I Fix The System Law

Chapter 451: caveat

   Several people have received their respective rewards, and they are still very satisfied overall. Coupled with the resources allocated before, these alone make them feel that this trip is worthwhile.

   Lei Muyan stood up and said: "You seven are all the pillars of Zhenfusi and Anleiwei, and in the future will be the pillars of the Leiyan Dynasty."

   "I will wait for my full loyalty to the Leiyan Dynasty." Leng Shiqi and several people shouted at the same time.

   "This time, of course, you have more than just a reward for successfully destroying the Volcano Village. There is also a reward for each of you."

  Leng Shiqi's eyes all showed expectation.

   Lei Muyan paused on purpose before saying, "That is, chance!"

   Several people were taken aback at first, but they were all overjoyed immediately.

   Except for Leng Shiqi, all of these people are the Supervisors of Dark Thunder Guard or the Tis of the Zhenfu Division. When they break through the Linggang Realm, they will have the opportunity to be promoted to the Supervisors or the Tis.

   But, that's just a chance.

   After all, there must be more than one person eligible for promotion. Moreover, there are already very few positions for the Great Supervisor and Chief Executive, and some people can even sit in this position for decades until retirement.

   So even if you want to be promoted, you need not only the strength of cultivation, but also opportunities!

   And Lei Muyan gave this opportunity!

   For example, Zhai Chuan, after he breaks through the Linggang Realm, he is very likely to be directly promoted to the Grand Thief. How can this not make them happy?

   "Thank you Lei Palmer." The voices of several people were obviously more eager.

   Lei Muyan chuckled and sat down again, Gao Gonggong answered, "The Extreme Volcano Village has been destroyed, then do you know why this sect was destroyed?"

   This problem has always plagued Leng Shiqi and others. If Dayimen and the Salt Gang are closely related to the Shanhai School, the Leiyan Dynasty wants to slowly pull out the fangs of the Shanhai School.

   But Jihuochuangzhuang has nothing to do with Shanhai School, why is it on the blacklist of the Leiyan Dynasty?

   Several people glanced at each other, and they all shook their heads slightly.

Father Gao said with a cold voice and sneered: "Hmph, that's because Jihuoshanzhuang has moved his mind without changing! Our family will not hide it from you. Not long ago, a prince in the court secretly contacted Jihuoshanzhuang. So Jihuoshan Village should not exist anymore."

   Father Gao stopped speaking after speaking, but his words shocked Leng Shiqi and others' hearts!

   Everyone who can stand here are human spirits, and instantly understood the meaning of Gao Gong's words.

   Naji Volcano Village is considering that your Majesty is running out of time, so he intends to intervene in the matter.

   Leng Shiqi also felt that Zhu Huorong was too whimsical. Perhaps he thought it was an opportunity, but he ignored that his Majesty is not dead!

   Based on the information network of the Dark Thunder Guard, it was quickly discovered that the Extreme Volcano Village had something to do with the prince, which is tantamount to ignoring your majesty today!

  The only way to wait for the end of the Extreme Volcano Village is to perish.

   At the same time, Leng Shiqi also suddenly thought that when Feng Shamo took them to destroy the Gate of Golden Wing Academy, it seemed that someone mentioned that Golden Wing Academy was also related to a certain prince.

   He couldn't help but think to himself that the person who hired the Bloody Clothes Pavilion at that time was probably from the Thunder Yan Dynasty!

   Father-in-law Gao's eyes suddenly became as sharp as an eagle, and his gaze swept over everyone one after another, and everyone who was being watched was cold!

   "So, we don't want you to be nosy, understand?"

   Dongfang Qi several people immediately began to nod frantically, and quietly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

   Leng Shiqi also understands that Father Gao's move is to warn them not to get involved in the seizure, otherwise they will end up just like the Extreme Volcano Village.

   Father-in-law Gao’s concerns are justified, because although the people present are not in a high position, everyone has unlimited potential. His Majesty today can at least last a few years, and these people in a few years will be able to grow into the backbone of the Thunder Yan Dynasty.

  They are definitely worthy of the princes!

   "Since you all understand, our family is relieved." Gao Gong said half his eyes, as if he was sleepy.

   Feng Lun said in a timely manner: "You are completing the task very quickly, so you have to wait for the other two groups to complete the task before proceeding to the next round. During this time, you can stay at the City Lord's Mansion with peace of mind."

   At this point, Feng Lun looked at Lei Muyan and Father Gao who were sitting in a high position. Seeing that they had no intention to speak, he sent Leng Shiqi and others away.

   Just when Leng Shiqi was about to walk out of the hall, Father Gao's voice suddenly appeared in his ears, "I will come to you when I am."

   Leng Shiqi was secretly frightened, one thought after another flashed in his mind quickly, and he couldn't think of what would happen if Mr. Gao came to him?

   But he is now taking credit, so it shouldn’t be a bad thing anyway.

   After Leng Shiqi separated from a few people, taking advantage of the early days, he planned to organize his own resources first.

   The resources he got from the Polar Volcano Village and the Bipolar Mountain Village were also quite a lot. Even if it was divided evenly by more than 20 people, it was worth the lifetime wealth of a spiritual practitioner in the ordinary spiritual aperture.

   First, he sold all the things that were not used in the resources to the system, and got a full more than two thousand system coins, counting his original has more than five thousand points.

   At first, before Leng Shiqi came to Donglin County, he specially prepared three thousand systems for emergencies, but unfortunately it hasn't been used until now. At this time, the system currency has skyrocketed and made him think about lottery.

   But he still held it back, so he tried his luck instead of being practical.

   For example, buy some experience pills for King Gu!

   In the battle between Leng Shiqi and Ji Wen~www.ltnovel.com~, he also deeply realized the power of Gu King, so he wanted to cultivate Gu King quickly.

   And experience Dan is the fastest and most trouble-free way!

   Then Cold Seventeen opened the shop interface, chose an intermediate experience pill worth 300 system coins, and bought seven directly!

Leng Seventeen’s system currency instantly returned to his early three thousand years, but he did not feel distressed at all. Instead, he summoned the Gu King and threw it an experience pill. The Gu King immediately flew around Leng Seventeen. Two laps.

   Then Leng Shiqi continued to organize his own resources. Of course, the most precious things in it were the techniques and spiritual skills. It's a pity that the highest level of both cultivation technique and spiritual skill is only Tier 4.

   More advanced ones should exist in the heads of Zhu Huorong and Xiao Jingwu.

   Of course, Leng Shiqi was also all the people who came to learn, and the spiritual skill library was also expanded a lot at once, giving him more possibilities.

   Other than that, the most precious thing is to count those resuscitation pills. Leng Shiqi has been staying at the fifth level of the Spirit Aperture Realm for some time. Now that he has almost settled, he has plans to break through.

   He estimated that as long as the three refining pills were refining, it would be enough for him to break through to the sixth level of the spiritual aperture!


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