I Fix The System Law

Chapter 446: Chijin Earth Dragon Flame

There is a deep secret room deep underground in    Extreme Volcano Village. This room was originally restricted by formations, but it was partially damaged by the fighting above.

   At this time, a staggering figure walked into the secret room. There was almost no completeness in the flesh on this person's body, and the blood flowing out had solidified into a blood spot.

  He is the owner of Extreme Volcano Village, Zhu Huorong!

   Everyone felt that he had been killed by Xiao Jingwu, but he appeared strangely here.

   Zhu Huorong dragged his severely broken body into the secret room, and he played Dao Yin to unlock the restrictions and barriers in it. Finally he came to a gate, but the gate was on the ground!

   In other words, this door leads to the underground!

   Soon Zhu Huorong took out a flaming token and printed it on the door, and the door trembling suddenly opened a gap.

   Then a burst of red light shot out from the slit, illuminating the entire secret room.

   Zhu Huorong's face also showed a bit of confusion, and his expression immediately became hesitant again. In the end, it seemed that he made a cruel decision, and he fought to open the door!

   The blazing fire light filled out, Zhu Huorong took a deep breath and jumped in.

   After he jumped into the door, Leng Shiqi's figure quietly appeared, and he looked down attentively.

  He found that there was a sea of ​​fire under the gate!

   To be more precise, it should be a melt of inflammation!

   At this time, Leng Shiqi remembered that it was said that Jihuoshanzhuang was located on top of an extinct volcano. Could it be that the underground is the depths of that volcano?

   Then Zhu Huorong did not choose to escape after his suspended animation, but came here for what?

  The cold seventeen eyes lit up, there must be something more precious than Zhu Huorong's life!

   He couldn't help touching his chin, then he lit up his body armor and jumped down.

After    jumped down, Leng Shiqi found a rock to settle down first. His only feeling now is that it is hot!

   You must know that Cold Seventeen is the cultivation base in the middle of the Ling Aperture Realm. It has long ignored the cold and warm. At this moment, even with the body armor and the body, it still feels hot. It is conceivable that the temperature of the surrounding melting is definitely very high.

   Leng Shiqi's spiritual power moved in his body, and faint air of coldness gushed out, but the cold air was instantly evaporated when it appeared, but it also made him feel better.

   He rolled his eyes and quickly found Zhu Huorong's location, and followed him.

   Zhu Huo Rong went deeper and deeper, and the temperature here became higher and higher, and even the air was burnt and distorted. But he seemed to have some secret method in his body, and he was not affected by the temperature.

   After a quarter of an hour, Zhu Huorong came to a small high platform. The whole body of this high platform was icy blue. A closer look showed that the entire high platform was actually made of ice jade. A palm-sized golden flame floated on top of the high platform.

   In this extremely hot environment, this ice jade is still intact. Obviously only this ice jade is a rare treasure.

Zhu Huorong also secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he came here. He looked at the golden flame with obsessiveness, and muttered: "Crimson Earth Dragon Flame, now only you can save me, and only you can save Extreme Volcano Village. "

   Leng Shiqi, who was hanging behind him, heard these words, and his heart was shocked!

   He remembered that he had seen the name "Dragon Flame of the Chijin Earth" in ancient books thousands of years ago in the Secret Realm of the Illusion.

   Legend has it that some alien species of heaven and earth will also be born in this world. The conditions for the appearance of alien species of heaven and earth are extremely harsh, but once they are born, they will contain a part of the power of heaven and earth!

  The power of heaven and earth contained in the different species of heaven and earth with different attributes is also different, which can be roughly divided into attributes such as five elements, three talents, yin and yang.

   And even with the same attributes, different species of heaven and earth will be born in different environments.

   For example, ice properties include zero-freezing ice, **** ice and so on.

   And the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame is a kind of fire-attribute heaven and earth alien species. It is said that this kind of strange flame can only be born in the depths of the volcano. It's just that this kind of chance is really small, and it has never happened in thousands of years.

   I didn't expect that the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame was born in the extinct volcano beneath the Jihuoshanzhuang!

   Leng Shiqi was shocked and recalled that this Chin-Gold Earth Dragon Flame was born to have a great restraint on the power of demons. It can be said that when Chin-Gold Earth Dragon Flame comes out, all the demons will disperse!

   He also suddenly realized that Jiu Li had said that there were treasures in the Extreme Volcano Village. Shouldn't it be the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame, right?

   The more Leng Shiqi thinks about it, the more likely it is that the more likely it is. Jiu Li said at the time that she couldn't get close, and he wanted to come here to restrain the beast like Jiu Li.

  He couldn't help but secretly said: "I really didn't expect that the second-rate sect of Jihuoshanzhuang still hides these treasures. If you let outsiders know, Jihuoshanzhuang would have been destroyed long ago.

   Originally, I thought Zhu Huorong had hidden some cultivation resources here, but now I came across the alien species of heaven and earth, it seems that my luck is really good. "

   Zhu Huorong walked into the Chijindi Longyan, his face was full of complex colors, Bipolar Shanzhai did not know where to invite many masters, and now the demise of Extreme Volcano Village is a foregone conclusion.

   His heart is full of hate, but he knows that he alone, and his cultivation in the later stage of the Linggang Realm cannot be revenge. So he did not run away after suspended animation ~www.ltnovel.com~ but chose to collect the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame.

  Only by collecting the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame, can he use the power of heaven and earth to break through to the realm of harmony between heaven and man! He has the qualifications, strength, and opportunity to take revenge!

   But how does this Chijin Earth Dragon Flame charge as long as it is charged?

  Actually, this thing was discovered when the sect was founded in Jihuo Zhuang Zhuang, and this volcano became an extinct volcano just because of the birth of the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame that was exhausted by it.

   So don’t think that the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame is the size of a palm, but the power it contains is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination!

   For hundreds of years, Ji Huo Zhuang has been secretly studying how to collect flames, but they did not know how much resources they had consumed, and even a large number of talented disciples died without success.

   Zhu Huorong has been making preparations all the time, and he would not dare to collect the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame without perfect preparation. But in today's situation, he can't help but hesitate, he must try his life!

   Then Zhu Huorong took out a lot of materials from the mustard bracelets, of which more than 80% were ice-based materials. He used these materials to lay a simple formation around the Chijin Earth Dragon Flame, and suddenly it was as cold as a ten thousand years ice cave within a radius of several meters!

   The Red Golden Earth Dragon Flame also seemed to dim a bit, Zhu Huorong's face was slightly happy, but immediately his expression froze, because a blade of light appeared inexplicably before his eyes!


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