I! Great Qin Rui Beast, Q\u0026A About the Opening Luck

Chapter 103 Qu0026A reward for Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng! 10 rich choices!

【Rewards are being distributed—】

[Confucian Sage Confucius, get two rewards, please choose]

[Characteristic. Martial Saint]

【Yellow Turban Lux x1000】

[Confucian classics. Four Books and Five Classics (including The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, etc.)]

【Muscle-Muscle Strengthening x1】


Four awards appeared in front of the Confucian sage Confucius.

They are the 'characteristics. Martial Saint' that can greatly enhance the strength of the individual.

As well as the 'Yellow Turban Warriors' who can conquer the world, or enhance the power of the family.

And the special books that can improve the 'learning attribute' - four books and five classics, a total of nine books, if all of them are used by one person, I am afraid that the learning attribute will directly improve several steps.


The last option.

It can make the Confucian sage Confucius, who is already terrifying in strength, rise to a new level again.

Of course, the magnitude of the improvement may not be as great as before, and it would be impossible to break through the 100 mark of force.


Look at the four options in front of you.

The Confucian sage Confucius stroked his long white beard and fell into deep thought.

For him, each reward is just a name, but it has no specific effect, so he was hesitant for a while, not knowing what to choose.

Wu Sheng!

Usually used to refer to 'Guan Yu'.

Of course, this does not mean that Guan Yu's force has reached the peak level in China's history.

It's just because his bravery and command are the best in the world, and at the same time, he is loyal and righteous. In the face of Cao Cao's sugar-coated cannonballs, he will not shake his thoughts at all, and he only wants to follow Liu Bei wholeheartedly.

Not only that.

In the Battle of Guandu, he was able to kill Yan Liang and Wen Chou among thousands of troops.

In scraping bone healing, talking and laughing freely, it can be said that Ren has strong endurance.

Since it is Guan Yu's characteristic, it is generally in the aspect of increasing martial power, and even white and black are a bit unbearable. You said that Confucian Confucius is a good scholar, why does he always reward a bunch of things that increase martial power.

['This Confucian sage Confucius is already fierce enough, and it is estimated that in their era, they can rank among the top three in the world. ’]

['If this is to do another 'Characteristic. Martial Saint'. ’]

['I really can't think of any other general who could surpass Confucius in his day. ’]


Baihei smacked his lips and thought silently in his heart.

Even if he didn't see the attribute in detail, Bai Zhu could almost guess the effect of 'Characteristic. Martial Saint'.

Basically the ability to increase bursts.

after all.

Guan Yu's characteristic is that he explodes, and the first three swords are suddenly outrageous.

According to Bai Hei, 'Characteristic. Martial Saint' means that the first move force +1, the second move +2, the third move +3, and after all three moves use 700 to go out, it is equivalent to an increase of 6 points of force .

The Confucian sage Confucius has 96 points of conventional strength, and the blessing of weapons reaches 98 points.

Coupled with the 'military skill. Clothes burst', it can temporarily reach 100 points.

If the firepower is full, the strongest blow of the Confucian sage Confucius can even be comparable to the full blow of the first shot of the Southern Song Dynasty, Gao Chong!

Of course, this is just a flash in the pan.

After three moves, if the enemy is not beheaded, the effect of 'Characteristic. Martial Sage' will disappear, and the Confucian Sage Confucius will fall back to the normal level, and even a little weak state.

"This old man loves peace, so let's forget about fighting and killing.

The Confucian sage Confucius hesitated for a while.

In the end, he gave up the first reward—the trait. Martial Saint.

For ordinary warriors, the allure of this characteristic is absolutely unattainable, but I, Confucius, are a scholarly gentleman, and even if I occasionally move my fists, how can I fight and kill all day long.

What a system!

Although, in Qin Shi Huang's impression of Ying Zheng, he was already a warrior who 'convinces people with virtue'.

"Yellow Turban Warriors?"

Afterwards, the Confucian sage Confucius turned his attention to the second reward.

The Yellow Turban Warriors were a special unit trained by General Zhang Jiao of Tiangong. Every one of them possessed a fanatical belief, and they were completely religious lunatics.

After special means of training, their epidermis is extremely tough, after wearing heavy armor.

