I, Giyuu Uchiha, am not hated!

Chapter 3 Gifts and Eye-Opening (5000)


The sound of closing and opening doors sounded one after another.

When Yiyong returned home, he subconsciously glanced at the shoe cabinet next to the entrance.

Five pairs of slippers and one pair is a lot, which means no one is going home.

【Very good. 】

【No one disturbs me cooking anymore. 】

He was a little irritated when he thought about the last time he came back late and Itachi fried eggs for Sasuke alone and ended up spreading eggs all over the kitchen.

But when he saw that Itachi hadn't fried the eggs well, his expression was even more annoyed than him, and he even had an extra dot in his left eye, Giyuu didn't say anything more, but from now on, he never wanted to see his brother in the kitchen again.

And the food cooked by my mother, how should I say, tastes okay, but not as good as him. Sasuke, who was already used to eating the food cooked by Giyu, didn't like the change of taste very much, which would inevitably make his mother feel disappointed.

To sum up, it is better to leave Uchiha Giyuu alone in the Uchiha family's kitchen.

However, what happened was contrary to expectations——

"Is Yiyong back?"

A clear and sweet voice came from the kitchen.

Yiyong's eyes narrowed, and his originally dark blue irises suddenly glowed with a faint red light.

Uchiha Mikoto walked out of the kitchen wearing cleaning shoe covers and carrying a mop, looking at her youngest son with a smile on her face.

"Mom came back from get off work early, are you happy Yiyong?"

After Giyuu began to take charge of the housework and Fugaku's strict dissuasion failed, Mikoto, who had nothing to do, went back to take care of the students who graduated from the ninja school.

However, considering that today was the birthday of her two youngest sons, she gave the students a break and came back early to clean up after a long time.

When Yiyong saw that his mother was not holding kitchen utensils, but was just cleaning, the red light in his eyes gradually faded.

Looking at the floor that was not completely dry, he thought for a moment, turned around and was about to open the door and go outside to wait for the floor to dry before coming in.

Mikoto used a teleportation technique to appear between Giyu and Damon. She put her hands on her hips and pouted, pretending to be unhappy. In fact, she was imitating an old school friend with red hair.

"Why, you don't say hello to your mother when you see her? That will make me sad."

She, Uchiha Mikoto, has three sons with different personalities, so her methods of dealing with them must be different.

The eldest, Itachi Uchiha, is thoughtful but very mature. Treat him as an adult and he will communicate with you openly and honestly (probably maybe).

The second oldest, Uchiha Sasuke, was spoiled by his older brother and younger brother, but he eagerly longed for his father's approval. As long as it came to Fugaku and Itachi's expectations for him, he would temporarily put aside his naughty naughtiness and be serious and obedient.

The third oldest, Giyuu Uchiha, is the most difficult to deal with among the three.

Once, Uchiha Fugaku asked his family not to talk to him for a week in order to get Giyuu to take the initiative to talk to others, and see who could survive.

Of course, in the end, Yiyong won the game, but it made the couple miserable.

The child Giyuu, call him naive, but he often shows a look that says "I've seen through everything" and "There's nothing to care about". He can calmly respond to any provocation from his peers or even criticism from Fugaku. Deal with it.

He neither craved the praise of others nor the attention of his parents, but instead quietly took over the responsibility of taking care of Itachi and Sasuke's food, clothing, housing and transportation. When he didn't speak, he was even more like the eldest son of the family than Itachi.

But let's call him mature. He doesn't care about other people's looks at all. He will do rude things from time to time and express his most direct thoughts without any hesitation. He can also easily hurt other people's feelings.

For example, a few days ago, Sasuke and Itachi were learning the Go Fireball Technique. After finally blowing out a little flame, they went to Giyuu to show off.

Based on Giyu's consistent care for Sasuke, no one would have imagined that he would just blurt out -

"Do you want to learn how to light candles?"

Because of this, Sasuke never said another word to Giyu until today. Of course, he kept eating.

But for such a child who only told the truth, Mikoto couldn't understand what he was thinking at all.

If you want this child to communicate with you, you must use a slightly exaggerated and intrusive posture to attack him continuously in an almost stalking manner.

