I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 213 Go to the fireworks festival with Sanako to perform swordsmanship! 【7100】

"Okita Soujiro?" Qingdeng asked in confusion.

"That's right... I don't seem to have told you, Tachibana-kun yet."

"Okita Soujiro is my former name...or my former pseudonym."

"My original name was actually 'Okita Division'."

"In order to successfully mix into the test hall as a man, I gave myself a very masculine name, which is 'Okita Soujiro'."

"When I was young, I thought this name was very powerful, but when I grew up, I felt that this name was a bit ordinary and had no special features."

"So after the coming-of-age ceremony, I changed myself to another name."

"I added the word 'total' to my original name."

"This is the origin of my current name... 'Okita Souji'."

"After that, you should know about it, Mr. Ju."

"I showed extraordinary talent in swordsmanship, and I was favored and valued by my master."

"Not long after, he was accepted as an inner disciple by the master, and moved into the test guard hall to eat and live with the master, master, brother Kondo and uncle Yuan."

"My ability to disguise is still very strong."

The general manager put on a somewhat smug and proud tone.

"Even if I live in the testing hall as an inner disciple, and live under the same roof as the master and brother Kondo, I have never let my true gender be revealed."

"It wasn't until I was 12 years old...after my body started to receive Guishui, one day when I was secretly changing the menstrual cloth in the room, my teacher accidentally bumped into me, and my real gender was exposed."

"Haha... I still remember the expressions of Master and Kondo-san when they found out that I was a girl."

"Especially Master."

"That was the first time I discovered that the pair of thin eyes of the master can be so wide."

"It's a pity that I didn't have the leisure time to observe the changes in the facial expressions of the masters."

"At that time, I... was only concerned with fear and trembling."

A smile, as if recalling some interesting memory, appeared on the chief's face again.

The smile that the general manager is showing at this moment is comfortable and sunny... Her smile greatly dilutes the heavy meaning hidden in her words just now.

Even if the general manager didn't go into details, Qing Deng could roughly imagine the situation at that time.

No matter how you say it, it is an established fact that the general manager deceived the teacher, and women disguised themselves as men and mixed into the test hall that did not accept female apprentices.

She had placed high hopes on her, and the proud student she had been with for many years turned out to be a girl, and she had been deceiving everyone... When something like this happened, Zhou Zhu and the others couldn't be too angry or furious.

The chief executive at that time must have been very disturbed.

Worried that Zhou Zhu and the others would become angry from embarrassment...

Uneasy for fear of being expelled from the test hall...

What the director-general said next perfectly matched Qingdeng's conjecture:

"Master, he has always strictly abided by the rule of 'not teaching swordsmanship to women'. For decades, he has never accepted a female disciple."

"Because I concealed my real gender, the master was forced to relapse... To be honest, at that time, I was mentally prepared to be chased by the furious master with a bamboo sword."

"Of course, compared to being chased by the master, I was more worried about being expelled from the test guard by the master at that time."

"I can't practice the natural flow of mind anymore... This hurts me more than hitting me all over the head."

"But fortunately, although the master is rigid, he is not cold-blooded and ruthless."

"When my daughter's body was accidentally smashed, I had already lived in the testing hall for three years as an inner disciple."

"I have spent so long with the relationship between master and apprentice and half of my family... Let alone the master, even the indifferent teacher and mother have deep feelings for me."

"The feelings for me have finally overcome the rules and regulations."

"When I first learned that I was a woman disguised as a man, the master was indeed furious for a while, but he quickly calmed down and forgave me."

"The master finally decided to make an exception and chose 'just pretend you didn't see anything, and everything is the same as before'."

"In this way, with the exception of the master, I was able to continue to study swords in the test guard hall as an inner disciple... until now."

The chief executive finished talking about her past.

Qingdeng, who had been listening quietly all this time, asked after pondering for a while:

"Since your daughter was discovered by the master 4 years ago...then why do you continue to dress up as a man? It is the master who asks you to continue to dress as a female companion and don't let anyone know. Did the guard accept a female disciple by mistake?"

"That's not true."

The boss shook his head.

"It was me who insisted on continuing to dress as a man."

"Master and Brother Kondo have suggested to me: Anyway, they already know that I am not a man, so let me stop pretending and show my 'true face'."

"But I rejected their proposal."

"Why?" Qingdeng asked.

"Because it is more convenient to learn swords as a man than as a woman."

