I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 118 Not a son of man! The city gate is closed, Jingyang wine rains

With Gao Chong's team, they returned to Jingyang County.

The reputation of Jingyang wine has also been completely launched in Xianyang.

In addition to all kinds of rumored grapevine.

There are even more people with hands and eyes, who got news from the Xianyang Palace: It is said that even the first emperor was reluctant to drink more of the seven jars of wine!

Just one drink a day!

This proves two things.

First, it seems that the fact that the father and son turned against each other because of three jars of wine is not groundless.

Second, this Jingyang wine seems to be not only intoxicating, but also tastes good!

You know, all the wines in the world are gathered in Xianyang Palace.

The wine that even His Majesty the First Emperor praised, how could it be bad?

So, for a while, the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms in Xianyang City moved.

Good wine people go for wine.

But those who are not good at drinking also came to join in the fun.

Because they found business opportunities from the fishing boats in Xianyang City!

If you can get this Jingyang wine to Xianyang City to sell it, wouldn't it make a lot of money?

With their own thoughts, the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms set off overnight.

From Xianyang City to Jingyang County.

At the same time, in Jingyang County.

Looking at Hu Hai, whose mouth has swelled into a big bag.

Bai Hei showed an old father-like smile.

Good guy, if the father and son of this old Zhao pit each other, they will be really ruthless!

Looking at the white and black in front of him, Hu Hai just wanted to scold his mother.

You said that I am so good at it, why can't I think about it, so I took the initiative to invite Ying to Xianyang City?

Not only did he not get anything, but he was severely beaten.

After all, what did he get this trip, Hu Hai couldn't help licking his tongue.

The taste of this Jingyang wine is really unusual!

No wonder Gao Chong's generals were so happy to drink, it seems that he will have to find a chance to drink from him in the future!

Hu Hai's stubborn temperament has always been to remember to eat but not to fight.

"Eighteenth brother, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the news that Hu Hai and Gao Chong hurried back, Fusu also hurried back.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Hu Hai with a big bag growing on his mouth.

"Woooo, woohoo!"

Hu Hai seems to want to say something,

But obviously, his current situation does not allow him to speak at all.

Fusu was silent.

Because he had already guessed the end of the matter.

At least the big bag on Hu Hai's mouth must have been ordered by the emperor himself to be beaten!

Looking at the entire Xianyang City, except for the emperor, who would dare to touch Hu Hai?

Even if it is Fusu himself, don't look at how strict he is to Hu Hai on weekdays.

But if he really does move his hands, even he has to weigh it!

Hu Hai is the father's favorite son!

Sure enough, the next moment Hu Hai's actions confirmed Fusu's conjecture.

I saw Hu Hai lifted the placket of his clothes and raised the jade pendant around his waist with his hands.

That jade pendant was given to his sons by the First Emperor, one piece each.

Fusu lowered his head silently.

Although he also wanted to teach his wicked eighteenth younger brother a lesson, but the emperor was too cruel to attack, right?

What the hell happened to 720?

Subconsciously, Fusu looked at Gao Chong.

As the deputy general of the escort team this time, Gao Chong will naturally have a certain understanding of this matter.

He felt Fusu's gaze.

Gao Chong immediately stepped forward and bowed his hands to Bai Hei: "Lord Rui Beast, Young Master Hu Hai's injury was beaten by the First Emperor.

"As for the reason..."

Hearing this, even Hu Hai couldn't help but prick up his ears.

He wanted to hear it too, why did the royal father punish himself in the first place without any explanation?

Even if he was beaten, it was because he accidentally called Baihei a beast.

As for the origin of Shi Huangdi's anger before, Hu Hai did not know at all.

"When the First Emperor saw that Young Master Hu Hai was drunk and misbehaved, behaved inappropriately, and drank too much, he was furious.

Gao Chong and Bai Hei looked at each other tacitly.

He skillfully concealed the propaganda by beating gongs and drums and the fact that Hu Hai secretly drank tribute wine.

