I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 116 A big black pot! The pitiful Hu Hai

After saying goodbye to Lord Rui Beast, Gao Chong immediately returned to his house.

After simply packing his luggage, he quickly selected fifty people among the one hundred Qin Ruishis.

As the accompanying soldiers on this expedition.

Although Jingyang is only more than 80 miles away from Xianyang, it can be reached in only one day.

But Gao Chong did not dare to relax at all.

You know, Da Qin at this time is not Haiyan Heqing.

Historically, since Qin unified the six kingdoms,

Qin's law was quite heavy, and the people could not bear it.

The reason why Liu Bang was so popular after he entered Xianyang.

A large part of it comes from his "Three Chapters of the Covenant"


"Murderers are guilty of death, wounding, and theft. 99

The rest of the Qin laws were all repealed.

In this way, not only all the officials were as peaceful as before, but the people were also very happy when they heard about it.

According to records, when the people in Guanzhong heard the news, they all praised each other:

"If Liu Peigong can return to Kanto, then the common people will have a good life."

The reason why Liu Bang was able to gain the favor of the elders in Guanzhong in a short period of time had a lot to do with the heavy criminal law of the Qin Dynasty.

As we all know, after the first emperor unified the six kingdoms, he adopted the law of the king of Shang.

The most important feature of the law of the Shangjun is the heavy punishment for light crimes.

It can be said that "emphasis on order and strictness" can be said to be a major feature of the law of the Shangjun.

For example, how strict is the Qin law?

According to the "Biography of Li Si" in "Historical Records":

"The law of the monarch of the Shang is to punish those who abandon the ashes to the Tao.

"The method of Qin Lian sitting next to each other, those who abandon ashes to the Taoist tattoo."

To put it bluntly, throwing garbage is punishable by tattoos.

The so-called "tattoo" is to engrave on the face.

Refer to the criminal law that Lin Chong, the leopard head in "Water Margin", was subjected to.

What's more, according to legend, there is such a clause in the Qin law:

"Adult males who howl for no reason will be sent to the government."

Regardless of whether this second clause is true or not.

The harshness of Qin's law is evident.

Under such harsh criminal law, the lives of the common people often walk on a tightrope.

Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, as the pavilion chief, could still be a bandit when he was escorting the people.

Not to mention many other people.

However, when the first emperor was in power, no matter how rampant bandits were in the world.

As soon as it expands, the state apparatus will quickly turn on its head and put it out.

This is why when the first emperor died, the world was in chaos.

And right now, although these bandits have not yet become a climate.

But precisely, it became a spark in the eyes of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms.

They colluded with these bandits and provided them with food and weapons for their own use.

Therefore, even at the foot of Xian 11 Yang, there is still the possibility of being looted by bandits.

According to Bai Hei's instructions, these fifty great Qin Ruishis all wore heavy armor and used broad swords.

In addition to these fifty Qin Ruishis, Gao Chong also specially selected ten of his own cronies in the army.

I think that the person who communicates and reports on the journey.

A group of sixty-two people, ten jars of wine.

There were sixty-one horses and one carriage.

This carriage was naturally prepared for Hu Hai - although Hu Hai himself intended to ride.

However, according to Gao Chong,

Hu Hai is a prince with a noble status and is not suitable for riding a horse.

Therefore, Hu Hai was shoved into the carriage.

Hu Hai knew in his heart that Gao Chong did this to better monitor himself.

Avoid running away.

But these sixty people, fifty Qin Ruishi and ten servants.

However, he couldn't command a single one, and in desperation, he had to obey Gao Chong's arrangement.

But obeying did not mean that he gave up the idea of ​​​​running.

Starting from Jingyang, along the way, he carefully observed in the carriage.

I have to say that in order to escape, Hu Hai still worked hard.

In this day and age, horse-drawn carriage was a form of torture.

First, although Daqin has a gallop, it is only for military and official use.

Furthermore, the relationship between Xianyang and Jingyang originally belonged to a subordinate relationship, and naturally there was no escalation.

As a result, the road conditions are extremely poor!

Both, the shock absorption and steering function of the carriages of this era are extremely poor.

So that when the carriage is turning, it is very easy for people to lead the carriage and overturn to the ground together.

