I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 202: King Ren Shows His Power! Consecutive defeat of the heroes of the Little Chiba Sword Gy

If Qingdeng just took a real knife, then Hotan's chest must have been completely cut open by now, and all the organs in the chest cavity have been cut into a mess. Hetian, who suffered such severe chest injuries, can only lie down like a dead dog. On the ground, there is more air intake and less air output, and you can go to see Amaterasu in a short while.

He couldn't even catch Qingdeng's sword, and was instantly killed by Qingdeng's sword... Hetian felt that his body and heart were surrounded by a huge sense of humiliation and grief.

Wada is a very typical kind of person who is very proud of his title of "Swordsman of Little Chiba Sword Hall".

Successfully passed the entrance examination of the Little Chiba Sword Gym, became a member of the Little Chiba Sword Gym, and in the subsequent hard training, successfully promoted to the second field where only apprentices with a certain level can freely enter and exit—this is what Wada did in The proudest achievement of his life so far.

He originally thought that, as a top student in Little Chiba Sword Gym, even if he was not Qingdeng's opponent, he should be able to fight Qingdeng fiercely.

He never imagined that he didn't even have the ability to block Qing Deng's move...

His self-esteem was hit, and the gap between reality and imagination was too large... The grief, indignation and humiliation in his heart tortured Hetian.

At this moment, Wada really wanted to yell at Qingdeng, "Compete again!", to wash away the shame with a new battle.

But no matter how he moves his lips, how he opens and closes his mouth, he has been unable to utter the phrase "compare again" smoothly.

This is not because Wada is afraid that after shouting this sentence, people will be despised as a clown who cannot afford to lose.

It's because even if he fights Qingdeng again, Wada doesn't dare to guarantee that he can fight better than the last one...

Qingdeng's swift sword strike just now... makes Hetian's heart shudder every time he thinks about it.

If Ju Qingdeng used the same sword speed to attack him again, would he be able to resist it?

He Tian never gave himself an optimistic answer...

Unable to bring up his confidence to fight Qingdeng again, Hetian gritted his teeth, stood up slowly, drooped his head like a defeated rooster, and left the stage in despair, full of unwillingness, shock and grief.

Off the court, the members of the "Zonazi Suitors Legion" looked at each other in blank dismay.

Confusion and fear were written on their faces.

Hotan, who was in charge of leading the battle, was defeated so badly... Such a bad start made them realize suddenly: This hateful Ju Qingdeng seems to be much more powerful than they expected...

Although Hetian is not the most powerful among them, he is still an apprentice who can practice swords in the second field of Xiaoqianye Sword Gym.

This kind of Hetian was actually killed by Qingdeng in just one meeting...

At this time, a strong man with fair skin stood up with a sullen face, and walked out of the "audience seat" slowly.

"Ichiro Taniguchi, Mr. Tachibana, I also want to ask you to give me some advice. I wonder if you can give me your advice?"

There is actually another person who wants to challenge Qingdeng...

Most of the people in the "audience seat", headed by Shannan, are not members of the "Zonako Suitor Legion".

To Keisuke Shannan and the others, they only found it quite strange: Why do so many people suddenly want to challenge Qingdeng?

"..." Sanako, who was standing side by side with Chiba Shigetaro and Chiba Tamon Shiro, pursed her red lips slightly at this moment.

She looked thoughtfully at Taniguchi, who came out after Wada... her expression was unpredictable.

Qingdeng glanced at Taniguchi: "Please advise!"

Taniguchi nodded to Qingdeng, then lifted the bamboo sword placed beside him and his protective mask, strode into the dojo, and stood opposite Qingdeng.

The apprentices in Field B were just now taking a break, and none of them took off their protective gear.

Therefore, everyone only needs to wear a mask and hold a bamboo sword to compete.

Looking at Taniguchi who was now standing opposite to Qingdeng, many people in the "Zonako Pursuers Legion" felt relieved.

Taniguchi's swordsmanship is far above Wada's.

In terms of comprehensive strength, Taniguchi ranks in the middle and upper reaches of the Little Chiba Sword Gym.

Taniguchi, who is strong and strong, has joined the battle... This calmed down their flustered hearts after witnessing Wada's fiasco.

Another person sent a request to Qingdeng for a duel, and Qingdeng readily agreed... No one has the qualifications and ability to stop this kind of competition where the swordsmen on both sides "like each other".

Respecting the wishes of both parties and providing the best competition conditions for both parties is the true gift of warriors.

