I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 204 Talent upgrade! Sword talent upgrade [Sword Saint]! 【8800】

Yamen swung his sword horizontally, and slashed at Qingdeng, who was only a step away from him and almost stuck to him.

At the same time, Qingdeng stabbed forward with the knife in his hand, stopping Yamen's approaching slash in mid-air.

At the next moment when he blocked Yamen's slash, the two swords made a mistake, and Qingdeng's bamboo sword pressed against Yamen's bamboo sword, making a series of ear-piercing sounds, and pointed at Yamen's chest.

Yamen didn't choose to take a hard catch, but sent his right foot a step towards his right back, avoiding the point of the sword that was only a short shot away.

He is indeed an outstanding apprentice who has been famous for a long time in Xiaoqianye Sword Academy and who holds Beichen's sword style.

Combat experience, swordsmanship prowess, oppressive feeling... are not comparable to the top 9 challengers.

After getting the exemption, it means that you have become a master, and you can set up your own family and run your own sword gym.

In order to prevent the apprentices who leave the master from losing the face of the sword hall outside due to their poor strength, big sword halls like Xiaoqianye Sword Hall will strictly grasp the standards for awarding the exemption.

Yamen, who was able to become a teacher in the Little Chiba Sword Gym, is really powerful.

He has practiced sword since he was a child, and his sword practice time is more than ten times longer than that of Qingdeng, who first learned swordsmanship systematically at the beginning of this year. During the long-term training, he has honed extremely proficient sword fighting skills and profound practical experience.

However, facing Qingdeng's talent for swordsmanship, which has been upgraded to 80 times the average level of ordinary people, and the bunch of "body-strengthening talents" he possesses... the strengths and advantages possessed by Yamen are not worth it at all... …No! It should be said that it does not work at all!

It was too late to say it, but at the moment when Yamen dodged sideways, relying on the insight and reaction speed brought by "Eagle Eye" and "Focus on God", Qingdeng strode forward with lightning speed, Split Yamen's shoulder.

Yamen swiftly swung his sword away.

Immediately afterwards, the two jumped away like flying swallows, separated their positions, and then swung their blades to fight again.

This time, due to the ideal angle and perfect timing, Qingdeng's attack went up a bit, and the front end of the sword body hit Yamen's face... and Yamen hadn't even had time to draw his sword yet.

Even though he was wearing a protective mask, the feeling of being hit by the bamboo sword on his face was still quite uncomfortable.

Yamen only felt a strong sense of dizziness like a wave, and slapped him in the face from the front, hitting his head dizzily, staggering on his feet, and almost fell to the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha."

After standing still with her mask on, Amen let out a hearty laugh.


"It was so fast, I didn't react at all."

"I'm willing to bow down."

Yamen, whose temperament was as upright as his appearance, admitted his defeat very frankly, then stood up straight, pinned the bamboo sword to his left waist, and bowed deeply to Qingdeng.

"Acceptance." Qing Deng politely returned the gift.

[Successfully copied talent: "Swordsman\

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