, if you can sell these wines for a good price, even if you lose money in the end, it will only cost 300 to 500 yuan.

But through today's auction, I'm afraid his Zhao family's reputation will resound throughout the Xianyang wine circle!

"The Zhao family! 35

"The Zhao family!""

"The Zhao family! 35

For a time, the Zhao family was in the limelight!

Seeing the Zhao family increase the price again, the Han family is even more anxious.

Now if the Yan family doesn't increase the price, then he will lose 5,100 money in vain!

That's not buying alcohol, that's just vain!

Looking at the red-eared Swallow's son in front of him.

The Han family gritted their teeth and slapped his shoulder fiercely, "Swallow, you can pat him at ease! 99

"If you lose money, Uncle will sponsor you two thousand dollars!"

I have to say that the word emergent wisdom is not a cover.

In a desperate situation, the Han family elder finally thought of a way.

It's all in vain anyway, so why a lot of losses?

If the Yan family boy does not increase the price, he will lose 5,100 money.

But even if he gave the Yan family 2,000 yuan, he would have lost 3,110 yuan.

In this way, a lot of risks have been avoided.

This time, the three of them are completely on top!

The head of the Zhao family was the first to quit and protested to Xiao He: "I report it! They colluded in private!

Xiao He waved his hand: "This is out of our auction house's control. If you can find someone, you can also collude."

Just kidding, seeing the price getting higher and higher, you told me you protested?

"Protest is ineffective!

On the other hand, with the support of the old Han family's 2,000 yuan, the last trace of reason in the Yan family boy's heart was completely lost.

"I'll give you six thousand dollars!

The sound is like a bell, shocking the audience!

Six thousand dollars!

A full five times higher than the market price!

Be good, exciting enough!


Seeing that the Yan family boy finally called out his price, the Han family elder breathed a long sigh of relief.

After recovering from a serious illness, he slumped in a chair.

He can finally get out!

The price of the Yan family boy is not for nothing, he also has a little Jiujiu in his heart.

Six thousand money, if you remove the two thousand money that the Han family had promised him,

You only need to pay four thousand dollars.

And this price is lower than the third blind auction price!

If a few of the six thousand money can be photographed, it would be a good result for him.

"Zhao family!

"Zhao Family!"9

"The Zhao family! 55

Seeing that the situation had reached a deadlock again, the surrounding melon-eating crowd soon shouted slogans again.

What are you looking at, brother, don't hurry up and increase the price!

At this time, the face of the Zhao family's patriarch became worse and worse.

The people around the Zhao family began to constantly advise him to stop and not to increase the price.

Doing so means nothing to the Zhao family.


"The Zhao family is invincible!"

All of a sudden, a thought suddenly appeared in the mind of the Zhao family's patriarch: Whatever you say, you have to win!

The Zhao family has already lost once, and this time, they must not lose again!

Moreover, if you let go now, then the Zhao family will lose five thousand money in vain!

"My Zhao family is invincible! I will pay 6,500 yuan!"

Six thousand five hundred dollars is the limit that the Zhao family can accept.

Going out to sell the wine left, it is estimated that the visual loss will be one or two thousand dollars.

But if you don't bid, you'll lose 5,000 in vain.


Totally crazy!

The rest of the Zhao family are about to run wild at this moment!

On the other side, seeing the Zhao family's offer of 6,500 yuan, subconsciously, the Yan family's son looked back at the Han family elder.

"Don't look at me, you pay your price, if you lose, I promise you the supply.

two thousand!

Super double!

Excuse me!

Yan's father's son put his head in his hands and squatted down on the spot.

At this moment, he felt like he was caught in a quagmire,

If you continue to bid, then what you have to pay is a full five thousand!

While he was hesitating, another voice sounded in his mind: "It seems not bad to get five thousand dollars?

After all, the last auction cost 4,100 yuan, and I only added 900 yuan.

The big deal is not earning the last point?

Seemingly bewitched by the voice in his mind, when the small hammer in Xiao He's hand had dropped for the third time,

Finally, he spoke again: "The Yan family, seven thousand dollars!

Seven thousand dollars!


This can no longer be called shock, but can rise to the level of terror!

Seven thousand dollars!

The head of the Zhao family sat down in his seat, his eyes a little unwilling.

But for some reason, suddenly, his eyes became firm again, his eyes became red, he stood up, and he was about to bid again!

This time, even if he accompanies all his family property, he will have to use allin!

But the next moment, the people of the Zhao family swarmed up, covering their mouths, pressing their legs, and directly pressing the Zhao family's patriarch on the spot.


Just crazy!

Now let go, the loss is only 6,500 dollars.

With the strength of the Zhao family, the money would be gone.

With the Zhao family's property, within a month, all the money can be returned.

But looking at the appearance of the owner, I am afraid that if you continue to call, the Zhao family will go bankrupt!

"We quit, we accept compensation!"

A clan elder of the Zhao family sneered.

Then he immediately dragged the Zhao family head, who had almost fallen into madness, and left the auction house.

After three small hammers, finally, the Yan family's son won the final victory in this auction!

"Let's congratulate the Yan family!""

In the eyes of everyone's envy, Yan's father couldn't help but straighten his chest.

"Uncle Han, I still have to thank you for my successful bid this time. 99

The Yan family knew well, if it wasn't for the two thousand money supported by the Han family, how could he dare to ask for the price of seven thousand money!

But the next moment, the old face of the Han family changed: "Thank me for what? I didn't help much."

Yan's father and son were stunned: "Didn't you promise to give me two thousand dollars...? 39

The old Han family shook his head solemnly: "You can ask other people, what I said at the time was that if you lose money, I will pay you two thousand dollars."

"But now, Jingyang wine has been photographed by you, why is it a loss?"

The Yan family's son is completely numb!

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