I Fix The System Law

Chapter 576: Kill 1 door first

   Hope condensed: "Are you going to kill Leiwei?"

   "Not bad." Leng Shiqi replied. He estimated that Hope would not agree easily.

   But he didn't expect Hope suddenly laughed wildly!

   "Hahahaha! Great!" Hope looked ruthless, "I've seen those gangs in their pockets a long time ago, I only know that the **** who squeeze us are unhappy, I can't wait to swallow those animals!"

   Leng Shiqi's face was still calm, but he was also secretly surprised. Under the leadership of Li Changtao, the dark Leiwei was so hated by the local forces, which shows that they are really being oppressed on weekdays!

   But this is naturally a good thing for Leng Shiqi. He chuckles and said, "In that case, did Chief Hope agree to this sale?"

   "As long as you don't break your promise, I will definitely keep my promise."

   "Okay, it's a deal!" Leng Shiqi finally moved the other party, and he drove the train while it was hot: "It should not be too late. The first step of our plan is to gather a few spiritual cultivation sects.

   Chief Hope, which forces have received your benefits before? "

   In fact, he had known this through the information of Xueyi Pavilion, but he still asked.

   When he mentioned those sects, Hope's expression suddenly sank, "There are Chen Family in Lieyang City, Shuiyun Sect and Luofeng Sword Sect, and of course the Golden Lion Gang."

   Among these sects, only the Luofeng Sword Sect is a second-rate sect, and the others are third-rate sects.

   Leng Seventeen pondered for a while, and said: "Leader Hope, you have sent someone to preach to the Shuiyun Sect, saying that you want to deal with the Fallen Sword Sect and ask them to help."

   "Hmph, they will definitely not take action, at most a few people will be sent to deal with the matter." Hope seems to have seen the end.

   Cold Seventeen said: "This is not the point. If Chief Hope believes me, just do it. I dare not say anything. I can guarantee that at least two forces can be surrendered to the Arakawa tribe!"

   Surrender? !

   Hope thought he had misheard, it would be nice to be able to win over, so what about surrender?

   But since he chose to cooperate with Leng Shiqi, even if he trusted him once, let's see what he can do!

   At this time in Shuiyunjiao, they all looked at each other a bit after receiving Hope's letter, not knowing what Hope was going crazy.

   The Falling Maple Sword Sect is a second-rate sect. The strength is not strong. There are only two Linggang level masters in the door, but they are not much worse than the Arakawa Tribe. Who gave Hope the confidence to find the Falling Sword Sect trouble?

Shui Yuntian, the leader of the Shuiyun Sect, is a kind-minded old man. His gestures and gestures give people a sense of elegance. He frowned and said: "What is the hatred between the Fallen Sword Sect and the Arakawa tribe, and it makes Hope so anxious. Tell me, what should I do about this?"

One of the elders said: "Master, the strength of the Fallen Sword Sect is not weak, and it is impossible for the Arakawa tribe to really break the net with the Fallen Sword Sect. Once we make a move, we will completely offend the Fallen Sword Sect. If they settle accounts after Autumn, What can we do!"

   "Improper." The person next to him immediately retorted: "After all, we have taken a lot of the benefits of the Arakawa tribe. As the saying goes, we can't do too much if we are weak.

   You are afraid of offending the Fallen Sword Sect, aren’t you afraid to annoy the Arakawa tribe? You know that Hope's temper is very hot! "

   Shui Yuntian thought for a while and said, "Let’s say that the people of my Shuiyun Sect have been plagued by things recently. I really can’t spare many people to help the Arakawa tribe, so I can only send him ten spiritual disciples.

  The matter is so set. Although we have taken Hope's advantage, we can't really charge for him, just just deal with it. "

Hearing what he said, the others didn’t say much. Anyway, Shui Yuntian was also thinking about the sect. The contradiction between the Arakawa tribe and the Falling Sword Sect should not be mixed too deeply. It is enough to send a few people to wave the flag and shout. .

  In the Arakawa tribe, Hope received a letter from Shuiyunjiao and snorted coldly: "Mr. Liu, look at it, it's not what I expected."

   Leng Shiqi also sneered, "Leader Hope, let's go."

