I Fix The System Law

Chapter 653: Wan Fa Miao Zong

When Leng Shiqi returned to Xingzhi Pavilion, someone had been waiting for him for a long time, and this person was Father Gao!

Knowing that Father Gao was here, Leng Shiqi knew in his heart that the time to come would come.

Gao Yi died in the Dark Thunder Mansion of the Western Wilderness City. Father Gao didn't blame Yu Ruifeng, but it actually meant that he had begun to suspect Leng Shiqi!

However, since Leng Shiqi had done it, he was somewhat prepared. He calmly walked into the hall and saw Father Gao. At this moment, Gao Gong just closed his eyes, and there was no expression on his face. Even his breath was faint. If he hadn't been sitting in front of him, Leng Shiqi didn't even know that Gao was here.

He couldn't help but secretly said: "Gao Gonggong's cultivation base seems to have improved again!"

"The disciple pays respects to Master." Leng Shiqiming still respectfully bowed.

Father Gao still closed his eyes, and after a short while he said, "You killed Gao Yi."

Leng Shiqi immediately showed a look of suspicion: "Master, Father Gao Yi died of an unsettled disciple is also very sad, but his death has nothing to do with the disciple, why did Master say this?"

At this time, Father Gao's eyes narrowed a gap, and his two muddy eyes looked at Leng Shiqi. There was no emotion in his eyes, but Ren Leng Shiqi had a frightening feeling.

But Leng Shiqi still looked directly at Father Gao, without the slightest cowardice.

"I want an explanation." Gao Gonggong said hoarsely.

Leng Shiqi's thoughts flashed in his mind, and he raised his head and said: "First of all, when Father Gao Yi died, his disciple was not in Xihuang County, and he was traveling around the six countries of the Western Regions. It is impossible to kill Gao Yi in time.

Moreover, Father Gao Yi is a master in the late Linggang stage. Although the disciple believes that he is good at strength, a frontal fierce battle may be possible, but it is absolutely impossible to kill Gao Yi instantly. "

When he said this, he stopped. He said no more and no less. He thought that if he said more, he would lose, so it was enough to just say this.

Father Gao closed his eyes again, Leng Shiqi could not observe any of his emotions, nor could he figure out his thoughts. However, Leng Shiqi was not very worried, because what he just said was true to outsiders.

From the time point of view, he was not in West Desert City at the time. Of course, it can be said that he deliberately hid it, but no one has any evidence to prove this.

Moreover, the spiritual skill he used to kill Gao Yi was the Powerful Diamond Finger, which was never used in front of outsiders by Leng Shiqi. It can also be said that no one knows it outside of this world.

The result now is a dead end!

Even if Mr. Gao doubts no matter how much it is, he is only doubting!

Leng Shiqi's confidence is based on this little suspicion alone, Gao Gonggong will not attack him, because Gao Yi died, only Leng Shiqi was the best young disciple in his hands.

If Duke Gao is attacked by Leng Shiqi, it is tantamount to breaking his own arm. Leng Shiqi believes that Duke Gao will make the wisest choice.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Mr. Gao to say: "Our family doesn't want to go into this matter. Since Gao Yi is dead, let's die. You will be responsible for the lack of power in our family."

What he meant was nothing more than to make Leng Shiqi work harder. Leng Shiqi also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. This pass was temporarily passed, and he said: "Sharing worries for the master is what a disciple should do."

"If this is the case, there is an errand tomorrow, so you can do it as a teacher." Gao Gonggong said.

Leng Shiqi secretly said that those who came alive were too fast, "Master, please give me instructions."

"Do you know how many top sects are in the Leiyan Dynasty?" Gao Gonggong suddenly asked an inexplicable question.

Leng Shiqi thought about it carefully. Most of the 36 prefectures and counties in the Leiyan Dynasty had top sects. As far as he knew, there were as many as 19, so he replied.

Father Gao nodded and said, "Yes, then do you know which ones are the strongest?"

Of course, the top sects are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. For example, the strength of the blood clothing pavilion is stronger than that of the Shanhai faction, and both of them are stronger than the Qianhuanjian faction.

But it's hard to say which ones are the strongest!

Judging from the ranking of the sects in the world, the strongest is undoubtedly the Liuhe Spiritual Realm among the Four Holy Spirit Realms, but the Liuhe Spiritual Realm belongs to the state of semi-hidden world, and there are few disciples.

The next thing is the five-pole sect and the six demon realms. The ten thousand magic sects and the Liuhuo Palace in the five-pole sect are both in the Thunder Yan Dynasty, and the six demon realms have only one purgatory demon sect.

But what did Father Gao ask these for?

As soon as Leng Qiqiang expressed his thoughts, Father Gao asked again: "Then who do you think is the greatest threat to the Leiyan Dynasty from these top sects?"

Leng Shiqi was even more confused by Father Gao's continuous questioning, but he also knew that Father Gao would not ask questions for no reason. It must be related to the next errand.

"From the superficial strength, the Ten Thousand Magic Sect and Liuhuo Palace are the most threatening!" Leng Shiqi replied.

"You can only be said to be half right. In fact, the one who made the Leiyan Dynasty most fascinating is the Ten Thousand Ways of the Miaozong! And the people of Ten Thousand Ways of the Miaozong will enter the capital the day after tomorrow~www.ltnovel.com~ You will be your teacher to meet ." Father Gao finally said the matter.

"Ten Thousand Magic Sects." Leng Shiqi thought about the name, and quickly found information about the Thousands of Magic Sects in his mind.

This Ten Thousand Dharma Miao Sect is listed in the Five Extreme Sect of the World Sect Ranking, this sect is very extreme, and all the disciples in it are spiritual practitioners!

In other words, only spiritual practitioners are eligible to join the Myriad Dharma Sect!

The Miao Sect of Ten Thousand Dharma has a long inheritance, at least it has nearly ten thousand years of background, but the number of disciples in the sect is not many, and each generation is probably maintained at around five or six hundred. After all, spiritual practitioners are rare.

Moreover, the Ten Thousand Dharma and Miao Sects are not collected by all spiritual practitioners. They still have to go through layers of screening, rather than indiscriminately.

Although there are not many disciples of the Ten Thousand Dharma Miaozong, every disciple who comes out of the mountain is able to be alone!

If it is a top sect, this is not the thing that makes the Lei Yan Dynasty the most jealous. Anyway, there are more than a dozen top sects in the Lei Yan Dynasty, and I have never seen anyone afraid of it.

The only thing that made the Leiyan Dynasty very jealous was the Ten Thousand Magic Miaozong, because the deterrent power of the spiritual practitioners in war is too strong!

If Ten Thousand Dharma and Miaozong participated in a certain chaos, those hundreds of spiritualists would be enough to destroy an entire combat army!

According to legend, there are a large number of terrifying spiritual skills from the inheritors of the Ten Thousand Magic Sects, especially some combined formations have the power to destroy the world!

Therefore, the Lei Yan Dynasty had always paid close attention to the Ten Thousand Fa Miao Sect. This time Lei Chengjun's birthday banquet, Ten Thousand Fa Miao Sect also came to participate, but for some reason, the latest arrival was later than the various missions.

However, the weight of the Ten Thousand Dharma and Miaozong is stronger than that of the six countries in the Western Regions, and there are also several big figures who have to go to meet him.

This is not too difficult, Leng Shiqi handed over and said, "Disciple obeys."


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