So it was only three miles away.

Hu Hai felt that his ass was about to be turned in half.

But he was still patient, looking out from the carriage, trying to get under the siege of the surrounding Da Qin Ruishi,

Find a silver lining.

But obviously, Gao Chong was already prepared for this.

As the leader of this team,

Gao Chong was neither at the front nor at the back.

Instead, he chose to go hand in hand with the carriage that Hu Hai rode in and move forward together.

In this way, no matter what happened, Hu Hai would be closely monitored and unable to move.

Therefore, Hu Hai's only hope now is that a wave of bandits will come and loot the carriage!

Now, ten jars of Jingyang wine are on his carriage.

Once the bandits came, Gao Chong would definitely rush up to fight them.

Then he can take this opportunity to drive the carriage himself and escape from this place.

As for where to go, Hu Hai still doesn't know.

But in short, as long as you leave this Jingyang County, you can go anywhere!

To his disappointment, however, the journey was smooth sailing.

Not to mention that I didn't encounter bandits and bandits, I almost didn't even see half a person.

Think about it too, at the feet of the emperor, especially the emperor like the first emperor.

Who dares to make a mistake?

Even if Qin Fa is quite heavy, he can only endure it silently, right?

As long as the first emperor is in one day, others will not dare to make trouble!

Furthermore, the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms were only entrenched around Xianyang City at this time.

At present, the First Emperor was in good health, although they did a lot of things secretly.

But on the bright side, especially this kind of robbery of court tributes.

They still dare not do it.

Once caught, it would be a big crime of beheading!

Taking ten thousand steps back, Hu Hai and the others are the team.

As long as there is no problem with the eyes, you can see that there are no valuables.

Therefore, it is not worth taking the risk of being punished by the nine clans and going to snatch it.

Not to mention, the fire phoenix spear in Gao Chong's hand.

From a distance, it is intimidating.

until reaching Xianyang.

The speed of the entire team slowed down.

Came to the gate of Xianyang city.

Suddenly, Gao Chong waved the long spear in his hand and motioned for the convoy to stop.

Although I don't know why Gao Chong stopped,

But Hu Hai himself was very happy.

He was finally able to stop and think about how he should intercede with his father.

Then let the father emperor issue a transfer order to transfer himself from Jingyang County.

Thinking like this, the curtain of the carriage was quickly pulled open.

Looking up, it was Gao Chong.

"You...what are you doing?"

I have to say, Hu Hai's courage is very small.

At least the current Hu Hai has not transformed into the Qin Ershi who killed all twenty of his brothers and sisters in the history books of later generations.

Especially in the face of Gao Chong's unparalleled aura, Hu Hai felt a natural fear.

"His Royal Highness, I want to take something in the carriage, please make way.

Gao Chong said neither humble nor arrogant.

So, in Hu Hai's astonished eyes.

Gao Chong took out a pre-prepared sign from under the seat of the carriage.

And a gong and gavel.

Although he had doubts in his heart, Hu Hai did not dare to ask any more questions.

Let Gao Chong take out these things.

More importantly, Hu Hai noticed.

There seems to be three jars of Jingyang wine under the seat of the carriage!

This made him want to open these wines and drink him happily!

You know, don't look at others in Jingyang County.

But this Jingyang wine can only be smelled every day, but not the wine.

What's more, whether it is Gao Chong or Zhang Han, or Xiao He or Li Xin.

Several people have tasted this kind of wine.

Looking at their hearty posture while drinking, Hu Hai naturally couldn't hold it back.

However, several attempts were stopped by Fusu.

The reasons for stopping Hu Hai are different each time.

But the ending is surprisingly similar, that is: no drink!

However, what comforted Hu Hai a little was that Fusu not only forbid him to drink it, but also did not drink it himself.

When the two phases are looking for compensation, Hu Hai's heart is also balanced.

After taking out the contents of the carriage, Gao Chong quickly handed it over to a Great Qin Ruishi.

Then, the convoy began to slowly drive into Xianyang City.

"Clang clang!

"Hu Hai, the eighteenth prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, presented ten jars of Jingyang tribute wine!

