I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 234 Body parts that only Sanako's husband can see... 【8600】

Tick ​​tock...tick tock...tick tock...

Water drops flowed down Qingdeng's hair and dripped onto Zuo Nazi's pretty face.

At this moment, the two sat on the river bed with their knees bent in a "tightly connected" posture.

Forced by the current environment and atmosphere, the two looked at each other—Qingdeng looked down at Sanako in his arms, and Sanako looked up at Qingdeng who was still holding her right wrist and left shoulder.

Qingdeng is only a head taller than Sanazi... Such a height difference makes the two faces extremely close.

Qingdeng could clearly see his own figure reflected in Sanako's pupils.

He could even feel the warm breath exhaled by Sanako.

This is the first time that Qingdeng has been so close to Sanako's pretty face in a "face-to-face" movement.

Upon closer inspection, he found that the skin on Sanako's face was unbelievably good.

Obviously in this era, let alone skin care products such as masks and essences, even the concept of skin care products has not yet appeared on the market.

But Sanako's skin seems to have been taken care of by the world's most advanced skin care products and top-notch medical beauty technology.

There are neither scars nor spots. Delicate, white and tender, fluffy... Even if all the words that can be used to describe a girl's skin are piled up on Sanako's body, it is still not enough.

Under the bright sunlight, Sanako's skin exudes a transparent texture

Qingdeng thought: This is probably the so-called "white and transparent".

It might be a little perverted to say... At this moment, looking at Sanako's delicate face, which is impeccable in both skin color and texture, Qingdeng had the urge to "really want to rub her face".

It must feel very good in the hand, and there is an illusion of "maybe you can get water out of kneading".

As if being drawn by an invisible thread, Qingdeng's attention turned unconsciously to Sanako's facial features.

Although I have known Sanako for so long, and Qingdeng has seen Sanako's face countless times, but looking at it from such a close distance, a special sense of novelty arises spontaneously in Qingdeng's heart.

Black and white are distinct, bright and energetic - these are the beautiful eyes that most beauties have.

But Sanako is slightly different from ordinary women—her pupils shone with the light of intelligence and will, glowing with an extraordinary brilliance.

The plump and crimson lips are full of vitality.

The handsome and straight nose adds a layer of three-dimensional beauty to the whole face.

If you look closely, you can realize more deeply that the titles of "Chiba Oni Komachi" and "The No. 1 Beauty in Edo" are not just made up by people.

Although Kinoshita Mai is also a first-class beauty... But Qingdeng has to admit: In terms of appearance alone, Kinoshita Mai is not Sanako's opponent...

If the full score is 100, Kinoshita Mai with no makeup is about 90 points. After putting on the gorgeous makeup last night, the score can probably rise to 95 or 6 points close to the full score.

And Sanako's face without makeup has 100 points...

The invisible "line" that draws Qingdeng's gaze is operating again.

Nose, lips, jaw, neck, chest, waist... It slowly moved Qingdeng's gaze down the wet, smooth and "uneven" curve, and finally reached Sanako's waist.

Under the title of "Warrior Ji", the body that looks too sexy is enough to attract the eyes in ordinary times.

Right now, the clothes soaked by the river water are clinging to her skin... Sanako's moving figure is fully displayed at this moment.

The waist line is tight, without a trace of fat, and there is a vague vest line that has been well-trained and conveys a strong sense of strength.

The lines of the "Peach" are beautifully outlined by water drops, making it more moist.

As for the part above the waist...

When Sanako is dressed properly, she already has a strong sense of presence.

It's usually like this, so this time... let alone.

Without the cover-up of clothes, Qingdeng felt intuitively for the first time: Sanako is really a big girl...

The invisible "thread" that draws Qingdeng's gaze only ends here.

Because after experiencing a brief absence due to shock, Sanako's eyes began to gather light again.

Also gathered together is "Hongxia".

If it is "Hongxia", it may be a bit inaccurate... "Yingxia" is more appropriate.

When Sanako blushed, the color of her face was slightly different from that of Kinoshita Mai's bright red. She was a pinkish cherry color.

Obviously, the flowering period of cherry blossoms has already passed, but from this moment, Qingdeng saw "cherry blossoms in full bloom" for the first time in a long time.

Qingdeng saw Sanazi's watery beautiful eyes, rippling violently like an ancient pool where stones were suddenly thrown into it.

