I Fix The System Law

Chapter 840: Beast hell

Leng Shiqi is ready to directly participate in the battle of the Tianyuan realm!

With his current strength, it would be boring to fight back and forth with those celestial beings, and it was purely bullying.

He is not afraid of exposing his strength, on the contrary, he just emerges to attract some people.

Banning arranged Leng Shiqi and Jiuli in an extremely luxurious room, and then left with a meaningful smile on his face.

In the end, Leng Shiqi specifically confessed that he hadn't seen guests recently, and no one was allowed to bother.

The smile on Banning's face was even worse.

Jiu Li picked up a piece of fruit on the table and ate it and said, "It seems that the Lei Yan Dynasty paid much attention to this grand gathering of all souls."

Since entering here, Jiuli has found a large number of masters, most of whom are young people.

Leng Shiqi cast his eyes and saw quite a few acquaintances.

Gu San also came, and to his surprise, Gu San's cultivation base was already at the pinnacle of the Spirit Gang Realm!

It is completely possible to try to break through the realm of harmony between man and nature.

He clearly remembered that the last time he went to the Imperial Capital to take the Little Five Elements Chaos Cave Sky, Bone Three was still in the late stage of the Linggang Realm. It has only reached its peak in the past year, and it must have been some adventure.

Leng Shiqi took a closer look, and there was a trace of blood in the spirit power of Gu San, and he secretly asked, "Could it be that her blood shadow secret method has been perfected, thus breaking through the small realm?"

In addition to Gu San, several deputy chiefs in the Dark Thunder Guard and Wood Yao have all arrived, and the Zhenfusi's side is similar, and Zhuge Puhe and Zhai Chuan are also there.

The five members of their elite group gathered here.

These people here are all people with great potential, and the Lei Yan Dynasty also wants to use the opportunity of the All Souls Gathering to temper them.

What surprised Leng Seventeenth National Congress most was that there were still three Heavenly Origin Realm powerhouses in the restaurant!

Two of them are very strange, he has never seen them before, and one is very familiar, that is, the strong man in the imperial consecration hall of the Leiyan Dynasty, and the old man in the elite hall at the same time.

Among the two strangers, one of them had a huge hesitant volcanic eruption of spiritual power, which made people afraid to look directly at it.

Those who can have this kind of spiritual power must be the pinnacle realm of the Heavenly Origin Realm undoubtedly!

This time, the Lei Yan Dynasty was really enough, and even the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm was sent. But think about it, the last time Zhuo Zhou made such a mess in the Demon Mountain Range, he could make the ministers of the Leiyan Dynasty very angry.

Taking the opportunity of the All Souls Grand Gathering, they simply sent a peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm, with the purpose of severely suppressing the Heavenly Origin Realm masters of the Northern Wei Dynasty!

Since Zhuo Zhou, the first consecration hall, is dead, how many peaks of the Heavenly Origin Realm can the Northern Wei Dynasty come up with?

Seeing these people, Leng Shiqi didn't take the initiative to find them, he had more important things to do.

"The All Souls Fair will officially start in five days. We have to make preparations in these few days." Leng Shiqi turned his head and said to Jiu Li.

Jiu Li understood, and said fiercely: "Go to the Blood Beast Sect first, that is, they beat the old lady the hardest! If you can catch Xie Pengyu, the best!"

"Xie Pengyu is in Weidu now, it is not easy to kill him."

"Then lead him out, I believe you have a way." At this point, Jiu Li blinked at Leng Shiqi.

Leng Shiqiquan didn't see it. He had a plan to open the system map and saw that the Blood Beast Sect was thousands of miles away from Wei Capital. Distance is nothing to him. Destiny skills can be directly teleported for thousands of miles. In addition, he is omnipotent from the sky to the earth. It is a matter of one or two hours to rush to the Blood Beast Sect.

Then his figure flickered, and another Leng Shiqi appeared.

"I am here to leave a phantom body, if there is an accident, please contact me through the underworld at any time."

Jiu Li picked up a piece of fruit again and said, "I don't know what it's called, but it's delicious. If you leave, you can't worry about me with me."

Leng Shiqi's heart twitched, and secretly said: "It's because you are not at ease!"

He didn't say much, and disappeared into Wei Capital in a three-color light.

Soon, Leng Shiqi saw the sect of the Blood Beast Sect.

It was a mountain range where you could feel the strong smell of blood from far away, and you could still hear the roar of monsters faintly.

Leng Shiqi stopped and put on the clothes of Emperor Fengdu, and did not see what seal he used, but the vitality in his body was quickly dissipating, and in a flash he was like a lifeless stone!

Although he did not comprehend the power of the five elements during the year of retreat, he was more proficient in the five elements magic. In particular, he originally mastered a trace of the laws of the earth, which belonged to the five elements, and now even the strong in the Profound Realm would never want to perceive his aura!

This is also the reason why he can generously give King Gu to Jiu Li.

Then Leng Shiqi sank into the earth and sneaked into the Blood Beast Sect with ease like a fish caught in the water.

The Blood Beast Sect is indeed the most powerful sect in the Northern Wei Dynasty. There are tens of thousands of disciples under the sect. These people are not cats and dogs. They must be talented to be qualified to enter the Blood Beast Sect.

Leng Shiqi summoned Zhuo Zhou's soul beast ghost, he was the Sect Master of the Blood Beast Sect back then, and he was very familiar with this place. UU reading www.uukahnshu. com

"Tell me where is the Beast Hell?"

The Beast Prison is a place where the Blood Beast Sect detains a large number of monsters.

The foundation of the blood beast sect is naturally the monster beast, and they catch countless monsters from the extreme northern wasteland all the time. However, the captured monsters can't be used for refining directly, but must first be carefully trained to make them more docile.

Otherwise, those low-level disciples could not control the monster beast at all.

Those monster beasts were kept in the beast prison, and the purpose of Leng Shiqi's trip was here!

Now that most of the powerhouses of the blood beast sect have gone to Weidu, even the lord Situ Huanxu and the great elder Xie Pengyu have gone, and there are only one or two Tianyuan realms left in the sect.

If the beast **** is destroyed at this time and all the monster beasts in it are released, the blood beast sect will definitely be in chaos!

You must know that the people of the blood beast sect in the monsters' hearts are absolutely hated to the bones, and they can't wait to be torn to pieces.

Once a turmoil occurs, the blood beast sect will be beaten by surprise, and there are many people who are caught off guard, but it is still difficult for the blood beast sect to hurt its vitality by relying on the monsters in the beast prison.

After all, there are still experts in the Heavenly Origin Realm in the Blood Beast Sect, and there must be a lot of formations and special methods to deal with monsters.

The purpose of Leng Shiqi was actually to elicit the masters of Wei Du through the riots in the beast hell!

After the sect chaos, of course, you must notify the Sect Master and the Great Elder as soon as possible. If such a big thing happened, some people would be sent back.

There is a high probability that Situ Huanxu will not come back. As for the remaining people, Xie Pengyu is most suitable.

What Leng Shiqi really wanted to do was to intercept Xie Pengyu halfway through!

It doesn't matter if it is not for Xie Pengyu's return, no matter who it is, it doesn't matter who you are!


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