I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 277 Send troops! Wipe out the remnants of the barbarians! 【5100】

The power level of the various teams of Huofu Thief Kai is a very simple and easy-to-understand third-level division.

The person with the highest status is undoubtedly Captain Fan.

Below are 10 people with positions similar to middle-level cadres.

Further down, there are 50 Tongxin who serve as grassroots officers.

Qingdeng, who came to the No. 3 Squadron's station alone, ran into a group of support personnel who came to greet him outside the gate of the camp.

The leader of this group of support personnel is one of the forces of the third division, named "Kuroba Seishi".

With good facial features and articulate, slick face and eloquent tongue, it would be appropriate to send him to be the receptionist to welcome Qingdeng.

"Master Tachibana! My lord, Kuroba Qingsi! My lord is here, and my lord is welcome..."

Kuroba Qingsi chattered a bunch of polite words full of honorifics.

"Guian." Qingdeng smiled, "In order to welcome me, you must have waited here for a long time, right? I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Qingdeng didn't talk nonsense, and after exchanging a few words with Heiyu Qingsi, he said:

"Heiyu-kun, take me in. I can't wait to quickly see what the interior of the camp looks like, and how heroic the soldiers of the third team are."

"Yes! Master Tachibana, please come with me! All the generals of the Third Division are waiting on the school field!"

Kuroba Shiro leaned to one side, bent down and made a "please" gesture to Qingdeng.

Qingdeng walked through the camp gate and entered the camp at a speed half as slow as Hei Yu's.

"Master Tachibana, go straight in this direction. It's the archery range where we practice archery. And the road we're walking now leads directly to the school grounds."

Hei Yu enthusiastically introduced the various aspects of the camp to Qingdeng.

Qingdeng also listened carefully, nodding slightly from time to time.

At this time, Shiro Kuroba, who was leading the way, suddenly turned his head slightly, and peeked at Qing Deng behind him with his sideways eyes.

——Just like the rumors, our new captain is really young enough...

Looking at Qingdeng's too young face, a trace of contempt flashed in Heiyu's eyes.

——Too young to make people feel unreliable...

It's not that Hei Yu looks down on Qingdeng.

Rather, it's the opposite - Hei Yu admires Qingdeng very much.

Since he was a child, Hei Yu liked the heroic stories of "one rider can be a thousand".

Whether it's "Changshan Zhao Zilong rides the savior alone, Changbanpo seven in and seven out", or "Sanada Yukimura's desperate assault on the main line of the Tokugawa army, scaring Tokugawa Ieyasu to flee in embarrassment", as long as this kind of protagonist is as strong as Superman, Hei Yu likes the story of gods blocking and killing gods and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas.

And Qingdeng's various achievements so far perfectly fit Hei Yu's preference.

This young new captain is very good at swordsmanship and very strong - there is no doubt about it.

But... just because a person is powerful in force doesn't mean he knows how to manage and lead troops!

Review the previous resume of the new captain - he has never worked in management related work before! Without any experience leading a team!

For the sake of your wisdom.

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of a reckless man who can only fight can lead a team well.

Not to mention that the team that Qingdeng will lead is an army with a very complicated organizational structure and human relationships!

——The third team is not a team that is easy to manage... Can Mr. Tachibana do it?

Black Feather frowned slightly, and such a question could not help but arise in his heart.

He has served in the third team for three full years, so he knows how many fierce, stubborn, arrogant and dissolute soldiers there are in the third team.

Akabane, Midorikawa, Shirasaki...these guys are all thorns.

Qingdeng is really too young.

Prior to this, when Qingdeng had not been assigned as the new captain of the third team, the youngest member of the third team was Tong Xin who had just turned 20.

That is to say——any member of the third team at the moment is older than Qingdeng!

Japan is a country that pays great attention to ranking seniority-this is also one of the bitter fruits brought about by the extreme solidification of classes.

The promotion of officials basically depends on family status and seniority.

There are very few officials who rely on solid achievements and talents to make their way to the top.