And he seems to be unable to distinguish those subtle emotions. Mikoto can only make Giyuu feel her mental state by pretending to be dramatic, angry, sad, etc.

Sure enough, when he saw his mother blocking the door, looking a little angry, Yiyong stopped. Then he started to say hello——

"Have a bad day at work?"

Uchiha Mikoto decided to admit defeat.

She knelt down and grabbed Yiyong's rigid little face, pulled out a stiff smile, and asked somewhat depressedly: "Aren't you happy that I'm back?"

"Don't you come back every day?"

Yiyong tilted his head, "It's only worth being happy if we haven't seen each other for a long time."

For example, seeing Tanjiro survive and return from a dangerous mission, Nezuko is also safe and sound.

For example, when I returned to Saagiri Mountain, I saw smoke rising from Master Lintaki’s hut from a distance.

For example, he had a premonition that he was about to die. When he passed by Fengzhu Fusichuan's house, he heard that guy and his neighbor arguing about "whether there are ghosts in the world." It seemed that he could still live for a while.

Knowing that everyone may lose their lives at any time, but still surviving, this is something worth being happy about.

"I lost to you."

Uchiha Mikoto lowered her head.

This was an action she would never do in front of Itachi and Sasuke.

She glanced at the ingredients in the plastic bag, but she didn't worry about the price.

"Aren't you tired of carrying such a heavy thing back alone?"

“There are breaks along the way.”

What Giyuu said was that when he met the yellow hair, the eldest lady of the Hinata family, and Kakashi, he temporarily put down the things in his hands.

"Hey...salmon. It's an ingredient I don't know how to handle. It seems I can't help."

Uchiha Mikoto picked up the bag and walked into the kitchen, asking by the way: "So what are Giyuu planning to do today?"

"Caviar sushi, bonito rice balls, sashimi, radish salmon stew, pan-fried salmon belly, and three-color meatballs and ice cream for dessert..."

"It sounds very appetizing. And it's all Itachi and Sasuke's favorite food."

Mikoto turned around and said jokingly: "Then why isn't there anything daddy likes to eat?"

"It's not his birthday today."

Giyuu replied with a serious face, "Today's dishes are mainly to please Sasuke. He hasn't talked to me for a week."

Before the decisive battle, Tanjiro taught him that by preparing food that others like to eat and feeding it to them at any time, he could get closer to others.

For example, after he took Hagi Mochi with him, his relationship with Fusukawa Saneya became much closer (he thought).

Sasuke should be the same, their personalities are quite similar.

After hearing her son's words, Mikoto hesitated to speak.

[Is it really okay for you to say it so bluntly? 】

She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Giyu, do you know why Sasuke doesn't talk to you?"

"have no idea."

【really. 】

"Then it doesn't bother you? Don't you want to know the reason?"

"No need to know."

Tomioka put on the small apron Itachi made for him, stepped on a small bench, pulled out a half-meter-long salmon from a plastic bag, put it into the tank, and punched him in the head.

He said very confidently: "Anyway, as long as you have this meal, the problem will be solved."


Uchiha Mikoto held onto the door frame.

Why is it so difficult to communicate with this child? ! !

ten minutes later.

"I'm back!" x2.

"Is it Itachi and Sasuke?"

Uchiha Mikoto walked towards the entrance like a wanderer on the iceberg who saw the stove.

"Mom!" Sasuke threw off his shoes and rushed up to hug Mikoto's waist, looking extremely happy.

[If I could give half of Sasuke's clinginess to Giyuu...]

"Are you giving your subordinates a day off today?"

Itachi stood at the door, placing Sasuke's shoes neatly, and he could see at a glance why his mother was at home.

"Because my lovely children are celebrating their birthdays."

Mikoto regained her normal self-confidence as a mother. She stroked Sasuke's spiky head and asked, "Have you taken Sasuke out for training? Why is this child covered in sweat and smelling like an animal... "

"I didn't practice today. My brother took me to Grandma Cat's place and gave me a birthday gift."

Five-year-old Sasuke's voice was lively and sharp, and he took out a rusty shuriken from his pants pocket.

"Oh, what is this?"

