I Fix The System Law

Chapter 663: Cloud Tower Demon Palace

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Not only Leng Shiqi and one person came here, there were already three groups of people here before him.

Leng Shiqi saw that one party was headed by the fourth prince Lei Haoran, and there were more than twenty people in total. On the other side, the Ninth Prince Lei Haoqing is headed, and there are only a dozen people behind him.

As for the third party, it is not so much a group of people as it is a group of people. There are spiritual practitioners from all sides in this group.

There are Zhenfusi, Dark Thunder Guard, military, princes, and individual spiritual cultivation sects, and the number is also the largest, about forty people.

But these people did not cling together, but scattered in twos and threes.

Among this group of people, Leng Shiqi knew only two or three people, and one of them was Gusan!

Bone Trinity wears a red dress, standing proudly, like a gorgeous **** rose with spikes.

From time to time, some eyes fell on her, especially the white-faced scholar standing next to her, who was saying something with all his face.

In addition to Bone III, there are also two spiritual practitioners wearing the costumes of the Dark Thunder Guard internal monitor. Leng Shiqi can only say that they have a little impression of them. They have seen them several times, but they are not named. Come, I can only vaguely remember that it seems to be the subordinate of Master Hai.

However, the two recognized Leng Shiqi, and the older middle-aged man shouted: "Master Liu, the inmate Li Gang, this is Gong Lianghui. He has seen adults."

Leng Shiqi has become the deputy director. Although Father Gao did not announce this in public, the appointment of the deputy director of the Dark Leiwei headquarters must be concealed. Basically all the Dark Thunder Guards already know about it.

Not to mention whether there is dissatisfaction or some criticism in others' hearts, but in front of outsiders, face is still to be given.

Leng Shiqi walked towards Li Gang and Gong Lianghui, and most of the others also looked at Leng Shiqi.

Not many of them knew Leng Shiqi, but Li Gang and Gong Lianghui were both internal supervisors, and those who could be called adults by internal supervisors would be the deputy chief.

Everyone thought it was a little weird. This kid in the middle of the Linggang realm who didn't transfer his name was actually one of the thirty-six deputy chiefs of Dark Thunder Guard? !

In the impression of others, let alone the deputy director, even most of the internal supervisors are the cultivation base of the harmony of heaven and man!

Unless it is a talent with deep potential and background, it is possible to become an internal supervisor in the spiritual realm.

But the deputy director of Linggang Realm, they have never heard of it!

The fourth prince Lei Haoran turned her head and asked, "Who is this Liu Xingzhi?"

The man in the long shirt behind him replied: "Your Highness, this person is a disciple of the senior manager, with strong potential and strength. It was him who encircled and suppressed the Thunder League and Tianhe Gang in Shantai County a year ago.

Some time ago, he was also escorting the Xingyu Dynasty and the delegations of the Six Kingdoms from the Western Regions to the imperial capital. During this period, there were no accidents and changes, and he won the trust of the senior executive.

The subordinates have just received news that he has been promoted to deputy director, but he only has the name of deputy director, but has no rights to it. It must be that the senior director does not want him to be too sharp. "

Lei Haoran's eyes showed thoughtfulness, and he lightly sneered: "It turned out that it was him. It was he who helped Lei Haoge's ineffective thing, so that he was also alive and well in Shantai County. It is Lei Haoge. Knowing himself, he didn't come to his father's emperor's birthday banquet this time, otherwise he would have been eliminated with his little power!

However, since this Liu Xingzhi can be the deputy director, it shows that he still has some real skills. We can try to win him over. If he doesn't know how to praise him, hum. "

When Lei Haoge hadn't been expelled from the imperial capital, the two of them were at odds, and Lei Haoge had a hard time living in Shantai County afterwards, making Lei Haoran happy. Feiyang Novel

However, Leng Shishishantai County and his entourage made Lei Haoge's momentum soar, and fortunately, they performed well in front of Lei Chengjun, and their power grew stronger.

So Lei Haoran looked a little unpleasant even with Leng Shiqi.

As for Lei Haoqing, he never thought that the assassin who assassinated him had walked past his eyes.

When Leng Shiqi was passing by Gu San, he squinted at the white-faced scholar, and quietly said to Gu San, "The suitor?"

"Yes." Gu San's proud voice was also transmitted, "He is Yun Xingsheng, the disciple of the Chief Commander of the Zhenfu Division. He is already a half-step cultivation of the harmony of heaven and man, and his future is limitless."

"Little white face is nothing good."

"That's better than some people with special hobbies."

Cold Seventeen: "..."

Yes, the matter between him and Hua Liuyue was unclear for a while.

He walked to Li Gang and Gong Lianghui, and the three of them were polite for a while, and Leng Shiqi asked: "Two, do you know what is in the sky? The two princes stayed here instead of looking for Lei Yan Dzi. Is the Thunder Yan Dzi Bead here?"

Li Gang flattered: "Master Liu didn't know that the ancient castle in Yunzhong was the site of the Yunlou Demon Palace, one of the six demon realms a thousand years ago.

When the Leiyan Dynasty was first built, the Yunlou Demon Palace stood on the opposite side of the dynasty without knowing what it was, and finally ended up in annihilation. The ruins of the Yunlou Demon Palace were put into the empty mark sky for future generations to explore slowly.

Now no one knows where the Lei Yan Dzi Bead is. The Cloud Tower Demon Palace can be said to be the most precious treasures in the sky. It is also possible that the Lei Yan Dzi Bead will be placed here.

It's a pity that this Yunlou Demon Palace is not easy for anyone to enter. Adults can see that the black fog around the castle is irregular. Only when the black fog is weakest, it is possible to force a breakthrough.

Of course, if you have the key, you can get in at any time. "

"The key?" Leng Shiqi asked puzzledly.

"Yes, it’s the key. It’s actually the token of the high-level disciples of the Yunlou Devil’s Palace. More precisely, it only needs to be of the same material. After all, the Yunlou Devil’s Palace has been destroyed for more than a thousand years. They were left behind, and some were taken and remelted into other things.

The humble servant heard that the thirteenth prince had obtained a key not long ago. "

Leng Shiqi nodded, no wonder Lei Haoran and Lei Haoqing stayed here~www.ltnovel.com~ It turns out that Lei Yan Dzi may be in the Yunlou Demon Palace.

However, the second half of Li Gang's words reminded him of one thing, and that was that he had participated in an auction of the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce shortly after he came to the Imperial Capital. That is to say, in that auction, he got the marvelous work "Fish and Happy Music", and also met his senior sister Su Luan.

He remembered that the last auction item at that auction was a Tier 6 spiritual weapon, a deadly refining spear!

At that time everyone wondered why the thirteenth prince Lei Haoyun had to spend so many spirit stones to buy Tier 6 spiritual weapons. It turned out that the deadly refining spear was the key to entering the Yunlou Demon Palace!

It seems that Lei Haoyun has been prepared since then.

As the saying goes, people can't talk.

At this moment, Lei Haoyun walked over with more than twenty masters of Linggang realm, "Fourth brother, nineth brother, what a coincidence."

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