What aroused these waves was an emotion called "shame" that was constantly emerging in her eyes.

Whether in front of his family or in front of outsiders, Sanazi, who was always calm and unhurried, lost his composure so rarely.

This can't be blamed for losing the demeanor that a famous family should have... The things that happened to her at this time, if it was changed to any girl from a good family, it would most likely show that she had a different experience compared with Sanazi Nothing less than a reaction.

Figures outlined by wet clothes... not the most embarrassing state of affairs.

The most embarrassing situation was that the clothes Sanako was wearing today were extremely thin.

In the scorching summer, even Sanako, who pays attention to her image and never wears casual clothes, can't wear thick clothes.

Under the thin women's kendo uniform, there are even thinner undergarments and waist rolls.

In today's society, there are naturally no such things as bear caps and underwear.

The so-called undergarments and waist rolls can be understood as underwear and panties of this era.

The former is something similar to a bottoming garment, while the latter is a garment that wraps around the waist, reaches the calf, and looks like an apron.

The hakama of Sanako's kendo suit today is blue, and this kind of darker-colored clothes are not very afraid of getting wet.

However... Sanako's upper body clothes and undergarments are all white.

The thin white cloth is soaked in water... What will happen, what will be seen, no longer needs to be described in detail.

"Hug, sorry!"

Qingdeng finally recovered from the stupefied state belatedly.

He quickly let go of Sanako's right wrist and left shoulder as if his palms had been electrocuted, and turned around.

Although it was not intentional... But it is an indisputable fact that Qingdeng did something very wrong to Sanako.

A strong sense of apology and guilt arose in his heart... not only because he accidentally saw something that should only be seen by Sanako's husband, but also because of the scene he saw just now, back and forth, and back and forth. Repeatedly playing in Qingdeng's mind, I couldn't stop...


There was no movement from behind... Sanako remained silent, not saying a word...

Zenazi's silence made Qingdeng very concerned. But Qingdeng didn't dare to turn around and look.

To be honest, Zuo Nazi's reticence made Qingdeng feel even more uneasy...

Just when Qingdeng was thinking about whether to sincerely apologize to Sanako again, he finally heard the voice of Sanako:

"...I am the one who should apologize."

Sanako's tone was neither sad nor happy...it was the tone of speech that Qingdeng was familiar with.

"It's because I was too immature just now... Even though I have already lost, I shamelessly want to compete with you again."

"And he played so irrationally and methodically."

"My accidental fall is my own fault."

"It caused you to fall into the water with me in order to protect me...I'm very sorry."

There was the sound of water ripples gently waving behind him... Even if he didn't look back, Qingdeng could vaguely feel that Sanako was bowing to him.

"No, nothing..."

Qingdeng, who has not yet "get rid" of the guilt in his heart and the video still playing in his mind, stammered.

Judging from Sanako's tone at this moment... On the whole, Sanako was successfully calmed down... It's just that the means to achieve this goal are a little strange.

Qingdeng: "..."

Sanako: "..."

The atmosphere of silence that made people feel uncomfortable enveloped the two of them again.

"That... let's go ashore first."

No matter what you say, don't soak in the water anymore, it's always right to climb out of the river as soon as possible.

After all, Qingdeng took the lead in lifting the two trouser legs of Hakama, and strode towards the river bank where they came with heavy steps.

The clothes on his body were full of water, and Qingdeng felt that his weight had become at least twice as heavy.

After successfully climbing up the river bank, Qingdeng heard the sound of Sanako's footsteps coming from behind him.

Fortunately, it is the hot summer now, even if you are drowned, you will not feel cold, but it is not a solution to keep your clothes so wet, you can't drag your wet clothes home, right?

It didn't matter to him, but Sanazi, who is still the eldest daughter of Huang Hua, must not go home wet all over.

Wearing wet clothes that can see through the skin, showing your face in the street... Even the cheapest wandering girl living on the bank of the Rashomon River in Yoshiwara can't do this kind of thing.

"Miss Sanako, let's gather some branches and dry firewood to bake clothes."

There are dense forests beside the river bank, so there is no need to worry about finding materials for warming the fire.

"Can you make a fire?" Sanako asked.

"I have learned how to live in the wild."

When he was in middle school in his previous life, Qingdeng was obsessed with survival in the wilderness for a period of time, and learned very basic wilderness survival skills such as "how to start a fire" and "how to find water" through self-study.

