I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 291 Unparalleled? Big book! Fuck you worthless! 【6200】

second to none? It's nothing to worry about - when Qingdeng said this, his tone was very calm, and his expression was very indifferent.

The plain voice has a direct impact on the soul of some people, like a heavy hammer hitting the center of the head.

Under the sky, no one can rival him——the term "Unparalleled Under Heaven" is the realm that many warriors who are obsessed with martial arts dream of?

How many warriors have spent their whole lives just to get closer to this word?

But this young man with an indifferent smile on his face at this time said, "Unparalleled in the world? It's nothing to worry about."

In the eyes of this young man, the lofty realm that countless warriors have dreamed of but cannot dream of is actually nothing to worry about?

What kind of realm is this?

In a simple sentence, the Tao expresses a detached state of mind!

If it is someone else who said this, then this person is likely to be bragging.

But if you bind this sentence with Qingdeng...and this man who is known as the "King of Ren", people have to believe it.

Yes! Mr. Ju has already achieved outstanding achievements in martial arts at a young age. For a talent like him, his ambition must be extremely lofty! His gaze will definitely not only focus on the so-called "Unparalleled Under Heaven", but his eyes must be fixed on a more profound realm that us ordinary people cannot understand!

Thinking of this, the group of people headed by Lan Jing, their eyes and expressions towards Qingdeng became more and more excited and fiery.

As expected of Nioh! Martial arts cultivation has indeed reached a realm beyond our comprehension!

Just when Aoi and the others were standing here excited and admiring, the man they thought must have reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people like them was now——


--very good! Another perfect pretense! Tsk tsk, my writing skills are quite good! He was able to come up with such a handsome sentence!

Qingdeng's heart was full of joy, but his appearance was peaceful.

The "Emperor's Art" once again made great contributions. Qingdeng feels more and more that this talent is really a powerful weapon!

The night before yesterday, after Qingdeng said the phrase "One-armed, that's all" in front of the crowd, a flash of fire flashed in his mind - he came up with another idea that would help him to get back to life as soon as possible. Huofu thieves have changed their new method of gaining a foothold.

This new method, to put it simply, is to look at every opportunity and pretend to be more aggressive! Do everything possible to pretend! In a pretentious way, he constantly established and strengthened his superior image in front of his followers and colleagues.

If you can successfully establish the persona of "this person is not an ordinary person, don't provoke him casually" in the hearts of the members and colleagues, then no matter what you do in the future, it will be much more convenient.

Heiyu's flattery just now made Qingdeng's eyes brighten - he had just completed the feat of "slaying 60 people", and it was a good time to pretend to be aggressive!

This dude, if you don't pretend now, when will you wait?

Ever since, Qingdeng quickly used his brain to think about what he should say, how to answer Hei Yu's words, so as to achieve the best effect of pretending to be coercive.

I don't know why, when thinking about this kind of problem, Qingdeng's mind always turns very fast.

With just the flick of a finger, "My sword has long since ceased to stick to one school or school. All martial arts can be used by me", as well as the phrase "Unparalleled in the world? What's the point?" in mind.

Qingdeng thinks these two sentences are really great! He is both handsome and forceful, and has no shortcomings except his insincere words!

It is very helpful for him to create a mighty image of "superior talent" in front of his followers, so without hesitation, with the cooperation of "Emperor's Art", he speaks nonsense in front of everyone's eyes with a calm face and a decent appearance .

That is to say—what kind of troubles "can be used by me"...what kind of troubles are "worthless"...all of them are made up by Qing Deng!

However, there is a bit of truth mixed in with the lie.

Recently, Qingdeng has indeed learned many moves from other schools.

The "Inazuma" move he used to defeat Akabane just now stole a lesson from Saitoichi, who has no outsiders.

The reason for this is not that Qingdeng dislikes the uselessness of the natural Lixinflow, and wants to change the appearance, but simply because the "Sage of the Sword" and "The Heart of Ghosts" are too powerful.

