I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 251 Duplicate talent [Emperor's Art] and [Many Children, Many Blessings]! 【6000】

Light arms, flexible footwork, steady posture...

——Skills are not bad...

While silently giving a simple evaluation to his opponent, Qing Deng slowly gathered the bamboo sword in his hand in front of him, and arranged the middle position.

For the onlookers, from the moment Qingdeng set up the bamboo sword, the strength gap between the two sides became clear at a glance.

If opponent No. 1's posture is like a "rock", then Qingdeng's posture is like a "mountain"!

Even the people watching the battle can clearly feel the overwhelming sense of oppression emanating from Qingdeng's body, let alone the opponent in front of Qingdeng?

The opponent's temperament is acceptable.

Even though he realized that the opponent in front of him was extremely difficult to deal with, he didn't show any panic even though he was afraid that this battle would be more or less dangerous.

I saw that every movement of his was cautious.

The tip of the sword twitched slightly up and down.

Move back and forth repeatedly.

Without blinking his eyes, he watched Qing Deng's every move.

Qingdeng's actions were equally cautious.

But he didn't keep twitching the tip of the sword and moving his feet like his opponent, and he just planted his feet on the ground as if they were rooted.

Even though his own strength is obviously higher than that of the opponent in front of him, he still adopts such a prudent style of play-such a move of Qingdeng has been unanimously praised by Shimazaki Kazu, Tokuyama Shigeru and other spectators-they thought Qingdeng was The kind of person who "a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength".

"As expected of a swordsman who can survive in the bloody sea of ​​corpses and the bloody wind." Shimazaki nodded and whispered with a smile, "No matter who the opponent in front of him is, he will never be careless... ..."

I don't know that I once again set up Qingdeng with a "steady fighting style" in front of others. What is thinking in my heart now?

——It’s almost 10 seconds...

He was silently counting the 10 seconds needed to copy the talent...

It was too late and then too soon, this "sword confrontation" with big eyes and small eyes came to an end with the sudden change of the opponent's footsteps.

The opponent rushed forward as if he couldn't hold back. With footwork that kept the soles of his feet on the ground, he approached Qingdeng silently and quickly as if gliding, and slashed at Qingdeng's left shoulder.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of bamboo swords striking each other, the opponent's blow was blocked back.

This time, Qingdeng didn't let the opponent in front of him escape.

The next moment after parrying the attack, Qingdeng turned from defense to attack at lightning speed, and slashed horizontally with his sword, hitting the opponent's body.

On the last day of the fireworks festival... that is, 3 days ago, Qingto copied a new talent with the effect of "the explosive power of the arm is different from ordinary people" from the lunatic named Tada Koemon: Tiger Arm.

The explosive power of the legs is different from ordinary people's "leading the horse", the waist explosive power is different from ordinary people's "bear waist"... plus this newly obtained "tiger arm". So far, Qingdeng's shortcoming of "insufficient arms strength" has been completely made up for.

Now, Qingdeng has become a veritable "spring man" - from the lower limbs to the waist to the arms, every muscle seems to be equipped with springs, full of explosive power!

Just like the boss. Although the body is not particularly strong, there is a powerful force in the body that does not match the body.

Thanks to the blessing of "The Arm of the Tiger", Qingdeng's martial arts strength has increased a lot.

The increase in the explosive power of both arms made the power and speed of the slashing more than one grade stronger than before.

Because it wasn't long before he got this new talent, Qingdeng wasn't quite used to this "new body"... Accidentally exerted a little more strength.

The opponent was directly knocked into the air, and flew 4 steps horizontally before landing.

There is silence in my mind... There is no system sound, and there is no talent copied.

It looked like he had been beaten badly, but since he was wearing protective gear, he was fine. The opponent quickly got up from the tatami.

Completely defeated by Qingdeng's sword... In the end, this person didn't show the slightest indignation and unwillingness to be defeated.

After saying "Thank you for your advice" to Qingdeng in a flat tone, he left the arena holding the bamboo sword...


The next opponent is on the field.

As soon as opponent No. 2 entered the battle, his bamboo sword was tightly entangled with Qing Deng's bamboo sword.

This man's fighting style is very fierce, sticking to Qingdeng like a piece of brown sugar, chasing and beating Qingdeng like a mad dog.

Facing the opponent's onslaught, Qingdeng adopted a thorough defense strategy, waiting for 10 seconds to pass, while wearing down the strength and momentum of the opponent.

After a while, the opponent's attack gradually slowed down due to lack of physical strength and arm strength.

Qingdeng looked at the right time, and when it was broken, he lifted the bamboo sword upwards, creating a whirlwind that bounced off the opponent's bamboo sword, and the opponent's empty door was instantly opened.

In the next moment, the opponent fell to the ground in a panicked posture stabbed in the chest.

