I Fix The System Law

Chapter 568: Retreat

"Married?!" Lian Ye suddenly screamed. Fortunately, she placed the restriction in advance, otherwise others would not know what happened inside.

"Absolutely impossible! What bad idea did you come up with!" She was reluctant.

Leng Shiqi said in detail: "Lian Ye girl, let me ask you a question first. Which prince do you think the leader will stand on?"

"This..." Lian Ye frowned, she thought for a while and shook her head: "I don't know."

"Then let me answer you. As the commander of the Dark Thunder Guard, Heiyan Tianzun will not support any prince!" Leng Shiqi said in a deep voice, "The position of the leader of the Dark Thunder Guard is too important. In the prince's conquest, he must remain neutral and only loyal to his majesty.

Otherwise, the one who died first must be the chief!

Therefore, no matter how much Lei Haoqing pesters you, it is impossible to win over the leader. From the perspective of the leader, the only way to get on with him is to pity you.

This time Lei Haoqing gave up, so next time there will be other princes who will pester you. If you want to solve this problem all at once, of course Lian Ye girl has a partner.

It's not that you have to marry. You can find a pleasing person from the people you know as a shield. Once this happens, you will help the leader in disguise and save a lot of trouble. "

Lian Ye fell into contemplation after listening to it. Leng Shiqi naturally hoped that Lian Ye could adopt his suggestion, so that he would at best harass Lei Haoqing, and then he could practice in retreat.

After a long while, Lian Ye said, "You’re right. I thought it was too simple. Now my plan has changed. Since Lei Haoqing is going to the Thousand Fantasy Sword Sect, let him go. When he comes back, you Do it again, it will keep me quiet for a long time.

And I also thought of a way for you. I will go to the Bloody Pavilion to release the mission of assassinating Hidden Thunder Guards in due course, and use this method to transfer Hidden Thunder Guards. You can also pretend to be the killer of the blood-clothed pavilion to assassinate Lei Haoqing and throw all the black pots to the blood-clothed pavilion.

Anyway, the Bloody Clothes Pavilion will not disclose the employer's information, so that we are safe.

As for finding a shield, let me think about it again. "

At this moment, Leng Shiqi's heart was broken, and the feelings went around for a long time, and he went in!

Pretending to be the killer of the **** pavilion?

Lian Ye would never have thought that standing in front of him was a real **** pavilion killer!

If it is divided according to strength, Leng Shiqi can be called a killer in gold-patterned blood!

This time is good, in order to pity Ye's favor, Xueyi Pavilion was detained with a **** pot for assassinating the prince.

But this is indeed a good way to hide the current identity to the greatest extent, and it can also turn the field of vision to the **** pavilion.

In the eyes of outsiders, the task of assassinating the prince is only the killer of the **** pavilion can and dare to take it!

And everyone knows that the blood-clothed pavilion is just a sword in the hands of others, and finding out the real murderer behind the scenes is the most important thing, so they will not really have to fight the blood-clothed pavilion.

Leng Shiqi nodded and said: "The method is okay, but before that I have to get detailed information about Lei Haoqing's guards. I will retreat if there is any danger at that time. It is not important to stabbing or not, leaving Lei Haoqing's heart lingering Is the most important.

If Miss Lian Ye can agree, I will venture this trip. "

Seeing that Leng Shiqi was finally about to agree, Lian Ye immediately said, "Okay, it's a deal!"

"It's settled." Leng Shiqi said: "During this time, I will be in the 29th Guards in retreat. When the time comes, Miss Lian Ye will send someone to find me."

Lian Ye said with a smile, "The slave family will not disturb Master Liu's cultivation, let's leave first."

Leng Shiqi arched his hands and sent Lian Ye away. He cast his eyebrows with a headache, and secretly said that it is better not to owe the debt, it is really too troublesome!

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered that he still owed Father Gao a favor, and did not know what Father Gao would let him do.

Leng Shiqi shook his head and threw out the messy thoughts. Then he called He Feichen to give a few words and walked into the secret room and began to retreat.

He needs to do three things in this retreat. First, he needs to consolidate and consolidate his cultivation base, and then he has to condense a variety of spiritual gangs.

The spiritual practitioners in the Linggang realm are actually based on their own spiritual power, plus the use of foreign objects to steal a trace of the power of the world to condense the Linggang, so the Linggang realm is much stronger than the Lingqiao realm.

For example, he had previously used the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame to condense the Chijin Dragon Flame Gang, even if he does not consume the power of the fire, he can display the power of having the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame 30 to 40% by using his spiritual power!

You must know that every time he uses the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame, the fire will weaken very quickly, which means that he cannot use the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame for a long time and can only be used as a hole card.

But Chi Jin Long Yan Gang is completely different, as long as he has enough spiritual power to squander it wanton! Moreover, the power of 30-40% is already shocking enough, far exceeding the ordinary fire system Linggang several times!

Next, he planned to condense the Han Ming Linggang first, after all the materials were prepared by Father Gao, which was the most convenient. In addition, he has the power of wind and thunder absorbed from the wind and thunder god's luck stone in his body, which is also a part of the power of heaven and earth, and can be used to condense the two properties of wind and thunder.

The "Blood Killing Seven Evil Jue" and "Five Gods Flowing Light Jue" are special techniques.

The Blood Killing Seven Evil Art can practice bleeding and refining Evil Gang, but it does not rely on foreign objects, but feeds on its own essence and blood! After completing the cultivation, every move is consuming the essence and blood, and it has a high-strength burst and power. The shortcoming is naturally that it can’t fight for a long time~www.ltnovel.com~ But for the killer, it must kill with one blow. Protracted war means you have failed.

The Five Gods Flowing Light Technique directly communicates with heaven and earth with spiritual power, so as to condense the magical spirit of the gods, which can greatly enhance the power of illusion!

It’s a pity that the Ten Thousand Gu Spirit Devouring Technique requires refining a large number of special Gu worms in order to cultivate the Spirit Gang. The Crimson Ice Crystal Art also requires extremely cold things, so Leng Seventeen can now condense the Spirit Gang. That's just a few.

Of course, the average spiritual practitioner can cultivate one kind of spiritual channel is already at the limit, and those who possess two spiritual channels are rare, but at the current stage of Leng Shiqi, he can cultivate six kinds of spiritual channels, and he should be content.

In addition to condensing the spiritual skills, many high-level spiritual skills can be practiced. For example, the follow-up exercises of the Cold and Underworld Treasures given by Gao Gonggong not long ago have a sixth-order spiritual skill, the cold hell!

Nirvana Remnant Wind Scroll and Zi Ji Lei Yin Lu also have "Storm Remnant Clouds in Wind" and "Purple Light Thunder Hand" respectively, and both are Tier 6 spiritual skills!

Having arranged the process of his own cultivation, Leng Shiqi finally started his own retreat!

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