"Miss Sanako, I'm going to the east to find dry firewood."

Qingdeng pointed to the east, then turned his finger to the west.

"Go to the west to find dry firewood."

Looking for dry firewood separately, it is efficient, and it can avoid seeing each other's bodies embarrassingly.

"Okay..." Sanako responded softly.

"Then see you later."

After leaving these words, Qingdeng headed straight for the woodland on the east side of the river bank.

"..." Sanako didn't leave immediately.

She remained silent, standing where she was.

Ever since he climbed up the river bank, Qingdeng has been paying attention to his line of sight to avoid seeing Sanazi's body again... Therefore, he has no chance to see such a spectacle: Although Zuozi has always been in the way she is used to, She talked to Qingdeng in such a cold tone, but the cherry glow flying over her cheeks has not dissipated since she appeared.

While talking to Qingdeng with a forced "I don't care about what happened just now" calm appearance, at the same time, he did not dare to look at Qingdeng the whole time, lowered his eyes, covered his upper body with both arms in pink The parts that Qingdeng has seen show a shy girlishness...

At the moment when Qingdeng left, she who finally didn't have to "act" anymore, let out a long sigh of relief with a "ha".



Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Crackling...! Crackling...! Crackling...!

The rising tongue of fire licked the firewood, and the sound of firewood crackling was endless.

Relying on the classic method of "drilling wood to make a fire", Qingdeng successfully lit a bonfire.

Qingdeng used his cuff to pull a clothesline on the branches of two trees that were very close together. All his and Sanazi's clothes were hung on this clothesline. Burning fire.

These high-hanging clothes just became a "curtain" with good shielding effect.

Qingdeng and Zuo Nazi sat back to back on both sides of the "curtain", waiting for the clothes to dry.

Of course, it is impossible for the two of them to take off all their clothes.

Qingdeng left a loincloth which he was not used to, but which he had to wear.

Sanako kept her undergarment and waist roll.

From time to time, Qingdeng would turn his body slightly to check how the clothes were drying, and pay attention to the flame not to burn the clothes.

Turning the body sideways... In such a posture, the corner of the eye inevitably caught sight of the graceful shadow reflected on the "curtain".

Zuo Nazi took off the blue ribbon that tied her hair, and three thousand blue silks were hanging down, and she sat with her back to Qingdeng.

She happened to be sitting where her body was hidden by the "curtain", so from Qingdeng's view, she couldn't see her body, only the shadow projected on the "curtain".

However, even if you can only see a shadow... This shadow with attractive lines is enough to make people imagine.

As long as you poke your eyes into the gaps in the wet clothes that have been hung up to dry, you can see a beautiful scenery that is more exciting and dazzling than the river bank scenery in front of you... As soon as these thoughts came to Qing Deng's mind, Qing Deng was immediately overwhelmed. Deng suppressed it by patting himself hard on the cheek.

For no reason, Qing Deng suddenly thought:

——Lately... I seem to be naked in front of Sanako-san all the time...

Compared to the last time, he achieved more thoroughly this time.

For the accident just happened in the river, both Qingdeng and Sanako have apologized to each other, and Sanako also has an attitude of not pursuing Qingdeng's rude behavior of "seeing all the things that shouldn't be seen"... ...Qingdeng thought about this, so let's leave it at that.

He felt that Sanako should and would not want him to talk about it again.

Compared to this accident...Qing Deng wanted to ask Sanako more questions.

"...Miss Sanako."

Qing Deng cleared his throat and said softly.

"Did something happen? Why did you come to me to discuss with me so suddenly today?"

And why did he show such a groggy side after losing to me? Qingdeng suppressed the second half of the question because he cared about Zuo Nazi's face.

Let’s not talk about the sudden move to come to him to discuss, just talk about the reaction that Zuo Nazi showed after losing to him-recklessly said "please fight me again", and made a haphazard attack on Qingdeng. , It's a completely unplanned offensive to vent your emotions...

The emotionally out-of-control Sanako... This is the first time Qingdeng saw him.

Qingdeng dared to conclude: Something must have happened to Zuo Nazi.

Sanako's response was quite quick.

"Mr. Ju, I'm sorry... I really made you laugh today..."

She first apologized to Qingdeng in a deep voice.

Then... She lowered her eyes, raised her legs together, and stretched out her arms to hug them.

