I Fix The System Law

Chapter 832: power

Kahlo's words made the hall that had just settled down again become noisy, but Kahlo didn't explain much, she only said: "Gu Nai is the lord of the Zhulu country, and knows the importance and urgency of things better than any of you.

But you have to remember one thing, if you don't need to care about it, you don't need to care!

Retreat! "

Then she got up and left the hall, leaving only a group of courtiers with big eyes and small eyes.

Many people looked at the old folk song ceremony, hoping that he could persuade the king.

However, Qu Li touched his beard and said: "Your Majesty's ability to fly far, I can guess, let's take orders."

When Kahlo came to her study room, she immediately summoned one person, "This secret decree was quickly sent to the hand of the leader of the border army."

Outside the border of Zhulu Country, the army of 50,000 Beiliu countries is stationed here, and a group of people in the big tent are drinking and eating meat.

The headed person is wide and fat, full of fat, don't look at his appearance, his cultivation is the pinnacle of the unity of heaven and man!

This person is the commander-in-chief of the 50,000 understate army, Adams.

"Hahaha, now I'm afraid that Zhu Luguo's grandsons are already scared." He tore off a large piece of flesh and laughed arrogantly.

"That's not it." Someone immediately agreed.

"Our 50,000 army is under pressure, and the country of Zhu Lu is still in civil strife. The last king Gus does not know the life or death. It is said that this time he was enthroned by a little girl. Hehe, she may not be able to subdue the ministers, so where is the time to resist? we."

"Even if they send support now, it's too late!"

"Not bad!" Adams answered, "I'm just now their masters should be on the road, but they definitely can't count that we have to do it now!"

"Bang!" Adams smashed the wine jar in his hand and said with a raised arm: "Brothers, it's time to kill if you have enough food and drink!"

It turned out that they didn't plan to give Zhu Luguo any time to support, and since there was a surprise soldier, Zhu Luguo had to be caught off guard.

Just when everyone was gearing up to fight, a terrifying pressure suddenly appeared, and more than 90% of the people in the big tent were directly pressed on the ground to eat the dirt.

Only five people can barely stand, but each of them is also arched, looking extremely painful.

It is the gravitational space of Leng Seventeen!

Adams's fat body suddenly trembled, and he broke free of a bit of gravity. He shouted in horror: "Which master is it? If you have something to say, there is something to say."

"You can speak normally in my gravitational space, and you are not small at all." A cold voice sounded behind Adams.

But before he turned his head, his eyes suddenly went black and he lost consciousness forever!

Leng Shiqi squeezed Adams' head off, and his vision swept away. There were a total of more than 60 people in the big tent, all of whom were masters above the Linggang realm. This time, the Beiliu country was really good enough.

He stretched out his hand and pressed, the gravitational space was rapidly compressed, and the gravity within the big tent increased exponentially.

Immediately after listening to the sound of "Puff Puff", these masters were all crushed into a pool of minced meat by gravity!

After doing this, Leng Shiqi quietly left here, and even the guards outside didn't know what was happening inside.

The reason why he didn't do anything with ordinary soldiers was to leave this opportunity to others. If Carol is smart enough, he should know how to do it.

Secondly, Leng Shiqi didn't want to hurt Beiliu country too badly all at once.

The next step of the Zhulu country is to annex the underliu country, but unfortunately the appetite of Zhulu country is not so big now. It can swallow the entire underliu country directly, and it needs to be eaten slowly.

In addition, if the Beiliu nation suffered heavy casualties this time, it would also give the Dayue nation a chance!

The Great Moon Kingdom has also been eyeing it all the time. Once they find that the Underlying Kingdom has lost tens of thousands of troops, they will definitely go down.

At that time, Zhu Luguo would be passive instead.

Leng Shiqi no longer paid attention to the soldiers, but went straight to the capital of the underliu country to find "Three Talents".

According to Xia Houba, the "Three Talents Imperial Art" is in the hands of the master of Huayu Tower, Huayu Tianshi.

He also recently collected the information of the Heavenly Master Huayu. This person broke through the Heavenly Origin Realm a few years ago. The Huayu Tower is very prestigious in Beiliu, and countless people come to worship it every year.

It is easy to find Huayu Tianshi, but it is not easy to get the "Three Talents Imperial Art".

First of all, the cultivation base of the Tianyuan Realm of the Huayu Heavenly Master was placed there. Leng Shiqi believed that his strength was comparable to the peak of the Tianyuan Realm, but it was still a bit unrealistic to want to make a big effort in the low country.

Moreover, even if he kills the Heavenly Master Huayu, he may not get the "Three Talents"!

This is the most troublesome place.

Thinking of this, Leng Shiqi's brain flashed, and at the same time a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes.

He suddenly remembered that as long as he killed the Heavenly Master Huayu and collected his soul into the Hades for a soul search, he would naturally know where the "Three Talents" was placed.

It really doesn't work, just let his soul say the formula of the exercises word by word.

At this time, Leng Shiqi realized that when his strength reached a certain level, many things were easier to do.

Entering Zhulu Country is the best example.

At first Leng Shiqi didn't intend to provoke the Shocking Dragon Sword King and others, but his strength was really too strong, and he simply solved the people in the worship hall.

The same is true for the Tianshi that Huayu.

If Leng Shiqi had only the strength of the unity of nature and man, even if he tried a long time and worked hard, he would have little hope of obtaining "Three Talents".

Power, the root of all this is power!

When Leng Shiqi flew to the capital of the Beiliu country, there were 30,000 ground troops in the fortress on the border of Zhulu country ready to go!

Not long ago, they received Queen Kahlo’s secret decree, and they waited for the opportunity to take the initiative to attack the army of the undercurrents!

Originally, they all thought that they were wrong. Now that the 50,000 troops of the low country are under pressure, the Royal City does not send support, but instead lets them take the initiative to attack?

How is this different from sending death?

However, several spies immediately reported back, saying that all the generals above the Linggang realm in the Underliu Kingdom had mysteriously died!

Including commander Adams all died violently!

At this moment, the army of the low country has no leader, the military spirit is disrupted, and the morale is low. The remaining low-level generals couldn't hold them back at all, and many of them even started to flee.

After getting this information, the people in the land army didn't know what the opposite had gone through, they only knew that this was a golden opportunity!

There is no commander and no master in the army of the low country, and the military spirit is even more distracted. Although there are 20,000 more people than the land army, the land army has a huge advantage.

The land army did not hesitate to complete the rectification as quickly as possible, and then rushed out of the fortress and went straight to the army of the under-state!

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