I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 216 Qingdeng, Charge! Kill the Xuanwu Hall for the first time! 【6200】

Although this competition was just a semi-public "Friendly Swordsmanship Competition", there were quite a few people who came to watch the competition.

The reason is that the reputation of Xuanwu Hall is too high, and there are quite a lot of people and organizations who have close relations with it. Most of the spectators in the "audience seat" are relatives and friends of Xuanwu Hall.

If it is said that the Xuanwu Hall is playing a match with the Weiwei Hall a year ago, then it is impossible to attract so many people to watch the match.

However, compared with the past, today's testing hall is no longer the same.

Ever since Qingdeng's leadership of the Test Guards defeated Little Chiba Sword Hall in the "Plum Blossom Festival" half a year ago, and became popular with this brilliant victory in full view, today's Test Guards Whether it is the overall strength of the gymnasium or the mental outlook of the disciples, there has been a transformation like a reborn.

Quite a few people want to witness it with their own eyes.

Witness whether the long-established Xuanwu Hall and the Weiwei Hall, which has become famous and reborn in recent months, can present them with a unique and exciting competition.

Of course, there are also some people who came for Qingdeng.

The reason for these people who came here for Qingdeng was very pure - they were either Qingdeng's fans, or they wanted to see what the recently famous "King Nio" was capable of.

Anyone who has a little understanding of how the Weiwei Hall defeated Xiaoqianye Jianguan in the "Plum Blossom Festival" half a year ago knows that the reason why the Weiwei Hall was able to win the game in that competition was because Many masters from Xiaoqianye Sword Gym failed to participate in the competition due to various reasons, and the second reason was because Qingdeng adopted the strange strategy of "holding down the opponent's large army and directly attacking the opponent's empty main formation".

Therefore, quite a few people are waiting and watching today, looking forward to seeing whether Qingdeng will use some other ingenious strategy to lead the Weiwei Pavilion to victory.

As a result, at the moment after the sound of the drum announcing the start of the game, the scene before their eyes really surprised them—the side of the test guard hall neither set up any special formations nor adopted any special formations. Actions.

Just put out an ordinary "wedge formation"... and then directly launch a pig-like charge!

The person who rushed to the front was Qingdeng, who was wearing a Jinhaori that symbolized the status of "Chief General".

Chief Director, Kondo, Hijikata and Inoue led the rest of the team, following behind Qingdeng.

Leave no one in the rear... just dispatch the whole army directly, and put on a brave posture of "the first battle is the decisive battle, and the first battle will determine the world"!

As soon as the battle started, the opponent's combat power hadn't decreased at all, and the chief general charged forward—this was an extremely risky behavior in the "Red and White Battle".

After all, if the porcelain bowl on the chief general's forehead was broken, it would mean defeat.

The guard test hall actually adopted such a simple and rude aggressive style of attack... Many people in the "audience seat" couldn't hide their confusion and astonishment when they saw this.

"Are you planning to go head-to-head with the Xuanwu Hall?" Chiba Shigetaro was speechless.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, under the sprint that spared no effort, the figures of Qingdeng and others had already swept across the entire field!

Compared with the Weiwei Pavilion, which attacked desperately as soon as the battle started, the Xuanwu Pavilion's style of play is quite stable.

The 20 contestants in the Xuanwu Hall centered on the "principal formation" and were divided into three formations: front, middle and rear, and put on a very conservative defensive formation.

There are 7 people in the front line, 8 people in the middle line, and 5 people in the back line.

The teacher's generation, Chiba Domon Shiro, stood in the front line.

General Chiba Michizaburo, who holds a pair of knives, guards the center.

It should be due to genetics. People in the Chiba family are all taller.

Chiba Michizaburo's height is close to 1.8 meters, with long hands and long feet. Standing among the contestants in the Xuanwu Pavilion, he looks quite outstanding.

Borrowing the momentum of the charge, Qingdeng pounced forward, dragged the bamboo sword on his right side in the lower right stance, swept obliquely the porcelain bowl on the forehead of the swordsman in the Xuanwu Pavilion who was closest to him, and pulled it out. The sword power that breaks the wind is like a whirling cloud and a gust of wind.

