I Fix The System Law

Chapter 594: Heaven Slayer

   Li Changtao, Hope and others were all surprised to find that they were unable to use Linggang anymore, and Li Changtao could not completely communicate with the ice spiritual power between heaven and earth!

   His pupils shrank suddenly. At this moment, he seemed to see the figure of death.

   But he did not give up, but changed hands and took out a few weird things, these are the life-saving cards he has accumulated over the years!

  The yin and yang dragon is coming directly, the yin and yang are intertwined, and they are unparalleled!

   Li Changtao patted a doll in his hand, and immediately the doll grew bigger and bigger, becoming a huge puppet with a height of more than ten feet. He tore open two pieces of spiritual paper in succession, and then a cloud of water covering the sky and the mountain Junfeng appeared in front of him.

   He crushed a beating scarlet heart again, and a demon that seemed to crawl out of the nether loomed in the blood and energy!

   Li Changtao actually has so many hole cards!

   While the yin and yang dragon roared, the puppet was instantly crushed into powder, and a horrible force of destruction stirred the water curtain and opened the mountain and the river. In the end, the demon was directly turned into dust by the power of the sun before even the body was fully revealed!

   But these hole cards also helped Li Changtao gain a breath of time. He directly burned his essence and blood, turned into a ray of blood and rushed to the entrance.

   Unfortunately, a voice suddenly appeared in my mind at this time.

   "Do you hate it?"

   "You can hate God's injustice, you can hate Liu Xingzhi for killing you, you can hate Lin Jiegui's lack of greed for causing you to be in danger, you can hate Father Gao for taking your rights..."

   The voice reverberated in his head like a curse, and every word he said hit his heart.

   Yes, he hates it, of course he hates it!

   He can't wait to kill Leng Shiqi now, and even kill Father Gao!

   Li Changtao's footsteps suddenly stopped, his face was full of crazy hatred, but his eyes were strangely black!

   Leng Shiqi knew that this was Feng Shamo's move, and he couldn't miss the opportunity, Mo Lin Zhan Sword started with it, and then cut out a shocking sword light!

   In an instant, time and space seemed to be stagnant, and the entire starlight space suddenly dimmed, as if only gray and white were left between the sky and the earth. Everyone's movements seemed to slow down, especially Li Changtao, whose expression on his face was extremely ferocious, and his eyes remained motionless, as if frozen.

   But at this moment, I just heard the sound of "click" in the space, and Li Changtao's body was shattered like a mirror!

   At the same time, there was a ray of Yuanshen sword light that tore through his mental defense and directly cut off his consciousness!

  God, a flash in the pan!

   This is a powerful knife that integrates Leng Shiqi's gang qi, blood qi, evil qi, devil qi, monster qi, evil qi, etc., and even his killing intent and will!

   When everything returned to normal, Li Changtao had only a pool of broken bodies left.

   Cold Seventeen had already faded all the blessings at this time, his face was pale as paper, and countless cracks appeared on his body, and traces of blood leaked out and stained him into a **** man!

He had a great burden to maintain the blood beast body of the wild evil demon for a long time, and it was the first time that he used Yulong Taixu and "God · Flash in the pan" at the same time. All the power in the body was almost exhausted, even the spiritual veins Are beginning to shrink!

   He swallowed several pills one after another, and absorbed a wisp of Li Changtao's remnant soul, which made his face a little ruddy.

   And at this moment, the Demon's Battle Knife in his hand suddenly made a loud buzzing sound. Strangely, the Demon's Battle Knife had sucked in all the remaining blood of Li Changtao!

   The magic knife trembled violently in Leng Shiqi's hand, and the devilish energy rolled over. After a short while, his calmness was restored, but a thin blood stain appeared on the blade.

   Feng Shamo was attracted by this movement. He was surprised when he saw the abnormality of the Mo Lin Zhandao: "This sword is quite extraordinary, and it has the potential to be promoted to the seventh rank."

   He owns the seventh-order treasure sword Extreme Wind Hatred Heavenly Sword, and he has a say.

   Of course, in fact, what surprised him most was the strength of Leng Seventeen!

   When he was in Shantai County, Feng Shamo also saw the scene where Leng Shiqi turned on the blood beast of the wild demon and used the dragon dragon to kill the elder.

   But at that time Leng Seventeen was only a half-step Linggang Realm, and Feng Shamo felt that if he shot, he could also kill the ten thousand elders, so he regarded Leng Seventeen as a status of the same level in his heart.

   In today's battle, he clearly saw a qualitative leap in Leng Shiqi's strength!

   Whether it is the Nine Palaces Fire Array, Youlong Taixu, or the power of "God·Quiet", none of them can be compared in the half-step Linggang realm.

   Feng Shamo has realized that Leng Shiqi's strength seems to surpass him!

   It can be said that he witnessed the growth of Leng Shiqi from the Spirit Realm to the present, and the speed of Leng Shiqi's progress made him very panicked.

   This makes Feng Shamo a little unacceptable, and the feeling of being overtaken by the younger generation is really uncomfortable. The key to Feng Shou Mo is still a more arrogant and proud temperament. Facing the strong rise of Leng Seventeen, he inevitably has a strong desire to win in his heart!

   But what he thought of was not to suppress Leng Shiqi, but to continue to leave Leng Shiqi behind with his own ability!

   But Hope and several people stood there dumbfounded after Li Changtao's death, and they didn't wake up until now. Hope walked quickly to Li Changtao's shriveled corpse, still with an unbelievable expression on his face.

   Li Changtao, the inspector envoy of Ningyang County, a master-level master of the Unity of Heaven and Man, just died like this?

   died in their hands!

  Since Li Changtao became the inspector of Ningyang County, it can be said to have been angered by people~www.ltnovel.com~ It is the most difficult to do things like the Arakawa tribe. Now the culprit died in their hands, which made Hope a little bit like a dream.

   Leng Shiqi came to him and said: "I am able to kill Li Changtao this time, thanks to Chief Hope and the three leaders for their help. You can rest assured that this matter will never involve the Arakawa tribe."

   Li Changtao, the dark thunder guard inspector, the two great supervisors, and many dark thunder envoys all died in the star point mineral vein. After this matter was stabbed out, the Arakawa tribe was bound to endure the anger of the Thunder Yan Dynasty.

   But Leng Shiqi had already prepared.

   Hope nodded and said, "I believe in Mr. Liu's ability, but now can I know Mr. Liu's true identity?"

   In fact, Li Changtao had already called out the pseudonym of Leng Shiqi during the battle, so his identity is definitely not simple.

   "This? Chief Hope should know it. If nothing happens, you will know my identity in a few days."

   While they were talking, the space suddenly shook a few times, and the space in the sky became distorted.

   Leng Shiqi's expression changed, and he shouted: "No, the formation is about to collapse, let's get out of here!"


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