The general manager smiled.

"Compared with the Warring States Period three hundred years ago and earlier eras, people's contempt for women has been reduced a lot, but most people are still not very accepting of women practicing swords."

"If I show my 'true body', I will more or less attract criticism and strange looks, which will affect my daily practice."

"That being the case, I would rather continue to present myself as a man."

"Furthermore, the master is looking at the deep friendship between me and them, so he will not blame me for 'disguising myself as a man and deceiving the master'."

"Master, in his bones, still thinks that swordsmanship should not be passed on to women."

"If I show my 'true face' and go in and out of the test hall in women's clothing... Even if the master doesn't say anything, I think the master will still feel uncomfortable."

Qingdeng nodded lightly: "So that's how it is...so you have been disguising yourself as a man so far for these two reasons."

"Well... no, the reason is more than that."

"Huh?" Qing Deng was stunned.

"What I just said is only a secondary reason."

"The most important reason why I insist on dressing up as a man..."

Speaking of this, the corner of the chief secretary's mouth curled up in a helpless and embarrassing arc.

"I'm afraid that after I stop dressing as a man... there will be a lot of strange men coming to disturb my life."

When the director-general finished speaking, Qingdeng hadn't immediately understood what she meant by "there will be many strange men coming to bother you". It wasn't until a moment later that he realized the meaning of her words—a touch of weirdness. A smile appeared on Qingdeng's cheeks at this moment.

"Although it's a little boastful to say so...but my face seems to be quite popular."

The chief executive seemed a little shy, and stretched out his right index finger to poke his chubby pink right cheek that would sink in half a finger.

"Over the years, I can hardly count how many Taoists I have been harassed..."

"When I was still a man, I was harassed by so many men... I can't even imagine what my daily life will be like after I reveal my 'real body'."

"If I'm like Ms. Sanako, being entangled by suitors who appear from nowhere from time to time, I will feel very embarrassed."

After finishing speaking, the general manager paused, and then laughed a few times in a self-deprecating tone, "Ahahaha".

"Oh, I feel so shameless...to compare myself with Sanako...how can I be as beautiful as Sanako..."

"Then there's no need to say that."

Qingdeng quickly took over the conversation like a conditioned reflex:

"Miss Sanako has the beauty of Miss Sanako, and Miss Okita, you also have your own cuteness."

The chief was startled, and then smirked a few times "hee hee hee", showing a wicked smile as if he was planning some kind of plan.

"Tachibana-kun, now that I already know that I'm not a boy but a girl... which one do you think is more attractive, Miss Sanako or me?"

"Miss Sanako." Qingdeng gave his answer without thinking.

Probably because he didn't expect Qingdeng to answer so quickly, or maybe it was because Qingdeng's answer was beyond his expectations...or maybe both. In short, after hearing Qingdeng blurt out Sanazi's name , the chief executive opened his beautiful eyes, then immediately pouted his lips forcefully, a look of reproach flashed across his brows.

"I thought you were going to say it was me to flatter me, or to fool me by saying 'they are both very attractive'..."

"Miss Okita, I'm not saying that your charm is not as good as Miss Sanako." Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled wryly, "I'm just...not completely used to treating you as a girl... ..."

"Up to half an hour ago, I have always regarded you as my best friend and the most sincere brother in the test guard hall."

"To be honest... subconsciously, I still treat you as a boy subconsciously."

"It should take me a while to fully adjust from being a 'good guy' to being a 'cute girl'."

After listening to Qingdeng's explanation, the look of resentment on the head's brow disappeared a lot in an instant.

"What about each other..." The chief executive chuckled, "It should take me a while to fully adapt to the change in the relationship between you and me."

"Miss Chongtian." Qingdeng changed the topic in a timely manner, "At present, how many people in the whole examination hall know that you are a girl?"

"Counting you, there are only you, the master, the teacher's wife, Kondo-san, Hijikata-san, and Gen-san at the moment."

"There are far fewer insiders than I expected."

"It's thanks to Master, Brother Kondo and the others. After knowing my desire to continue to show my male appearance, they have been trying their best to cooperate with me and help me hide my true gender over the years."

Speaking of this, the chief executive let out a slight exclamation because he remembered something important.

"Ah... I almost forgot to mention it..."

The director put his raised right index finger to his lips.

"If I let everyone know that I am a girl, I will definitely not be able to live in peace like I am now."