Uchiha Mikoto took a closer look at the shuriken. It seemed to be a very old style, so she followed Sasuke's words and asked.

"Grandma Neko said that this was a shuriken from the Warring States Period, which is older than the history of Konoha. Back then, she saw this shuriken flying from a far away place and breaking the wooden clone of the first Hokage. , so it’s very memorable!”

Sasuke grabbed the shuriken with both hands and raised it in the air, making a heroic declaration.

"I will definitely become a more powerful ninja in the future. Even the first Hokage himself will never be my opponent."

Hearing what Sasuke said, a trace of worry flashed in Mikoto's eyes. Itachi was keenly aware of this and whispered in Sasuke's ear: "The first Hokage and the ancestors of the Uchiha clan founded the village together. They are both great people. We are not enemies. You can’t say disrespectful words to Hokage-sama outside in the future.”

Uchiha Mikoto also nodded, "Sasuke must listen to his brother, do you understand?"

"I got it."

Sasuke pursed his lips and was a little unhappy, but he still agreed. Although his brother said something different from those of his peers in the clan, he certainly chose to believe his brother.

After correcting Sasuke's mistake, Uchiha Itachi looked in the direction of the kitchen: "Does Giyuu also want to cook today? Today is his birthday, otherwise I will do it-"


There was a loud noise in the kitchen, making Sasuke almost jump.

"What happened, Giyuu?"

Mikoto asked.

"The kitchen knife fell on the floor."

Giyuu's voice sounded calm and peaceful.

"Be careful."

Although Giyuu has been cooking for two years, Uchiha Mikoto is still a little worried about him. After all, deboning salmon is very troublesome, and even a professional chef will inevitably have to do it.

She glanced at Sasuke, who had put on a bad face since hearing Giyu's voice, and smiled slightly, "Sasuke, let's take a shower with mom."


Sasuke shook his head without hesitation, "I want to wash it with my brother."

Uchiha Mikoto gave her eldest son a look, then nodded her chin in the direction of the kitchen.

The latter understood immediately.

"Mom came back from get off work early specifically because she wanted to do something for you."

Uchiha Itachi tugged Sasuke's hair and gently tapped his forehead with his fingers, "Don't make her sad."

As he spoke, he added, "If Sasuke is obedient, I can continue to accompany you to practice the fireball tomorrow..."

"Then we have an agreement!"

Sasuke almost jumped up with joy, then looked at his mother, "I'm going to take off my dirty clothes first!"

After saying that, he happily ran towards the second floor, and even let out a loud "hum" when passing by the kitchen. Seeing that Jiyong didn't turn to look at him, he ran faster.

"Then I'll leave it to you to be a hero."

After Uchiha Mikoto gave Itachi a mouth shape, she went to the bathroom to fill the water.

Itachi stood at the door of the kitchen for a while, seeming to be mentally preparing.

The moment he stepped into the kitchen, Uchiha Giyuu turned around with the knife in his hand, and threw the salmon bones into an iron basin, making a clanging sound.

"what you do?"

There was a hint of caution in Yiyong's tone.

[Isn’t he going to help me cook? 】

The pot that Weasel had used to make omelettes last time was no longer usable, so Yiyong took it to the street and used it as a milk basin for stray cats.

"Happy birthday, Yiyong."

Itachi walked straight over, the smile on his face was not as obvious as Mikoto and Shisui, it was just a shallow arc.

"Sasuke likes the gift I gave him very much. I just don't know how you will react after receiving it, so I am a little nervous."

This is not a lie.

He was obviously the child he had grown up with, but Yiyong had been difficult for him to understand since he was very young.

For example, Itachi clearly knows all of Sasuke's likes and dislikes, but to Giyuu, they are like a bottomless lake to him.

Others thought that doing housework was Giyu's hobby, but Uchiha Itachi felt that was not the case. Instead, he felt that it was more like an obligation that Giyu required him to complete. Otherwise, there would be no need to be so careful and there would be no need to do it every day.

In addition, there are many strange things about Giyu.

For example, one day a month ago, he accompanied Giyuu to go shopping for groceries. When he passed by a ninja shop, the village ninja Gekko Hayate was shopping for a ninja sword. The sound he made when he drew his sword attracted Yiyong's attention.