The swordsman's pupils narrowed slightly, and he tilted his body quickly with quick eyes and hands, barely parrying Qingdeng's blow.

Bamboo swords confront each other, and the clear sound of the swords hitting each other spreads through the arena and the "audience seats".

Qingdeng's knife turned into the first strike that opened the prelude to the great battle!

Although the players in the Xuanwu Hall were stunned by the unreasonable play of cards in the Weiwei Hall, they also came back to their senses at this time and quickly entered the fighting state.

"Follow me!" Chiba Domon Shiro, like a majestic general, swung the bamboo sword in his hand vigorously, then swept the formation himself, raised the sword and ran towards Qingdeng and others who had already attacked.


A very imposing loud shout exploded in front of Qingdeng's right.

Hearing this shout for the first time, Qing Deng was subconsciously confused: Why are there swordsmen showing off their skills in the Xuanwu Hall?

Qingdeng followed the roar and looked - a strong man with dark skin swung his sword at his right wrist holding the sword.

Directly greet the opponent's hand holding the sword... It is indeed Beichen's Yidao style of swordsmanship, not the show-off style.

Qing registered this person, and this person seems to be the head of Xuanwukan: Takejiro Kikuchi.

The so-called "school head" can be understood as the top and bottom of the whole sword gym, and his status is second only to Shifan and the third in command of the sword gym in Shifan's generation.

As expected of a swordsman who can become the school head of such a prestigious school as Xuanwukan, the sharpness and power contained in his sword should not be underestimated.

Qingdeng didn't choose to fight head-on with him, and after penetrating his attack distance by "seeing through", he stood half a step sideways, avoiding Juchi's sword.

At this time, another bamboo sword came straight towards Qingdeng from the left, following a generous black figure.

Qingdeng squinted his eyes to confirm the direction of the visitor and the surrounding situation, then turned to the left, and swung his knife to meet the pounced shadow—the two movements of turning around and swinging the knife were almost simultaneously completed.

Soi Ying's reaction speed was quite fast, and his technique was also quite delicate. He switched from offense to defense at the moment of lightning and flint, and withdrew the blade of the sword raised above his head to his chest, parried Qingdeng's slash, and retreated with the momentum. Pull away from Qingdeng's body.

Defensively and passively beaten... This is not Qingdeng's fighting style.

Qingdeng has always felt that the natural Lixin flow is a good match for him.

Because the purpose of natural lixin flow coincides with my own fighting philosophy - the pursuit of attack! Attack, attack and attack!

Qingdeng didn't start chasing the black shadow that fled backwards.

Like a big eagle, he "flyed" and jumped in front of a thinner man. Sinking down, stepping forward, bending and stretching the upper body, the strength accumulated in the waist burst out in one breath, and the first leather of the bamboo sword head scraped from bottom to top to the porcelain bowl on the thin man's forehead.

The swordsman who can represent Xuanwu Hall in the competition is definitely not an idle generation.

Although this thin man has a seemingly frail body, his hands and feet are extremely agile.

When Qingdeng's sword had just struck, he had already exerted force with his forefoot and jumped behind him, trying to stay away from Qingdeng.

His agility is very agile...but Qingdeng's agility is far above him!

Qingdeng took a step forward as if being dragged by a bamboo sword that was cut forward, exposing the skinny man's body again to the edge of his sword.

Qingdeng and Shouzi——their figures crossed each other at a dizzying speed, and the bamboo swords clashed twice, making a loud sound of two sword blades colliding.

The air wave caused by the impact of the bamboo sword hadn't subsided yet, and a crisp sound that was completely different from the sword's impact reached the ears of everyone around.

At the moment when the two overlapping figures were about to separate, Qingdeng spotted a fleeting flaw in the thin man's forehead, and quickly swung his sword at his forehead, directly smashing the porcelain bowl on the thin man's forehead.

The thin man stared blankly at the shards of the porcelain bowl falling down from his forehead, sighed unwillingly, then slowly put away the bamboo sword in his hand, and retreated to the outside of the field.

