I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 288 Copying God-Level Talent Again: 【Yuan Yang】! 【6400】

In the midst of the astonishment, Lan Jingyang, who was always reticent on weekdays and the most invisible among the crowd and strength of the third team, was the first to say in amazement:

"Master Tachibana, you... want to fight us alone in the way of 'Li Qie'? You, are you sure?"

"What?" Qingdeng turned his head and smiled at Lan Jingyang, "Don't you believe that I have that strength?"

Lan Jingyang heard the words and quickly bowed his head to apologize:

"No, dare not..."

Qingdeng withdrew his eyes from Lan Jingyang's body, scanned the faces of his subordinates, and said seriously:

"As I said yesterday, the reason why we suddenly decided to hold a martial arts competition is to test your strength through the competition."

"As the current captain of the Huofu Thief Kai's third squad, if I don't know how much my subordinates are worth, it would be really dereliction of duty."

"Since the purpose of the competition is to test your skills, it is perfect for me to be your opponent in person."

"As for whether I have the strength to fight against so many of you... You don't need to think about this kind of question."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! Time is precious! Get your best weapons and take your places!"

Qing Deng pouted towards his feet.

I saw a large number of weapons for practice such as bamboo swords and wooden spears piled up at his feet.

Huofu Thief's army station is regarded as a "paramilitary base", so there will be no shortage of various equipment related to martial arts training.

"We will compete in this school ground. It just so happens that the weather is beautiful today, and the weather is neither hot nor cold."

The members of the third team looked at each other.

Although the reasons given by Qingdeng are very reasonable, if you want to consider their strength, there are obviously many simpler and more relaxed forms available, so why choose "Liqie" and do the Liqie yourself? Or this method of torturing yourself so much?

Although the soldiers were full of doubts, they didn't dare to say any more.

They stepped forward one after another, taking their best weapons.

In essence, they were right to be surprised.

Looking at the subordinates who came up to get the weapons one by one, Qingdeng's mouth raised a faint smile of "Huan Huan Tong".

--very good……! I hope to be able to copy some talents that are as useful as possible later!

The reason why Qingdeng announced the holding of the "team competition" so suddenly was indeed to examine the overall strength of the troops—but this was only a secondary reason.

The main reason is still wanting to get talent from the people!

Qingdeng had been looking forward to this day when he learned that he had been transferred from the right to be the new captain of the third team changed by Huofu Thief. There were 60 people in the third team. It's possible to duplicate a talent or two that could come in handy.

Ever since, the reason why Qingdeng chose "Liqie" as the competition style of this competition, and went off to be the Liqie player in person, is self-evident - what other competition style can compare to the big guys coming up one by one to fight against each other? The "li cut" that the challengers compete with is also suitable for talents?

While picking up talent, piggybacking hands can further establish prestige in front of the followers and consolidate one's "powerful" image in the eyes of the followers.

It's so beautiful.



Qingdeng stood at a corner of the school field holding a bamboo sword.

His No. 1 opponent - a short Tongxin who will reach 1.4 meters tall - stood opposite Qingdeng.

The rest stood in a circle with the competition venue as the center.

Qingdeng nodded to the No. 1 opponent on the opposite side, then held the bamboo sword in the middle stance, squatted down, and performed the squatting ceremony.

The opposite side also squatted at the same time, and he seemed to be well versed in the way of "strike first to be strong".

In the next moment after Li Bi, he swung his sword straight at Qingdeng's waist. It was relatively smooth when he slashed Qingdeng's waist and the parts below.

Qingdeng straightened his sword to block the incoming attack, then took three steps back to distance himself from the opponent, and did not step forward to attack.

It was the same old routine—he was waiting for the 10 seconds necessary to copy a talent from someone else to pass.

Ten seconds later, Qing Deng swiftly swung his sword between the stone fire and the electric light, hitting the opponent's body.

In order not to cause injury or disability, Qingdeng put in a lot of strength.

But even so, when the opponent's body without protective gear received the blow, he fainted immediately.

Just before this person fell to the ground, another person had strode forward and rushed towards Qingdeng.

According to the rules of "Liqie", except for the first person and the last person, squatting is not allowed in the middle, and everyone just rushes up to fight the Liqie without interruption, and immediately replaces another person when one falls down.

The new opponent, Fang launched a fierce offensive against Qingdeng as soon as he entered the battle.

He raised his upper body high and swung his knife to strike.

Whether aggressive or conservative, no matter what kind of strategy the opponent adopts, Qingdeng's tactics...or routines remain the same: delay for 10 seconds before talking!

Snapped! Snapped!

Qingdeng connects the other side with 2 knives.

The sound of the bamboo sword hitting the air lifted people's spirits—Qingdeng gradually entered the state.

When the opponent raised the knife again and was about to swing the knife for the third time, the 10 seconds had just arrived.

I saw that Qingdeng came first. Obviously the timing of swinging the sword was half a beat slower than the opponent's, but the bamboo sword in his hand slashed the opponent's body one step ahead.

The man and the bamboo sword flew out together.

Qingdeng hadn't had time to spit out the wisp of oxygen he had just inhaled, when the next opponent's bamboo sword came in a whirlwind.

