I Fix The System Law

Chapter 612: Upgrade again

Seeing these system information, Leng Shiqi was secretly happy, he didn't know that he had accidentally fulfilled the conditions for continuing to upgrade the Hades.

It’s just that upgrading Hades will cost another 10,000 system coins, which makes him a little bit painful, because he has already spent 5000 system coins when he just upgraded Hades, and now he only has 10,000 system coins left. .

He also had to sigh. Although it is easier to obtain system coins nowadays, there are too many places to spend system coins!

However, the upgrade was of course necessary, and he immediately chose "Yes".

His system coins were instantly emptied, and the Hades continued to expand again, and it took a full tens of miles to stop, which was comparable to the range of a city.

All the buildings have also become brick and tile structures, and there is still a hint of blackness around them, and the air is also filled with a faint breath of death. There are more than a thousand souls drifting slowly. If a normal person enters I'm sure to be frightened here!

At this time, those souls continued to move forward as expected before Leng Seventeen, and stepped on the Naihe Bridge ahead!

The Naihe Bridge at this moment is no longer the dilapidated wooden bridge at the beginning, but a gloomy stone bridge covered by fog. At the end of Naihe Bridge, there was a small muddy water pool, and it was this small water pool that led all the souls over, and subconsciously took a handful of water and drank it.

After drinking the pool water, the soul will become thinner and purer.

Leng Shiqi was standing next to the small water pool, "Could this be the legendary Meng Po soup?"

But while he was puzzled, he suddenly realized that he had a touch with the souls who had drunk the pool water!

It seems that as long as his thoughts move, they can disperse their souls, not in reincarnation!

What surprised him even more was that there was a new option in the territory interface called "Ghost Slave".

Drinking Meng Po Tang means that you have cut off everything from your previous life, and since then you have been in charge of Leng Shiqi, the master of the underworld, who can decide the fate of these souls at will!

For example, he can transform his soul into his own ghost slave for his use.

With the current level of the Hades, Leng Shiqi can only have two ghost slaves at most, and the strength of the ghost slave is closely related to its cultivation base during his lifetime. After learning of this, Leng Shiqi directly found Li Changtao's ghost, and with a light touch of his finger, a black glow sank into Li Changtao's soul.

Soon after seeing Li Changtao's black air lingering around his body, he formed a set of ragged clothes with a big "slave" on his chest. His original sluggish expression also became a bit hideous, and finally he walked up to Leng Shiqi with a pious face and knelt heavily:

"Meet Pluto."

Leng Shiqi looked at this great master of the Harmony of Heaven and Man, and knelt down in front of him at this moment. He whispered: "Li Changtao, you are alive, I have killed you, you are dead, but I have to be a slave and a slave. I don’t have a deep hatred with you, but it’s a pity that you and I are the masters, and I can’t blame me."

However, Li Changtao didn't seem to understand what Leng Shiqi was talking about. He still knelt deeply on the ground, motionless.

Leng Shiqi said: "Get up."

Li Changtao stood up tremblingly. At this time, Leng Shiqi noticed that Li Changtao, who is now a ghost slave, emits aura fluctuations equivalent to that of spiritual practitioners, and the convenience of strength is greatly reduced. Up.

However, he also found some characteristics of Guinu from the information of the system. Guinu can also leave the Underworld for activities, but he can't leave Leng Shiqi too far.

And ghost slaves also have various strange abilities. For example, normal people can't see them with the naked eye, and they can also be possessed by others, which is very similar to the "ghosts" in Leng Seventeen's past life.

Leng Shiqi touched his chin. Although Li Changtao, the ghost slave, is not strong, it has some peculiarities. If it is used well, it can have unexpected effects.

At this time, the system's message popped up again, "The conversion of the ghost slave is successful, please name the ghost slave."

"Do you want to name it?" Leng Shiqi was slightly stunned at first, but thought that Li Changtao would no longer be Li Changtao after drinking Mengpo Tang. It should be changed.

After thinking about it, he said, "Then call it Li Gui."

"Named successfully."

Li Gui seemed to feel something too. He knelt down again, as if thanking Leng Shiqi for naming him, but he didn't seem to be able to speak, so he could only make a faint "Woo" sound.

Leng Shiqi gently waved his hand, and a force pulled Li Gui up, "Li Gui, when I'm not in the Underworld, I will leave it to you to inspect here, and don't let other ghosts mess up."

When Li Gui heard this, his head immediately lit like garlic.

Then Leng Shiqi walked directly to the gate of Fengdu City. He did not transform another ghost slave. When Li Changtao, a master of the Unity of Heaven and Man, turned into a ghost slave, only the power of the Spiritual Realm was left~www.ltnovel.com~ Then the other people in the Spiritual Realm would only be weaker, so don’t Occupying a quota of ghost slaves.

When he walked to the gate of Fengdu City, the conditions for the next upgrade of Hades were shown here:

"The current level of the Hades territory: Tier 2."

"The Hades Territory Upgrade Conditions:

1. Recruit two members of Hades, 0/2.

2. Collect three thousand souls, 0/3000.

3. 20000 system currency. "

Seeing the conditions for the Hades to upgrade from Tier 2 to Tier 3, Leng Shiqi could not help rubbing his head. First of all, he had to recruit two more Hades members. This was easier to handle. He already had a preliminary candidate in his mind.

And he knew that after someone joined the underworld, he could control the life and death of others at any time, so that the scope of the personnel could be expanded a lot, so the first condition was relatively simple.

As for the second point, he has a headache, because the more than a thousand souls he originally possessed are not counted!

Besides, this is a disaster-free one, where is he going to get so many souls, is it possible for him to kill himself?

There is one last condition, which is very simple and clear, it will cost 20,000 system coins!

Twenty thousand system coins are naturally picked up for the current Leng Seventeen, but Hades is only second-tier now, and he can also see that the system coins that need to be spent for each Hades upgrade are doubled and increased, then This will turn into an astronomical figure in the future!

He immediately felt that he was about to tighten his pockets again.

But fortunately, this should be a question that needs to be considered for a long time. The important thing for him now is to seize the time to fully restore the spirit of the soul, so that he can maintain his peak state!

Thinking of this, he left the underworld, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

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