I Fix The System Law

Chapter 454: Identity exposure

     Leng Shiqi heard the name "Zuo Qiuyu" from Lian Ye's mouth, and he was shocked!

   He had used this identity to enter the phantom realm and fought against Lian Ye, but Lian Ye’s memory should have been tampered with by Meng Tianzong. How did he recognize him now?

But when Leng Shiqi turned his thoughts, Lian Ye’s memory should have been tampered with before entering the different space of the Divine Dream Hall, so the memory of their first fight still exists. Perhaps she recognized from some clues that he was "Zuo Qiu" Yu".

   Although Leng Shiqi was shocked, his face remained calm. He calmly said: "If Miss Lian Ye is here to tell me these inexplicable things, please come back."

Lian Ye seemed to have not heard Leng Shiqi’s words, and said to herself: "In fact, I came to participate in the elite meeting purely to join in the fun, but the moment I saw you, you have a familiar feeling in your body. a feeling of.

   But I can be sure that I have never seen you before, and this keeps me puzzled, so I started to observe you, always, watching you.

   When you played against Zhai Chuan and Ji Wen, even though your techniques and spiritual skills were very different from the past, there were still traces to follow, and there was still a sense of familiarity between the moves.

   I remember that after going out from the magical secret realm, I knew that you and Ou Tzuyu had obtained the successful teaching method of the dream palace, and I specifically went to read the secrets about the dream palace. It turns out that a spiritual technique you used during the battle with Ji Wen is very similar to the "Five Gods Flowing Light Technique" recorded in Secrets!

   And you can't be Ou Tzuyu, so you are Zuo Qiuyu! "

   Lian Ye was able to accurately say "Five Gods Flowing Light Technique", which really surprised Leng Shiqi. This technique is inherited from thousands of years ago, where did Lian Ye find the secret, and actually recorded the Shen Dream Palace in such detail?

   Even the exercises and spiritual skills are well understood!

   The identity of Lian Ye in front of him made Leng Shiqi more suspicious and curious.

   Now that he has been recognized, Leng Shiqi no longer hides it. He said readily, "If you have any conditions, just say it."

   The conditions he mentioned are naturally the conditions for Lianye to help him keep secrets.

  Who knows Lian Ye shook his head instead: "I don't have any conditions, as long as you can answer my questions truthfully."

   Lian Ye’s move made Leng Shiqi feel more troublesome, and he said, "You can ask."

Lian Ye sat opposite Leng Shiqi, with her beautiful eyes like black jewels staring at Leng Shiqi, and said, "I know you are not Zuo Qiuyu, that Zuo Qiuyu is just a very ordinary casual cultivator. How could he cultivate to the middle stage of the Spirit Aperture Realm within two years, and still possess the strength to kill a master of the Spirit Aperture Realm?

   So Liu Xingzhi is your original identity, as far as I know, you are a disciple of Chu Hezheng, a casual practitioner of the Harmony of Heaven and Man, and he was also looking for a relationship to put you into the Dark Thunder Guard. After that, you quickly cleared the dissidents with the cultivation base of the spiritual vein realm, and settled on the position of the monitor.

Since then, the Xuanyang faction of the third-rate sect has been destroyed by oneself, and the envoy Zhulu country has been sent out, but it is coincidence that Zhulu country has undergone a great change of kingship. After returning, you have already been the cultivation base of the Lingqiao realm, and you have been promoted to the great supervisor. .

   It can be said that you are full of surprises and incredible, so I am very curious, who are you? ! "

   At the end, Lian Ye's eyes became a little cold.

   And Leng Shiqi was more and more frightened as he listened to it, Lian Ye actually checked him from start to finish! And Lian Ye has been performing tasks with him all this time, how did she find out?

"This Lian Ye can not only get detailed information about the Palace of Dreams tens of thousands of years ago, but also find information as far away as Xihuang County and even Zhulu Country! In Dark Thunder Guard, even the inspector from the famous town may not have this. Kind of permission?

   What is her identity? "Leng Shiqi thought secretly, and at the same time a murderous intent appeared in his heart!

   But this killing intent was dispelled by him in an instant, Lian Ye's identity really made him a little bit of a rat, even if he wanted to kill, he couldn't kill here.

   Then he said, "As you said, you have already found out my identity. You already knew who I am, so why did you ask me?"

   Lian Ye didn't seem to be satisfied with this answer, she said in a cold voice: "There is really no problem with your background, but the problem is that there is hardly any special place before you appear in the phantom realm.

   But since the beginning of the Phantom Secret Realm, your opportunities, cultivation base and strength have all grown to an incredible degree.

   It's not that I am boasting. At my current age, I can cultivate to the latter stage of the Spiritual Vessel Realm. But you, in a short span of less than two years, jumped from the initial stage of the Spirit Vessel Realm to the middle stage of the Spirit Aperture Realm.

  'S identity has changed from a first-order casual repairer to a great supervisor of the Dark Thunder Guard! This change is simply appalling!

   It’s as if it was, completely changed! "

Hearing this, Leng Shiqi laughed blankly, "These things seem to you a bit unbelievable, but everything I get today is my life in exchange. You have never experienced despair, you have never stepped into it. Abyss, if you have lived and died several times, I don’t think you will come to question me."

Lian Ye's eyes changed slightly, and she was stunned for a few moments before she said: "What you said may make sense, but you are still very doubtful~www.ltnovel.com~ Leng Shiqi finally sees it, it looks like Lian Ye I haven't reported the suspicion against him yet, I just came tonight to ask what happened.

This made him feel more at ease, and he replied: "I think you still think too much. What I did in Xihuang County was under the nose of Yu Ruifeng, the inspector. And Zhu Luguo and his party were also him. The one who took me there was just a little secret that you didn't know, it really didn't work, you can specifically ask Master Yu what happened to Zhu Luguo.

   Besides, I was able to participate in the elite meeting. It was also appointed by Mr. Gao. You can not believe me, but it is impossible to even believe Mr. Yu and Mr. Gao? Could it be that I can still control them? "

   He moved out of the inspector Yu Ruifeng and Gao Gonggong, one of the four chiefs of the Dark Thunder Guard, and Lian Ye also began to shake.

She thought to herself: "Did I really miss any key information? No, I must check it carefully when I go back. This Liu Xingzhi is too good, and he will be transferred to the headquarters in all likelihood in the future. There can be no trace of uncleanness!"

   Leng Shishi sees her without speaking and strikes the iron while it is hot. He flipped his palm, and a cloud of cold air condensed in his palm. "You should be able to see what this is with your knowledge."

   "This is the air of Hanming! You have cultivated the Hanming Tome?!" Lian Ye immediately whispered in surprise, and at the same time glanced at Leng Shiqi with weird eyes.


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