Qingdeng won the first "head" in their test hall and the first "head" in the whole game... Cheers erupted from Qingdeng's body.

Compared with his teammates who were cheering, at this moment Qingdeng not only did not show a happy expression, but also sighed with regret.

——It's a pity... I couldn't play for 10 seconds.

To copy talent, you need to fight your opponent for 10 seconds or more.

Qingdeng's fight with the skinny man just now lasted only about 7 seconds, and he failed to meet the conditions necessary for duplicating his talent.

In an extremely fast-paced, ever-changing melee like the "Red and White Battle", it is difficult to ensure that you can fight every opponent for 10 seconds.

What's more, Qingdeng's opponents this time are the swordsmen of the Xuanwu Museum who are basically elite in overall quality.

Fighting against these martial arts masters, it is even more difficult to allocate energy to care about the length of the battle.

Regrets are regrets in my heart, but Qingdeng quickly cleared up his emotions.

Taking advantage of the good momentum of grabbing the "first kill", Qingdeng shouted majestically and imposingly:

"Follow me! The swordsmen of Xuanwu Hall have nothing to be afraid of!"

"Oh oh oh!" - shouted one after another, responding fiercely to Qing Deng's shout.

Suddenly, Qingdeng suddenly felt a dull and heavy pressure approaching from behind.

At this moment, driven by conditioned reflex, Qingdeng's body reacted before his brain.

He rotated his body around his left foot, and with the centrifugal force brought by the rotation of his body, he raised the sword in his hand, and blocked the attack approaching from behind him with a "snap".

With a timely defense to block the next moment of the sudden sneak attack, Qingdeng took advantage of the situation and suddenly moved forward, passed by the attacker and rushed several meters away in one breath, then turned around and assumed a fighting posture.

Only then did Qingdeng see clearly who the attacker was.

"Chiba-kun..." Looking at Chiba Tamonshirō facing him with a solemn face, Qingdeng suddenly thought: I have known Chiba Tamonshirō for so long, and this seems to be his first time. Fight against this arrogant young man once.

Chiba Tamonshiro's eyeballs moved up and down - he was visually measuring the distance between him and Qingdeng.

It can be seen from his tense expression that he should be thinking about how to use a trick that can knock Qingdeng down.

Chiba Tamonshiro moved suddenly without any warning.

Striding forward, he suddenly shortened the distance between Qingdeng and Qingdeng. While getting close to Qingdeng, he raised the bamboo sword horizontally at the same height as his shoulders, kept the tip of the sword still, and then lowered the sword An afterimage drawn from the body was so fast that it was difficult to distinguish the specific shape, and swept across Qingdeng's right wrist holding the sword.

Qingdeng didn't dodge or dodge, lowered the center of gravity of his body, and with a movement like flying at low altitude, he scraped the ground and greeted Chiba Tameshiro.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

At the moment when the two passed by, there were four deafening bamboo sword collision sounds in succession, making one wonder if the two were trying to smash the blades of their swords into pieces.

As a member of the Chiba family with strong genetics and outstanding talents in swordsmanship, Domon Shiro Chiba is indeed powerful in swordsmanship.

Confronting Qingdeng head-on, he was able to fight back and forth with Qingdeng without losing the slightest advantage.

Such a detailed description of Qingdeng and Chiba Tamonshiro's battle process, as if they had been fighting for a long time. In fact, everything is at the fingertips.

Qingdeng and Chiba Tamonshiro slid a few steps while staggering, turned around and stood up on one knee, and at the same time put the bamboo sword in front of him again, the posture was still flawless.

Qingdeng really wanted to continue fighting with Chiba Tamon Shiro until the winner was decided, but things went against his wishes, Qingdeng felt someone approaching from behind.

Qingdeng was not so arrogant that he felt that he could deal with the encirclement of the swordsmen of the Xuanwu Hall with ease.

The figure flashed——Qingdeng followed his feet and ran straight to his right side.