Hearing this, Fusu understood.

He knew about his younger brother, and he must have been drinking too much, but he didn't know what nonsense he said because of his drunkenness.

Or take advantage of the convoy's entry into Xianyang, and do something outrageous.

As for Hu Hai himself, he had no memory of what happened after he was drunk.

So since Gao Chong said so, it seems very likely,

The royal father is so strong because he drinks too much. It seems that the royal father still loves himself!

While several people were talking, they saw Zhang Han hurriedly rushing over from outside.

Then lie down in Baihei's ear and whisper.

It turned out that the fastest-moving old nobles of the Six Kingdoms,

It has actually arrived in Jingyang County!

"Cuckoo--(Let's go and have a look.)

Bringing everyone, white and black took the lead, and the group walked to the city wall.

Looking from the top of the city, I saw a convoy appeared under the city wall at an unknown time.

There are a full three carriages, with dozens of followers in front and back.

Dressed richly and in gold and silver.

At a glance, you can see that they are not ordinary people.

Seeing this, Gao Chong couldn't help but stunned.

These nobles from the Six Kingdoms are really free.

Not long after he returned to Jingyang County, these people actually followed him?

"Hey! In the city!"

Soon, I saw a figure appear on the top of the city,

The people below began to shout loudly.

However, the tone did not seem to be very polite.

After all, in their opinion.

They took the initiative to come here from Xianyang City to buy Jingyang wine.

"Open the door! The lord is here to buy Jingyang wine!"

Posing an uncle's attitude, the following became more and more arrogant.

Silently, Gao Chong and the others all looked at Bai Zhu.

"Master Rui Beast, do you want to take action at the end and teach these people a lesson?'""

"Cuckoo—(It doesn't have to be.)

Baihei waved his hand and rejected Gao Chong's suggestion.

But he quickly turned his head to Ying Yinman: ['You asked Xiao He to prepare some wine and vegetables, and Jingyang wine. 】

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi said: ['Just move the forty altars!']

['Move them all to the city, and then prepare a bigger table. l

Although he didn't know what Little Rui Beast was going to do, Ying Yinman did everything.

And conveyed it to Xiao He without a word.

I saw people moving around in the city, but no one opened the door.

The people below became more and more angry, and shouted directly at the city: "God damn it, are the people above all deaf?"

"Your grandfather, I want to buy wine, open the door quickly!

He tried his best to shout towards the city, but he still received no response.

Not long after, the things that Bai Zhi wanted were brought up by Xiao He.

There are four whole huge tables put together.

There are more than 40 jars of good Jingyang wine.

Chicken, duck, and fish are prepared in various ways, and the colors are dazzling and greedy.

"Gugu--(Put it on, let's eat together!)"

Soon, he greeted several people around him, even including several Great Qin Ruishis who were guarding the city.

White and black, etc. are dozens of people sitting around the huge table.


At first, the few Great Qin Ruishis were a little cautious.

It was the first time to eat at the same table with the general, the county governor, and even the Lord Rui Beast, so they were not used to it.

But with a few glasses of Jingyang wine to eat.

The speed of their eating and drinking also gradually increased.

After eating it, even Ying Yinman was surprised to find out.

I, who has always been good at grabbing food from other people's mouths, actually lost to these rough men!

No matter what era, as long as there are more people, it will be very lively.

Under the influence of alcohol, these Great Qin Ruishis present, including their entourage, finally forgot their identities.

Mixed with the people around, what's more, even punched on the spot!

As the aroma of wine and meat spread, finally, the people waiting under the city realized something was wrong.

"Hey? Why does it seem that I smell wine and meat?"

"No way, you must have smelled it wrong!"

"There is only a city wall in this wilderness, where does the smell of wine and meat come from?

But soon, the person who spoke first looked towards the top of the city.

Right now, the sky is getting darker.

But through the candlelight on the city head, he could still vaguely see it.

I don't know when, a banquet was actually set up on the top of the city?



