I Fix The System Law

Chapter 578: Kill another door

   Chen Chuling sees this really, and feels bad!

   But Hope sent someone to pass the message on the front foot, and the back foot followed. He didn't give him any chance to breathe at all. He didn't know what to do until now!

His heart was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he was also the head of the family anyway. He forced a calm look and said: "Leader Hope, we are negotiating to help you attack the Fallen Sword faction. Chief Hope came so quickly."

   Hope is talking this time, and Leng Shiqi is standing behind him.

   It's not that he doesn't want to show the limelight, but that the Chen family was built near Lieyang City, and there were also some people around. At this time, many people had gathered, so it was inconvenient for him to come forward.

   Fortunately, he had already explained what Hope should do before he came. At this time, Hope shouted with his throat: "No need to discuss, in order to save time, you just rush all hands, we set off together to the Fallen Sword Sect.

   I only give you half an hour! "

   Chen Chuling's face panicked when he heard the words. Not only him, but all the Chen family who heard this were panicked. He hurriedly said: "Leader Hope is not anxious..."

"Enough!" Hope profitably interrupted Chen Chuling's words, "I'm not here to listen to your nonsense. After receiving so many benefits from me, I should do my best. This time, you will be the Luofeng Sword Sect. The Chen family took the lead."

   "Impossible!" Chen Chuling shouted subconsciously, but he immediately realized that he had made a mistake.

   Sure enough, Hope sneered, "Toast and not eat fine wine, then take your life to pay the debt, kill!"

   A "kill" exit, thousands of warriors rushed out frantically, shouting, Leng Shiqi also directly stared at Chen Chuling.

   He wanted to try his current strength, but the last time he was at Shui Yuntian, that Shui Yuntian was too weak, so he killed him with two moves. Now Chen Chuling, like him, was the cultivation base of the early Linggang realm, and it was used as his test stone.

   Leng Shiqi waved his arms, and suddenly hundreds of sword auras shining with stars and red and blue appeared in the air!

   The "Zhou Tian Xing Shen Jue" he cultivated has an accompanying spiritual skill "Starlight Sword Qi", this spiritual skill is only a fourth-order spiritual skill, not too strong.

   But Starlight Sword Qi has a very good feature, that is, it is extremely fast!

Leng Shiqi’s Sanjue Sword Qi was merged a long time ago, and for the Linggang Realm cultivation base, he couldn’t keep up, so he integrated the Starlight Sword Qi into his retreat for two months. In the Sanjue Jianqi.

   Yes, Xing Jue Jian Qi!

   Today's Xing Jue Sword Qi might not be too powerful, but the victory lies in the number and speed!

   Hundreds of Xing Jue Sword Qi swayed out, like a meteor shower falling, enveloping Chen Chuling in an instant.

  Chen Chuling didn't know where a spiritual practitioner from the Arakawa tribe had emerged. His strength was so strong. He felt an irresistible feeling in his heart when he saw the sky of popular sword aura!

   He hurriedly drew out an epee, and the heavy thick earth spirit gang broke out, dispersing a half of Xing Jue's sword aura. At the same time, he saw that Hope didn't intend to shoot, and he also had a fluke of escape in his heart.

   "As long as I can stop this person for a moment, I may escape!"

   However, what he didn't notice was that there were more than a dozen shining stars quietly among those Xing Jue Jian Qi, and those stars trembled, suddenly shooting out the Dao Xinghui Chain!

   After only hearing "swish" a few times, Chen Chuling was completely trapped by Xinghui chains without watching, and even the spirit sword in his hand was blocked.

   Sixth-order spiritual technique, "Sky Star Lock"!

   This is a relatively special spiritual technique. The Sky Star Lock does not have actual damage, but the Sky Star Lock’s binding ability is extremely strong, and even Chen Chuling, a master of Ling Gang realm, can hardly move after being trapped.

   Chen Chuling realized the coming of death without holding on to the two moves. He was flustered and immediately shouted: "Don't fight, the Chen family is willing to surrender to the Arakawa tribe, and be loyal to generations, without complaint!"

   Hope listened, his expression moved, he seemed to be a little moved.

   But with a cold seventeen fingers, a finger that resembled a thunder and a meteor pierced the sky and directly penetrated Chen Chuling's lower abdomen!

  Chen Chuling originally thought he was going to die, but when he found that the fingers hadn't hit his vitals, he instantly broke out in a cold sweat. He thought this was the other party teaching him a lesson, not trying to take his life.

   But in the next moment, a terrifying energy suddenly exploded in his body, and Chen Chuling suddenly flew into his flesh!

This is the cold seventeenth and fifth-order spiritual skill "Broken Star Finger" integrated into the thundering blood sky finger, not only stronger penetrating power, faster speed, after hitting the enemy, it will also concentrate the power of blood evil, thunder The power of the stars and the power of the stars explode, and the power is amazing!

  The master of the early Linggang realm, when Leng Shiqi was still in the elite guild, he had to do his best to kill, but now he can kill with his hands!

   First of all, after cultivating the supreme technique of Zhou Tianxing Shenjue, he even integrated his various attribute techniques into it, and the spiritual power in his body was completely comparable to the middle and late stages of the Linggang realm.

   And he has opened up all the spiritual veins and spiritual orifices in his body, and even he himself does not know how strong the power of increase is. In addition, his physical strength and spiritual power are extremely strong, and these and spiritual power are complementary.

  So, in the early stage of Linggang Realm, it was nothing in front of him.

   Cold Seventeen did not move, and with three moves between raising his hands, he killed Chen Chuling in the early stage of Linggang Realm, which made Hope couldn't help being moved.

   If he was allowed to play in person and kill Chen Chuling with all his strength, perhaps it would only take a few tricks, but Leng Shiqi was relaxed, just waved his hand, Hope he could not do it!

   When Chen Chuling died, the Chen family didn't even have a chance to resist, and could only be slaughtered by the warriors of the Arakawa tribe.

   Many people gathered near the Chen's house. They saw this **** scene with a panic. People who were courageous began to tremble twice, and some turned around and ran away.

   Therefore, the fact that the Chen family was destroyed by the Arakawa tribe spread out at a rapid speed. All people who received the news thought that Hope was mad?

   But there are indeed many people who are afraid of the Arakawa tribe~www.ltnovel.com~ They are not afraid of how strong other forces are, but they are afraid of the Arakawa tribe, such a mad dog that will be reported!

   Hope walked on the ground full of corpses. He actually started to enjoy this feeling a little bit. All his recent depression can be said to have been vented out, so happy!

   He said to Leng Shiqi: "Mr. Liu, tell me what to do next, I will just do it!"

Leng Shiqi smiled and said: "The next step is simple. We have eliminated two third-rate sects in a row. Everyone else has seen the determination and cruelty of the Arakawa tribe. As long as Chief Hope goes to those who have received your benefits, or are interested in Take a trip to the spiritual cultivation sect that the Arakawa tribe teamed up, and 80% of them will choose to join you."

   In fact, this is indeed the case. Not to mention the entire Ningyang County, it is said that the spiritual cultivation sects around the Arakawa tribe are all scared by Hope.

   As long as he gets in person, those sects immediately agreed to cooperate with him, and sent him a large number of masters on the spot.

Within a few days, the Arakawa tribe gathered four third-rate sects, and there were about a dozen people in the Spirit Aperture Realm that could come to help. Although the Fallen Sword Sect would not take refuge, they also promised to lend Hope to two spirits. Environment master.

   This kind of combat power has completely surpassed Hope’s old rival Arakawa tribe!

   Hope was returning to the tribe with joy, Leng Shiqi said: "It's time to start the second step of the plan."


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