"I just want to practice sword quietly, and I don't want to be disturbed by troublesome things."

"So, Tachibana-kun, regarding my 'true face', can you please help me keep it a secret like Master and Brother Kondo?"

Qingdeng nodded vigorously without thinking, and responded firmly with decisive movements.

Helping others to hide secrets that they don't want to be known - in Qing Deng's eyes, this is just a matter of course and nothing to worry about.

After chatting all the way, before they knew it, the gate of the test hall had appeared within the field of vision of the two of them.

Seeing that after going through all kinds of accidents tonight, he finally arrived at the testing hall smoothly, Qingdeng couldn't help but feel a sense of peace of mind.

After listening to the past of the general manager, Qing Deng, who was filled with emotion in his heart, couldn't help but whispered:

"...Miss Okita, you really like swordsmanship."

"In order to be able to learn swordsmanship, I didn't hesitate to have a quarrel with my elder sister who I regarded as my own mother. I didn't hesitate to change my name and hide my gender..."

"This kind of heart, this love for swordsmanship, is really admirable."

Qingdeng turned his face, showing a smile without any pretense, full of sincere admiration towards Okita.

Facing Qingdeng's praise, the director general smirked a few times as if embarrassed.

"Mr. Ju, you are absurd."

"It doesn't matter if I have a bad fight with my eldest sister, or change my name and hide my gender, to me, it's not something that can be called a 'sacrifice'."

"I know very well in my heart that my sister doesn't want me to learn swords for my own good, and her reasons for preventing me from learning swords are indeed very reasonable."

"The relationship between me and my sister won't break because of this little thing."

"As for changing the name to Tibetan...it's no big deal."

"A name is just a title, it doesn't matter what it's called."

"Whether I'm 'Okita Tsukasa' or 'Okita Souji', I'm still me, and I won't change my person just because I change my name."

"The same goes for gender."

"I've been dressed as a boy for almost as long as I've been presented as a woman. I'm used to this kind of life of a woman disguised as a man, and I don't find it inconvenient."

"I don't dare to say these things, it doesn't have the slightest negative impact on me... But compared to the joy I have brought from practicing swordsmanship, and the surprise of meeting many precious friends through swordsmanship, this small negative impact is completely Not worth mentioning~~!"

After saying this, the chief executive showed a bright smile to Qingdeng.

Perhaps he was infected by the general manager's smile... or maybe he was touched by the general manager's broad-minded outlook on life... The smile on the general manager's face was transmitted to Qing Deng's face.

The men and women who looked at each other were smiling.



Pushing open the door of the testing hall, carrying the general manager behind his back, he walked carelessly to Zhou Zhu and A Bi who were still waiting in the living room after discussing what to name their future grandson. Qingdeng saw the old couple covered with A face with a surprised expression.

After Qing Deng succinctly explained all the experiences he experienced in Qianxun House today, the astonishment on the faces of the old couple turned into shock.

Unexpectedly, you discovered the biggest secret of our health testing hall—after Zhou Zhu finished speaking, he went to fetch water from the well in the yard at the request of Ah Bi.

Ah Bi knew a very useful prescription for dizziness.

Although Zong Si's symptoms didn't seem particularly serious, for the sake of caution, she decided to use her medicine post to cook a pot of special medicine for Zong Si.

Zhou helped fetch water, Abi boiled medicine... Qingdeng carried the chief back to her room.

After tonight, Qingdeng finally knew why the director-general strictly forbade anyone from entering her room without her permission——a girl's boudoir, how could anyone let anyone break in casually?

There is a huge contrast between the chief executive's room and her carefree and forthright personality.

Spotless, bright and clean... These idioms that can be used to describe cleanliness can all be applied to the boudoir of the chief executive.

The tatami mats, walls, and desks were all scrubbed clean, and the bedding folded into the shape of tofu lay quietly in a corner of the room.

Although the general manager "beep" Di Qingdeng chatted a lot just now, and looked very energetic, but I also know that a person who has just soaked in the bathhouse and lost his mind just now, can't be really energetic radiant.

The chief executive's mental state was already extremely exhausted, Qingdeng stuffed her into her quilt, let her have a good rest, she nodded, and then closed her eyes - fell asleep in just a blink of an eye

When it comes to mental fatigue...Qingdeng is even worse than the general manager.

But he couldn't rest yet.