It is like a humanoid tank on the battlefield.


Of course, the genuine Yellow Turban Warriors were regular soldiers in the Immortal Realm, and this was just a trump card force trained by Zhang Jiao according to the contents recorded in the Book of Peace.

"This unit, this old man has heard Kong Rong say it."

"I heard that they are all composed of religious lunatics, and their strength is hard to resist. If the number is not too small, I am afraid that the imperial army will be in danger.

"The old man doesn't need them to expand the territory. If they all come to learn - to learn the knowledge of the old man, they should be able to study it feverishly, and then continue to spread it and transmit it to all parts of the world. 39

Like some good idea came up.

The eyes of Confucius, the Confucian sage, suddenly lit up, and he felt that this (bbcc) method was good.

Although he has three thousand disciples and seventy-two sages.

However, among the three thousand disciples, those who were able to follow him unswervingly were able to achieve the Three Achievements, and most of them just listened to him teach a few lessons, and then left because of various things.


I have the Yellow Turban Lux.

It is equivalent to having 1,000 'well-behaved and obedient' students who will unswervingly follow themselves.

Moreover, each of them is extremely powerful. After all, it can be called the existence of the 'ace army'. How could it be some general generation? If anyone dares to ridicule themselves, the Confucian sage Confucius does not mind letting the other party know what a 'group' is. beat'



To be precise.

How can the matter of the scholars be called a gang fight?

It's called a righteous beating!

"This is good, very good. 99


As if thinking of that scene, the Confucian sage Confucius nodded approvingly.

He just likes this feeling of 'justice beating', otherwise he would not have developed the habit of 'serving people with virtue' since he was a child.

in his heart.

This option is already checked.

The third reward - Confucian classics. Four books and five classics!

List of Four Books: The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, and Mencius.

List of Five Classics: "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Changes", "Spring and Autumn" five works.


Many books were compiled by the disciples of Confucius in later generations.

Therefore, Confucius in this era remained confused about the contents of the Four Books and Five Classics, because he had never heard of them, but these books contained the contents of Confucian classics.

The attraction of this is self-evident for the Confucian sage Confucius who is obsessed with books.

"Although I really want to choose this, the fourth reward is a bit confusing.

The Confucian sage Confucius took a deep breath.

The tangled look on his face is self-evident.

He really wants to indulge in the ocean of knowledge, but what kind of sports-loving man can refuse a 'muscle-strengthening' bonus.

After the muscle-muscle strengthening reward of the 'Fame List', his body returned to its peak state.

The whole body is full of strength, and the old waist, which was shivering because of his old age, feels a lot better.

If this is to happen again, wouldn't it just go straight to the sky?!

"That's all.

"The old man is getting old, and the muscle-muscle strengthening is only physical strength, but it cannot increase the old man's lifespan. 35

"In contrast, the knowledge of books can be passed down from generation to generation."

This time.

The Confucian sage Confucius did not choose a reward to enhance himself.

In the final analysis, he was called a 'Confucian sage', not because of his extraordinary force, but because of his profound knowledge, which convinced countless disciples and made them follow him willingly.

As the saying goes, if you hear the Dao in the morning, you can die in the evening!

Being able to see the 'Confucian classics', he, Confucius, died without regret!

"The old man chooses the Yellow Turban Warriors, and the Confucian classics. Four Books and Five Classics. 35

[Ding, ‘Yellow Turban Lux x 1000°, ‘Confucian Classics. Four Books and Five Classics’ has been issued’]


Accompanied by the voice of the luck question and answer space.

Two golden rays of light instantly poured into the palm of the Confucian sage Confucius, one was a 'arms card' and nine books with a strong scent of ink.

Included the 'arms card' into the wide sleeves.

The Confucian sage Confucius gently flipped through the nine books as if he was touching a treasure.

There is no time to watch carefully, but there is still no problem with a cursory glance to satisfy my thirst for knowledge.

[Ding, have mastered the "University"]

[Politics +1, Learning +3]


[Ding, I have mastered "The Doctrine of the Mean"]

[Politics +1, Learning +3]


[Ding, have mastered the Analects of Confucius]

[Politics +1, Learning +3]


One after another voice, constantly resounding in the mind of Confucian sage Confucius.