Therefore, unless you have a very prominent family background, "young" is a real flaw in the officialdom of the Edo Shogunate.

At such a young age, Qingdeng couldn't hold back people at all.

Being ridden on the head by such a little boy... Hei Yu couldn't even imagine how many people would refuse to obey Qing Deng's discipline, obey Qing Deng's orders, or even oppose him.

Human psychology is very strange.

Everyone in the third team knew that Qingdeng was a very powerful swordsman, and everyone knew that Qingdeng had made great achievements in battle and killed hundreds of souls under his sword.

so what?

Seeing someone who is so much younger than me point fingers at me, I will inevitably feel awkward and uncomfortable in my heart.

What's more, this young man came here by "airborne"!

——Forget it, it's useless for me to think about it here. It doesn't matter to me whether Mr. Ju can manage the third team well. He can ask for blessings on his own.

Kuroba shrugged.

Whether Qingdeng can sit securely as the captain of the third team... To be honest, Kuroyu doesn't care about it.

As long as you don't touch his "cake" and don't affect his peaceful life, even if the sky falls, he doesn't care!

At this time, during the conversation between Qingdeng and Heiyu, they had already arrived at the school grounds.

It was an earthen place that could accommodate hundreds of people circling and galloping.

Since a long time ago, this area has been used as a military use for Huo Fu Thief Kai.

The ground, which was originally loose and soft, has become extraordinarily hard under the trample of countless people's feet.

The compacted soil is full of large and small potholes.

The real thing is that no grass grows.

Looking around, apart from a few sporadic bugs, there was not a single bit of life on the ground of the school grounds.

Because there is no space for them to grow, even the most tenacious weeds can hardly survive in this empty field.

From a distance, Qingdeng could see a fairly neat square formation standing in the very center of the school grounds.

——Are these people the members of the third squad...

Just as Qing Deng had this question in his heart, Hei Yu, who was walking in front, said in a timely and quick voice:

"Master Tachibana, all the generals of the Third Division are here! Please review!"

Qingdeng nodded slightly and quickened his pace.

As Qingdeng approached gradually, the people in the phalanx seemed to have rehearsed in advance, regardless of the dust on the ground, they knelt down on one knee in a uniform movement and saluted Qingdeng.

Qingdeng waved his hands with a smile, and repeatedly signaled "Excuse me, please get up".

At this time, Qing Deng suddenly realized that this seemed to be the first time in his life that he was bowed down by so many people, and it was also the first time he said "excuse me" to so many people.

Responding to every call, a large group of people obeying my orders... I feel a little strange.

In one day, he was upgraded from "a 'manager' under the control of others" to "a 'manager' who manages 60 soldiers" - Qingdeng has not yet fully gotten used to this drastic change of status.

Qingdeng wanted to get to know the middle-level cadres of the team first.

So, he asked Hei Yu in a low voice: "Who are Yu Li?".

Black Feather respectfully said:

"Master Tachibana, the people in the front row of the lineup are the members of our third team! Please allow me to introduce you one by one—this is Shirasaki Heijiro, who has been serving as a fire thief for 30 years. Years! He is the oldest person in our third team!"

As soon as Hei Yu finished speaking, a middle-aged man with a half-white beard walked out slowly with a blank expression.

"Tachibana-sama." The middle-aged man bent down to salute, while introducing himself in a lukewarm tone, "Xiaguan Shirasaki Heijiro."

Qingdeng smiled: "Gui'an. I'll be there next time. Please give me your advice in the future."

"..." Shirasaki Heijiro nodded slightly and remained silent.

"This is Gosaburo Midorikawa."

Kuroba stretched out his finger to Yuli—a young man with a slender figure and a rather handsome face.

Lu Chuan showed a slight smile, and after a brief self-introduction, he nodded to Qingdeng.

"This is Akabane Koichiro."

Akabane: "..."

With a height and waist circumference of 1.6 meters, Akabane, who is no different from a "walking mountain of meat", said nothing.

He neither introduced himself nor saluted Qingdeng.

