I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 239 Duplicating Talent [Water Body] and the Rare Genius Detective [5100]

Of course, Qingdeng wouldn't use double swords.

The reason why he suddenly pulled out the double knives was purely to abolish Ajiujin's "alternately using sickle and splitting copper attack" tactics!

Although Qingdeng had to "sacrifice" a hand... but Akujin was obviously more affected.

In an instant, Ajiujin's eyes opened as big as his pennies.

He subconsciously wanted to get the copper back.

But in terms of hard work, Qingdeng, who has been exercising for more than half a year and has a "bear waist", is not afraid of anyone.

Qingdeng mustered all his strength, making his neck as thick as his face, his waist and spine exerted strength, and the tense arm muscles made the left sleeve and the clothes on the back bulge up in small peaks.

The tightly pulled iron chain made a strange "cracking" sound as if it would break at any moment.

Fentong, who is trying to recycle, Wakizashi, who is clinging to Fentong tightly... neither will let the other go.

The fighting power between Qingdeng and Ajiujin fell into a stalemate, and neither of them had a clear upper hand—but for Qingdeng, this was enough!

In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng's figure arrived in front of Ajiujin, who had directly lost most of his combat power due to the lack of a coordinated attack for the points!


Under the moonlight, the edge of the blade that slashed down cast a silvery-white blade of light that pierced Ajiujin's body.

With one end of the sickle being controlled by Qingdeng, unless he gave up his weapon, Ajiujin could only advance, not retreat.

"Tsk...!" Ajiujin gritted his teeth and put the sickle back into his right palm——


Jumping sparks burst out from the colliding blades of the two knives.

The sickle used by Ajiujin is not the kind of agricultural tool specially used for cutting straw.

The length of the blade is at least 30 centimeters, and the face of the blade is both wide and large... You can tell at a glance that it is a special weapon specially designed for killing people.


With a cold snort, Qingdeng turned Ajiujin's sickle aside with delicate skills, then adjusted the direction of the blade, and slashed at Ajiujin for the second time.

Ajitsu's sword skills are still good.

Qingdeng hacked several times, but Ajiujin accurately took all of them with his sickle.

But fighting with Qingdeng... is obviously "using one's own weaknesses to attack others' strengths".

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, a white light flashed in the darkness, and the ghosts and gods of Ding with the sound of the wind swept from bottom to top.

This time, Ajiujin's defense was half a step late.


Akutsu, who failed to digest the huge force transmitted back to his palms along the handle of the knife, staggered 2 steps backwards holding the sickle back.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

Qing Deng quickly and accurately grasped this precious fighter that could decide the battle situation in one go.

The sword light shines.

With the thrust from the middle, with the momentum of a white rainbow penetrating the sun, it swept towards Ajiujin who was wide open, and towards his neck.

The momentum looked fierce, but in fact Qingdeng absorbed a lot of strength.

Qingdeng's plan was to put the tip of the sword firmly in front of his throat to restrain Ajiujin, and he didn't want to kill him.

The reason for this is not only because there are many things to ask them and they need to keep alive, but also because in the battle just now, Ajiujin didn't think about killing him.

Although Ajiujin fought fiercely just now and the attack was quite fierce, Qingdeng clearly felt that there was no killing intent wrapped around his sickle.

Many attacks deliberately avoided Qingdeng's vital points.

This made Qingdeng even more suspicious of the identities of these people.

Is it a lunatic who came to try a knife on passers-by in the middle of the night?

Or... a person from a certain faction that is completely different from the "Expelling Barbarians"...?

At this time, seeing that the crisis was approaching, Ajiujin finally stopped holding on to the weapon.

He let go of the weapon in his hand in time and retreated quickly, fleeing Qingdeng's sword in a little embarrassment.

Qingdeng wanted to chase forward.

Suddenly, a white blade suddenly appeared in the corner of his left eye.

This white blade that suddenly appeared... attacked Qingdeng's foot!

Qingdeng, who was suddenly attacked and had to give up the pursuit, leaped several meters away with two consecutive backflips.

When his feet were once again firmly planted on the ground, Qingdeng stabilized the ghost stand in front of him again, while looking forward.

I saw Ichinose, Ebina, and the young man wearing a macaque mask who had been standing quietly watching the battle just now, all with swords in hand, forming a human wall, blocking Qingdeng and Akutsu between.

The person who attacked Aoto just now was none other than Ichinose.

The sudden intervention of Ichinose and others made the battle between Qingdeng and Akutsu temporarily suspended.

The system that judged the end of the battle between the two began to operate at this moment:

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Water Body\

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