I Fix The System Law

Chapter 829: Fall

The bone dragon was slapped to pieces and everyone was dumbfounded.

Including Leng Shiqi himself!

"How powerful is the big star picker?" Even he himself couldn't believe it.

The Big Star Cultivator is a spiritual skill created by the Star Clan in combination with spiritual cultivation. It can be said that it combines the strengths of the Star Clan and spiritual cultivation, and its power is close to the entanglement of spiritual power. And Leng Shiqi had a strong stellar clan bloodline, but he was also a human clan, perfectly displaying the power of a star-catcher.

Besides, the Bone Dragon of the Shocking Dragon Sword King was suppressed by the Great Sun Tathagata Dragon Flame Palm and the Jingshi Buddha Lotus. It is already very good that five achievements can be retained out of the ten percent power.

So the scene just happened.

Frightened Dragon Sword King was immediately stunned.

The result of his overdraft of Shouyuan was fragile!

At this moment, it was not only the bone dragon that was smashed, but also the dignity and faith of the Shocking Dragon Sword King!

Not talking about sweeping all directions in his life, he is also a strong man who guards one side. Isn't the master in the Six Nations of the Western Regions afraid of his existence?

He is even more detached in Zhulu Country. The kings and royal family members of all generations have to call "sir" respectfully when they see him, because he is the patron saint of Zhulu Country!

However, today this patron saint was crushed by Emperor Fengdu who emerged from nowhere!

What's more ridiculous is that this Emperor Fengdu only has the cultivation base of the Unity of Heaven and Man!

For the first time in the life of the Dragon Sword King, he wondered if he was dreaming?

King Gus below was desperate.

Even the strongest player in Zhulu Country, Frightened Dragon Sword King, was defeated, which also meant that he was also defeated!

The result of his failure is that he will lose the throne of Zhu Lu and his own life!

Gus regretted it in his heart, he shouldn't have left the royal city himself.

At first he came with full confidence, but in fact he should be full of confidence. But he brought dozens of masters and three celestial realm powerhouses, dealing with Princess Kahlo is simply cutting melons and vegetables.

But who can count the strength of the other party stronger!

If Gus didn't come by himself, he could run away as soon as he got the news. Although he lost the throne, he could at least save his life. It's a pity that people are not as good as the sky. It seems that he is really going to fall here under all coincidences.

But Gus wouldn't just wait to die like this, he suddenly shouted: "Escape, escape separately!"

Before he finished his words, he turned into a stream and quickly receded!

"Want to escape? Have you ever asked us?" Lu Hou suddenly grinned, his body moved and followed with a bunch of phantoms, and his speed was three points faster than Gus!

Not far away, a cyan giant net suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Gus!

Gus decisively burned his essence and blood directly, rushing out **** water jets all over his body trying to tear open the cyan giant net, but the giant net was full of stickiness and could not be opened for a while.

A green snake emerged from the ground, "I have been staring at you a long time ago."

At the same time, Luhou had already chased him up, and King Gus couldn't escape, and his eyes flashed red. He could only forcefully break through the combination of Luhou and Green Snake.

Leng Shiqi saw Gus being stopped, and felt relieved. Anyone present could escape, but Gus must die!

But before that, he had to solve the Startling Dragon Sword King first.

Gus ran away and was stopped again, and it took only one or two breaths before and after. The Startled Dragon Sword King had not yet recovered from the blow.

In fact, this shouldn't be the case for a Tianyuan realm powerhouse, but there is no way, he was really hit hard.

As for escape?

He Frightened Dragon Sword King hadn't thought about it, besides, with his severely wounded body, he couldn't escape the chase of the other three, even if he escaped by chance, he didn't have a good life for a few years.

Instead of that, he might as well pull a back before dying!

A ray of cruel color passed from the corner of his eyes, and Leng Shiqi keenly sensed the mind of the Startled Dragon Sword King. How could he give the Startled Dragon Sword King a chance to fight back?

Leng Shiqi's backhand shot, a light yellow brilliance enveloped the area for several miles.

Everyone suddenly felt as if a big mountain was pressing down on their shoulders!

Those spiritual practitioners in the Linggang realm were crushed on the ground severely, unable to move at all, only the unity of heaven and man could barely hold it.

Even those few Heavenly Origin Realms had fallen down one by one, and could no longer hang in the air.

The law of the earth, gravitational space!

With Leng Shiqi's fingers, dozens of auras hit Tudeng, Jiuli, Gusan, Princess Kahlo and others. The brilliance of their bodies was no longer affected by the gravitational space.

The pressure on the Jinglong Sword King was the greatest. Leng Shiqi exerted more than 70% of the gravity on the Jinglong Sword King.

At this moment, the Dragon Sword King was surrounded by dense dragon-shaped sword shadows, but those sword shadows couldn't be too far away from the body, at most ten feet, they were suppressed by invisible gravity!

Leng Shiqiyi pointed out, and the dreamlike colorful streamer lased out, and the big dream pointed out!

The Startled Dragon Sword King nodded his eyebrows, a drop of red blood flowed out, and the aura on his body recovered somewhat. The dragon-shaped sword shadow instantly turned into a hideous blood dragon and shattered the colorful streamers.

Leng Shiqi certainly didn't think that the Dragon Sword King's life could be taken by only relying on the Great Dream Qianqiuzhi, this was just a feint.

Just after the colorful streamer shot out, six mysterious vortexes appeared behind him, and a spiritual power that was in harmony with the heavens and the truth permeated.

At the same time, Leng Shiqi's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his hand to grab a ghost from the body of the Startled Dragon Sword King, and then plunged into the whirlpool behind him.

Illusion, the six realms of reincarnation!

Immediately after Leng Shiqi was too lazy to worry that the soul of the Startling Dragon Sword King could survive in the six realms of reincarnation for several lifetimes, he actually suddenly became domineering, and he punched the Overlord's bar with a punch, and the entire body of the Startling Dragon Sword King. Was directly bombed into the ground and burst into a cloud of blood!

The strongest man of the Zhulu Royal Family Hall, has guarded the patron saint of Zhulu Kingdom for so many years, the Dragon Sword King, has fallen!

At this time, UU reading www. uukānshu. Venerable Shenxiao, who was still struggling, suddenly screamed.

The six reincarnation phantoms summoned by Leng Shiqi had a great influence on the soul. The Venerable God Xiao, who could support for a while, finally couldn't control his other half of the soul, and was pulled out of his body by Jiuli on the spot. .

Then it was stuffed into Jiu Li's mouth!

"No!" Venerable Shenxiao's breath suddenly plummeted, and he descended directly from the Heavenly Origin Realm to the Unity of Heaven and Man!

He roared in despair, but he was directly held down by the gravity space, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Jiu Li transformed into a human form again, and licked the corner of his mouth lightly, a cloud of dark nether air turned into a palm to envelop Venerable Shenxiao, and after a while, only a pale, dry bone was left!

"Amitabha Buddha." Tuden seemed to be unable to bear to see this miserable elephant and slowly closed his eyes.

And the Qinglin opposite him only felt that he was like falling into the ice cellar, that the Dragon Sword King and the Venerable Gods were so dead?

More importantly, Leng Shiqi and Jiuli both focused on him!

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