When the moonlight blast covered the blade with chakra and dyed it, Uchiha Itachi can't forget the expression on Giyuu's face when he looked at the blade.

In his eyes, there flashed a light that was brighter than a knife blade, and his whole face changed from cold to calm and gentle, as if the lifeless lake water like a mirror was wrinkled by the warm wind.

Itachi still couldn't figure out what happened then. Originally, he wanted to buy a knife for Giyu directly today, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. After all, Giyu had no interest in becoming a ninja.

After shaking his head slightly to eliminate the doubts in his heart, Itachi Uchiha took out an eight centimeter long and wide photo frame from his pocket and handed it to Giyuu.

Yiyong cast his gaze upward, and his eyes immediately stayed there, unable to move for a long time.

"This is an ancient swallowtail butterfly specimen."

Uchiha Itachi couldn't understand Giyuu's emotions, and introduced slowly: "It's something that a scholar from the Land of Snow discovered from the depths of the solid ice of the snow field and used ice escape ninjutsu to take it out.

"I don't know much about butterflies, but the ninja of the Aburame clan who sold it to me said that this blue-purple swallowtail butterfly is very rare. It looks beautiful in the sun, but it has a It’s a pity that the poison of an elephant is already extinct.”


Uchiha Giyuu put down the kitchen knife, wiped his hands on his apron, and then hesitantly took the specimen, his deep eyes filled with waves.

In his eyes, it was not just a butterfly, but nine different figures overlapping together.

"Why would you give me this?"

This is the most unexpected gift for Yiyong.

"Because the only things I'm sure you'll like are wisteria flowers and butterflies."

Itachi, who was still very young, smiled shyly, "I like to see that expression every time you encounter a wisteria tree and find butterflies chasing it. It's like a stone statue suddenly came to life. If Mom and Dad If you can see it, you should have the same feeling.

"How about it, Yiyong, this gift..."

Uchiha Itachi paused and asked expectantly, "Do you like it?"

In the past, Yiyong's reaction was always beyond his expectation.

What he was most worried about was that Giyuu, like last year, stuffed back the same stainless steel kunai he gave to Sasuke, and then said: "Sasuke and I are different."

For his younger brother, it was a nightmare.

"An extinct butterfly?"

Giyuu's voice sounded a little hoarse, and then suddenly became louder and clearer than he had ever spoken before: "I like it very much. Thank you, Itachi."


Uchiha Itachi was stunned.

Although Yiyong's expression rarely changes.

But if you like the gift, shouldn't you at least raise your eyebrows?

Why did he look like he had suddenly lost all his strength and was even more depressed than usual, as if he had recalled something terrible.

If Itachi hadn't known that Giyuu wouldn't lie at all, he would have thought that he was lying about liking the gift to comfort him.

Yiyong placed the specimen on the window sill facing him in the kitchen, then lowered his head as if no one else was around, picked up the kitchen knife and processed the ingredients silently, but his thoughts had wandered to nowhere.

Itachi Uchiha intuitively felt that now was not the time to speak, but he was not worried about Yu Yu's state, so he took out the radish from the plastic bag and cut it into slices.

Just like that, the two of them were silent in the kitchen, but all the ingredients were being turned into meals in an orderly manner.

Fortunately, Uchiha Itachi's mind was not on cooking, so nothing happened this time.

Exactly an hour later, Yiyong put the radishes and fried salmon in the stew pot and lit the flame of the gas stove.

A strange voice appeared in his head.

【Get up close and personal with Uchiha Itachi for an hour. The Breath of Flame analysis completion degree is +0.02%, and the current resolution is 20.02%. 】

[After the analysis is completed and your Flame Breath reaches the normal level, you can resurrect Flame Pillar Purgatory Anjuro. 】

Tomioka Yoshiyong opened his eyes fiercely, with a fierce red light flashing in them, attracting Uchiha Itachi's attention.

"Yiyong, you..."

Before Itachi finished speaking, a long stream of white air suddenly came out of Yiyong's mouth and nose, and the bench legs under his feet snapped out of thin air. He fell to the ground and fainted on the spot.

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