   "Huh? Where to go?" Hope asked puzzled.

   Leng Shiqi's eyes revealed an astonishing killing intent, "Go kill!"

   Hope seemed to have thought of something, he was shocked, but he didn't say much, but immediately called the masters of the tribe!


   Shui Yuntian is still making tea and chatting with a few elders in Shuiyunjiao, which is very uncomfortable.

   At this time, a disciple ran over in a panic, which immediately made Shui Yuntian displeased. He said in an angry tone: "What kind of demeanor is such panic, have you forgotten the rules of the sect?

   The disciple hurriedly said: "The leader, elder, the big thing is not good, Hope has come to the door with a large number of masters from the Arakawa tribe!"

   Shui Yuntian's hand suddenly shook, and the tea cup fell to the ground and smashed to pieces. Didn’t the Arakawa tribe go to trouble the Luofeng Sword Sect? Why did Shuiyun teach him?

   But now that people have already arrived, Shui Yuntian didn't have time to think about it, so he hurried to the mountain gate with everyone.

   At this time, many Shuiyun disciples gathered together with pale faces, because the number of people coming from the Arakawa tribe this time was more than twice that of them!

   And among them, the masters of the four realms of heaven and human are far superior to Shuiyunjiao. Even the leader of Hope and the second leader of the late Linggang stage have arrived. This kind of strength wants to destroy the Shuiyunjiao easily!

   Those Shuiyun Sect disciples didn't even have the thought to resist, they just thought about how to escape.

   Shui Yuntian came over and saw the battle and was shocked, his heart suddenly stunned, secretly saying that today Hope is a bad person, he clasped his fist and said: "I wonder if Chief Hope has any advice?"

   But it was not Hope who answered him, but the mysterious man with a mask next to him. He said coldly: "I am waiting to come today to ask you Shui Yunjiao for an explanation."

   Shui Yuntian didn't recognize Leng Shiqi, and he was also very puzzled. Who is this person, and Hope, who has always been hot-tempered, led him?

   But he couldn't control it anymore, he asked back: "I don't know what your Excellency is talking about, but I have never done anything to be sorry to the Arakawa tribe."

   "Let me ask you, but you have taken refuge in the Arakawa tribe?" Leng Shiqi asked sharply.

   Shui Yuntian opened his mouth, and didn't know how to answer for a while. He did accept the benefits of the Arakawa tribe, but he couldn't talk about refuge. But in front of these menacing people, he didn't dare to say "no".

   He was thoughtful and worded: "I don't trust anyone with Shuiyunjiao, and it's just a cooperative relationship with the Arakawa tribe."

   Leng Shiqi coldly said: "What a cooperation! Then why did Chief Hope ask you to send someone to deal with the Fallen Sword Sect, but you are only willing to come up with ten Spiritual Realm disciples? Is this your sincerity!"

   Shui Yuntian said perfunctorily: "That's because the disciples of this school do have some trivial matters~www.ltnovel.com~ there is really no extra manpower."

"Really?" Leng Shiqi looked at the Shuiyun teaching disciples standing behind the gate of the mountain. There are enough for one or two hundred people. "Then send everyone who is standing here now. If you don't want to, you personally Come here too."

   Shui Yuntian's expression suddenly sank, "Your Excellency is going to be difficult for others, and you are pressing against each other? Do you disregard the rules of the spiritual cultivation sect?"

   Leng Shiqi’s eyes were full of stern and stern expressions, "The rules, the rules are to use people's money and money to eliminate disasters, you take advantage but don't want to contribute, there is no such good thing in the world!

   Today I will give you another rule, that is, the weak will eat the strong! "

   Hope knowingly stepped forward, he waved his hand and shouted: "Don't leave one!"

  The warriors of the Arakawa tribe shouted one after another, each of them was lit up with patterns of different colors, and all of a sudden, the sound was shocking!

   These fighters grew up in battle since they were young, and neither their combat power nor their aura was comparable to that of Shuiyun Sect's disciples. With just one charge, Shuiyun Sect was killed by 30% of the disciples!

   Shui Yuntian was finally shocked at this time, but he has no time to care about others at this time, because Leng Shiqi has already killed him!


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