Chiba Domon Shiro and the rest of the Xuanwukan swordsmen hurriedly started to chase, but as soon as they started, they were thrown away by Qingdeng by a long distance.

Qingdeng possesses the explosive power of the lower limbs endowed by "leading the horse", and has the "starting speed" and "acceleration" that ordinary people without special training can't match.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly felt the light in front of him dim—two tall and strong men blocked his way, one on the left and the other on the right.

Qingdeng swept his gaze, observed his surroundings, confirmed that there was no one on the left and right sides of him, and it would take a few seconds for Chiba Tameshiro to catch up with him, then took a deep breath "ha".

After that, it was the bamboo sword in his hand that replaced Qingdeng's inhalation sound.

Qingdeng lowered his waist a little, started from the middle, and made a horizontal strike, attacking the enemy on his right.

There is a real feeling of being hit by a knife... The person who was attacked by Qingdeng, because he couldn't dodge well, took Qingdeng's blow firmly with his left shoulder, and his facial features were instantly twisted together due to severe pain.

The enemy on Qingdeng's left saw the right moment and immediately slashed with a knife.

But Qingdeng retracted the saber in front of him at a speed faster than him, parrying the man's sword tip.

Chiba Domon Shiro and others are coming...so Qingdeng didn't bother to fight, he got out in time, and continued to run to the weak defense of Xuanwu Hall, looking for the opponent who was alone.

Seeing Qingdeng who retreated with one blow, would never stay in a certain place for too long, and would never give the swordsmen of Xuanwukan any chance to surround him, Chiba Tamonshiro couldn't help but let out a "tsk" and smack. He shut his mouth.

All of a sudden, Chiba Domonshiro opened his eyes wide because he suddenly recalled something.

Qingdeng's activeness, as well as the conspicuous Jinhaori on his body, which represented the identity of the general, made Chiba Tamonshiro unconsciously focus all his attention on Qingdeng, subconsciously ignoring Mr. Okita. Secretary, Isamu Kondo and the others...

Although Chiba Domonshiro has always looked down on the test hall, but he has always given high affirmation to the strength of the chief executive, Kondo, Hijikata and Inoue.

Realizing that he had ignored these people, Chiba Tamon Shiro quickly stopped his body, raised his head and gaze, and looked for the chief executive and the others.

Although the arena has turned into a chaotic situation due to the start of the battle, Chiba Tameshiro still quickly found the position of the chief commander and others - because the four of them are gathering together at this moment.

"What...?" A low exclamation escaped from Chiba Tamonshiro's lips.

At this very moment, Souji, Kondo, Hijikata, and Inoue are firmly surrounding their general from 4 directions... Surrounding Chiba Michizaburo!

Qingdeng took the opportunity to turn his face away, and looked at the distant battlefield of "4 Zongsi vs. Chiba Michizaburo".

"Guys...don't lose..."



The "audience seat" on the north side of the arena——

"Hehehe, sure enough... It is impossible to attack the guard hall so recklessly. They really have a plan."

Saito Yakuro... is the same name as "Chiba of Skills" Eijiro Chiba, the current owner of the military training hall, one of the "Three Great Ways of Edo", and a bald old man with the reputation of "Saito of Power", While laughing, he raised his hand to grab the long snow-white beard on his chin.

Although there was an incident between the Xuanwukan and the training hall, "Chiba Eijiro crushed Saito Yakuro's second son: Saito Kannosuke, causing Saito Kannosuke to fall into a serious crisis that has not yet come out. "Psychological shadow" is a rather unpleasant incident, but the personal relationship between Saito Yakuro and Genbukan has always been quite good.

Being in close contact with the family that caused his son to suffer from a serious psychological shadow... Such an unbelievable thing, put on Saito Yakuro, a strange man, makes people feel very normal.

This 62-year-old old man is a well-known legend in Edo. His chic and vigorous life has attracted countless people's longing and admiration.

Yakuro Saito was born in a poor family of low-ranking samurai. At the age of 13, he had to work as a helper in an oil workshop to alleviate the family's poverty.

He grew up like this until he was 15 years old, and he didn't know which nerve in his head was twitched. He had a whim and wanted to become a great scholar.

