I Fix The System Law

Chapter 793: kill

   What surprised Leng Seventeenth National Congress is that Mr. Zhou is still alive!

   At this time, he was piled up with the corpses of a small mountain of monster beasts, exactly those bones in the blood beast altar, as for the arms of the two alien beasts had disappeared.

Although the blood beast phantom was out of his control, the bones of the monster beasts were still usable. It was at the time of life crisis that he did not know what secret method he used to summon the ancient alien beast body protection and gathered all the monster beast corpses. Saved his life.

   But at this moment, Mr. Zhou's body meridians are completely damaged, his body is bathed in blood, and his spiritual power is almost exhausted, which is already the end of his strength.

   How could he have thought that he would be forced to such an extent by a small junior.

   Leng Shiqi's situation is also very bad, Yin Yang Yaotai Xu almost emptied all his power. What is even more uncomfortable is that this move is not something his realm can withstand, and now his spiritual consciousness is also on the verge of collapse, and his spirit is dying.

   Now it is extremely difficult for him to even move his body!

   But with a lightly hooked finger, hundreds of ghosts and souls flew out of the ghost gate and sank into his body. He suddenly felt that the spiritual power in his body had been supplemented. As the master of the underworld, he could naturally sacrifice his soul to absorb some power.

   Immediately, his eyes lit up with the colors of nine colors, and his spiritual consciousness was overdrawn in his eyes. He endured a severe headache, and six huge mysterious vortexes appeared in the gates of the underworld.

   That is, the six reincarnations!

   Then, a strange force instantly pulled Mr. Zhou's consciousness into the six reincarnations.

   Six Paths of Reincarnation!

  Mr. Zhou's eyes lost their expression directly and became very hollow. At this time, he was as fragile as an ordinary person.

   This is the best time to kill Mr. Zhou!

   It's a pity that Leng Shiqi didn't know that the old man and Gu San were nearby. In his current state, he had to maintain the Six Paths of Reincarnation with all his strength and no longer had the power to kill Mr. Zhou.

   He thought to himself, it would be great if someone else could take action at this time.

   Thinking of this, Leng Shiqi's mind flashed, and he does have a helper!

   With a thought in his mind, the eight ghosts walked out of the underworld, and the head of the person was holding a spirit sword, and the majestic sword intent surged all over his body. That breath actually approached the great master of the unity of heaven and man.

   As for the seven ghosts behind him, they are not weaker than Linggang Realm!

   These are the eight ghost slaves under Leng Shiqi! A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   is naturally the Qianhuan Sword Sovereign back then, which is now the Sword Demon.

   Needless to say, the sword ghost pierced out with a single sword, and the sword of **** rose from the ground, instantly strangling Mr. Zhou into countless pieces!

   The super powerhouse at the peak of the Heavenly Origin Realm finally died in the hands of Leng Shiqi!

   The passive skill "Curse of Hell" was activated, absorbing a trace of Mr. Zhou's remnant soul, and Hades also directly collected his soul.

The remnant soul at the pinnacle level of the Tianyuan realm immediately nourishes Leng Shiqi’s physical and spiritual consciousness. In a blink of an eye, his spiritual consciousness stabilizes, and there are signs of recovery. The next step is to slowly warm up for a while. .

   But even so, it can’t change the state of Leng Shiqi’s exhausted lamp. From his use of Yin and Yang Yaotai Xu and the Six Paths of Reincarnation to break the confined space to the killing of Mr. Zhou, he is still in the middle of the electric light flint.

   He was afraid of attracting the remnant monsters in the Miscellaneous Mountains, and before he could think of anything else, he directly took Mr. Zhou's body and teleported it into the Hades.

   And when everything calmed down, all the bones in the sky looked wrong.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   At this time, the center of the demon mountain range and even a part of the inner surrounding area have become nothingness!

  What mountains, rocks, trees, everything is gone, leaving only a horrible pit!

   The old man looked solemn and said, "Do you all feel it?"