106 times of ordinary people's swordsmanship talent + superior comprehension ability... The superimposed power of the two is not too scary.

Even if you don't study hard, you can see and master other people's sword skills with only two eyes!

Beichen's sword-holding posture and "chopping sword", the "rice wife" without outflow, and the "monkey cry" of the current style... All the above-mentioned techniques are all Qingdeng Sanako and Saito Kazuo. When someone wields a sword, he grasps it unconsciously.

If it is said that the former has something to say, then the latter...that is, the phrase "Unparalleled in the world? What's the point of worrying about it" is completely nonsense!

What's the point? how could it be possible!

If one day he is lucky enough to reach the realm of "Unparalleled Under Heaven", then Qingdeng will wake up laughing even if he sleeps.

I have become unparalleled in the world! Wants to marry Mai Kinoshita and Sanako Chiba! May I ask who dares to object?

Qingdeng took a deep breath calmly, and simply sorted out his emotions, then quietly swept his eyes, secretly observing the expressions of the people around him - he was secretly happy again.

Judging from the current situation, the effect of his pretense just now was excellent, far exceeding his expectations.

A large group of people, headed by Lan Jingyang, all had expressions of being bluffed.

However, there are also a small number of people whose expressions are quite meaningful.

Such as Kuroba Shiro.

Another example is Akabane and Shirasaki.

The fast-talking and eloquent Kuroba has a strange habit of flattering others. When he flatters people, he has a weird characteristic, that is, he doesn't distinguish between objects.

Even if you are just a commoner who is not even a samurai, as long as you do something worthy of praise, Kuroba will habitually say a few nice words to you.

This kind of personality has made Heiyu's popularity very good. He has both sides in the third team, and no one can offend him.

Therefore, Hei Yu's bragging about Qingdeng just now is just a matter of habit - but who knows, Qingdeng can follow his words, say such handsome words, and pretend to be so coercive!

Black Feather's eyes were straightened, staring blankly. He has always regarded himself as "the most eloquent person in the third team". But now, he realizes to himself: Starting today, this title seems to have to be changed...

Compared to Kuroba who was simply shocked by Qingdeng's pretense just now, the emotions shown by Akabane, Shirasaki and others are also very pure - pure boredom and disgust.

Especially Akabane. His disgusted eyes seemed to burst into flames.

For those of them who hate Qingdeng. Seeing Qingdeng in the limelight is worse than being unlucky!

Qingdeng's eyes were slightly condensed, and he calmly identified and recorded the faces of the people who did not cast admiring and reverent gazes at him at the moment, thinking to himself:

——It is really not an easy task to subdue so many arrogant soldiers...

In fact, there is another secondary reason why Qingdeng suddenly followed Hei Yu's flattery and put on a special outfit: to confirm who showed respectful expressions to him after listening to his pretense, and who Person is indifferent or disgusted.

The former is "friendly army".

The latter are "friends who can try to win over in the future" and "enemies that are difficult to tame"

The same rice feeds all kinds of people.

Some people are afraid of power but not virtuous.

Some people are neither fearful nor virtuous.

Demonstrating outstanding personal force and appearing in front of others, these means can certainly increase Qingdeng's prestige. But they alone are not enough to help Qingdeng completely get rid of the dilemma of rootless ducklings and "airborne leaders".

Thinking back to the previous life, a great man who created the world said: The so-called politics is to make many friends and make enemies few.

Therefore, if you want to completely control the third team, the method is neither difficult nor difficult, nor is it easy to say-try to have as many players as possible supporting you and as few players as possible against you.

Qingdeng has demonstrated his formidable martial arts strength to the fullest through the previous day's "invading the enemy's camp" and today's "slashing 60 people".

The soldiers who would be feared and respected because of Qingdeng's superb military power have basically become attached to him.

Therefore, after such a "big screening", most of the people who are still indifferent to Qing Deng, or who are still hostile to Qing Deng, will no longer take a look at Qing Deng because of Qing Deng's extraordinary skills.