As the convoy moved forward slowly, loud shouts also rang out with the convoy.

Hu Hai, who was thinking about how to secretly drink these three jars of wine in the car, was suddenly stunned.

It seemed that he couldn't believe his ears.

He got close to the window of the carriage, opened the curtain, and looked out.

I saw a big Qin Ruishi walking at the front of the team,

As he walked, he beat the gong and shouted, "Hu Hai, the eighteenth prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, presented ten jars of Jingyang tribute wine!"

At this point, no matter how stupid Hu Hai was, he understood why Bai Zhu made himself the puppet pioneer.

This is clearly to use yourself as a sign!

For a while, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. After all, he was the eighteenth prince of Da Qin.

Hu Hai was angry, and immediately took out a jar of fine wine from the ground of the seat.

He didn't want to be discovered by Gao Chong.

He immediately opened the sealing mud, then aimed at his throat and took a big mouthful!

"Whoo-good wine! Good wine!"

After taking a sip of wine, Hu Hai's face flushed red and he was intoxicated.

He couldn't care less at this moment.

Now that I have been regarded as a tool man, let me have a good drink!

As Hu Hai released himself, Gao Chong, who was outside the carriage, quickly smelled the aroma of wine inside the carriage.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Gao Chong's face was full of successful smiles.

Everything is as expected by Mr. White and Black!

Deliberately suppressing the speed of the convoy, Gao Chong directed the convoy to bypass the shortest route to Xianyang Palace.

He chose a longer route.

Not because of anything else, because of where this road passes.

It is the place where the first emperor moved the nobles of the six kingdoms!

In 221 BC, the First Emperor unified the world and moved the world's richest people to 120,000 households in Xianyang.

To put it simply, the nobles of the six countries scattered all over the world migrated to Xianyang.

This move is another manifestation of the great talent of the first emperor.

First, Xianyang was the economic and political center of the Qin Dynasty, and these nobles from the six countries lived under the eyes of the imperial court, no matter whether it was surveillance or control, if they found any signs, they would kill them or cut them out.

Both, the prestige of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms is limited to the homeland of the Six Kingdoms.

In the homeland of the Six Kingdoms, they can call the wind and call the rain, and they are omnipotent.

But once they migrate to Xianyang, they can uproot their power from their old place!

At the same time, they completely cut off their contact with the remnants of the Six Nations, which fundamentally eliminated the possibility of them committing chaos.

The three, since they are nobles, means rich.

After they arrive in Xianyang, at least they have to consume.

After so much wealth has flowed into Xianyang, it is difficult for Xianyang city to be underdeveloped!

And this is what white and black value!

Although the first emperor did not relocate all the nobles of the six kingdoms.

But in this way, the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms are divided into two factions.

One faction is the nobles of the Six Nations who have not migrated.

Such as Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu, Zhang Liang and so on.

These people have been entrenched in their homeland, using the power in their hands to oppose Da Qin.

It is not easy to earn money from the nobles of the Six Nations.

Because most of their money is used to collude with local bandits.

Or it is used to accumulate troops and yin to support the dead.

So they themselves are short of money.

This is why they tried every means to connect with another faction of the old nobles of the Six Kingdoms far away in Xianyang City.

The other faction was the nobles of the Six Nations who migrated to Xianyang City.

For them.

Under the emperor's feet, not only did they dare not do something secretly by themselves.

Even those "poor relatives" who came from their old places were afraid to accept them.

The reason is very simple.

They have moved to Xianyang City for generations.

Once something happens to the public, no one can escape!

Therefore, since the country cannot be restored.

Simply, these people began to enjoy themselves with the wealth and resources at hand.

On the one hand, the wealth they have in their hands and the rich experience they have accumulated through the ages.

Enough for them and their descendants to live a prosperous life in Xianyang.

On the other hand, they can do nothing but enjoy themselves.

Therefore, this part of the nobles of the Six Nations is the market that Bai Zhu really needs!

On one side is Daqin Ruishi, who is beating gongs and drums, loudly and vigorously promoting.

On the other side is Huhai Mountain drinking Haiyong in the car.

At this time, he had already reached the third altar.

The whole person was also drunk and unconscious.

