I Fix The System Law

Chapter 609: Pre-paid interest

Leng Shiqi looked at his left hand in a daze. It was this hand that killed the two Linggang realm masters in an instant. It was simply like eating and drinking water.

Now his head is full of bags, and his heart is full of doubts. He is ready to ponder and feel a headache.

He looked at the Gusanji group and was still closing his eyes to comprehend. He sighed slightly, and the only thing he could do now seemed to be rest.

In desperation, he took a pill that nourished the soul and closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Until the end of the day, the entrance of the Tian Tomb was opened again, and the five people opened their eyes at the same time. Each of Gu San's eyes flashed with excitement more or less, because their cultivation bases were already Linggang. Second floor!

And I must have felt a lot of things, and obviously they have gained a lot.

Leng Shiqi patted his sleeves and stood up. He whispered to Gu San secretly, "How is the harvest?"

"Very good." Gu San said these three words straight, but she was indeed very happy from her tone of voice.

Leng Shiqi continued: "Don't worry about returning to Zhenfu tonight. I have a lot of important things to tell you. I will go to you tonight."

Gu San didn't reply, just nodded slightly.

Then Leng Shiqi walked out of the tomb with Gu San and the others.

Outside the entrance of the Tian Tomb, when Mr. Gao saw the winners of only five elite associations coming out, he secretly smiled. It seemed that the two middle-class cornerstones of the Li family were dead.

The death of the Li family brothers was a big blow to the future development of the Li family, and it also made Gao Gonggong happy.

But then Father Gao's brows frowned slightly, because he saw Leng Shiqi also come out? Didn’t you tell him that you can live in the tomb for two days? Why come out now?

Leng Shiqi found that Gao Gongzheng was looking at him, and he quietly transmitted his voice: "Master, I have some sentiments. The so-called greedy but not refined, the existing insights are enough for me to digest for a long time. If I continue to stay here There will be no gains from the Tian Tomb, it will only be counterproductive."

After hearing this, Mr. Gao secretly praised, "It's very rare for you to understand this truth. Okay, let me go back first."

But in fact, the current heavenly tomb is simply chaotic, and there is no place to comprehend it. Moreover, his mental power is still in a dry state, even if he gives him more time, he won't be able to comprehend anything, it's better to just come out and forget it.

Father Gao had to toss for a while before he closed the tomb again, and then left the treasure house with a few people.

However, what everyone didn't know was that two vague voices sounded in the void of the sky tomb: "This child has a low cultivation base but possesses the power of the laws of heaven and earth, it is strange."

"Since you can enter the Heavenly Tomb, it will be the pillar of the Leiyan Dynasty in the future, so please help if you can."


When everyone walked out of the door of the Dark Thunder Mansion's treasure house, Li Juecheng also came over. He glanced at but did not see Li Xinhong and Li Xinqi, his expression suddenly condensed, and there was a bad premonition in his heart.

He asked in a deep voice, "Why didn't Li Xinhong and Li Xinqi come out together?"

Gao Gonggongquan didn’t hear that he continued to move forward. Seeing that the door of the treasure house was completely closed, Li Juecheng raised a strong wave of spiritual energy all over his body and shouted in a low voice: "Manager Gao, don’t you need to explain? ?"

At this time, Father Gao stopped. He seemed to have suddenly discovered that Li Juecheng was here. He arched his hands and said, "It turns out that it is Manager Li. Our family is thinking about a vital matter. We didn't notice Li Juecheng. Master, don’t blame.”

"Come less!" Li Juecheng lowered his face and said, "Tell me, where are Li Xinhong and Li Xinqi?"

Father Gao tucked his arms into his sleeves and said lightly: "That's it. After a day's time, our family will open the tomb on time, but the two of Li's family have disappeared.

After inquiring, we learned that there was a storm in the tomb for some reason, and the winners of the Elite Club survived by their own ability. As for the Li family brothers. "

Speaking of this, Father Gao suddenly said nothing, and Li Juecheng's face almost rose to the color of pig liver, the Li family brothers actually died in the tomb? !