That is to say, Qingdeng will no longer have any useful effect if he holds more "stand cuts" or shows off his martial arts.

Now that "showing force" is useless, if we want to further conquer the hearts and minds of other people, we have to find another way.

Ever since he learned that he was going to be transferred to the right as the new team leader of the Huofu Thief Kai, Qingdeng had been thinking about how he could quickly gain a firm foothold in the Huofu Thief Kai who was unfamiliar with the place and had no foundation. heel?

After a long period of contemplation, Qingdeng really came up with a lot of ideas.

As for how to win people's hearts and make more friends, Qingdeng already had an idea...



In the first year of Wanyan (1860), November 7——

Edo, Fanshu Institute——

Today is Qingdeng's long-lost rest day.

Taking advantage of his free time today, Qingdeng went early in the morning to the Tibetan Book Research Institute, which he hadn't visited for a while.

Before he got close to the Fanshu Institute, a refreshing smell of paper and ink came to Qingdeng's nostrils.

Outside the gate of the Fanshu Institute, the four warriors guarding the gate immediately smiled enthusiastically at Qingdeng as soon as they saw Qingdeng.

"Tachibana-sama! Good morning!"

"Good morning! Mr. Tachibana!"

Qingdeng smiled and responded to their greetings one by one:

"Hello, is Mr. Sheng there?"

"Mmm! Mr. Orange, you came just in time! Mr. Sheng came to the Fanshu Institute early this morning! He should be working in his study right now!"

Knowing that he didn't make a trip in vain, Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief, he asked the guard to help inform Katsu Rintaro: Qingdeng is visiting.

After a while, the guard who went to report came back: "Mr. Orange! Please go in!"

Qingdeng took off his shoes in the soil of the Fanshu Institute. He took off the orange juice from his left waist and carried it with his right hand.

After the battle with Takasugi Shinsaku, Fujido Takataka and others, the Dingguishen was damaged again, so they both took it for repair.

As a last resort, Qingdeng can only pick up his old knife, orange juice, for the past few days and make do with it.

When entering other people's homes or other buildings, take off the sword with its sheath around your waist and carry it with your right hand-this is one of the basic etiquette of the samurai.

The right hand is the dominant hand of most samurai, and it is inconvenient to draw the knife and cut people with the right hand with the knife and the sheath.

Therefore, when entering someone else's house, holding the knife with the right hand has the meaning of "I am not here to cause trouble".

Qing Deng walked through the familiar corridors with ease.

As a cultural institution specializing in the translation of Western books and the study of Western knowledge, the Fanshu Tiao Institute has a strong academic atmosphere.

Even if you walk in the corridor, you can smell a very different atmosphere from the outside world.

The sound of reciting, discussing, flipping through books, and writing are all in your ears.

Most of the people who passed Qingdeng in the corridor looked like gentle and refined scholars.

Qingdeng thought to himself: In order to gather this group of scholars who are good at studying knowledge and do not contradict Western knowledge, the shogunate must have spent a lot of effort.

Thousands of years ago, when Japan relied on sending envoys to the Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty to comprehensively study the advanced culture and systems of the Sui and Tang Empires, it once copied the imperial examination system.

However, due to various reasons such as complex national conditions, the imperial examination system was only short-lived in Japan.

Today, because there is no such thing as "taking an exam to become an official", only those who like to study and have enough food and clothing will take the initiative to pick up books and study hard.

Among the samurai class, there are far more reckless men who like to use swords and guns than scholars who like to play with words, which is why Qingdeng feels this way.

Along the way, Qingdeng could receive warm smiles from others from time to time.

"Ah! Master Tachibana! Long time no see!"

"Master Tachibana! Why are you here?"

"Master Tachibana! Why are you free to come to our place today as a guest?"

Based on the mentality of "I'm not in a hurry now anyway", whenever someone greets him, Qing Deng will stop and exchange a few simple greetings with the other party.

Ever since Qingdeng repelled the barbarian group and protected the near-destroyed Fanshu Institute from the sword of Shen Ye, he has been unanimously respected by the scholars of the Fanshu Institute.