He hugged himself tightly.

"I...actually, I don't quite know why I suddenly want to compete with you."

"I'm in a mixed mood... so chaotic... When I came back to my senses, I had already arrived at the testing hall."

"Now that I look back and think about it carefully... this is probably deep in my heart, eager to prove myself."

"Prove that I am not inferior to a 'dragon soaring to the sky' like you, Mr. Ju."

"In the end... I humiliated myself..."

"I started practicing martial arts at the age of 5, and it has been 17 years... I have tried my best and used all the best skills I can, but I was beaten by you who have not practiced martial arts for less than a year. Fail miserably..."

Qingdeng heard self-deprecating laughter.

While making a self-deprecating laugh, Sanako lowered her head and buried her face deeply between her legs.

"Miss Sanako...?" After Sanako's voice fell, Qingdeng's face was instantly dominated by strong doubts and faint worries, "What's the matter? Is...is someone criticizing your lack of strength? Or is someone saying that you are not as strong as me?"


"Miss Zuo Nazi?" Qingdeng thought that Zuo Nazi hadn't heard his voice, cleared his throat and raised the volume.


"Miss Sanako?!"


Zuo Nazi remained silent... Although Qingdeng was worried, but in the current state where the two of them were only wearing close-fitting clothes, they couldn't turn around and run to check on the situation on Sanazi's side.

Since Zuo Nazi didn't say a word, Qingdeng had nothing to do with it.

I can only keep silent...Let Sanako be quiet for a while...


Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Crackling...! Crackling...! Crackling...!


The sound of burning fires emphasizes the tranquility of the riverbank. The sound sounds inexplicably giving people an illusion of being so far away, as if only this space is separated from the world.

After a long while, Qingdeng finally waited for the voice of Sanazi:

"...the clothes seem to be dry."

The weather is hot now, and the clothes of the two are thin summer clothes, so they can be dried in a short time under the bonfire.

"Mr. Orange, I'm going to get dressed."

Hearing what Sanako said, Qingdeng immediately corrected his sitting posture with his back to Sanako, and looked straight ahead.

Swish...the sound of clothes rubbing against delicate skin came from behind.

"I've finished changing... Ju-jun, you should get dressed too."


This time Sanako turned her back to the dressed Qingdeng.

Sanako has already dressed neatly again, the kendo uniform is neatly put on, and the white socks are put on again with tight blue button clogs, only the wet hair is still hanging loose.

After Qing Deng put on his dry clothes and reported to Zuo Nazi, Zuo Nazi turned around and faced Qingdeng.

"Then... I will take my leave first."

"It's almost time for lunch, Mr. Ju, you should go back to the test room."

At this point, Sanako paused.

Then... she blinked slightly.

The place where the eyes flickered was full of desolation and sadness.

"...Mr. Ju, I really envy you."

After speaking, Sanako turned his back and left.

"Miss Sanako!" Qingdeng, who was full of doubts and emotions in his heart, took two quick steps, trying to catch up with Sanako.

But was stopped by Sanako's cold voice:

"Please don't follow me."

She said loudly without looking back.

"Now... please leave me alone for a while..."

Her words were like chains, locking Qingdeng's feet.

Qingdeng, who stopped slowly, watched Sanako leave with a complicated expression...

After his figure completely disappeared from the field of vision, Qing Deng curled his lips lightly.

"never mind……"

he said to himself.

"Wait until tonight, then go and ask carefully what happened..."



That night--

Edo, Ryogoku Bridge, somewhere—

"Mr. Ju! Do you know where Sanako has gone? After she left a letter at home this afternoon, she disappeared!"

Qingdeng, who came to the meeting place as promised, had not had time to say hello to Chiba Shigetarou and Chiba Tamonshiro, who had arrived here beforehand, when Chiba Shigetaro said this to him in an anxious tone.

Qing Deng, who was planning to have a good talk with Sanazi tonight, suddenly showed a dumbfounded expression.

"Miss Sanako is missing? Mr. Shigetaro, what's going on?"

Chiba Shigetaro swallowed forcefully, moistened his dry throat, then hurriedly pulled out a neatly folded letter paper from his arms, and said quickly:

"Sanako, she went out this morning for no reason. She didn't know where she went. She didn't come home until near noon."

"Not long after she came home, I went to her boudoir to find her, only to find that she had disappeared again."

"I found this letter on the desk in her room."