Li Juecheng has never heard of someone dying in a tomb in the sky, and Gao Gonggong's words mean that the Li family brothers are rubbish, and he has no ability to survive?

However, Li Xinhong and Li Xinqi are the most outstanding children of the young generation in their Li family, and they are only slightly worse than the winners of the elite club. They are the pillars of the Li family in the future!

The two of them died, and there was not much loss from the overall strength of the Li family. After all, the Li family was deeply rooted, and there were many spiritual practitioners in the spiritual gang realm, whether they were cultivated by their own family or they were taken care of.

But from the perspective of family inheritance, the death of the two of them is equivalent to breaking half of the hope of the Li family's next generation.

More importantly, how could Li Juecheng believe that Father Gao had secretly killed the two brothers of the Li family!

Father Gao looked at Li Juecheng's expression with great excitement, and it is rare to make him, one of the four chief executives, be so ghoulish. However, Father Gao still made a surprised look and said: "Mr. Li, don't you think it was our family's hands? The Li family brothers are also rare talents in the Dark Thunder Guards, and it is too late for our family to get in. Our family can't bear the charge of murdering my colleagues."

"Gao Eun!!" Li Juecheng rushed into the crown, like a beast about to explode, even calling out Father Gao's real name.

Seeing this, Leng Shiqi also secretly admired Gao's father-in-law's skill, and under the cynicism, Li Juecheng was so gagged.

He stood up at this moment and said: "Manager Li, this matter is true. There is indeed an abnormality in the sky tomb. All the forces have gathered to form a huge horrible vortex, and we can't understand anything in it. .

On the contrary, we also have to resist those violent forces at all times and almost die. Everyone can testify to this matter. "

Several other people have great connections with Leng Shiqi. Gu San, Zhuge Puhe, and Zhai Chuan have successively stated that this is the case. These three are also members of the Zhenfu Division, and they all have the most support of the four chief punishment officers. Really not ashamed of Li Juecheng.

As for Wood Yao, he hesitated a little and stood up~www.ltnovel.com~ Li Juecheng was silent, his eyes instantly fixed on Leng Shiqi, a faint blood appeared in his eyes, "Liu Xingzhi! It's you, it must be. Your hands!"

He only now remembered that the strength of Leng Seventeen must not be measured by the realm. In the cold seventeen half-step Linggang realm, he can kill the elder Wan in the late stage of the Linggang realm. Although the elder Wan is old, it is also Late Linggang Realm!

And Leng Shiqi is now on the fourth floor of the Linggang Realm, so if he wants to kill the Li family brothers, it won't be difficult!

Thinking of this, Li Juecheng was furious and found that Leng Shiqi was clearly on the second floor of the Linggang realm before entering the tomb. How did it become the fourth floor of the Linggang realm in a day's time?

From this, he judged that nothing happened to the Tian Tomb at all, and it must be Gao Gonggong and Liu Xingzhi who had planned to use this opportunity to suppress the Li Family!

Li Juecheng showed a terrifying killing intent. If this child is not eliminated, it will become a major disaster in the future!

But Father Gao stood on the side, standing on the sidelines. Seeing this, Li Juecheng quickly calmed down. He knew that a gentleman would take revenge for ten years.

Besides, with Father Gao here, it is impossible for him to kill Leng Shiqi. If he shoots violently at this moment, he will drop the handle. This big loss he can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach!

"Okay, very good!" Li Juecheng laughed suddenly, but there was endless chill in the laughter, "I admit it this time, but you, a dear apprentice, should be optimistic, lest you die by accident."

Grandpa Gao smiled coldly and waved his hand: "This is not the case, Chief Li is worried, let's go."

The people of Leng Shiqi directly put Li Juecheng aside and walked straight away, and when they passed by with him, Leng Shiqi quietly transmitted the voice: "Manager Li, this is just a little interest."

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