Chiba Shigetaro, who knew this well, returned to the dojo as a referee with a serious face, and stood between Qingdeng and the challenger again.



Compared with Wada, Taniguchi's style of play is obviously more aggressive and violent.

As soon as Chiba Shigetaro shouted "Start", Taniguchi strode close to Qingdeng's front, and while sending out a rather astonishing kiha, he quickly swung his knife and stabbed Qingdeng's chest.

Qingdeng looked at the oncoming Jianfeng calmly, without the slightest nervousness, he stood half a step to the left, and easily avoided the danger.


It can be heard that Taniguchi is the kind of person who is quite noisy during battle.

Taniguchi let out another qihe with a voice that seemed to tear his throat, retracted the piercing sword, and then struck out fiercely again, launching a new attack on Qingdeng.

Taniguchi is in pretty good shape today.

He is the veteran among the many suitors of Sanako.

He had been secretly in love with Sanako for 8 years, and he had always liked her when Sanako was only a 14-year-old girl.

He is very courageous and thick-skinned. In the past 8 years, he has shown love to and pursued Sanako blatantly and crazily... and then got hurt all over his body in front of Sanako's impenetrable heart.

I have been secretly in love with Missy for 8 years, how long have you known Missy? How can you have such a good relationship with Missy? !

The strong jealousy makes every knife that Taniguchi swung at this time extremely powerful! It looked terrifying!

Under his quick swing, the blade of the bamboo sword was pulled out one after another afterimages.

Taniguchi is the best at attacking, but not at defending. Taking the strategy of "exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses", he continued to launch fierce attacks on Qingdeng.

Cutting horizontally, chopping downwards, slashing upwards...

Cut hands, attack feet, go straight to the vitals...

Taniguchi tried his best, tried his best, and poured all his life's learning into this battle that he didn't want to lose no matter what.

Facing the aggressive Taniguchi, Qingdeng was not in a hurry to launch a counterattack immediately.

Although it seems a bit arrogant to say so... But when Taniguchi drew closer and slashed at him for the first time, Qingdeng had already concluded that this person was not his opponent.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Taniguchi who can swing the bamboo sword so that there are only afterimages that are difficult to see clearly is simply amazing.

But for Qingdeng, who has "focus" and "eagle eyes", whether Taniguchi moves his body or swings his bamboo sword... his series of movements are all the same as those in slow-moving old movies.

The opponent's actions have been seen through, so naturally there is no reason to lose.

Facing the menacing swordsmen aiming at his face, neck, chest, waist and abdomen, etc., Qingdeng just dodged briskly and flexibly while counting down the 10 seconds necessary for copying his talent in his mind.

The figure that sometimes moves sideways and sometimes rotates is like the shadow of the moon shaking on the water, which is unpredictable.

Qingdeng had fully absorbed the experience and lessons learned from the Marquis of Aizu swordsmanship competition - against someone whose strength was obviously weaker than his own, he had to wait 10 seconds before making a move.

If you accidentally kill them in seconds and fail to play for 10 seconds, then you can't copy the talent.


Qingdeng still lost 5 seconds.

When he silently counted to 15 seconds, Qingdeng just happened to get a rough idea of ​​Taniguchi's sword path.

Qingdeng, who has been upgraded to "swordsmanship talent increased by 70 times the average level of ordinary people", has brought Qingdeng not only the extremely fast speed of learning swords.

What it brings to Qingdeng is also a very high sword fighting IQ.

After dodging Taniguchi's stabbing sword again, Qingdeng turned from defense to offense!

With lightning speed, he switched the sword-holding posture from the middle section to the upper section, and went straight to the Tianling Gai at Taniguchi from the upper right.

In terms of strength, Taniguchi is indeed above that Wada.

The speed of Qingdeng's slash was basically the same as the speed of the blow he had just killed Hetian in seconds.

Wada couldn't keep up with such a sword speed, but Taniguchi did.

Taniguchi quickly raised the bamboo sword in his hand, trying to block Qingdeng's blow.

However... the shock and tingling sensation after the bamboo sword hit each other was not transmitted to his palms as Taniguchi wished.

Because at almost the same moment when he raised his sword to defend...Qingdeng changed his move!

Qingdeng injected a "soft" force into his waist and elbows.

This gentle force caused the trajectory of the sword in his hand to be greatly deflected.

Qingdeng's change made many spectators outside the arena show admiration or surprise.