Because at this moment when he just came out of the chief executive's room... Kondo, Inoue, and Chiba Shigetaro and the others came back.

Kondo and the others successfully staged a "medical miracle" tonight!

Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro hurriedly carried Inoue to a nearby clinic, slammed the door of the clinic, and saw an old doctor blinking his sleepy eyes while slowly pushing the clinic away the gate.

This old doctor can be regarded as a profound medical ethics.

After learning that someone had passed out in the bathhouse, he immediately straightened his expression, and immediately asked Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro to quickly carry Inoue into the clinic.

The old doctor raised his hand with a serious expression as if he was about to go to the battlefield, and grabbed Inoue's pulse... Then, in just an instant, his expression changed from "serious" to "confused".

No matter how the old doctor signaled his pulse, he felt that Inoue was extremely healthy.

The pulse was rhythmic and extremely strong...it was not at all like the pulse of someone who got dizzy in the bath.

If things go on like this, the truth that Inoue is pretending to be dizzy may be revealed... At this juncture, Gensaburo Inoue... the old scalper in the test hall once again showed his hidden acting talent!

I saw him who had been "comatose" all this time, suddenly opened his eyes leisurely, and looked around with a "confused" face: "This is...?"

Facing Inoue who suddenly "woke up", Kondo stepped forward very conspicuously, showing a "happy" expression in cooperation with Inoue:

"Uncle Yuan! Are you awake? How do you feel? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"I feel much better...other than a little drowsy, everything is fine."

"Oh! As expected of Uncle Yuan! The body is tough! He recovered his spirit so quickly!"

Kondo and Inoue sang together... Only the old doctor who suddenly witnessed "a comatose patient waking up suddenly" and Chiba Shigetaro who really thought that Inoue was in a coma were stunned.

It was a good thing that the patient woke up by himself, and the old doctor didn't seem to have any intention of investigating what was going on with this "medical miracle".

After all, there are not without precedents of "the patient's body bones are particularly strong, and he recovered on his own just after being sent to the clinic".

He gave Inoue a pulse signal again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Inoue's body, the old doctor said, "There is nothing serious about the body, just go back and rest for a while, and come back to the clinic if there is any abnormality in the body again."

Kondo and the others also did a full set of acting - after returning to the testing hall, they sent Inoue who had just "woke up" back to his room and let him have a good rest.

From the mouths of Kondo and Chiba Shigetaro, Qingdeng, who had heard the whole story of their "transmission to the doctor", was dumbfounded.

I feel secretly in my heart: Uncle Yuan's sacrifice tonight is really great...

The time when Kondo and the others returned was much earlier than Qingdeng expected...Qingdeng thought it was good.

In this way, Qingdeng can finally listen to what Chiba Shigetaro is doing, and he does not hesitate to come to meet him overnight tonight.



The test hall, the hall——

"Mr. Shigetaro, I really bothered you tonight."

Sitting upright, Qingdeng bent down and bowed to Chiba Shigetaro who was facing him.

What Qingdeng said "I'm bothering you" was of course referring to the fact that Chiba Shigetaro and Kondo worked together to send Inoue to the clinic.

"Hahaha, it doesn't have to be that way."

Chiba Shigetaro waved his hand boldly.

"Mr. Inoue is an elder I respect very much. A respected elder needs help, and as a junior, I should be obliged to do so."

In order to provide Qingdeng and Chiba Shigetaro with a good conversation environment, Shusuke, Kondo and the others are now doing their own things in other places.

In the small hall, only Qingdeng and Chiba Shigetaro's breathing and conversation sounded one after another.

Qingdeng, who has experienced too many things tonight, really has no extra energy to chat with people for a long time, so after a few simple greetings with Chiba Shigetaro, he went straight to the topic:

"Shigetaro, what advice do you have for a sudden visit tonight?"

Seeing that Qingdeng went straight to the point, Chiba Shigetaro was not too vague.

He hurriedly sat up straighter and corrected his already sitting body, and then cleared his throat forcefully:

"Mr. Ju, it's like this—this year's fireworks display...that is, the three nights from August 23rd to August 25th, do you have any plans?"

"Fireworks festival?" Qingdeng raised his eyebrows vigorously.

Although I don't know why Chiba Shigetaro suddenly asked this, but he immediately responded obediently:

"I have something to do on August 23, but I have free time for the other two days."

He and Kinoshita Mai made an appointment to watch the fireworks together on August 23.