There is still no system sound in my head...


Compared with the first two, the No. 3 opponent's style of play is much more stable.

He did not launch a quick attack on Qingdeng impatiently, but first stabilized the knife and carefully observed Qingdeng's movements and postures.

However, Qingdeng's knife frame remains motionless and flawless, no matter how wide-eyed he scans every part of Qingdeng's body, he can't find any opportunity to take advantage of it.

As a last resort, he could only use various small tricks to trick Qingdeng into making moves, so as to get out of Qingdeng's loopholes.

I saw him take a big step forward suddenly, but immediately retreated to the original position, as if he was about to advance and then stopped.

Qingdeng didn't have that much patience, let this person dawdle here slowly.

After counting 10 seconds, Qingdeng rushed towards his opponent like a gust of wind, slashed his hand with a knife, and knocked his bamboo sword into the air.

Still no sound from the system...


When opponent No. 4 first entered the battle, he adopted the "lower section" posture.

Probably because he found it difficult to launch a threatening attack on Qingdeng only with the "lower section" posture. After a little thought, he raised the saber, ready to use the "upper section" which is easy to launch a powerful slash.

The moment he raised the bamboo sword, Qingdeng took a big step forward, closing the distance with him in one breath, and slashed his mask with a knife.

System tone...none.



A new opponent entered the field, was sent off by Qingdeng Rutangwo Xuedi, and a new opponent came up, and was sent off by Qingdeng Rutangwo Xuedi... This "imperial martial arts" was steadily advancing at such a rhythm.

After knocking down the eighth person effortlessly, Qingdeng finally couldn't hold back his inner emotions and frowned.

——These guys...the skills are so average...

So far, not only have I not encountered a master whose strength is worth mentioning, but I have not copied any talent.

This made Qingdeng, who had always thought that he could open his eyes and think that the famous "Third Fan Group" had very good skills, and that he could copy some new talents from them, couldn't help being surprised.

Is it because the real masters of the "Third Fan Group" are not here? Or are these people already good players in the "Third Fan Group"?

If it's the former, that's fine.

If it's the latter... Then Qingdeng doubts whether they can fight a tough battle with the combat power of the "Third Fan Group"?

If only the strength is poor, then that's all. Qingdeng didn't feel so disappointed.

So far, Qingdeng has fought against 8 members of the "Third Fan Group" and carefully observed them - in Qingdeng's eyes, the biggest problem with these people is their "attitude" has a problem.

These guys... all gave Qingdeng a very negative feeling.

It's not that they didn't play aggressively against Qingdeng.

Quite the opposite -- they all played hard and aggressive. Qingdeng could feel that everyone was doing their best, and no one was paddling.

But after they were defeated by Qingdeng, none of them showed any unwillingness to just lose like this, and blamed themselves for not being able to be stronger.

They all have an indifferent attitude of "it's best to win, it doesn't matter if you lose"...

Don't feel unwilling and ashamed of your defeat and weakness... To be honest, this kind of mentality is more terrifying than lack of strength.

Just as Qingdeng was counting the poor performance of the "Third Division" in his mind, he suddenly heard the sound of approaching footsteps in front of him—opponent No. 9 had entered the field.

look up. It was Shigeru Tokuyama who had talked to Kikunoma just now.

Qingdeng looked at Tokuyama Shigeru in front of him, then at Shimazaki Kazu who was kneeling alone on the east side of the room, waiting to play, and thought to himself:

——It's really strange...why everyone who has fought against me can't stay in the room for a long time...?

Every person who has competed with Qingdeng will leave the room under the guidance of a special person after the competition is over... I don't know why.

Qingdeng had paid attention to the expressions of those who left - they all looked blank.

Presumably they should not know why they were immediately driven out of the room as soon as the competition was over.

Right now, 8 of the 10 opponents have gone, and the top 8 contestants have all left now. The only ones who are still here are those who have not competed with Qingdeng and had a brief exchange with Qingdeng before the start of the martial arts performance. Shimazaki and Tokuyama Shigeru.

Tokuyama Shigeru stepped on solid and powerful steps, and stood 7 steps away from Qingdeng.

I saw him set up the bamboo sword with a very graceful movement, while holding his head high, he said loudly:

"Mr. Orange, please enlighten me!"

The sound is loud, the tone is sonorous and powerful, full of momentum.

Qingdeng's brows and eyes twitched slightly, his eyes fixed.

The energy shown by Tokuyama Shigeru's shout...is different from every previous opponent!

——It seems that a decent person finally came...

Qingdeng, who unconsciously had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, gathered his mind and held the bamboo sword steady.


Deshan Mao sank his dantian, took a step forward, and launched a rush attack.

