I Fix The System Law

Chapter 448: Divide the spoils

   One day later, when Xiao Jingwu handled everything on the Jihuoshan Village, he took the people back to the Bipolar Village.

   However, when he returned to the sect, he immediately noticed a very strange thing, that is, the few disciples who stayed here in the four realms of heaven and human did not show up!

   Those few people all stayed here to watch the treasure house of the Zongmen, and the absence of them now made Xiao Jingwu feel uneasy.

   He quickly led people to the treasure house, and when he opened the door of the treasure house, he was instantly stunned!

   Xiao Jingwu, as the helm of the second-rate sect, the great master of the late Linggang stage, would actually show this look. You must know that he has not been so gloomy in the face of the desperate Zhu Huorong.

   That's because in the treasure house at this moment, almost half of the formation restrictions have been destroyed. There are still a few corpses lying on the ground. It is the corpses of the few disciples who stayed behind in the treasure house!

   But the treasure house is already empty, and the huge treasure house has been emptied!

   Xiao Jingwu only felt as if there was a thunder in his mind, which made him a little dazed for a while.

  The elders and disciples behind him were all stunned, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them. This also wiped out their joy of destroying the Extreme Volcano Village in an instant!

   "Crack, click."

   Xiao Jingwu clenched his fists and made noises. His face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Who is it, who is it!"

   Although he destroyed Jihuoshan Village, Hao Yushan fell. He did not get any resources from Jihuoshan Village. It can be said that although he won this battle, he won only the development potential and future, and did not get too many substantive resources.

   And now, his family didn't know who had been secretly evacuated, and even he couldn't even pay his disciple's monthly salary. It is conceivable that in the next period of time, there will be suspicions in the sect.

   This is not the point. The most important thing is that it may take him ten or ten years to re-accumulate so many resources. This is equivalent to making Bipolar Shanzhai more than ten years back!

   Now his bipolar cottage is just an empty site, but he can't even get a little resource. If this matter is known to other sects, you will definitely have to think about it, and when the time comes, you will grab the site and the business.

   In the end, Bipolar Shanzhai is actually not as strong as it was before the extreme volcano village was destroyed!

   Xiao Jingwu is extremely hated and angry, but he doesn't even know who to hate. He can only be incompetent and furious here, "Check! Check it out for me! Be sure to find out who did it!"

   And the culprit of this incident, Leng Shiqi and others, have already converged in Shaning City.

   They gathered in a dilapidated house. There were 23 mustard bags on the table in the middle, which contained various resources from Jihuoshan Village and Bipolar Shanzhai!

  The breathing of everyone in the field is a bit rapid and heavy. Anyone who sees so many resources will be excited. Everyone looked at one person from time to time, that was Leng Shiqi.

   This time they not only successfully completed the task, but also regained countless resources and wealth, and these were brought to them by Leng Seventeen!

   From the beginning of the mission, Leng Shiqi used the contradiction between Zhu Lean and Wan Shaoyuan to provoke a war between the two sides, to intercept the masters of both sides, and then he persuaded Xiao Jingwu to attack Jihuoshanzhuang, and finally came to black and black.

   really showed his scheming and strength to the fullest, and more than 90% of the people present were convinced of him!

   So before Leng Shiqi had spoken, they would not rashly use these resources.

   Leng Shiqi picked up a few mustard bags at will. This was also the most resource he had seen, except for the Gu God Sect. He was also very excited.

"These resources are equally distributed, a total of 23 mustard bags, exactly one for each person. However, each person's needs may be different, and you can exchange them for each other." Zhong picked up one at random and stood by.

   The others glanced at each other, their eyes were all a little surprised.

   They originally wanted to come to Leng Seventeen and they would definitely dominate the bulk of it. After all, Leng Seventeen played a big role, and they were all mentally prepared.

   But Leng Shiqi is willing to share the resources equally with everyone?

   This is the wealth of a half second-rate sect, he can actually give up most of it!

  Unconsciously, everyone felt a little respect for him.

   After all, there is not much connection between them and Leng Shiqi. After completing the task this time, some of them will be eliminated and returned to their respective states.

   Even if Dongfang Qi and Zhai Chuan can pass the test, they will disperse after the elite meeting is over. It is very likely that they will never meet again in this life.

   So they felt that Leng Shiqi did not have the need to win over them now, and it was totally righteous for Leng Shiqi to give them so many resources!

Zhai Chuan was the first to bow his hand and said: "Brother Liu, your strength and ability were stronger than mine before, but I still have a little bit of dissatisfaction in my heart to tell the truth. But now, I am really convinced by Brother Liu. In the future, you can get a place for me, just speak up!"

   Leng Shiqi smiled lightly: "Brother Zhai is polite."

   After all, he picked up a mustard bag on the table and handed it to Zhai Chuan himself.

After that, everyone said a few words before taking away the mustard bag~www.ltnovel.com~ I don’t know how many of these people are sincere, nor do they know how many are fake, but at this moment Leng Seventeen’s reputation is unprecedented. of.

   And in everyone, only Gu San can guess the mind of Leng Shiqi.

   Gu San can be said to know Leng Shiqi very well. He is definitely a guy who doesn't see benefits and doesn't spread eagles. How could he disperse his wealth so easily.

   She guessed that the reason why Leng Shiqi did this is actually to forge a good relationship!

   Some of the reasons for this may be the blood seed plan, because she also understands that in the future, if the blood clothing pavilion wants to turn over, it will inevitably attract countless sects to draw their swords.

   By then, these people present may all be in high positions, and they can provide some assistance more or less. Even if you can't help, with this kind of favor, you won't get into trouble.

   Taking advantage of the fact that these people have not really risen, the 10% benefit given is far more useful than the 10% benefit given by others after the achievement of fame!

   Leng Shiqi secretly glanced at Gu three or two, knowing that she must be speculating on her own mind.

   But Gu San thought was only half right. In addition, Leng Shiqi was planning to convince these people completely and prepare for the next task!

   Although there was only one round of trials in the past elite meetings, this time is completely different from before, and Leng Shiqi also has a hunch that there will be follow-up missions this time!


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