Chiba Shigetaro slapped his thigh abruptly. The force was so strong that Qingdeng couldn't help worrying about whether his thigh was safe or not.

"That's just right!"

"I'm going to hold a small "sword show" on the night of August 24th at Liangliang Bridge... which is the site of the fireworks display! Mr. Ju, are you interested in participating?"

"Swordsmanship and martial arts?" Qing Deng was taken aback.

Chiba Shigetaro nodded like a pounding garlic:

"Yes Yes!"

"The recent world is quite uneven."

"Foreign barbarians invaded, thugs upholding radical anti-barbarian ideas made chaos everywhere, and bandits from all over the world swarmed up..."

"All kinds of annoying bird incidents happened one after another. In my impression, since the Kurofune knocked off seven years ago, there has never been any happy event in Edo."

"Although I am not talented, I want to do my best to calm the turmoil in this world."

"But I'm just a swordsman, and I don't have the ability to rule the world and change the country. All I can do is to promote swordsmanship as much as possible, so that as many people as possible can understand swordsmanship, learn swordsmanship, strengthen their bodies and master the skills to protect themselves !"

"The Fireworks Festival is an annual event in Edo. In terms of popularity and liveliness, there is almost no other event that can compare with it."

"Therefore, I plan to hold a high-level swordsmanship demonstration at the site of this year's 'Fireworks Contest', to show the public the exquisiteness of swordsmanship, and to attract them to practice martial arts enthusiastically!"

"The content of the martial arts performance is very simple - demonstration of sword skills, and using a real knife to cut bamboo mats standing on the ground into as many sections as possible. The common people love to watch this kind of performance, and they only understand this kind of performance. Performance."

"I have already entrusted a friend to organize the venue, and the only thing missing is people who will be performers."

"Because the purpose is to attract people to practice martial arts, it is not suitable to invite those whose sword skills have yet to be improved as performers."

"Just invite 2 or 3 swordsmen who are strong enough!"

"The only people who have made it clear that they will come to my martial arts show... are my sister Sanako and my cousin: Chiba Tamonshiro."

"Although after adding me, we three brothers and sisters can barely support a martial arts performance, but after thinking about it, I decided to invite another master to 'help'."

"That's why I want to ask Ju Jun to help you!"

"Among all the friends I can invite, only Mr. Ju is the most suitable helper."

"According to your current level of swordsmanship, Mr. Ju, demonstrating a swordsmanship move and cutting a bamboo mat are just easy things."

"If there is a swordsman who is not Beichen Yidao to demonstrate swordsmanship together, it will also increase the enjoyment of the performance."

"And the most important thing is - you are now a celebrity in Edo, and the name of 'King Nio' has already spread throughout the streets and alleys of Edo."

"If you can come to 'support' our martial arts performance, it will definitely attract many people to watch!"

"The time I have scheduled for the martial arts performance is at four o'clock in the evening on August 24th (8 o'clock in the evening). Mr. Ju, what do you think? Are you interested in participating?"

Chiba Shigetaro blinked hard a few times, and looked at Qingdeng expectantly.



The lengthy drama of "Chief Executive Line" is finally coming to an end! Next is the martial arts time to close this line in stages! Finally, I can hack and hack. Compared with this kind of literary drama with rich characters and flesh and blood, the author really prefers to write martial arts about hacking and chopping.

Although today's chapter is a transitional chapter, it is not very exciting, but the author still has the cheek to ask for a wave of monthly tickets! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

PS: Ms. Okita is optimistic, open-minded and strong. Although she speaks calmly, I also know that she, who disguised herself as a man in that era, could not have suffered a lot. I hope that everyone can also have the three views of a little angel like Ms. Okita.


The author sets a flag! Tomorrow, the author will try to update as much as possible! Try to break into the plot of "Testing Guard Hall vs Xuanwu Hall" in tomorrow's chapter!

This time this match will be quite exciting, Qingdeng, Zongsi and the others are finally going to challenge the great swordsman of the two-sword style who has long prepared for his strength: Chiba Dosaburo.

Smart readers may already be able to guess what the game will be like from the foreshadowing and foreshadowing in the previous article.

The strength of the great swordsman who has a relationship with Chiba Eijiro "is born in Tao, He Shengrong" is one of the best in Edo... Naturally, it is not comparable to Kanno and Kamaitachi.

Please look forward to the next martial arts show!

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