The people at the top of the city were very happy to drink.

The people under the city walls looked at each other in shock.

"They... are they setting a banquet on it?"

A follower asked uncertainly.

"seems like it!"

Looking at the shadowy figures, smelling the aroma of wine and meat on the nose, plus the sound of punching in my ears...

What is this not a feast?

"How dare they!

The headed butler was furious on the spot!

You know, he is the housekeeper of the Zhao family!

Even in Xianyang City, others will respect him three points!

This time, if it wasn't for the master's obsession with Jingyang wine, how could it be possible to send him here in person?

But what he never expected was that he was actually under this Jingyang city,

So humiliated!

He came to Jingyang County without even taking a sip of wine.

Originally, I was thinking that I could enter Jingyang County to eat and drink while Jingyang County was still closed.

Maybe there is still a chance to rush ahead of the master and have a good taste of this Jingyang wine!

But now, let alone Jingyang wine,

He can't even enter the gate of Jingyang County!

Seeing that it was getting late, if Jingyang County did not open the door, they would probably end up in the wilderness!

"In the city! Don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

"We are from the Zhao family, and we came to buy your wine to give you face."

"Those who know each other, quickly open the door for grandpa! 35

The boy who shouted was also hungry and had an empty stomach.

So this shout is obviously not as good as before.

"Useless things!"

(bbcc) hit the boy hard.

The housekeeper of the Zhao family decided to wait a little longer.

After all, when he came, the master gave thousands of instructions.

Whatever he said, he would buy Jingyang wine back.

If I go back now, I am afraid that I will be scolded.

After thinking about it, I saw that no one opened the door in the city.

As a last resort, the butler had no choice but to obey.

This time, he said it himself: "The heroes of the city!

"We came this time to buy your Jingyang wine!"

"The price is up to you!"

I have to say that this housekeeper is determined to break into this Jingyang County today.

"Steward, isn't that bad?

A boy said worriedly.

In fact, the little servant's worry is not unreasonable.

It's like some psychological warfare.

If a buyer comes up, tell the buyer,

"What I have is money, and you can set the price as you like.

That is equivalent to completely handing over the initiative to the other party and letting them ask for a price.

Of course, if the real rich people naturally don't care,

But the Zhao family is still not the top rich man in Daqin.

There are only two people in Daqin who are qualified to say this.

One is Baihei on the top of the city now, and the other is the first emperor who is reviewing memorials in Xianyang Palace.

But right now, the butler obviously can't take care of that much anymore.

As long as you can deceive the gate of Jingyang County, let's talk about the rest!

However, it seems that his little abacus didn't work.

The city pushed the cup for a change, the joy was still the same, and no one paid attention to them under the city.

"Wow, my Zhao family has never been so humiliated!"

"Today, my Zhao family will not buy this wine!"

After shouting at the city wall, the butler immediately turned around to pack his things and prepared to rush back to Xianyang.

The big deal is just being scolded by the master, and it will not be too late to wait until Jingyang County opens its doors tomorrow!

With this idea in mind, the team quickly packed up,

He turned his horse's head and ran towards Xianyang City.

on the city head.

"Lord Rui Beast, they are gone."

Although a group of people were drinking happily, Xiao He's eyes never forgot these people under the city wall.

As soon as they turned around and left, they immediately reported to Bai Zhu.


Bai Zhu stretched out his small paw and pointed to Zhang Han.

【‘You choose dozens of Great Qin Ruishis. Dream J

['Disguised as bandits and drove them back. 1

Under the translation of Ying Yinman, Zhang Han quickly understood and ordered to leave.

Looking at Zhang Han who was leaving, Xiao He silently drank a glass of Jingyang wine.

I have to say that on the matter of being inappropriate, Lord Baihei still has a lot to say.

In less than half an hour, when Bai Hei and the others on the city were drinking, there was another movement in the city.

Lying on the city wall while drunk, everyone saw him.

