I Fix The System Law

Chapter 658: Treasure hunt

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When Leng Shiqi opened his eyes, his first feeling was the spiritual power of heaven and earth rushing toward his face!

From the initial experience, at least it is dozens of times as much as the outside world!

Even if you don't do anything, it's not a loss to cultivate here for three days.

Leng Shiqi looked around and saw that all the sights in his eyes were lush dense forests and hills one after another. He climbed high and looked at the same range as his eyes. The most peculiar thing is that there is a crack in the sky above Konghentian that extends to the horizon, like a broken mirror.

He said to himself: "According to legend, the area of ​​Konghentian is no less than half a prefecture, and only two hundred people have come in. It is not easy to run into other people. Why should we talk about looking for Leiyan Dzi."

Leng Shiqi did not forget that the Leiyan Dzi was the most important thing for the princes, but Lei Chengjun only said that the Leiyan Dzi is in the sky, but looking for a bead in such a big secret is like finding a needle in a haystack. .

But Leng Shiqi didn't matter, he just came in to get some benefits, and the Thunder Yan Dzi had nothing to do with him.

He then opened the system map. After the system was upgraded successively, the function of the system map became more and more powerful. Not only all the landforms of Konghentian, but also some places with abnormal spiritual power were marked.

Either these places are valuable, or they are somewhat dangerous.

In order to ensure his safety, Leng Shiqi also specially tried the destiny skills and communication underworld, and found that both of them can be used in the sky scars, which made him relieved.

As long as he can use the destiny skills and enter the underworld, then he is equal to invincible.

After being intercepted by Li Juoning last time and the dream turned out, Leng Shiqi became more cautious.

However, he entered Konghentian not specifically to fight with people, but a treasure hunt!

Leng Shiqi opened the pet space, and then a pink piglet jumped out, it was the four-legged gold swallowing beast.

After being fed for a long time in the cold seventeenth period, the four-legged gold swallowing beast is already the rank of the fifth-order monster. It can find treasures within a radius of a hundred miles, and can only sense the sixth-order material.

He hasn't used it since he got this beast, and now it finally came in handy.

Although there are many treasures in the sky, but it is impossible to find it everywhere. With this four-legged gold swallowing beast, it can search for a lot and make a fortune.

This is great.

Leng Shiqi held up the four-legged gold swallowing beast and said, "Look for any treasures nearby?"

Little Beast Mark's nose seemed to be smelling something, and then it sputtered: "Master, there are good things more than fifty miles north!"

Leng Shiqi smiled with satisfaction. He checked the system map to find the correct direction, and he moved lightly to two miles away!

During the time he returned to the imperial capital and retreat in Xingzhi Pavilion, he did not deliberately deduced spiritual skills, and all his time was used to realize the state of killing Li Juening at that time.

Today, although he is still far from reaching that level, he also finds that he has some inexplicable affection for the earth.

It seems to be able to control a certain amount of earth power even invisible!

For example, he hadn't used any spiritual skills just now, but the effect he achieved was already comparable to the sixth-order body skills and spiritual skills!

Leng Shiqi came to fifty miles away in a moment with such a speed.

There was a deep cave here, Leng Shiqi's eyes opened, and a huge breath was suddenly seen in it. Judging from the size of the breath master, this seems to be a snake-shaped monster!

It is still a Tier 5 monster that is comparable to a master in the Linggang realm!

"There are monsters in Konghentian? I think the Leiyan Dynasty deliberately threw them in to raise them." Leng Shiqi thought secretly.

Then he strode into the cave, and, as expected, the snake-shaped monster rushed straight forward, at a speed far exceeding the ordinary Linggang realm!

However, this kind of speed is still not enough in front of Leng Shiqi. With a move of his heart, a faint ochre brilliance flashed by, and the monster beast was hit by an invisible force and was instantly crushed on its stomach. On the ground!

Leng Shiqi was able to see clearly that this was a green python. At this moment, the python was firmly suppressed by a force of gravity, but it could only slightly twist its body if it fought hard.

"Since Tier 5 monsters are guarding here, the treasures in this cave should not be of low grade, and you are also a good material."

Leng Shiqi said lightly, and immediately the light behind his head bloomed, and a mini pale golden sword shadow appeared, and it shot into the python's head with a dazzling eye.

Immediately after that, the expression in the eyes of the giant python quickly disappeared, and even the vitality no longer existed!

After Leng Shiqi was backlashed by the power of the law of heaven and earth, and was attacked by Meng Tiantian, his mental power has improved a lot, and he has been able to condense into the sword of the soul.

Generally speaking, only spiritual practitioners in the middle and late stages of the Unity of Heaven and Man have this level of mental power!

The giant python just died. I thought that when Leng Shiqi was in the Demon Mountain Range, a Tier 3 monster almost killed him, but now he can kill it at will when facing this Tier 5 monster!

It's just that there is no wave in his heart, it seems that he has done a very ordinary thing.

He put away the body of the python, he used the sword of the soul to kill it not to show off his skills, and there is no one here, he is actually afraid of damaging the body of the python.

Keeping the whole body as it is now, the value is much higher.

Then Leng Shiqi walked to the deepest part of the cave. There was a short bamboo inside. The bamboo was really pure black, and there was a slight devilish air around it.

Leng Shiqi raised his brows, "Is this a Tier 6 best material, the crying magic bamboo! This is an excellent material for refining magic soldiers, not bad."

He carefully moved the crying spirit magic bamboo to the system space, then took out several spirit stones and fed them to the four-legged gold swallowing beast, "Little thing, it turns out that you are really good at it."

The little orc raised his head proudly, chucking the spirit stone in his mouth.

"Go~www.ltnovel.com~ Let's continue."

In this way, Leng Shiqi took the four-legged Gold Swallowing Beast to search for all kinds of treasures in the sky. After only a short period of time, he obtained many Tier 6 treasures, which can be described as a profit.

He hadn't met anyone else during this period of time, after all, the base he had come to practice was too small, even if he wanted to meet it was not easy.

After more than an hour in this way, Leng Shiqi rushed to the place of the next treasure, but from a distance he noticed the fluctuation of the fighting spirit.

The treasures here have been discovered and started to fight for it!

When Leng Shiqi's eyes opened, his expression sank. In his perception, five spiritual masters were besieging two spiritual practitioners on the first level of the spiritual gang a few miles away.

Those two are Yushu and Xiaoming!

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