Defend, wait 10 seconds, and then raise your sword in mid-air to intercept the opponent's bamboo sword. All in one go.

The moment the bamboo swords of the two sides were entangled, Qingdeng exerted force with his wrist, and shook the opponent's bamboo sword away, opening the empty door wide.

In the next moment, Qingdeng stepped forward, and the two figures merged into one——when the two figures separated, one of them fell to the ground slowly, and the one still standing turned around and attacked the next one opponent.

——Weaker than expected...

Since the night before yesterday, Qingdeng has faced the third team... no, correct. It is to change the overall quality of the whole army from Huofu Thief, without any expectations.

But even though expectations have been lowered, Qing Deng can't help but feel disappointed with the performance shown by the crowd.

So far, none of the opponents' martial arts strength can make Qing Deng's eyes shine.

He has no commendable skills, nor does he possess any special talent... Until now, Qingdeng's mind is still silent, and the system has not been able to operate for a long time.

In less than 5 minutes, Qingdeng knocked down 10 people to the ground effortlessly.

When the 11th opponent entered the battle, the situation finally changed slightly.

As soon as the 11th opponent entered the battle, he showed a very different aura from his predecessors.

He adopted the upper right configuration, while holding the knife high above his head, he opened his mouth wide, revealing a mouthful of neat white teeth, and then—


——Show the flow!

Qingdeng's expression froze.

Qingdeng, who had experienced many times how wild and ferocious swordsmen in the show are in battle, raised his sword after a little thought, and switched his sword-holding stance to a steady middle.

When it was too late and then it was too fast, the other party leaned forward and attacked, shouting endlessly.

Qingdeng adjusted his breath slowly, lowered his waist slightly and tightened his shoulders, hiding most of his body in the shadow of the bamboo sword.

Anyone with a little understanding of martial arts can see that Qingdeng's posture hides amazing explosive power.

Like an arrow already mounted on a bow—ready to go.

——The swordsman who shows the current style... is also good.

It just so happened that Qingdeng had recently practiced a new move that he hadn't had time to show anyone.

It would be appropriate to use a modern swordsman as the target of the first battle of this new move.

Qingdeng took a deep breath, his broad chest swelled up like a blower, and the moment his upper body "swelled" to the limit——


A shrill cry like that of an ape burst out from Qingdeng's throat.

The "golden voice" that enhances the durability of the vocal cords, the "cloud piercing stone" that enhances the magnificence of the voice, and the "iron lung" that enhances the cardiopulmonary function-the three are launched together!

Circles of sound waves hit all around with the force of wind and clouds!

The sudden loud and ear-piercing cry not only frightened the swordsman Shi Xianliu who was rushing forward with a knife, but also frightened the rest of the people who were waiting by the side and waiting to go into battle.

The swordsman's eyes of Xianxianliu were suddenly widened with shock and astonishment.

How could he fail to recognize the roar that Qing Deng was making?

It is the classic move of showing current flow: ape screaming!

As one of the most popular swordsmanship nowadays, Qingdeng couldn't count how many swordsmen he had fought with.

The existence of "Sage of Sword" and "Heart of Ghost" made Qingdeng very good at stealing teachers.

For example: In the process of sparring with the apprentices of Xuanwu Gym and Xiaoqianye Sword Gym, Qingdeng learned many moves of Beichen One-Sword Style from his master.

The frequency of showing current flow in front of Qingdeng's eyes is only lower than that of natural Lixin flow and Beichen Yidao flow.

Therefore, Qingdeng also secretly learned a lot of tricks in the current show - the ape call is one of them.

Although due to the short practice time, Qingdeng's vocalization skills are still very immature, but thanks to the blessings of the three talents of "Piercing Clouds and Cracking Stone", "Golden Voice", and "Iron Lung", Qingdeng's shouting is no better than that Veterans who have been cultivating in the current stream for many years are much weaker.

Judging from the results, Qingdeng perfectly implemented the purpose of "screaming ape" - making the loudest cry with all his might, boosting his courage and deterring the enemy.

The force of his roar made his appearance completely unrecognizable.

His face turned red, and veins like earthworms burst out from his face and neck.

Qingdeng can actually "speak" at such a high level, the sound of the sound waves is so loud that it makes people's eardrums hurt - the swordsman who did not expect this, was so frightened that he stopped and moved. Half a beat slower.

Such a great fighter, is there any reason to let it go away?

Qingdeng's slightly stretched body burst open in an instant, his upper body stood upright, his lower body took a step, and rushed straight towards the opponent.

At the same time, rushing towards the opponent, there is also a lightning-fast blow.

Swordsman Shixianliu reflexively raised his sword to block it, but his hastily built "defense circle" was no different from rice paper that could be torn under Qingdeng's sword.

With just one blow, Qingdeng broke through the Satsuma-style swordsman's defense, and then the bamboo sword hit the Satsuma-style swordsman's shoulder with undiminished force, knocking him to the ground.

At this moment, in the depths of Qingdeng's mind, it was finally no longer silent:

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Sharp Teeth\

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