   "It can't be wrong, it is the breath of the law of heaven and earth, and it is also an extremely rare law of yin and yang!" Zong Zhenliang's face was surprised, and he obviously couldn't believe what he saw.

   Lan Ruo looked around, extremely vigilant, "What exactly happened in that space? What about the Hunmo Mysterious Sable and the Xingyue Skywing Tiger? What about Mr. Zhou? Could it be that there is a profound expert hidden here?"

   However, no one can answer his question, because in their induction, there is no breath except for the four of them!

   What about the Xingyue Skywing Tiger and Mixed Demon Black Sable? Where is Mr. Zhou?

   How about cold seventeen?

   One by one doubts haunted several people, and it was not only the four of them who were equally puzzled and shocked.

   Northern Wei Dynasty, Blood Beast Sect.

   At this time, all the spiritual practitioners of the whole sect were shocked by the ghostly beast that appeared not long ago!

   From the head, the elder, to the ordinary disciple, they all look up to the sky.

  Especially the high level of that part of the Blood Beast Sect, they quickly came to the secret places deep underground.

   Here, it is also an altar!

   Different from the blood beast altar, there are no thousands of corpses of monsters in this altar, only one alien monster that is hundreds of feet in size!

   This is clearly the strange beast that Mr. Zhou summoned before he died.

   At this time, Situ Huanxu, the lord of the Blood Beast Sect Sect Master "Blood Beast Lion King", had a gloomy face, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Who dares to summon the power of the Beast Lord!"

   The beast statue in the altar is the foundation of the blood beast sect, and the blood beast sect has become famous because every disciple has cultivated the blood beast.

   The blood beasts are very powerful. In most cases, the blood beasts fight better than the blood beast sect disciples themselves.

   But the blood beast sect also has a major problem similar to that of the corpse puppet sect!

That is, the low-level monsters are very common, especially the blood beast sect is specially established in the place near the extreme northern wasteland, where there are all the monsters, there are many low-level monsters, just grab some and you can refine them. Blood beast.

   But with the gradual improvement of the disciples, the monsters they need must be stronger and stronger.

   With the power of the blood beast sect, Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters can also be captured by force, but Tier 5 and Tier 6 monsters must go deep into the extreme northern wasteland to encounter them!

   You must know that the danger of the extreme north wasteland is more than ten times stronger than that of the demon mountain range!

   There are a lot of seventh-order monsters entrenched in it, and it is rumored that there are even eighth-order monsters!

The price for the Blood Beast Sect to catch high-level monsters is very high. UU read www.uukanshu.com so they used another method, which is to use the power of the ancient alien beast in front of them to combine several Level monsters are fused and refined into high level monsters.

  The method is good, and it has also achieved the prosperity of the blood beast sect for thousands of years, but the power of the ancient alien beast is not inexhaustible.

   As the blood beast sect uses that power again and again, the ancient alien beasts are slowly weakening, and if this continues, it will probably not take long for them to fall on their own.

   Blood Beast Sect naturally couldn't watch this happen, so the senior members of the clan decided to temporarily seal the ancient alien beasts and create their own techniques to solve the problem.

   Until now, the ancient alien beasts have been sealed for decades, and there have been no accidents, but I don’t know why such a major change happened today, causing the power of the beast to be lost a lot!

  Especially the pair of arms, they are obviously much shriveled!

   That Situ Huanxu was so gaffe.

  The rest of the people were all too daring to breathe. After a short while, the one beside him cautiously said: "Sect Master, the Beastmaster has been sealed for a long time, only two people know how to mobilize the power of the Beastmaster.

   Except for you, there is only that person. "

  The speaker is Xie Pengyu, who Leng Shiqi had met in the Demon Mountain Range!

   is also one of the culprits that forced Jiuli to explode.

   When he finished saying this, everyone thought of one person, but they exclaimed at the same time: "The lord is talking about Zhuo Zhou! Didn't he die long ago?"

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