I Fix The System Law

Chapter 606: Before the tomb

   A few days later, the five elite members reunited in the Dark Thunder Mansion. The others also learned that they were about to enter the Sky Tomb, but all of them were a little puzzled, why did they gather to the Dark Thunder Mansion?

   As the host, Leng Shiqi and Wood Yao are naturally going to entertain the other three people. At this time, all five of them are in the Xingzhi Pavilion of Leng Shiqi to enjoy their drinks.

Now the five people are all cultivated in the Linggang realm. Among them, except for Leng Shiqi, which is on the second level of Linggang realm, the other four are on the first level of Linggang realm. The lowest level of Leng 17 who was originally cultivated is on the top of it. Up.

   But now, no one would be jealous of Leng Shiqi. Although they were hostile to each other when they were in the Chaos Cave of the Little Five Elements, they still joined forces to break the ladder. Although Leng Shiqi had squandered a lot of their resources, they did indeed save their lives, and these people were somewhat related to Leng Shiqi.

   For example, Wood Yao is still an inspector, and in this respect, it is still Leng Shiqi's subordinate.

   Zhai Chuan has always felt guilty since he escaped first. More importantly, he recently received news from the Arakawa tribe, and he also knew that it was Leng Shiqi who assisted the Arakawa tribe to destroy the wasteland tribe! There are also many third-rate sects who come to take refuge, and they also control three mineral veins, which can be described as momentum and strength skyrocketing!

   In his heart, he is more grateful for Leng Seventeen!

   And Zhuge Puhe has already regarded Leng Shiqi as the person he wants to support and assist, hoping to reappear the glory of the star clan one day.

   As for Gu San, she would only secretly catch up with Leng Shiqi's pace.

   So the relationship between the few people has also become closer unconsciously.

  When several people were talking, Father Gao walked in, Leng Shiqi and others quickly got up and said, "See General Manager."

   "The matter has been arranged, you can go with me." Gao Gonggong said straightforwardly, then turned around and left, Leng Shiqi and a few people quickly followed.

   But walking, he discovered a strange thing, that is, the direction they are walking is clearly the direction of the treasure house of the Dark Thunder Mansion!

   Is it possible that the tomb of the sky is in the Dark Thunder Palace?

   Leng Shiqi shook his head, secretly saying that it is impossible.

   However, Mr. Gao said: "The tomb of the sky is actually in the deepest part of the Dark Thunder Palace."

   Hearing this, Leng Shiqi almost flashed his tongue, and he didn't take a face so fast.

"You know, the heavenly tomb is the place where the strong of the Tianyuan realm sits and transforms, so all information must be kept strictly confidential, so the heavenly tomb is the most suitable place in the dark thunder palace. Or, it is precisely because there is a heavenly tomb , The Dark Thunder Palace will be built here." Gao Gonggong explained.

   Everyone suddenly felt like this.

   Soon they came to the gate of Dark Thunder Palace's treasure house. This time, Father Gao personally led them, and the guards outside did not stop them.

   Father Gao led five people through the gates one after another. Every time he passed through a gate, he would enter a room with more precious resources. Everyone who saw him was enthusiastic.

   didn't stop until they reached the seventh gate. This gate looked very ordinary, nothing special except for its simplicity.

   But when they were inferior to this place, there were still a few tyrannical divine thoughts shrouded in it, and here was also guarded by the strong of the Heavenly Origin Realm!

   "Here is the entrance of the heavenly tomb." Gao Gonggong commanded: "After entering, you can walk around in the heavenly tomb to find something suitable for you.

   But the vegetation inside cannot be destroyed, do you understand? "

   Several people from Leng Seventeen said in unison: "I must obey the orders of Chief Executive."

   "Okay, let's open the Heavenly Tomb here." After that, Gao Gonggong's expression was condensed, and there was a strange token in his hand. Just as he was about to open the Heavenly Tomb, there was a voice behind him!

   "General Manager, how can there be such a big event as the opening of the tomb?" It turned out that Li Juecheng came over with two young people.

   Seeing Li Juecheng, Leng Shiqi's heart suddenly raised a trace of killing intent, and Father Gao's expression also became gloomy, "Li Juecheng, our family didn't look for you, but you still dare to show up?"

   Li Juecheng smiled and said: "What is the point of Mr. Gao? As one of the four chief executives, this treasure trove is still too great for me to come?"

   Father Gao glanced at the two people behind Li Juecheng. He sneered and said, "Why, Manager Li still wants to take someone into the tomb?"

   "The two of them are already qualified to enter the Heavenly Tomb." Li Juecheng walked up to Father Gao and looked directly into his eyes, full of confidence.

Li Juecheng is right. Although there are few places to enter the tomb of the sky each time, it is not only the winners of the elite club, such as the dark thunder guard, the town fusi, the patrol guard and some people with outstanding merit Qualified to go in.

   Li Juecheng’s two family children have this qualification. They are named Li Xinhong and Li Xinqi, both of whom have just entered the realm of Linggang, and they are only about forty years old. Those who can break through the Linggang realm at this age, even though they are slightly worse than the elites, are extremely rare geniuses, and they are the focus of the next generation of the Li family.

   Originally the two of them had to wait a year to go in with Leng Shiqi and the others, but Li Juecheng found out that Gao Gonggong had opened the tomb in advance!

   It's fine if he doesn't know, but since he knows, he must not let go of this opportunity!

   "What if our family says no?" Gao Gonggong did not lose the slightest momentum.

   Li Juecheng suddenly smiled, "I know that your majesty allows you to open the tomb in advance. Anyway, the tomb will be opened this day. What if there are two more people in it.

   Or is it possible that Chief Executive can cover the sky with Dark Thunder Guard? You must know that there are still several people who are eligible to enter the tomb~www.ltnovel.com~ If they learn that the senior executive opened the tomb in advance, causing them to wait another three years, do you think they will resent the senior executive? "

  He is threatening Father Gao. The identity of the people who are eligible to enter the tomb is certainly not simple. If those people attack together, it is really not a small trouble.

   "It means that there are no more than two people, and no more than two people." Gao Gonggong said in a sensational manner, but his conversation changed abruptly, "But our house won't let them in, how are you doing?"

Li Juecheng's expression sank and he stopped disguising. He bluntly said: "Grandpa Gao, let's just discuss the matter. As long as you bring in the two younger generations of my Li family, I can help you cover this matter, otherwise it will be your Majesty's consent If you pass, it is inevitable that someone will be dissatisfied with you.

  Those people may not be able to directly threaten the chief executive, but everyone is an official in the same court. See you when you look up and see, sooner or later there will be an intersection. Hey, by that time, the senior manager might not be as strong as he is now. "

   Gong Gong's eyes cold, he was about to fight back, but at this time Leng Shiqi quietly gave Gong Gong a message: "Master, it's better to let them in."

   "Huh?" Gao Gonggong wondered. He knew that Leng Shiqi was a person who must report to him. Li Juecheng had just sent someone to intercept him. Now he is actually willing to let Li Juecheng's people enter the tomb?

   This is not like Leng Shiqi's style.

   Father Gao also said through the sound transmission: "Do you have any other ideas?"

"Master, disciples have heard that the tomb in this sky is sometimes unstable. Maybe there will be some accidents, which may cause someone to accidentally die in it." Leng Shiqi's voice was full of murderous intent. .

   Hearing this, Gao Gonggong smiled secretly, he knew what to do.

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