I Fix The System Law

Chapter 804: trivia

   Soon, the imperial decree was delivered to the world.

   When Leng Shiqi returned to the headquarters of Dark Leiwei, many of his masters had gathered in Xingzhi Pavilion.

   They all knew that Leng Shiqi was about to leave the imperial capital for Xihuang County, and what was interesting was that although he acquiesced to give up his position as the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard, he did not step down as the four general managers.

   In other words, he still holds the right to supervise the nine eastern counties!

   He will sit on the western border and supervise the nine eastern counties, so he has great power.

   Then for these people under his command, there must be a choice, that is, whether to stay in the imperial capital or follow him to Xihuang County?

   Since these people can be in the Dark Thunder Guard headquarters, it is enough to explain their abilities. Moreover, the place in the imperial capital is full of high-ranking officials and nobles, and the dark thunder guard has a special identity, although it is not very popular, it can still make a lot of benefits.

   It took a lot of effort before they entered the Dark Thunder Guard headquarters, so naturally some people were reluctant to leave easily.

   But then again, it is also a good choice to follow Leng Shiqi to Xihuang County.

   When they arrive in Xihuang County, their rights may not be as great as they are now, but the future may be even higher.

   Only because of cold seventeen is too evil!

   These people of Dark Leiwei can be regarded as watching Leng Shiqi grow up step by step, and he can be sure that his path will go longer!

   Following such a master, the future will be bright.

   So, these people started to think carefully.

   Leng Shiqi came in, and everyone knelt on the ground and shouted: "Meet Mr. Liu, His Royal Highness Xihuang King!"

"What is your family's kindness? Get up." Leng Shiqi saw what they were thinking at a glance, and he continued: "You know everything, but it will take a few days before I go to the fief. Get ready to prepare."

   Everyone knows very well that this is the time Leng Shiqi has given them to consider. Of course, Leng Shiqi himself does have some things to deal with first.

   First of all, the candidate for the new four directors!

   Regarding the replacement of the four chief executives of the Dark Thunder Guards, Mo Linhui mentioned it to the soul clone a long time ago, but at that time the incident of the sudden beast tide was put aside for the time being.

   Now that the demon mountain range has been eliminated, Leng Shiqi is about to leave the imperial capital. He also needs to manage the Dark Thunder Guard before leaving.

   This is where he stands. Nothing can be lost.

  According to what he meant, the one that will be replaced by the four major directors is the sea director!

   He is very old, and it is time to abdicate.

   Every time the imperial power was changed, the four main directors always had to replace at least two. It just so happened that Leng Seventeen was also a new job, so he could only change the sea director.

  Mo Linhui once recommended several people, but those people are deeply related to him, and they certainly can't be used.

   And Leng Shiqi has a candidate in his heart, that is Quan Zhengzhi!

   This person had competed with Leng Shiqi for the position of the four directors. He was too straightforward and was doomed to fail the competition.

   In Leng Shiqi's opinion, such a person is the most suitable for entrusting with important tasks, especially an intelligence agency such as Dark Leiwei who has no choice but to act for personal gain.

   This matter has been decided, and then it is enough to hand over to the soul clone to make orders.

   In addition, there is another person who should be back, and that is Father Gao!

   When Lei Haoge was still the prince, he indirectly asked Grandpa Gao to go to the imperial tomb for the first three years, and now only half of it has passed. His rights have always been controlled by several deputy directors.

  If Leng Shiqi had been in the imperial capital, those people would naturally dare not have any thoughts. After he left, some moths would inevitably appear, so he should hurry up and call Gao Gonggong back.

   Although it is said that Father Gao has been using Leng Shiqi to train him, but if Father Gao had not given him many opportunities, he would not have gone so easily to this day.

   After Father Gao returns, he can also help Leng Shiqi look at the nine eastern counties, which is a mutual benefit.

   The soul clone can do these two things, and he has to find the Black Flame Heavenly Lord himself!

   This time he gave up the opportunity to lead the Dark Thunder Guard, and sold him a great favor to Heiyan Tianzun, and this favor should be returned.

   He didn't realize it, he hadn't gone to find Heiyan Tianzun, the other party had already come by himself.

   I saw a ray of black inflammation drifting in front of Leng Shiqi, and the figure of Hei Yan Tianzun had appeared. He was looking at Leng Shiqi with inexplicable eyes.

   "I have seen the commander."

   "You are the King of the Western Wilderness, no need to salute, I didn't expect you to choose to give up the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard, you are not such a person." Hei Yan Tianzun doubted.

   Leng Shiqi smiled, "The commander looks good, I am indeed a very ambitious person, but the wood show in the forest wind will destroy it. If I blindly pursue the great rights, I might get burnt."

   Hei Yan Tianzun appreciatively nodded, "You are in the limelight at a young age, but you can still maintain such a clear mind. You know how many people like you have died in the past.

   In addition, the position of the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard is not a good position. The deity holds so many secrets of the Thunder Yan Dynasty that you can’t even imagine.

   It is also a good choice for you to get away from the quagmire of the imperial capital in time to take charge of a state or county. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   But after you leave, it will be difficult for your Majesty to find a person to take over the position of the deity in a short time. This deity cannot be taken for nothing. You can take this thing. UU reading www.uukanshu. com"

Heiyan Tianzun took out two jade slips, "One of them is about all the information about Xihuang County. It's not a matter of detail, and I must use it for you. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese mx/8/1/ z/wc/o/m/

   As for another alien species of heaven and earth that records the attributes of thunder, God of Tribulation Thunder!

   has not only specific locations, but also methods of collection and refining. "

   Leng Shiqi was not polite, and took two jade slips.

   These two things, one can help him to master Xihuang County, and the other can make him a lot stronger, I have to say that they are all things he wants very much.

   It seems that Heiyan Tianzun also came prepared.

   "Thank you for your leadership."

"You don't need to say something polite. The deity has a hunch that even if you are far away in Xihuang County, you won't be silent. The deity wants to see where you can go." Heiyan Tianzun left before he finished his words. .

   Leng Shiqi's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and then he put away two pieces of jade and continued to retreat and recuperate.

   Blood Beast Sect, a group of high-level officials gathered in front of a magic circle, headed by the current lord Situ Huanxu, their expressions were very solemn.

   A formation mage said: "Sect Master, we pursued the breath of the Beast Venerable with all our strength, and found that the distance was extremely far. From the preliminary point of view, it should be within the territory of the Thunder Yan Dynasty.

   "Leiyan Dynasty..." Situ Huanxu felt very troublesome.

  Xie Pengyu beside him suddenly clapped his hands and said: "Sect Master, the position shown by the magic circle is the demon mountain range I visited several years ago!"

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