He glanced at Qing Deng indifferently, then withdrew his gaze, raised his head, stretched out all three layers of folds on his chin, and pointed his distended nostrils at Qing Deng.

Seeing that Akabane didn't give Qingdeng face so much, Heiyu let out an "uh" and showed embarrassment. He looked at Qingdeng anxiously, but found that Qingdeng's expression was normal.

I saw Qingdeng's face was calm, unmoved by Akabane's rude behavior.

Qingdeng, who noticed Kuroba's gaze, raised his chin to Kuroba, indicating "continue to work", and then helped him introduce the others.

Hei Yu coughed a few times, calmed down his emotions, and walked in front of the next person, Yu Li - a short and thin man.

"This is Lan Jingyang. Two months ago, he was promoted to Yuli due to merit. He is 27 years old this year. He is currently the youngest and youngest Yuli in our third team."

The youngest, the youngest—this set of words made Qingdeng look at Lan Jingyang a few more times.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, but after a closer look at Qingdeng, he found that the haori on Lan Jing's body was actually broken.

There are very obvious tear marks on the placket and two sleeves.

Logically speaking, a person of the highest level of officialdom and power would not be unable to wear a good dress.

So, Qingdeng asked curiously:

"Aoi-kun, what happened to your haori?"

Dressing inappropriately in front of a superior officer - this matter can be big or small.

Hearing Qingdeng's question, Lan Jing thought that Qingdeng was going to punish him, so his expression changed drastically, and he hesitated and said:

"This... that... this... that... I... I..."

Aoi subconsciously glanced at Akabane beside him.

Akabane seemed to have a tacit understanding with Lan Jing, and at the same time Lan Jing looked at him, he secretly gave Lan Jing a look.

Eyes full of fierceness and viciousness.


Lan Jing's face turned white in an instant.

After a moment of intense hesitation tugged on his face, Lan Jing drooped his shoulders and buried his head deeply like a deflated ball:

"Yes... I'm sorry... I got up in a hurry today, and I didn't have time to take care of my clothes. I accidentally wore a bad dress. Please, please forgive me..."

The people around... be it Midorikawa or Shirasaki, they all know what happened to Aoi's clothes.

But no one stood up and spoke up for Lan Jing.

All of them have an indifferent appearance of "nothing to do with themselves, just hang on high".

What's more, such as Lu Chuan, directly showed a gloating expression.

Qingdeng had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of Aoi, Shirasaki, Midorikawa and others.

Akabane and Aoi looked at each other with two completely different eyes - although this scene was fleeting, Qing Deng still keenly captured and stored it in his mind.

But Qingdeng remained calm and kept silent.

"It's okay, you don't have to be so frightened."

Qingdeng raised his hand to support Lan Jing, making him straighten up again.

"It's just a trivial matter, and I don't care."

After patting Lan Jing's shoulders and briefly reassuring him, Qing Deng followed Hei Yu to the next person, Yu Li...


It was nearly half an hour before all 10 Yuli and 50 Tongxin met.

Remembering the faces and names of people number 60... This is a heavy workload for other people.

But for Qingdeng, the task is easy.

His "photographic memory"... This gift of enhancing memory ability is not for show.

Whether it is Yuli as a middle-level cadre, or Tongxin as a grassroots staff, Qing Deng has now firmly remembered the face and name of each of them, as well as... their attitude towards themselves.

"Heiyu-kun, you join the team. I have something to say to you next."


Kuroba echoed loudly while bowing his head in salute.

At the same time that Heiyu quickly returned to the formation, Qingdeng came to the front of the formation.

Qingdeng's tall stature allows him to "see all the mountains and small mountains" and look down on his subordinates without having to stand on a high platform.


With his hands behind his back, Qingdeng took a deep breath, brewed up his strength and emotions, and then shouted:

"I've always disliked that kind of empty and boring official language and stereotypes, so I'll just tell you something from the bottom of my heart!"

"I'm sure you all know that before I was transferred to Huo Fu Thief Kai, I was the concentric of Bei Fan."

"During my tenure at Sakamachi, I only accumulated 2 experiences."