A large amount of Confucian classic knowledge kept pouring into his mind, causing his academic attributes to skyrocket at a geometric speed!


Nine Confucian classic books.

The knowledge contained in it was fully integrated by the Confucian sage Confucius.

[Confucian Confucius, force 98 (96+2), politics 95 (86+9), knowledge 135 (108+3x9)]


For a moment.

The intellectual attributes of the Confucian sage Confucius have soared to a whole new level.

The name of 'Confucian sage'.

Unbelievably knowledgeable.

Originally, he was still the image of a muscular man, but after obtaining the bonus of this knowledge, his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant, and he has a feeling of transcendence.

【Rewards are being distributed—】

【Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, get four rewards, please choose】

[1. God General Summoning Card x1 (can summon generals with military force and a single command of no less than 95)]

[2. Peerless Counselor Summoning Card x1 (can summon counselors whose political and intelligence items are not less than 95)]

[3. Emperor Dao Chixiao Sword (force +8, with the power of Emperor Dao Chixiao)]

[4. Elite troops. Mysterious armor heavy cavalry x30000 (heavy armored iron cavalry in the Tang Dynasty)]

[5. Elite troops. Dahan Tiger Ben Army x30000 (heavy armored infantry in the Han Dynasty)]

[6. Characteristics. Fighting God (every thirty rounds, force +1)]

[7. Characteristics. Vulcan (when using fire attack, power +50%)]

[8. Empire characteristics. Soldiers are extremely fast (army movement speed +30%, physical consumption -20%)]

[9. Diagram of the manufacture of the treasure ship of the Ming Dynasty (the treasure ship of the Ming Dynasty can be manufactured)]

[10. Corn x1000 Stones]


Because of the capture of Luoyang City.

He has won up to 15 points, so Qin Shihuang Yingzheng can choose four rewards this time, and the strength of this reward far exceeds the previous quality.


The higher the score, the higher the quality of the reward given.

The richness of this reward made Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng take a deep breath.

Even if his family has a great career, it is far from being comparable to Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian, etc., but he is deeply shocked by the reward in front of him at this moment, which is really too much!

See these rewards.

It made Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian and the others instantly jealous.

Good guy, let's not mention anything else, there can be two elite troops with a size of 30,000, adding up to a total of 60,000 elites!

If this was given to them, wouldn't it take off on the spot in minutes and start killing?!


Only the Confucian sage Confucius is relatively calm.

After all, he is also a lot of age, and his desire to pursue fame and fortune is not as strong as those of the young people.


Liu Bei took a deep breath.

Although these rewards were not his, they did not prevent his inner turbulence.

no way.

It's really shocking.

The cost of supporting so many elite troops is definitely not low. After all, one is a heavy cavalry and the other is a heavy infantry. They eat a lot every day. After all, they need high-intensity exercise to increase their physical strength and provide continuous combat capability.

Although there is no way to choose, it is good to feast your eyes.

"White and black, what do you think is better to choose. 35

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng calmed down and asked.

related to the choice of reward.

Because of many things, he didn't know what it meant.

Therefore, in this aspect of the choice, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng still has to respect the opinion of the 'protecting the country's auspicious beast', and then make his own choice.

[‘God Summoning Card is enough. 'J


Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng asked in confusion.

Wouldn't it be a good thing to be able to directly draw a general with a force of no less than 95 in a single item.


If you are lucky enough.

It is even possible to directly draw out top generals like Yuwen Chengdu and Gao Chong. This is definitely a profitable business. Originally, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng wanted to spend a chance to get a reward to play the essence of 'dog gambling' again. A soul-stirring lottery.

However, Bai Hei's words made him have to give up this idea.

【‘Think about how many generals you have under your command now. ’]

[‘The five tiger generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, the brave twelve tiger ministers, and Gao Chong, Li Xin, Han Xin, Wang Ben, Wang Jian, Meng Wu and others who are not in the ranks, there is no shortage of talents in the field of military commanders. dream

[‘At least, there will be no urgent needs for the time being. ’]


Facing Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng's doubts, Bai Zhu gave his own opinion.

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