This precious karma has enabled Qingdeng to maintain a very good and close relationship with the scholars of the Institute of Tibetan Script... especially Rintaro Katsuri, who is currently the head of the Institute of Scriptural Studies, the "principal" .

Occasionally, Qingdeng would come to Fan Shutiao's office on a whim. Every time you visit, you are bound to receive a warm welcome from top to bottom.

Katsu Rintaro, who will reach the age of 40 in 3 years, is twice the age of Qingdeng, but he is a funny person who has no airs of elders. Knowledgeable, humorous, and what's more valuable - he never loses his talent.

He was born in a subordinate banner, relying on his own talent and the appreciation of his superiors, he climbed to the current high position step by step.

At present, there is definite news in the officialdom: Katsu Rintaro will be transferred to the head of the warship drill station, and will be fully responsible for the training and establishment of the shogunate navy.

In other words - Katsu Rintaro is about to be moved from the right to be the first marshal of the shogunate navy!

From a low-level samurai to the first admiral of the navy... It stands to reason that Katsu Rintaro, who has completed the "counterattack of the rootless" with such a fantastic progress, is completely qualified to be arrogant and arrogant.

But Katsu Rintaro didn't do that.

Even though he has made so many amazing achievements, he has always been gentle and kind to others. Never treat others coldly or speak harshly just because the person in front of you is lower than him in status or official position.

Katsu Rintaro's friendly personality is very appetizing to Qingdeng, and Katsu Rintaro also admires Qingdeng, so the two of them have formed an inseparable friendship without knowing it.

After a while, Qingdeng came to the top floor of the Fanshu Institute and found Katsu Rintaro's study.

"Mr. Sheng! It's me! Juqingdeng!"

"Oh! Mr. Orange, you are here, come in quickly."

Qing Deng pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as he entered Katsu Rintaro's study, Qingdeng had the illusion of time travel - Katsu Rintaro's study was like a utility room, full of Western things.

French sofas with a strong royal color, Russian bearskin carpets spread all over the floor, English stargazing telescopes, American cowboy hats...the whole is a miniature World Expo.

"Mr. Orange! Haha! We haven't seen each other for a while! Come, come, sit down!"

Qingdeng looked up, and saw Katsu Rintaro buried his head between the desks, and beside his desk stood a huge globe unshakably.

"Mr. Sheng, your study seems to be more messy than when I came last time."

Qingdeng cautiously jumped into the gap among the sundries on the ground, leaning towards Katsu Rintaro little by little, as if playing "hopscotch".

"It's not 'as if', it's 'certainly'!"

Katsu Rintaro showed a complacent expression as if he was talking about a great achievement, straightened his chest, and continued plausibly:

"A friend of mine in America sent me a batch of interesting Western goods a few days ago. Come on, Mr. Orange, come and see, this is the latest Western kaleidoscope! It is very beautiful! 20 different patterns, it's amazing!"

Qingdeng is not interested in Lao Shizi's kaleidoscope at all.

However, seeing this old friend in such high spirits, Qingdeng was also ashamed to disobey him.

So he could only cheer up, pretending to be happy to watch the other party manipulate a very delicate kaleidoscope.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly found a small kit in the corner of Katsu Rintaro's desk.

This object full of oriental style is extremely abrupt in this room full of western style.

Qing Deng was curious for a moment, so he asked:

"Mr. Sheng, what is this?"

Katsu Rintaro glanced at the kit, and the corners of his mouth drooped suddenly:

"Oh, this..."

Katsu Rintaro put down the kaleidoscope in his hand and sighed long.

"Three days ago, when I was walking on Ryogoku Hiroko Road, a fortune teller suddenly stopped me and said: I will surely rise to the top in the future, become rich and powerful, and become the commander-in-chief of the shogunate army in charge of the land and sea armies! Thousands of troops! It's just that during the period of being an extremely human minister, you will encounter countless dangers, but don't worry, you only need to spend 20 Wen to buy one of his magic tools and carry it with you, so that You can sit back and relax, and no matter what kind of crisis you encounter in the future, under the protection of that magic weapon, you can save your life from danger."