Qingdeng raised two fingers.

"How to investigate the experience of the case."

"And... the experience of how to minimize the loss of knives while improving the efficiency of cutting people."

"I don't understand or be familiar with anything other than the above two things,"

"I've never worked in Huofu Thief before. I'm not familiar with the daily operations of our team."

"I have never led such a large team. I have only managed 3 Okaki before."

"There are so many things worth learning slowly from scratch."

"In the future, I may make some mistakes in decision-making in the above-mentioned aspects."

"I would like to ask you to work together with me in the future to build the third team together!"

Qingdeng finished his short speech.

He looked up - there were very few people responding...

A small number of people listened carefully to his speech - such as Lan Jing. He was so absorbed in the whole process that he didn't even bat an eyelid.

A small number of people put on a disdainful look of sneering and not bothering to listen to what Qingdeng was saying - such as Akabane.

A small number of people watched the whole process, and didn't know whether he was in a daze just now or not—for example, Bai Qi.

The vast majority of people looked numb and indifferent, as if they were indifferent to everything in the outside world - such as Kuroba and Midorikawa.

Person No. 60 showed four completely different and distinct types of reactions and expressions.

Seeing this, Qingdeng couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, he felt from the bottom of his heart: my grandson Chutaro is not alarmist, and the third squad indeed has many arrogant soldiers who are difficult to discipline.

In the past, there were colleagues who were hostile to themselves because of "blood lineage theory" and "pink eye disease".

Later, there were subordinates who disobeyed him because of their "youngness" and "inexperienced".

Thinking of this, Qingdeng laughed at himself secretly in his heart:

——Incompatible colleagues and domineering subordinates... What a "harmonious" officialdom environment!

At this moment, a hasty cry suddenly erupted from behind Qingdeng:

"Master Tangerine! Master Tangerine!"

Qingdeng turned his face to look, a Huo Fu bandit reformer dressed in black came hurriedly on horseback.

"Tachibana-sama! Kurosawa-sama and Okubo-sama summoned! Please go back to the government office!"

"Summon?" Qing Deng raised his eyebrows, "Okay, I understand."

I thought that in the next step, I would take a good look at the garrison of the third team.

It now appears that this plan can only be shelved for the time being.

Suddenly he was anxious to call him back... I don't know if something urgent happened, but it was always right to follow the order and rush back to Huofu Thief's office immediately.

After Qingdeng told his subordinates, "Let's all go away", he left in a hurry.

Not long after, Qingdeng turned back to the Huofu Thief Gai's Yafu, where he had left for less than two hours, and returned to the spacious meeting hall.

Qingdeng glanced at the hall—the hall was empty at this time, and there were no other captains, only Kurosawa Atsuyuki and Okubo Tadashi sitting side by side on the main seat at the north end.

"Oh! Mr. Ju, you are here."

Kurosawa Atsuyu pushed the case file that was placed in front of his knee in Qingdeng's direction.

"Here comes the mission!"

"According to the spies' reliable information, there is a group of remnants of the Barbarians lurking in a wagashi shop in Sumimachi."

"The night is long and the dream is full. If we don't act quickly, these bastards of rebels might find out that their stronghold is exposed and transfer their personnel and supplies elsewhere."

"Therefore, Okubo and I decided to take action tonight! Send a large force to wipe out the remnants of the barbarian group in one fell swoop!"

"Mr. Ju, this operation is a good opportunity for you to accumulate experience in leading a team."

"So you and your third team will also participate in tonight's action!"

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows vigorously.

Send troops to wipe out the remnants of the Yi group? Encountered such a large-scale task as soon as you took office?

After a lapse of more than 3 months, I once again intersected with the Yi group... and it was the first day when Huofu Thief changed to work.

I have a lot of fate with the Yi group, right? !



Suddenly discovered: Qingdeng is now in charge of 60 soldiers, and in modern times he is almost an officer at the level of a company commander. The military rank is roughly second lieutenant or lieutenant - looking at it this way, don't you think Qingdeng's current official position is not small?

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