I Fix The System Law

Chapter 441: War is coming


   Only a moment later, there was only one person left in the group of Jihuoshan Village. This person should have died without a doubt. However, there was an extremely powerful treasure on his body, which released a burst of flame, and the power in it was extremely powerful!

   Leng Shiqi and others can only retreat again and again.

   This person took advantage of the chaos and fled, but just when he ran out several feet away, hundreds of Han Ming's threads entangled.

   "Extremely Cold Bingsi Hand? You are from Bipolar Shanzhai!" the man shouted immediately in fright.

   It's a pity that those Han Ming Silks were mostly melted by those terrifying flames when they crossed the sea of ​​fire, and they didn't keep this person.

   The disciple of the Extreme Volcano Village was immediately surprised again, and ran away scramblingly.

   Dongfang Qi walked to Leng Shiqi's side. At this moment, his eyes had completely changed when he looked at Leng Shiqi.

   If he was still a bit dissatisfied with Leng Seventeen in his heart before, then now that little thought has completely disappeared, and he even wants to curry favor with Leng Seventeen.

   It is clear that there is only a cultivation base of the fifth level of the Spirit Aperture Realm, but it can kill the masters of the Spirit Aperture Realm frontally!

   This can no longer be described by the word genius, it is obviously abnormal!

A character like    will surely soar into the sky in time!

   If you can please Leng Seventeen now, it will be of great benefit to Dongfang Qi in the future.

   So Dongfang smiled and said, "Brother Liu is not only amazing in strength, but also an extraordinary mind. From the very beginning, he played with two second-rate sects in his hands, admiring and admiring him."

  Bu Yangqiu also came over and said: "Yes, Brother Liu cleverly used tricks to get the people from Jihuoshanzhuang and Bijishanzhai to fight, which gave us a great opportunity.

   Now Brother Liu deliberately let go of the disciple of Jihuochuangzhuang, just wanting him to go back and report the news, so that the hatred between the two parties is very conflicting and even more intense! As long as they die endlessly, Destruction Extreme Volcano Village is near. "

   Other people also gathered around to compliment, and now Leng Shiqi has completely conquered these arrogant arrogances in both strategy and strength.

  Of course, they can't accept it. The record of killing the Linggang realm master in person is really scary!

   Among these people, Lian Ye did not speak much, but kept staring at Leng Shiqi with a pair of beautiful eyes.

   Leng Shiqi casually waved his hand and said: "You guys have passed the award. Now there is still a long way to go before completing the task. Let's hurry up and make peace with Zhai Chuan and the others."

   After everyone got together, Leng Shiqi also knew that Zhai Chuan was going very smoothly.

   Their combat power was completely crushed, and one of them specially imitated the swordsmanship of Extreme Volcano Village, and let a reporter go back.

   It is worth mentioning that Gu San was very eye-catching in their battle there. She not only defeated two enemies, but also killed two spiritual practitioners in the early stage of the Spirit Aperture Realm!

   This record surprised several people in Zhai Chuan.

   But when Zhai Chuan and Gusan learned about the Ji Wen of Leng Shiqi beheading the Linggang Realm, all of them were dumbfounded!

   Although each of them is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and they have also heard of the Spirit Aperture Realm killing the Linggang Realm.

   But in such a situation, it was only by coincidence that the people at the pinnacle of the Spirit Aperture Realm did it, but the cultivation base of Leng Seventeen was only the fifth level of the Spirit Aperture Realm!

   The fifth level of the Spirit Aperture Realm can kill the spiritual practitioners of the Spirit Gang Realm, which is too terrifying!

   Among them, Zhai Chuan's expression was the most weird. He didn't realize until then that when he fought Leng Shiqi, the opponent didn't use much power at all.

   Otherwise, he is very likely to be killed by Leng Seventeen on the spot!

   And the astonishment in Gu Sanming's eyes flashed past, but her heart was even more shocked.

   Her master bone demon once explained to her the characteristics of each realm in the four realms of heaven and human.

   Spiritual practitioners in the Linggang realm are actually qualified to have access to a little bit of power from the world. They use spiritual power as the base and external power as a supplement to steal a trace of the power of heaven and earth to condense the spiritual gang.

   Therefore, the combat power of the masters of the Linggang realm is very amazing, let alone the other, only the Linggang can crush the spiritual practitioners of the later stage of the Linggang realm.

   But Leng Shiqi can continuously cross several small realms and one big realm, killing the masters of Linggang realm!

   If Leng Shiqi can hold Ji Wen, Gu San's heart is still acceptable, but Leng Shiqi's performance is far more powerful than she expected.

   So at this moment, the hands of the bones hidden in the sleeves clenched fists tightly, and she secretly said: "I, after all, still can't catch him?"

   Leng Shiqi looked around and saw that there was no reduction in staff, but a few people were injured. Finally, he glanced at Gu San two more times, and he knew that Gu San's strong temper had risen again.

   He could only smile secretly, and then asked: "By the way, how is that Wan Shaoyuan?"

   Zhai Chuan replied first: "We have quietly solved him on our way back."

Hearing that, Leng Shiqi nodded, "Okay, I'll go to Bipolar Shanzhai first. Now that Ji Wen, a spiritual master in Ji Wen, has been lost in Ji Wen Village, it is easy to convince them to take the initiative to attack Ji Huo. Villa. And what we have to do is to use the power of the bipolar cottage to destroy the Polar Volcano Villa!"

   As long as the Extreme Volcano Village is destroyed, their mission will be completed!

   Others have heard mixed feelings.

   It has only been a month or so since they came to Shaning City. If the plan goes well, they will complete the task soon. This speed is really fast.

   But their test is not only to complete the task, but also depends on your personal performance!

   The task was completed too quickly~www.ltnovel.com~ Some of them were about to end before they could express themselves, which made them a little worried.

   Among this group of people, Leng Shiqi, Zhai Chuan, Dongfang Qi, Bu Yangqiu and others all passed the test by default. Even Gusan has great hopes, after all, her record is there.

   So they can only hope that they can contribute more and accumulate more merits in the final battle.

   After discussing with everyone, Leng Shiqi divided his troops into two ways. He went to the Bipolar cottage by himself. The others went to the vicinity of Jihuoshan Village and began to make final preparations.

   And shortly after, in the Extreme Volcano Village, the owner Zhu Huorong overturned the table in front of him!

   "You say it again!" Zhu Huorong shouted with a faint flame all over his body, pointing at one person.

   The person he pointed at was the person who was deliberately released by Leng Shiqi. He trembled and said: "The owner, Elder Ji Wen and other seniors have all been killed!

  It was the person from the Bipolar Shanzhai who made the shot. Even though the person in the lead had hidden his cultivation base, he used the extremely cold ice silk hand, absolutely can't be wrong! "

   "Xiao Jingwu! Destroy my foundation, I will kill you!"

  When Zhu Huorong was about to go mad, the elder Hehou came over, "Owner, you still think about what we should do if the Shuangji Shanzhai call comes."


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