I Fix The System Law

Chapter 631: Weird corpse

The king's tomb, that is the place where the royal family members of Tuoba Kingdom are enshrined!

It is sacred and inviolable to Tuoba country.

In particular, there are actually the remains of the first kings here, and they are enshrined by thousands of people. It is a must-have place!

No matter what the archery person has, he doesn't know whether this is true or false, but Tuoba Chi must confirm it!

The princess's poison is important, but it is not impossible, even if it is anxious, it is anxious. If something goes wrong with the mausoleum, it will not only be the face of Tuoba country, but also his king will face the ancestors in the future.

And Tuoba Chi is not afraid that this is a plan to adjust the tiger away from the mountain, after all, this is the palace, there are so many masters, and there are strong people in the worship hall, which can be guaranteed.

A group of experts in the palace hurried to the tomb, followed by a large group of guards, and such a large movement naturally attracted the attention of others, such as Prince Yingyuan.

The Xingyu Dynasty envoy living in the post house also noticed the movement outside, and Ying Yuan immediately called someone to ask: "What happened outside?"

"His Royal Highness, we are not very clear. We only saw King Tuoba rushing out with a large number of masters, looking at the direction to the north of the city."

"Why are you going for such a big battle? Chengbei, what's in Chengbei?" Yingyuan was also puzzled. He shouted, "Let's go and see."

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him, but he changed his mind. He had asked Yuan Zhi and others to attack the princess not long ago, and now they have not come back, and I don't know what the result will be.

The people of Hui Tuoba country brought so many masters together, there may be some connection between the two, which made him feel uneasy, he must go and take a look!

Inside the tomb, Yuan Zhi and the others sneaked in without the perception of the master guarding the tomb. They found a gorgeous coffin in the most central position. The faces of several people all have greedy expressions, because they can feel the extremely strong corpse energy from this coffin!

The corpse inside is not only well preserved, but also must be the strongest in the world!

Moreover, this corpse was placed in the royal city and was enshrined by the thousands of people in Tuoba Kingdom. God knows what it has evolved into, and it is normal to give birth to a spirit body.

If they can get this corpse and make it into a refined corpse, then they can walk sideways, even if it is the unity of nature and man, they will not look at it!

However, Yuan Zhi and the others did not have the impulse, because the coffin must be guarded by a formation. They finally sneaked in here. If they make a little movement, they will be spotted immediately!

Yuan Zhi transmitted a voice message to several others: "Let's set up an isolation formation first, and then find a way to open the coffin."

The other four people all nodded silently, knowing that they must not act too hastily now, otherwise, let alone fail, even if they can save their lives.

In fact, apart from the five of them who sneaked into the tomb of the king, there was one person, that was Leng Shiqi!

At this time, Leng Shiqi's concealed figure was standing at the corner of the king's tomb, with King Gu on his shoulders, and it was swallowing a faint mist to completely cut off their breath.

Leng Shiqi watched Yuan Zhi and the others sneaky arrangement of formations. Originally, he wanted to wait for King Tuoba and many masters to make a noise to expose Yuan Zhi and others, but now he suddenly changed his mind.

He thought to himself: "Looking at what Yuan Zhi and the others mean, it seems that there is indeed a way to open the coffin, and there may be some treasures in it."

He also fell in love with the baby in the coffin!

After a while, I didn't know what means Yuan Zhi used, and he actually opened the coffin silently, and lying inside was a corpse in a yellow robe. This corpse has been dead for many years, but its appearance is still very intact, as if it had only recently died!

The only strange thing is that half of the corpse is filled with a terrifying ghostly aura, while the other half has a faint golden light. The aura in it is very mysterious and I don't know what it is.

Yuan Zhi did not dare to speak, but Leng Shiqi could see shock and surprise in their eyes, so this corpse must have something extraordinary.

It was also at this time that King Tuoba and the masters of the palace had already arrived here. Leng Shiqi pressed his doubts in his heart, ready to make a move to attract everyone's attention.

When King Tuoba brought people to the royal tomb, he found that the place was calm as usual, and it seemed that there was no problem at all.

As soon as the crowd arrived, a spiritual practitioner of the harmony of heaven and man walked out of the royal tomb. This person was the guardian of the royal tomb. He bowed and said, "Tuo Ba Qin sees your Majesty."

"No gift, let me ask you, what's wrong with the tomb?" King Tuoba asked bluntly.

Tuoba Qin shook his head and said, "There is nothing unusual."

Hearing that, King Tuoba's expression was stagnant, could it really be a tune from the mountain?


Just between his doubts ~www.ltnovel.com~ a roar that resembles a human being, a beast and a beast came over, and the direction of this voice is actually the royal tomb!

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a wave of spiritual power fluctuations and a trace of corpse energy!

"Sure enough, someone sneaked into the tomb of the king, really unreasonable!" King Tuoba shouted angrily: "What are you doing in a daze? No matter who is in it, you have to get rid of eight pieces!"

All the masters in the palace rushed out like sharp arrows, but Tuoba Hui and Tuoba Qin did not move.

Tuoba Hui wanted to protect King Tuoba personally. What if someone assassinates the King if he also leaves.

Tuoba Qin frowned. He had been guarding the royal tomb for a long time. Although he could not perceive the entire royal tomb all the time, ordinary people couldn't easily hide him from entering the royal tomb!

Now it seems that someone in the royal tomb has indeed entered, and this is his negligence.

What's more troublesome is that King Tuoba was even earlier than he knew!

No matter who broke into the royal tomb this time, no matter what he did in it, after the matter was over, he was bound to be severely punished by the king!

So he must work hard now, best to be able to capture the intruder alive, maybe he can atone for the crime.

Tuoba Qin bowed his head and said: "Your majesty is relieved, the minister will definitely catch the thief back!"

After that, he turned into a phantom and rushed into the tomb!

After a few breaths, bursts of strong light and explosions suddenly erupted from the king's tomb. King Tuoba could only stand here anxiously. He hoped to catch the culprits, and he hoped to keep them away when he started. Don't smash the ancestor's tablets!

When he was in a hurry, Prince Yingyuan came here with a few guards.


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