As soon as he thought about it, he immediately ran away from home and helped people carry their luggage to earn food. After a long journey, he finally arrived in Edo and settled in Edo with the rhythm of life of "working to earn money during the day and studying hard at night". down.

As a result, he hadn't read the book for a long time, and he let people inadvertently discover the incomparable swordsmanship talent in him.

Saito Yakuro, who realized that he seemed to prefer swordsmanship, decisively "abandoned writing and followed sword".

After entering the fencing gymnasium presided over by the Shinto Wu Nianliu Okada Tosong, he formally practiced fencing, and it didn't take long before he took the position of Shifan Dai.

Saito Yakuro is not only very good at swordsmanship, but also very good at management, and has the talent to be a big businessman.

After becoming the teacher of the fencing gym, under his management, the fencing gym is thriving and growing rapidly.

At the age of 28, he opened his own sword gym, which is the training hall.

Relying on outstanding swordsmanship and extraordinary operational ability, it took only a very short period of time to develop the training hall from scratch into one of the "Three Great Sword Gyms in Edo", and carry forward the originally mediocre Shinto Wunianliu .

The average age of men in Edo is 3 or 40 years old. He is 62 years old now. Saito Yakuro, who wants to achieve success in life and social status, should be able to enjoy his old age.

But with a free and easy nature, even at this age when other people have no vigor and energy and just want to accept their fate and submit to old age, he still has not stopped his exploration of life and the world.

After the "black ship attack" incident occurred and the gate of Japan was forced to open under the threat of Western warships, Saito Yakuro realized very enlightenedly: a sword in front of a cannon is no different from an embroidery needle, and artillery is the key. The supreme truth of killing skills.

This old man, who had practiced swordsmanship for most of his life, freely and decisively abandoned this skill that had long been integrated into his life, and began to learn how to use cannons instead.

In order to have more energy for the research of cannons, Yakuro Saito became a hands-off shopkeeper, handed over the training hall to the eldest son Shintaro Saito to run it, and spent his own money to buy 3,000 ping of land in Yoyogi It is used as a practice field, and students who are also interested in artillery can happily learn artillery and practice building forts in this practice field every day.

Saito Yakuro's artillery learning progress can be described as rapid progress.

According to rumors - the Edo shogunate is currently planning to build a fort for the defense of Edo Bay in Odaiba, Shinagawa, because Saito Yakuro has now mastered quite good artillery skills, so the Edo shogunate intends to hire Saito Yakuro Come to assist in the construction of the Shinagawa Fort.

Saito Yakuro, whose personality is like the best portrayal of the word "informal", doesn't care at all that his second son was psychologically shadowed by Chiba Eijiro.

Someone once asked Saito Yakuro why he was like this, and he answered like this—"Since you choose to devote yourself to the sword, you must be prepared to suffer from setbacks, mud, sweat, blood and tears. Inuzi's character is too proud, and he has no ambition. Jian, lacking such awareness, thought he was invincible among his peers. It was just a fiasco, and his vigor and aggressiveness were shattered. All this is just his own fault, and I don’t blame anyone.”

Now, Yakuro Saito, who is so focused on artillery and has basically semi-retired from the fencing world, has rarely participated in or asked about fencing-related activities.

The reason why he came here today was not to see if there would be any sparks from the collision of the Weiwei Hall and the Xuanwu Hall.

He came all by himself.

With one side of Saito Yakuro's face, he said to a young man with pretty regular features sitting behind him:

"Wig, you have to take a good look at it. I have a hunch that that Juqingdeng will shine again today."

"Master, it's not a wig, it's Gui."

The young man said in a helpless tone.

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, I'm getting old and my speech is slurred. Forgive me."



Because the entire site’s books have not been able to publish paragraph reviews these days, so the author can only popularize science here: In Japanese, the pronunciation of "wig" and "gui" are very similar. The former is pronounced "zila" and the latter is pronounced "kazila".

With the improvement of Qingdeng's social status, masters from all walks of life in Edo also appeared in his life one by one.

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