I Fix The System Law

Chapter 827: Total suppression

   At first, the Dragon Sword King was shocked to see Leng Shiqi dare to shoot at him, and his heart was full of disdain.

  The unity of heaven and man, in his eyes, is nothing more than a more powerful ant. Daring to blend into the battle of the Tianyuan realm is simply looking for death!

   However, when the ghost sword stabbed, the Dragon Sword King was really shocked!

   Not only him, including Shenxiao, Qinglin, and Gus, all eyes widened.

   How can a realm of harmony between man and nature have such a powerful strength? !

   Frightened Dragon Sword King has an extra dragon scale epee in his hand. Facing Leng Shiqi, he must use his sword.

   At the moment when his sharp sword was unsheathed, the endless power suddenly fell. His sword style seemed to stir the void, and a huge phantom of a huge stegosaurus hundreds of meters long was like a **** in the sky.

   Although the stegosaurus is an illusory existence, the boundless sword intent is like a thorn in the back, falling like the sky!

   The sword dragon came into the world, and immediately caused the ghost and **** sword to tremble, but the ghost and **** sword disappeared strangely. When it appeared, it stabbed directly into the body of the stegosaurus!

   In an instant, countless Nether Sword Qi broke out, tearing the sword dragon in half from the inside!

   But that ghost and **** sword was finally exhausted.

   The Dragon Sword King was shocked. He just had that sword, let alone the Harmony of Heaven and Man, even in the Heavenly Origin Realm.

   But this Emperor Fengdu did it!

  Venerable Shenxiao and Qinglin who were fiercely fighting next to each other couldn't help showing unexpected colors.

   Jiu Li smiled weirdly, and she suddenly turned into a thousand forms. Under each phantom song, purple lights flashed across the sky, everywhere in the sky and the earth.

   Immediately afterwards, a giant scorpion with a size of one hundred feet faintly appeared, and the giant scorpion opened its mouth and spouted a burst of green gas. That gas is like the nemesis of the divine light cultivated by the Venerable Divine Cloud, and it is completely sucked in an instant!

  Venerable Shenxiao's aura was obviously weaker, and he was shocked to find that part of his body, which had been practicing for many years, had disappeared out of thin air!

   He stared at Jiuli fiercely, "Who are you?!"

"Huh, do you dare to be distracted when you do something with my old mother? You, an old boy, have a good chance. You can actually sway the heaven and earth with the power of your soul. It's really amazing." Then Jiuli laughed: "But you met the old woman. I can only say that you are out of luck."

   On the other side, Qinglin, who fought against Tuden, felt bad.

   Frightened Dragon Sword King was entangled in a Harmony of Heaven and Human Realm, and Venerable Shenxiao was suppressed by Jiuli again. If this continues, they will undoubtedly lose!

   He must stand up.

   The sacred beast, the unicorn, roared up to the sky, and in an instant thunderclouds spread, and countless cyan thunder and lightning continued to interweave and collide with bursts of fire.

  The power of thunder and lightning tore through the space and hit Tudeng!

   However, Tudeng was motionless, and the immovable king behind him was like a mountain with his arms supporting the sky.

   "Chichi..." Countless cyan thunders and lightnings fell on the statue of Fudo Ming King, making a piercing sound of thunder, but letting the thunder and lightning bombarded, the Fudo King statue stood still!

   Qinglin's heart sank, and he couldn't break Tudeng's defense with all his strength!

   Surprised Dragon Sword King did not distract himself from the Lord God and Qinglin. After his sword dragon was broken, the sword in his hand suddenly changed, from the original majestic majestic to the current ethereal and feminine.

   The sound of the dragon's chanting in the middle of the sky is loud, the dark clouds cover the top, and the rain is pouring!

  Dragons, travel clouds and rain, Ze is the common people.

   He can shake the world with a sword transforming a dragon, and he can also spread rain.

   It's just that the rain that was spread by the Dragon Sword King is not the nectar of Zebei, but the sword aura that kills people!

   There was a dignified color in Leng Shiqi's eyes.

   Judging from the power of the Startled Dragon Sword King's continuous shots, his cultivation is already very close to the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm.

   really deserves to be the strongest master guarding Zhu Lu Country.

   Just when the sky was full of sword energy, a fist-sized black spot appeared in the sky at some point.

   No one noticed in the dark.

   Suddenly, the black spot exudes powerful magical power, and all the sword aura of the Startling Dragon Sword King actually reversed in midair, all turned to the black spot!

   What is even more surprising is that when the sword qi hits the black spot, it disappears like a mud cow into the sea without a trace, leaving no trace of it!

   The law of gravity, black hole space!

   Startled Dragon Sword King himself also felt a pulling force, to pull him in the direction of the black ball, even if he was a strong man in the late Tianyuan realm, he would have to suppress that force with all his strength.

   Not only him, but also Venerable Shenxiao and Qinglin were also affected by the black hole space.

   Qinglin is okay, after all, Tudeng did not take the initiative to take the initiative, but the Lord Shenxiao was miserable.

   The exercises he had practiced all his life happened to be restrained by Jiu Li, and he was being swallowed by a little bit of Jiu Li's power, and he could only passively struggle. At this time, it was pulled by the black hole space again, and the flaws were immediately exposed.

   A sharp and piercing sound rang out from Jiu Li's mouth, and that sound seemed to be able to pull out the human soul!

   I saw a big bag bulging on the back of the Venerable Shenxiao, as if something was about to be arched out.

  Venerable Shenxiao's face immediately turned pale, because that was part of his soul!

   The reason why he was able to break through the Heavenly Origin Realm in the first place was that he split his soul in half, and used his own soul power to communicate with the heaven and the earth to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

   He did not expect that he met the ancestor who played the power of the soul today, and the soul separated by him became his own reminder!

   Once that part of the soul is taken away, he will immediately lose the power of the Heavenly Origin Realm, and there is only a dead end in this level of battle.

   "No! Brother Jinglong, Qinglin, come and help me!" Venerable Shenxiao could only cry for help.

   Qinglin turned his head and looked at him, but was also shocked. After playing for a long time, why did Shen Xiao look like he was dying?

   He was about to help, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Tudeng finally moved!

   He stood his palm as a knife, and slashed out the floating light with a single knife, and the void was torn apart. A slaughter Buddha emerged from a phantom, and the Buddha's music and the Sanskrit singing did indeed carry an intriguing murderous intent!

   Qing Lin suddenly felt a cold behind him, followed by cold sweat, at this moment he actually had a feeling.

  He will be killed, killed by Tuden!

   Qinglin didn't know if it was an illusion or an advance of the mind to death, but what he could be sure of was that he had better not move!

   The battle is completely out of his control right now, and he can hold Tudeng to do his best.

   So Qing Lin retreated silently, but he didn't shoot Tu Deng anymore, and the two of them stared in mid-air.

  Venerable Shenxiao saw this scene almost desperate, and he could only put his hope on the Dragon Sword King.

   However, the Frightened Dragon Sword King couldn't take care of him, because in front of his eyes the four elements of the Fire Phoenix, the White Tiger, the Water Dragon and the Black Tortoise were slowly blending together.

   Leng Shishi transformed into an evil Buddha, immortal, with wings and six arms, and his body was full of ghosts but the Buddha's light was shining, and he looked very evil.

   The power of the law stirred the situation, the four spirits!



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