After hearing this, Qingdeng smiled slightly:

"So... this is the 'magic weapon'?"


Sheng Haizhou paused, and then continued in an annoyed tone:

"Let me just add one thing: I didn't buy this kit because I believed the fortune teller's nonsense."

"That fortune teller, it looks like he's lying!"

"I've seen this kind of deceit a lot! First, I keep flattering you and saying all kinds of good things, such as 'you will surely be successful in the future', 'you will be rich and powerful in the future'."

"That liar must have recognized me. He knew that I was going to be transferred to the head of the naval training station in the near future and was in charge of training the navy for the Edo shogunate, so he followed my identity and flattered me that I would not only be in charge of the navy in the future. , will also be in charge of the Army Yunyun."

"I didn't want to pay attention to that liar. But I saw that this kit is pretty good-looking, both in terms of quality and workmanship, and the price is not expensive anyway, so I bought it for collection."

Qingdeng nodded slightly to show that he understood the whole story.

"The commander-in-chief of the shogunate army who is in charge of the land and sea armies... Be good, what a big official this is."

Qingdeng grinned, jokingly said:

"Master Sheng, don't forget about wealth and wealth. If you really become the commander-in-chief of the shogunate army in the future, please help and promote me a lot. I am not greedy. Promote me to be your deputy. Give me a favor." A position like 'General of the Shogunate Army' will suffice."

Katsu Rintaro laughed loudly and waved his hands:

"Okay! No problem! It's a deal!"

Both of them only regard the set of words they are saying now as a fantasy that no one takes seriously.

The two sides chatted with each other for a while about the trivial matters that they had encountered recently.

Seeing that the time was ripening, Qingdeng put down the tea Katsu Rintaro had just brewed for him, and said lightly:

"Mr. Sheng, I have something... I want to ask you to help me."



the next day—

In the first year of Wanyan (1860), November 8——

In Edo, Huofu Thieves was changed to the third division's camp, the school ground——

All the members of the Third Division, who had just received the convening order, hurriedly assembled on the school field.

As soon as the team members arrived at the school field, they saw Qingdeng waiting for them calmly with his hands behind his back.


After making two opening remarks, Qingdeng paused as if he was preparing his emotions, and then suddenly began to talk about the difficult process of the enforcing office and the Huofu Thief Kai teaming up to eliminate the barbarian group.

The people below became more and more confused as they listened—what is the captain doing? Summon us for no reason, just to talk nonsense to us?

Qingdeng ignored the suspicious gazes cast towards him by the team members. He continued to talk on his own, his tone became more and more passionate as he spoke.

"After our hard work and hard work, the diabolical group that brought great suffering to Edo has finally perished!"

"But! We must not take it lightly!"

"Although the Yiyi Group has perished, there are still many villains who are still at large and doing wrong things!"

"We must always be prepared to deal with new difficulties and new powerful enemies!"


Qingdeng's words suddenly changed.

"After my careful observation recently, I found that some team members may feel that 'the barbarian group is gone, so they can sit back and relax', and their mentality is very loose!"

"This unhealthy trend can be stopped!"

"Although I am only a new official who has just taken office, I also know the importance of 'mobilization'!"

"So! In order to boost everyone's morale and mobilize everyone's spirit to the greatest extent, I specially invited the head of the Fan Shu Tiao: Mr. Katsu Rintaro, come and speak for us!"



Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

I forgot to popularize science with everyone-the Fanshu Tiao Institute went through a series of evolutions, and finally changed its name to a school that cannot be said to be a little famous, but it can also be said to be a famous school.

Its name is 【Tokyo University】.

Let me tell you a little more about science—Katsu Rintaro, named Haizhou. Therefore, it is also called "Sheng Haizhou". Even book friends who are not familiar with the history of the end of the Bakumatsu should have heard this name in anime and film and television dramas.

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