Qingdeng took the letter paper from Chiba Shigetaro, spread it out and took a look.

This is a letter that fits the identity of Sanako Yamato Nadeko and a famous young lady: the whole text is in beautiful Chinese characters, and there are basically no pseudonyms.

The handwriting is quite beautiful, which is pleasing to the eye... But at this time, Qingdeng has no time to savor the level of calligraphy of Zuo Nazi.

Read the letter at a glance. The letter was well written, but if we could condense its content, it would be just one sentence: I want to go out to relax, and I will probably come home later, brother, I will not participate in the fencing show tonight, you guys work hard.

"Sanako didn't come to the Xuanwu Hall." Chiba Tamonshiro interjected, frowning, "At least until I left the Xuanwu Hall, Sanako didn't come to the Xuanwu Hall."

"Then where did she go..." Chiba Shigetaro scratched his head in annoyance, "Tachibana-kun, do you have any clues? Has she ever been to the test hall?"

Although Sanako left a letter telling everyone not to worry about her...but for a brother like Chiba Shigetaro who values ​​his younger sister's wealth and life more than his own, no matter what Sanako has She didn't leave a letter to report her safety, as long as she didn't know where Sanako had gone, she felt restless...

After all, right now is not a world of peace and prosperity... and Sanazi was kidnapped a while ago.

With a pensive look on his face, Qing Deng silently returned the letter left by Sanako in his hand to Chiba Shigetaro.

"...Mr. Shigetaro. Actually...Miss Sanako came to see me this morning."


Chiba Shigetarou and Chiba Tamonshiro both showed stunned expressions.

"Tachibana-kun." Chiba Shigetaro said urgently, "Tell me in detail! What did Sana ask you for this morning?"

Sanako's behavior all day today is too strange.

In the morning, I suddenly went to Qingdeng for a duel, and in the afternoon, I disappeared for no reason...

Worried about Sanako's current physical and mental state, Qing Deng, who also hoped to quickly find the missing Sanako, nodded solemnly to the pair of brothers in front of him after thinking for a while, and went on Brief them on what happened this morning.

Of course - it's optional.

He and Sanako fell into the river while hugging each other tightly, their clothes were soaked by the river water, and they accidentally saw all the things they shouldn't have seen... For the content of this part, Qingdeng wrote Don't tell anyone about death.

Not only to preserve Sanako's reputation, but also to save his life...

If Chiba Shigetaro knew what he saw on Sanako today...God knows whether Chiba Shigetaro would draw his sword and chop him.

What shouldn't be said, Qingdeng didn't say a word.

What should be said, Qingdeng doesn't hesitate to talk.

Qingdeng elaborated on the strange reaction that Sanako showed after asking "Why did you come to me to discuss with me so suddenly today?"

After quietly listening to Qingtou's narration, Chiba Shigetarou and Chiba Tameshiro showed two completely different expressions.

Chiba Domon Shiro's face was filled with pure doubts.

It was Chiba Shigetaro... His face changed drastically, as if he was recalling something terrible.

"Zonako, she said she envied you...? Tsk... Could it be...?"

Noticing that Chiba Shigetaro seemed to know something, Qingdeng said seriously:

"Mr. Shigetaro, do you know anything about Miss Sanako's strange behavior today?"

Qingdeng and Chiba Tamonshiro both focused their scrutiny eyes on Chiba Shigetaro.

"..." Chiba Shigetaro lowered his head, hesitantly...

He quietly raised his eyes, looked at his cousin... and then looked at the young man who was always looking forward to him becoming his brother-in-law soon, and to give birth to many nephews and nieces for him with his sister...

"...Tachibana-kun, Duomen brother, what I said next... I hope you can keep it secret, and don't let any outsiders know." Chiba Shigetaro gritted his teeth, "Actually, last night..."


Chiba Dingkichi told Chiba Shigetaro last night that Sanako's martial arts achievements are difficult to improve... After listening to Chiba Shigetaro's mouth, after listening to the specific reasons and processes of the incident in detail, Qing Deng suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

"So it's like this..." Qingdeng murmured.

All the clues have been connected successfully... All kinds of strange actions that Sanako made today can all be explained clearly.

"So... Brother Chong, Sanako overheard all your conversations with your uncle..." Chiba Tamashiro's expression was as dull as his tone.

"It should be..." Chiba Shigetaro sighed heavily, "How could it be such a coincidence..."

