I Fix The System Law

Chapter 605: paving

   At this moment, Leng Shiqi was sitting in the hall of Xingzhi Pavilion, his face was exhausted, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

By his side, Feng Shamo, Suluan, Huang Lao, He Feichen and several other inspectors were all here. Others may not know about Leng Shiqi's assassination, but they do. of.

   So for more than half a month, they are all worried.

   Although Leng Shiqi was promoted to the internal supervisor for a short time, the rights and resources among his opponents can be allocated to his subordinates. This treatment is not generally good. Especially those people from the original 29th Guards, since following Leng Seventeen, not only can they be proud, but they also have continuous resources, all fat and oily.

   So of course they don’t want to lose such a boss.

   Leng Shiqi listened to He Feichen's return. In the past half month, Father Gao and Li Juecheng have shown their own abilities, fighting in secret, one wants to kill him, the other wants to save him, and there have been several conflicts secretly.

   But after fighting for a long time, they didn't even find the shadow of Leng Shiqi, and they didn't expect Leng Shiqi to return to the imperial capital silently!

   He Feichen was full of doubts, and he asked: "My lord, how did you come back during this time? But we mobilized all the intelligence networks that could be mobilized, and we couldn't find you.

   There is also Li Juecheng, he must also have his own intelligence means, this is equivalent to the two chief executives looking for you with all their strength, they have not been able to find it!

  Sir, can you still fly back? "

   Leng Shiqi smiled secretly, He Feichen really said that he really flew back.

   Ningyang County is tens of thousands of miles away from the imperial capital. He used the "Destiny" skill to teleport two thousand miles. During the cooling down of the skill, he let King Gu Huayi fly and fly directly at a high altitude!

   With his profound spiritual power, he can fully support several days of uninterrupted flight. When the spiritual power is exhausted, he hides and recovers. Therefore, he simply doesn't touch the ground. When others can find him, there will be ghosts.

   Leng Shiqi was about to speak to He Feichen, but suddenly a strange figure appeared in the hall!

   Everyone was shocked, but immediately all bowed their heads respectfully, because the person here was Father Gao!

Father Gao also got the information about Leng Shiqi's return. He came as quickly as possible. He was looking at Leng Shiqi with extremely complicated eyes. He waved his hand and the others bowed consciously. Go away.

"The disciple saw Master." Leng Shiqi also gave a salute, but Father Gao still didn't speak. He looked at him with a pair of eyes, and finally his eyes fell on the blood-stained star magic knife behind him. on.

   Leng Shiqi also looked down at himself, he didn't seem to be surprised.

   "Hahahaha!" Suddenly, Father Gao burst into laughter!

  His laughter was full of pleasure. It was the first time that Leng Shiqi saw Daddy Gao laughing like this, and it took him a few breaths before he stopped.

He patted Leng Shiqi’s shoulder and praised: "Okay, okay, okay! You did a good job! Not only helped our family regain the Dark Thunder Mansion of Ningyang County, but also killed Li Changtao and avoided Li Jue. After the successful assassination of the city came back, our family did not mistake you!

   Our family can imagine Li Juecheng's expression after knowing you came back. Hey, our family has not been so happy for a long time. "

   Leng Seventeen modestly said: "This is what a disciple should do. Master, you sit first."

   Father Gao sat on the main seat of the hall, and he said with a smile: "Xingzhi, our family is not too verbose. Just tell me what rewards you want."

   "Huh." Leng Shiqi was slightly startled, Gao Gonggong even said this, and he seemed to be really happy.

   He thought for a while, and said, "The master is the master."

   "You are still so cautious." Father-in-law Gao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, you are not short of resources, so I will give you a hundred thousand merits. You need any resources to get it yourself."

   Father Gao opened his mouth and gave one hundred thousand feats. This is a huge amount that an ordinary warrior Lei Wei may not be able to save in his lifetime. Leng Shiqi is also a little moved.

"In addition, do you still remember that you are all eligible to enter the heavenly tomb after the elite meeting is over?" Gao Gonggong continued: "The tomb was not open at will. Every time you open it, a part of spiritual power will be leaked. This spiritual power It must be closed for many years to replenish it.

   So generally speaking, the Tian Tomb will only be opened every three years or so. If you follow this time, it will take a year for you to enter. Our house can operate and let the five of you enter the Tian Tomb in advance.

   and can make you stay in it for one more day! "

   For the tomb of the sky, Leng Shiqi also specially went to learn about it. It was the place where the strong men of the Heavenly Origin Realm had been sitting since the establishment of the Leiyan Dynasty, and now there are probably hundreds of them sitting in it!

   is full of the insights of those strong and the understanding of spiritual practice, even a little bit of understanding is enough to benefit a lifetime!

   It's a pity that since they came to the imperial capital, the incident of entering the heavenly tomb seems to have disappeared. Now that they can enter early, and there will be one day more time, Rao Leng Shiqi has a firm will and can't help showing a surprise.

  Gao Gonggong laughed and said: "In addition to one hundred thousand meritorious deeds and entering the sky tomb in advance, our family also promised you that as long as you retake the Dark Thunder Mansion of Ningyang County, you will be given the position of deputy chief.

  The deputy general manager of Ningyang County has vacated our house for you, but now your strength and credit are not enough to serve as deputy general manager~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, it will be crowded out by the other three general managers. "

   I also agree with Leng Shiqi. After all, the deputy director is second only to the four major directors, and they are generally held by great masters in the unity of heaven and man.

   But in this Dark Leiwei headquarters, there are a lot of heaven and humans, but there are only 36 deputy directors!

   This means that if you want a senior deputy manager, you need not only strength, but also qualifications and credits, as well as contacts!

   The current Leng Seventeen contacts is enough. With Father Gao, the patron has already vacated him the position of deputy director. The road has been paved, but his strength and credit are far from enough.

   Father Gao saw Leng Shiqi's expression as usual, and he was even more satisfied. He said, "You can only rely on yourself in terms of strength. Entering the Heavenly Tomb is only an excellent opportunity. You have to grasp it.

   In addition, our family will also arrange some tasks for you, give you fame and credit, and let you take the position of deputy director as soon as possible. "

   As long as Leng Shiqi becomes the deputy general manager, then Father Gao will have a higher authority in the Dark Thunder Guard. After Lei Chengjun's death, the possibility that he can keep his current position will be even higher!

   "I see you are very tired, so let's rest for a few days. When you come out of the tomb, we will settle the account with Li Juecheng!" Gao Gonggong said that there was a bitter cold in his eyes!


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