So that half of the third jar of wine was sprinkled on him, but he didn't know it.

As a result, Jingyang wine, which was originally added by an intermediate wine-making factory, is extremely mellow.

Coupled with the operation of Hu Hai, the fragrance of Jingyang wine slowly enveloped the entire street along with the slow-moving motorcade.

"Smell, what's this smell?

"Like... it's wine?"

The nobles of the Six Nations who were idle at home quickly smelled the aroma of wine.

When they were looking for a source of fine wine.

The sound of the gong came at the right time: "Clang clang clang!

"Hu Hai, the eighteenth prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, presented ten jars of Jingyang tribute wine! 99

Huhai? Jingyang tribute wine?

The nobles of the six kingdoms looked at each other.

when did it happen?

But because of the word tribute wine, many people only dare to smell it.

Only a few daring families quietly sent a servant to come to ask.

"Dare to ask this... General.

720 hesitantly looked up and down at Gao Chong, the servant who came over couldn't help but shivered and asked respectfully, "Excuse me, General, is this scent of wine?"

"Is there any other wine besides tribute wine?"

"My master is willing to pay a high price to buy it!"

Originally, these little servants were extremely domineering.

Even in Xianyang City, as long as they don't break the law, no one dares to do anything to them.

But in the face of Gao Chong's aura, the servant was obviously timid.

Gao Chong neither agreed nor opposed to this little servant's question.

Instead, he raised his hand to signal the team to stop.

He is waiting.

Wait for the servants from other families to arrive.

as predicted.

Less than a stick of incense time.

As the aroma of wine spread, many nobles of the Six Nations were aroused by greed.

Even if you just ask, don't touch it!

Maybe this wine is sold in addition to tribute?

As a result, many aristocrats from the Six Nations who had not dared to make a move were secretly rubbing it.

He also quietly dispatched his own housekeeper or servant to come to inquire about the truth.

It was not until his eyes were filled with people from various families that Gao Chong bowed his hands to everyone: "Everyone, I entered Xianyang this time to escort the tribute wine. 99

"In addition to the ten altars for offering wine, there are only three jars of Jingyang wine left.

"You can give it to you and taste it together.

Contrary to the expectations of these little servants, Gao Chong did not ask for sky-high prices because of the large number of buyers.

Instead, these wines were generously given to them!

However, in this way, the amount of Jingyang wine that each family can receive is only a small cup.

Looking at the departing nobles of the Six Nations.

Gao Chong rode on the horse and was puzzled.

From his standpoint, it is naturally impossible to understand Bai Hei's good intentions.

"Hunger marketing"

"Trial Strategy"

These are two important means in later commercial warfare.

The so-called hunger marketing, is used in the commercial promotion of goods or services, generally refers to intentionally lowering sales, controlling the relationship between supply and demand, in order to achieve a higher level of profitability.

The "trial strategy" is a kind of promotion method that gives the product to potential consumers in a free way for them to try or try, and induce consumers to buy.

But now, these nobles have long been greedy under the temptation of wine.

In addition, after everyone scrambled, each family could only get one cup.

This naturally makes Jingyang wine invisibly precious.

Coupled with its "tribute wine" name and its mellow and sweet taste,

It can be predicted that the name of Jingyang wine will be popular among the nobles of the six countries in Xianyang in the future!

As for the three jars of wine, they were obtained from the three jars that Gao Chong drank out of Hu Hai!

This time, not only Hu Hai himself became the spokesperson of Jingyang wine.

The eighteenth prince of Daqin, offering Jingyang tribute wine to his father!

And by the way, he also helped Baihei to leave some sparks for the nobles of the Six Nations to buy Jingyang wine in the future.

At the same time, in order to repay Hu Hai.

Baihei also specially gave Hu Hai a big black pot.

The eighteenth prince of Daqin offered wine to his father.

As soon as the wine entered Xianyang City, before entering the palace, he drank three altars by himself.

It's enough to drink three altars,

But seeing Xianyang City right in front of you,

Hu Hai was drunk.

He opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at Hu Hai, who was lying unconscious in the carriage,

And the mess around him.

I really don't know how wonderful the expression on Shi Huang's face would be if he saw this scene.

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