"...Mr. Shigetaro, Chiba-kun." After pondering for a moment, Qingdeng said seriously, "Let's cancel the fencing show tonight. Let's find Miss Sanako first."

"Yeah!" Chiba Shigetaro nodded without thinking, "That's exactly what I mean! After something like this happened, I don't have the heart to perform any more swordsmanship... Duomen brother, what do you say?"

Chiba Tameshiro nodded vigorously, expressing his position with gestures.

The three people who reached a consensus scattered in all directions and rushed to the place where Zuo Nazi went most often to find someone.

Aoyogi Hachiman Shrine is the shrine that Sanako often visits to the place that Qingto is in charge of.

The main worship god of Yoyogi Hachiman Shrine is the "War God" who symbolizes the protection of the country, success and victory, and disaster relief. It is revered by warriors... especially the generals of the Warring States Period: Hachiman God.

This shrine, which has a history of hundreds of years and has a very special meaning to the samurai family, has always been favored by Sanako, who calls himself "Samurai Hime".

Hachiman Shrine at this time point has long since had no pilgrims who came to worship. The unique silence of the night surrounds this famous shrine.

Except for a few shrine maidens in white robes who were sweeping up fallen leaves, there were no other figures.

Qingdeng asked these priestesses if they had seen a particularly beautiful beauty today, and it was absolutely impossible not to be impressed by seeing a beauty...but they got a negative answer.

——Where did Miss Sanako go...

Qingdeng, who found nothing at Hachiman Shrine, rumpled his hair worryingly while walking slowly on the way to leave the club.

Information is scarce... Edo is so big, who knows where Sanako is now.

Just when Qingdeng was thinking about whether to join Chiba Shigetaro now... His footsteps suddenly stopped.


As if a ray of light shone on his face, Qing Deng suddenly revealed an expression of enlightenment, as if he had realized some truth in the world.

At this moment, Qingdeng finally realized that he had been stuck in a thinking pattern just now: who said that Sanako must be in Edo now?

Could she be in a place other than Edo?

Thinking of this, he suddenly recalled what Sanako said to him this morning——


(I occasionally come to this place to relax and practice martial arts in order to change my mood. The scenery here is very good, and I will not be disturbed by idle people. It is my precious "secret treasure".)



Qingdeng, who seemed to be looking at some distant world, stared straight ahead without saying a word.

After a while, he turned around abruptly, and ran straight towards the outskirts of Edo without any hesitation.



The talent copied from Keisuke Yamanan: "Picture Memory", although it is rarely used actively, it always comes in handy unconsciously.

Thanks to the strong memory ability endowed by "photographic memory", Qing registered the way to the "secret treasure land" in Sanako very clearly.

Qingdeng walked through the urban area of ​​Edo according to his memory, and came to the suburbs full of natural scenery.

Passing through the familiar country trails, the sound of "ding ding dong dong" that I was used to hearing this morning reverberated in my ears little by little.

In addition to the sound of running water, Qingdeng also vaguely heard the strange noise of "crashing, clattering" as if paddles were paddling water.

Pushing aside a dense bush, the light from dark to bright made Qingdeng squint his eyes unconsciously.

Good weather continued last night tonight.

The slender crescent moon, the solitary light is bright.

The clear and transparent moonlight illuminates the river bank in front of Qingdeng... and also illuminates a beautiful figure sitting by the river with his back to Qingdeng.

A familiar figure.

The round and lovely back of the head, the high ponytail, the white top and blue kendo uniform... such a classic dress, you don't even need to look at its front. Just by looking at his back, you can know who this person is.

Finally found Sanako... The lines on Qingdeng's face instantly softened.

Sanako, who was sitting by the river, pulled the hem of the hakama to the middle of her thighs, and her two slender but still sensual straight legs plunged into the river water. Her cloth socks and blue button flat clogs were neat and tidy. stacked beside you.

The sound of "the oars pulling the water" that Qing Deng heard just now was the sound of Sanazi's two little feet gently stirring the river water.

Sanako, who heard a strange noise behind her, turned her head and looked back.

"Mr. Tangerine...?"

Under the moonlight, the two who met again after less than 10 hours of separation stared at each other with different emotions.



In today's chapter, if you don't vote monthly for this book, it would be too much. (Repeatedly hitting the belly of the leopard.jpg)

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