Anyone with certain attainments in swordsmanship can see how many delicate skills are hidden in Qingdeng's seemingly ordinary change of move.

The blade with a sudden change in trajectory bypassed Taniguchi's defensive bamboo sword and hit Taniguchi's left neck.

Seeing this, Chiba Shigetaro, who had been watching Qingdeng and Taniguchi's every move as a referee, immediately raised his hand and shouted:

"That's it!"

"Winner: Juqingdeng!"

Taniguchi maintained the posture of holding the knife high in a daze, and stood there stupidly.

He looked at Chiba Shigetaro who announced Qingdeng's victory, and then looked at the place where he had just been stabbed.

A few seconds ago, he was still launching a fierce offensive against Qingdeng.

After only a few seconds, he was defeated...

It was difficult for Taniguchi's head to turn this corner for a while.

He encountered the same situation as Hetian—it was difficult to accept the dismal result of his sudden defeat.

But no matter how unwilling he was to accept such a result, it was useless.

There was nothing wrong with Chiba Shigetaro's verdict.

Knife in the neck... In a real sword duel, this is an injury that can't die anymore.

Ever since, this scene was staged again in this dojo—Qingdeng’s challenger drooped his head in frustration and annoyance, put down the bamboo sword in his hand sadly, retreated to the edge of the dojo,

At this time, Qingdeng still didn't hear the system sound that he had been looking forward to hearing since he decided to start a head-to-head confrontation with these guys who wanted to find fault with him...

After Wada, even Taniguchi suffered a disastrous defeat...

The faces of the "Zonazi Suitor Legion" who suffered two disastrous defeats all changed again without exception.

This time, there was no Taniguchi who couldn't wait to play immediately after Wada's defeat as before.

It took several seconds before a fat man pulled out a bamboo sword from the sword bucket beside him.

"I'm Katsukuro Kuya."

"I also want to compete with you, I wonder what you like?"

Violent ups and downs like riding a roller coaster - this sentence is perfect to describe the mood of the group of "Sanako Suitors Legion" at this time.

Hisaya is one of the most powerful among them, and he is expected to receive Beichen's one-handed sword style from Chiba Singkichi within this year!

Hisaya, who was one of their "trump cards", was about to make a move... This gave them a little more peace of mind.

"Please advise!" Qingdeng Asakuya nodded slightly.



"Hello? What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"There seems to be a good show to watch in Field B!"

"A good show? What a good show?"

"The people in Field B are taking turns to challenge that Ju Qingdeng who often visits our sword gym recently!"

"Ju Qingdeng? Is that 'King Ni'?"

"Let's go, let's join in the fun."


The movement of Field B spread to Field C like the wind.

Field C is a dedicated dojo for male apprentices whose strength needs to be strengthened, as well as for all female apprentices.

Hearing that there seemed to be a lot of excitement for the apprentices in the C field in the B field, they rushed to the B field in a hurry, for fear that there would be no excitement to watch if they got there late.

With the arrival of the apprentices in the C field, the B field with a lot of spectators became more noisy and lively.

These field C apprentices who came to field B at the first time, came at the right time - they were very lucky to witness how Qingdeng knocked Jiuya away beautifully.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The bamboo sword in Qingdeng's hand seemed to have turned into three, cutting at Jiuya's head, chest, and shoulders from different directions.

With great difficulty, Jiuya took the 3 knives from Qingdeng.

Although he made a successful defense...but in order to block Qingdeng's three swords, Jiuya accidentally raised his arms and the bamboo sword in his palm too high, and opened the door in his body.

This fleeting flaw is clearly reflected in Qing Deng's eyes.

Qingdeng saw it right, strode forward, and rushed straight to Jiuya's side, and when he was about to pass by Jiuya, he swung his knife horizontally without hesitation.

The blade of the bamboo sword crossed Hisaya's flank from the guard to the tip.

The explosive power of the legs brought by "leading the horse" and the explosive power of the waist brought by "bear's waist"...the two forces superimposed on each other made Qingdeng's slash extremely powerful.

Hisaya was directly sent flying.

He flew backwards 3 or 4 steps before landing.

Many people who were standing on the sidelines of the dojo watching the battle... especially those apprentices who came to join in the fun, were all shocked by the power of Qingdeng's blow.

They couldn't help imagining: what would it be like if Qingdeng held a real knife instead of a bamboo sword?

Hisaya's entire upper body should be chopped off...

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but shrunk their necks.

[Successfully copied talent: "Swordsman\

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