I Fix The System Law

Chapter 852: dream

   Leng Shiqi didn't care too much, he just surpassed Wu Changyu, and it is normal to be spied by some people in secret.

The next battle is very exciting. The strengths of the two sides are very close. Unlike Leng Shiqi and Wu Changyu, they are finished with a few tricks. The two of them fought dimly, making the spiritual practitioners outside excited and forgetting Wu Changyu in a blink of an eye. The thing that failed.

   Fortunately, in the end, the master chess of the Northern Wei Dynasty managed to win by a big margin, and finally saved some of the face of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

   Their battle ignited everyone, and they looked forward to the next Tianyuan Realm duel.

   This time the Tianyuan realm powerhouse counts Leng Shiqi and Meng Tiantian, there are 35 people, and one of them is a bye in the first round, so the first round has to play 17 games first.

   The Northern Wei Dynasty put these seventeen games in four days to complete, so today only four games will be played.

   Then the old man also shot, defeating a master of Yu Beast Zhai, Lei Yan Dynasty today won the two battles and everyone is very happy.

   Then everyone returned to the post house, and Leng Shiqi continued to enter the concentration to comprehend the power of the five elements.


  It hurts, it hurts!

  The bones all over the body are so painful as if they are broken!

   The young man opened his eyes with difficulty, and found himself curled up in the corner of a dark prison.

   There is a foul smell in the prison, and the smell seems to be mixed with a few traces of blood!

   Juvenile seems to have gotten used to it, because he has been brought here for a long time, as for how long he doesn't know. There was no ray of sunshine here all day, and he didn't even know how long it had passed.

   He still remembers that there were 20 or 30 people like him back then, crowded in this small prison, but now he is the only one left.

   Every once in a while, they will be forced to take some strange liquids, and every time they drink it, they will suffer severe pain, which is unimaginable pain!

  Some people lose their lives in the extreme pain.

   Gradually, there was only one young man left in this prison.

   He was taken out not long ago. He was tied to a hard rock, and when lying on it, there was a chill of ice seeping into the body from behind, making people shudder.

   stood three expressionless people in front of his eyes. They seemed to have no expressions. The faces seemed to be fake faces, which looked very scary.

   The boy didn't resist, he knew it was useless to resist.

   "Let's start." The man in the middle said, the voice was as stiff as a dead man.

   The ten fingers of the two left and right were as black as ink, and suddenly they grew a few inches longer, and the black air was lingering, and they were directly inserted into the boy's ribs!

   "Ah!!!" The boy suddenly screamed, but strangely, he did not shed any blood.

   The two opened two buttons on both sides of his body, and then they each took out a weird object.

   That thing looked like a small heart, beating twice from time to time. The colors in their hands were different, one was black and the other was light blue.

   The boy didn't know what they were going to do, he could only rely on his tenacious will to support himself at the moment.

   After that, they put two hearts into the boy's body, and the last one chanted a word, and printed a series of black seals one after another.

   The boy's body immediately convulsed crazily, his orifices bleed, his eyes whitened, and then suddenly there was no movement, and he appeared to be dead.

   The three of them are familiar with this, and still don't have the slightest expression.

   "Carry it away." The man in the middle turned around and wanted to leave.

   But the boy's body suddenly swelled, and he came back to life!

   The young man gasped quickly, but the three of them had their eyes widened and their faces were unbelievable!

   The man in the middle finally had an expression, and he immediately shouted in surprise: "It's successful! Hurry, go report it to the Lord!"

   The boy was a little confused at the moment, he himself didn't understand why he didn't die.

   He soon saw the "Holy Lord" among those people. It was a gray-haired old man, but the old man's eyes were particularly strange.

   There is only endless black in one eye, like the whirlpool of **** that can hook away the human soul. The other eye was filled with countless stars, as if there was a universe in his eyes.

   What’s even weirder is that when the teenager saw the Holy Lord, he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy!

   "Very good." The Holy Lord stared at the young man for a while, nodded in satisfaction.

   The young man was full of doubts, and the Holy Master suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the young man!


   Leng Shiqi suddenly woke up from his dream!

   Immediately, his expression changed, and all kinds of expressions flashed in his eyes instantly. The golden light behind his head was generous, which was his expression of stimulating the power of the soul to the extreme.

   How could he dream! ?

   He clearly remembered that he was comprehending the power of the five elements, how could he suddenly fall asleep and have strange dreams again?

   Leng Seventeen is now the peak cultivation base of the Unity of Heaven and Man, and his mental power far exceeds that of the ordinary Tianyuan realm powerhouse. Sleeping and dreaming are very strange to him.

   Since he came to this world, he has slept only a handful of times, but why did he suddenly fall asleep while practicing?

   There must be something strange!

   Cold Seventeen Souls were fully opened, and most of Wei was in his perception, but he didn't even find the slightest strangeness.

   At this time, he remembered that when he was in the martial arts field, he had noticed that someone was spying on him secretly. Perhaps the person who snooped was trying to secretly use his hands and feet!

   "Is it Meng Tiantian?" Leng Shiqi was the first to suspect Meng Tiantian's head.

  To say who can make him sleep in his dreams, no one seems to be able to do it except for the mysterious dreams.

   The key is that the dream is too real~www.ltnovel.com~ It doesn't seem to be caused by illusion. The confusion, hesitation, and fear of the teenager are as if they had experienced it in Leng Shiqi.

   Especially the Holy Lord who appeared last, those eyes are scary, but they still have a familiar feeling.

Too strange!

   It's not so much a dream, it's a bit like a memory!

   Thinking of this, Leng Shiqi was shocked!

   He suddenly discovered that there was a problem he had never cared about before, and that was the memory of his own body now.

  His soul came through, and he was already on Xuewudao when he awoke. He once asked Yushu and Gu San, they did not have any memories of coming to Xuewudao. Therefore, Leng Shiqi always thought it was the people in the **** pavilion who specially erased their previous memories. They hadn't practiced before, and erasing memories was not a troublesome thing.

   Later, Leng Shiqi did not deliberately pursue the memory of the original owner, because he felt that it had no meaning.

   After he awakened the blood of the Star Clan and the Shadow Clan in his body, he realized that he should have some connection with the Nether Temple, so he began to collect information on the Nether Temple.

   It seems that what happened in the dream just now may be the original memory of this body!



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