The bamboo sword swung from the middle section slammed into Qingdeng's face with the sound of the wind—he was so ambitious that he actually chose this vital point as the target of his first blow.

Qingdeng quickly moved back and knocked away Deshan Mao's bamboo sword.

As if being scalded by boiling water, Tokuyama Shigeru took the bamboo sword that was about to be bounced and quickly retreated half a step. After quickly adjusting the orientation of his body and the blade, he slammed down again with a loud shout. An extremely sharp knife.

Tokuyama Shigeru is 25cm shorter than Qingdeng, and his figure is also thinner than Qingdeng.

The sharply contrasting body shape makes him, who is fighting against Qingdeng, give people a feeling of "mantising arms and carts".

However, Tokuyama Mao was not timid because of this.

He started a "fight" with Qingdeng without fear, uninterruptedly launching a storm-like offensive that seemed to drown Qingdeng.

Shouts from the qi in the dantian and crisp sounds of bamboo swords striking each other came and went.

Qingdeng, who was on the defensive, used dazzling sword skills and footwork to see and dismantle Tokuyama Shigeru's offensive, while throwing appreciative eyes at the opponent in front of him. .

In terms of skill, Tokuyama Shigeru is by no means brilliant. Of all the opponents that Qingdeng faced just now, at least 6 of them were stronger than Shigeru Tokuyama.

But Shigeru Tokuyama possessed one thing that the previous 8 people did not have - the momentum to win!

Only those who yearn for victory and defeat the enemy in front of them can swing such an oppressive slash.

The longer he practiced martial arts, and the more bitter and bloody battles he experienced, the more Qingdeng felt: when fighting people, momentum is very important!

As long as there is an indomitable momentum that is not afraid of injury or death, even if the strength is far weaker than the opponent, there is still a chance to create a feat of defeating the strong with the weak.

With this high-spirited momentum, despite his weak strength, Shigeru Tokuyama's sense of oppression and threat to Qingdeng was greater than any opponent he had just met.

Judging from the voice, Tokuyama Shigeru should not be very old.

Although he has the deep and deep voice characteristic of adult males, his tone still has obvious childishness.

About 13 or 4 years old.

Letting an adult man like Qingdeng and a young man like this fight against each other, it would be a bit too much to take advantage of - but after a while, Deshan Mao's weakness at a young age was revealed.


Compared with Qingdeng's easy defense, Tokuyama's offense is gradually getting weaker.

His breathing was chaotic... In order to ensure the oxygen supply, he had to open his mouth wide and greedily swallow the air around his lips.

Although the offensive is still maintained, the speed of the bamboo sword has slowed down significantly.

Qingdeng, who had been silently accumulating strength and waiting for the best opportunity to counterattack, was waiting for this moment.

Qingdeng paused for a step, and then swiftly and silently pounced forward like a giant beast hunting for prey. The bamboo sword in his hand made a loud noise - the sword edge hit the flank of Tokuyama Mao who was unable to react in time.

Shigeru Deshan, who had been stabbed in the left abdomen, let out a muffled exclamation with a "goo", and then reflexively hit Qingdeng's chest with a blow against the trend, wanting to die with Qingdeng.

If the current battle between the two is not a bamboo sword exchange, but a real knife confrontation, then if Tokuyama Shigeru's counterattack is real, it can really seriously injure Qingdeng. If you are lucky, you can directly pull Qingdeng together Go to Huangquan together.

Seeing through Deshan Mao's intentions, Qing Deng turned his upper body to the side without haste, avoiding the bamboo sword that was coming straight to his chest, then rushed forward, dodged behind De Shan Mao, and then retracted his feet and turned around , using the centrifugal force brought by turning the body, delivered a second blow to Tokuyama Shigeru's body.

This time, Qingdeng used a lot more force.

The bamboo sword that hit Tokuyama Shigeru's back directly "slammed" this unexpectedly light boy to the ground.

"Accepted." Qingdeng flipped his wrist, habitually swiping the knife.

"Hahaha..." Deshan Mao got up from the tatami with both hands and feet, and smiled bitterly at Qingdeng: "It's really aggrieved to lose... You were knocked down without even seeing your sword path and movements clearly." landed..."

Although he said so, Tokuyama Shigeru admitted his defeat frankly.

He bowed to Qingdeng very politely and said "Thank you for your advice", then he took the bamboo sword, retreated to the sidelines, and returned to Shimazaki Kazu's side - it is strange to say that Tokuyama Shigeru didn't act like the previous ones. Like a human being, he was forcibly driven out of the room after competing with Qingdeng.

At the moment when Shigeru Tokuyama left the stage——

【Ding! Scan to talent]

Since the beginning of the Yuqian martial arts performance, the system sound that has not sounded in my mind has finally come slowly.

[Successfully copied the talent: "The Art of the Emperor\

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