I Fix The System Law

Chapter 464: big guy

Leng Shiqi’s sword light was still strangled by those strange runes. His move was not a "God·Fan", but his simple "Magic·Fan" based on Devil Qi and Devil's War Blade. "!

   After all, the consumption of "God · Flash in the pan" is too great, unless it is the time of life and death, otherwise Leng Shiqi can not be used easily.

   In the face of Zhuge Puhe, Leng Shiqi could not be underestimated, so there was a "magic · a flash in the pan".

   The power of this trick is not superb, but it is more than enough to break the starry sky of Zhuge Urawa.

   Zhuge Puhe finally blocked Leng Shiqi's sword, but all his runes disappeared. Seeing that Leng Shiqi was still ready to attack, he waved his hand again and again: "Brother Liu, please slow down."

   Cold Seventeen's action is a pause.

"Brother Liu's strength is really extraordinary, I admire and admire it. If it is outside, I will definitely be willing to discuss with Brother Liu, but in this secret realm is full of dangers, I don't think we should fight anymore." Zhuge Puhe Put away the long sword and said.

   Hearing this, Leng Shiqi also took back the Demon's War Knife. He was doing fishing business here, mainly for those who were not particularly strong but were injured.

   But for Zhuge Puhe's opponents of this level, Leng Shiqi hadn't really been sure to keep the opponent if he didn't burst out with all his strength.

   Besides, just as Zhuge Puhe said, ghosts and monsters are proliferating in this chaotic area. It would be irrational if they were really desperate.

   Although it seems that Leng Shiqi has a little advantage, neither side has used their full strength. It is the best choice to stop before the real fire is hit.

   Seeing that Leng Shiqi was closing the sword, Zhuge Puhe's heart was actually relieved. Although they had only played a few short moves, the pressure on Leng Shiqi was too great!

   Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s say that the magic sword in Leng Shiqi’s hand is scary enough, but it is a seventh-order treasure, even a master in the Linggang realm may not be qualified to own it!

   Zhuge Puhe's own long sword is also a sixth-order spiritual weapon, and it is also rare in the same tier, but it is still inferior to the magic sword. If he continues to fight, his spirit sword will probably be lost.

Not only the Demon's Battle Knife, Leng Shiqi’s spiritual skills and the fierce aura in his body also left Zhuge Puhe's heart lingering. He thinks he is a genius without a single, but today, in this short moment , The arrogance in his heart was also wiped out.

   Leng Shiqi arched his hands and said: "No."

   After Zhuge Puhe left, Leng Shiqi also began to carefully look at the Demon's War Knife in his hand.

When fighting with Zhuge Puhe just now, he also discovered that the Mo Lin sword seems to be more usable than before. It is not sharper, but there is a kind of connection between the two, which makes him use it very well. Handy.

   He stroked the blade lightly, and the Mo Lin Zhandao immediately trembled, as if responding to Leng Shiqi.

   Seeing this, Leng Shiqi raised his brows and revealed a bit of joy. Obviously, the spirituality of Mo Lin Zhan Dao is higher than before!

   can be said to be infinitely close to the seventh-order treasure!

   Perhaps this is why Zhuge Puhe mistakenly thought that the Mo Lin Zhan Da was a seventh-order treasure.

   Although Leng Shiqi didn't know the reason, it was a good thing in short.

After   , he continued to wait here for half a day, but unfortunately he never met anyone and gave up this way and walked towards the center of the chaotic area.

   However, he didn't go far, his footsteps suddenly stopped, he looked to the right side intently, there seemed to be a huge figure coming here!

   Leng Seventeen immediately opened his eyes. Although he couldn't see through the eyes in this chaotic area, it could still greatly strengthen his vision.

   Only then did he see clearly, this thing is several feet tall, with a heavy gray armor, and there is no flesh on it. It was holding a gray-white bone gun in his hand, but his face was a dark mist, and he couldn't see the specific face.

   However, Leng Shiqi was probably either a rotten zombie face or a skull without running away.

   Of course, Leng Shiqi didn't care about this, he was even more concerned about the feeling this thing made him, it was dangerous!

  Moreover, since he entered the Chaos Zone, he has encountered a lot of ghosts, but almost all of them use illusion-like means to control the enemy, and the body's combat effectiveness is not strong.

   But the monster in front of me was completely the opposite. It just walked slowly, giving Leng Shiqi a feeling like a mountain crushed!

   hadn't gotten hands on yet, Leng Shiqi knew that this monster must be very tricky, so he planned to go straight away, anyway, this monster didn't seem to be fast, so he could completely throw it away.

   However, when Leng Shiqi was about to evacuate, the nearby gray fog suddenly twisted. Suddenly, a bone gun that was several feet long stirred the wind and cloud and arrived in the blink of an eye!

   Leng Shiqi was shocked, the blood pattern armor of the beast and the beast element war pattern of the holy silver deer appeared instantly, and he turned into a black and white streamer and flashed quickly to avoid the shot.

   Even so, that sharp spear wind actually left a few cracks on his beast bloodmark armor!

   Seeing this scene, Leng Shiqi's heart sank. If he was hit head-on, his armor would probably be crushed directly!

   The power of this monster is so strong!

   At the same time, Leng Shiqi also felt a consciousness locked in him, the source was from this skeleton monster, and now even if he escapes, he will be chased and killed by this monster. In this way, if he is overtaken by a monster when he is at war with others, he is back and abdomen.

   He suddenly felt that he was very unlucky.

   Leng Shishi stared at the skeleton monster, his eyes widened, and the boundless fighting spirit came!

  Since you can't get rid of it, kill it!

   This monster is extremely powerful, but it also has a very obvious weakness, that is, the speed is very slow, he is not without chance, on the contrary, what he is best at is to beat people with speed.

   Immediately, Leng Shiqi summoned the Gu King and turned into a pair of colorful glazed wings soaring into the sky, the Mo Jade Sword was out of its sheath, and hundreds of sword auras poured down!

The skeleton monster drew his bone gun and raised his head violently. Two hideous blood beams burst out of the black fog~www.ltnovel.com~ It waved the bone gun, and suddenly the wind whispered, surrounding hundreds of people. Zhang's mist flowed like a whirlpool, swallowing Leng Shiqi's Sanjue Sword Qi.

   But Leng Shiqi, who was flying in the sky, smiled slightly. Of course, he didn't think that close to Sanjue Sword Qi could hurt the skeleton monster, his purpose was only to attract the attention of the skeleton monster.

   At the same time, four Leng Shiqi's figures appeared strangely on the four sides of the skeleton monster, and each Leng Shiqi was printing quickly. I saw rays of light like spider silk rushing out of each other, and soon weaved into a huge spider web that enveloped the skeleton monster!

  Finally, four cold seventeen simultaneously pressed both hands, and the ground where the spider webs were located collapsed and sank, forming a muddy swamp!

   The skeleton monster just blocked Leng Shiqi's Sanjue Sword Qi, and he was severely restricted. What Leng Shiqi wanted was to continue to expand his speed advantage.

   Then the cold seventeen in the sky also fell, and the five people surrounded the skeleton monsters with a five-pointed force, and five arrays of different colors emerged!

   Each array slowly rotates, star-like light spots are condensing out one after another.

   In an instant, the power of countless streams of light surged out, ruthlessly strangling the skeleton monster.

   This is the rotating ice and fire streamer after the cold seventeen changes again!


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