At this time, those who had just left and claimed to be the Zhao family,

I don't know why, but I am running towards the city wall in embarrassment.

Their carriage had long since disappeared, and only the butler was left on the horse, and ran back to the city as if to escape.

The remaining little servants were even more embarrassed, and could only roll and crawl behind the butler.

Escape to the city of Jingyang County.

"The heroes of the city, open the door!

"We met robbers on the way, we are willing to give all the money and open the gates quickly!

After life is threatened, money really becomes an extraneous thing.

At this time, the housekeeper didn't care about his identity, let alone how much he spent, and even the original purpose and the matter of buying wine were all forgotten.

He has only one thought now, and that is to escape into the city safely.

But unfortunately, the city gate of Jingyang County remained motionless, and it seemed that the people in the city did not intend to let them in.

But when I turned around, it seemed that the bandits were also concerned about the strong city of Jingyang County, so they didn't follow them, but disappeared.

The entire group let out a long sigh of relief, and finally saved their lives.

However, once this person is safe, his temper will easily increase.

Since the robbers didn't follow him, the housekeeper was also angry.

Good guy, Jingyang County is actually dying!

One to two to go, he also thought about it.

Anyway, today is also destined to sleep on the streets, so why not teach you a good lesson?

"God damn it! You can't help you when you see death!

This time, with full of anger, the housekeeper was extremely indignant.

The huge swearing sound made everyone in the city hear it clearly.

Bai Hei suddenly sank his face.

It seems that the housekeeper of the Zhao family is really restless!

"Lord Rui Beast, I will order the archers and teach them a lesson!

Seeing Bai Hei's gloomy face, Xiao He quickly stood up.

"Cuckoo—(It doesn't have to be.)"

['Let Xiao He go and fetch thirty jars of Jingyang wine']

['Ten altars were poured down the city wall, and the other twenty altars picked out a few great Qin Ruishis and poured them on their heads']

After listening to Ying Yinman's remarks, Xiao He was numb.

Ruiwu-sama really doesn't do anything about people!

Faced with this kind of behavior, all he can say is... Well done!

Soon, Xiao He took 20 Great Qin Ruishis to the top of the city again.

These twenty Great Qin Ruishis were carefully selected by him.

If nothing else, nothing is more accurate than them when it comes to throwing things!

"Throw the twenty jars of Jingyang wine in front of you at the fire below!

I saw Xiao He gave an order,

These 20 Great Qin Ruishis have one altar, aiming at the fire below, it is an indiscriminate bombardment!

Just a few seconds later.

The sound of "crackling" came from the bottom of the city.

At the same time, there were constant screams.

Everyone saw it clearly, and the fire under the city disappeared immediately.

It's not that these people left, but to prevent people in the city from discovering their specific location.

Taking a deep look at the city, Xiao He has silently given a big compliment to Lord Rui Beast in his heart!

As expected of a panda, you have taken all the bamboo shoots on the mountain!

In the city, the banquet was almost over.

So everyone went away.

But before leaving, Bai Hei specially ordered to go on.

Every half an hour, ten jars of Jingyang wine are thrown down along the city wall.

Be sure to make sure that the fragrance of the wine will permeate Jingyang City all night long!

The people above the city have rested, but the people below are suffering.

Originally, there was some lights, so they could rest for a while by candlelight.

But then, a burst of "Jingyang wine rain" made their clothes completely wet.

The weather was cold in the first place, and it was windy at night.

Under the breeze, they can not only smell the intoxicating aroma of wine, but also clearly feel the chill on their bodies!

But unfortunately, they can neither drink nor dry.

Not only are the greedy worms difficult to solve, but the wet clothes on their bodies are also unbearable for them.

To make a fire?

But what if there is another "Jingyang wine rain" in the city?

How about moving to a place far away from Jingyang City?

God knows where the robbers are at this time!

Once they met and lost their lives, it would be worth the loss.

After several weighings, the butler had no choice but to huddle with a few servants in the dark, and sadly chose to report to the group to keep warm.

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