I Fix The System Law

Chapter 439: Get stronger

   Faced with the blazing flames that swept across the sky, Leng Shiqi's hands were sealed, and a few feet of dark palm print emerged.

   There is one yin and one yang in the palm print, and the yang leads to the sky and the yin leads to the quiet.

   to Yang Tongyou big mudra!

   These two diametrically opposed powers are perfectly fused together in Leng Shiqi's hands!

   The two powers were not only fusing, but also shattering other surrounding powers. Ji Wen's terrifying blazing flames instantly began to twist.

   If those blazing swords are like a lake surface, Leng Shiqi’s Zhiyang Tongyou big handprint is like a big rock hitting the lake, stirring the whole lake surface!

   Waiting for all the blazing swords to disperse, Leng Shiqi only took a few steps back.

   Ji Wen's expression sank and swung his sword again, like a dragon ascending to the sky, the sword shining brightly.

   Cold Seventeenth, the evil spirit of the whole body is constantly rising, and the turbulent evil energy can be seen clearly in the dark night. I saw that there seemed to be a magic dragon tossing in the devilish energy, and a pair of ferocious dragon claws protruded and grabbed the dazzling blade sharply!

  Ghost Devil Dragon Claw!

   After Leng Shiqi had practiced Yu Sha Jue, this move was a bit more powerful, and it ranked higher among all his unique skills.

   One magic dragon claw was destroyed by the sword light within two or three breaths, but the second magic dragon claw finally blocked the knife.

   Ji Wen was blocked by Leng Seventeen in two consecutive strokes, and he was not injured yet, and he even seemed to feel a little at ease. This made Ji Wen feel shocked, angry and hated!

   And this time, Leng Shiqi was the first to shoot.

   He stretched out his ten fingers, and ten bloodshots that seemed to be thunderous died in a blink of an eye, the thunder exploded, and the blood suddenly appeared, then every bloodshot was a thunderous blood sky finger!

   Jiwen was about to swing his knife, but at this moment, he was surprised to find that a muddy swamp appeared under his feet at some point.

   There are cobwebs all over this weird swamp, entangled with threads, making him a little bit startled!

   Ji Wen let out a cold snort, and the spirits all over his body erupted, and the cobweb quagmire collapsed in an instant. But at the same time, the ten thundering blood heaven fingers had already shot in front of him!

   He stepped out, surrounded by flames like a **** of fire, and the surrounding ground was burned to a scorched earth. Those blazes congealed into pillars of fire, and hit the thunder and blood sky finger.

  The blood line collided with the flames, and the night sky thundered and blasted, and countless rubbles splashed but were crushed into powder by that powerful force.

   All the light dissipated, Ji Wen's eyes condensed slightly, because he did not see Leng Shiqi's figure!

   Ji Wen held his breath, and Leng Shiqi's troubles had completely out of his cognition. By this time, there was a sense of danger in his heart!

   He suddenly noticed a wave of spiritual power from the sky. He quickly raised his head and saw that Leng Shiqi, who was wearing various auras, was floating in the air!

   A pair of five-color wings stretched out over ten feet long behind Leng Shiqi.

   This pair of wings is the flight ability evolved after King Gu swallowed Flying Gu. Leng Shiqi was condescending, and behind him there appeared layers of formations of different colors and shapes.

  Looking carefully, it happened that five different formations were superimposed together, and bursts of heart-pounding spiritual power radiated out.

   Jiwen's brows furrowed deeply, Leng Shiqi was actually still a spiritualist!

   It's not that he hasn't fought against the spiritual practitioners, he also knows that those who want to defeat the spiritual magic must fight in close combat before the opponent releases the powerful spiritual magic skills.

   But Leng Shiqi was floating on the high sky at this moment, making him a little helpless.

   Although Jiwen also has a lot of long-range methods, he still wants to compare with the spiritual practitioners a little bit, and also needs to consume a lot of his spiritual power.

   So Ji Wen decided to defend and stand by!

   Leng Shiqi stood in the void like a god, with wings stretched behind his back, and his formation flashed. With a wave of his hands, the formation behind his back continued to rotate, and the five formations immediately shot out streamers of different colors!

  Those streamers are falling down like brilliant meteor showers. Streamers of different colors also contain different powers. Among them, the most powerful is the red and blue streamers.

   The red and blue streamer is the streamer with the power of red flame and frost at the same time!

   This trick was originally the psychic rotating streamer array attached to the "Five Gods Streamer Technique". Later, Leng Shiqi incorporated the ice and fire tornado into it, and became the current rotating ice and fire streamer array!

   The sky streamed down, and Ji Wen was submerged in an instant.

   But Ji Wen's face calmed down again, he held the long sword horizontally in front of him, and the shocking intent of the sword filled the sky. Driven by the breath, the countless streams of light that fell to a long distance around him were all annihilated into nothingness!

   Cold Seventeen certainly doesn't expect the rotating ice and fire streamer to suppress Ji Wen at once, but the most powerful part of this trick is not the outbreak, but the continuous continuation!

   As long as you have enough spiritual power, you can always maintain the rotating ice and fire streamer array. Therefore, this colorful meteor shower has not been interrupted, which shocked Ji Wen's heart!

   Originally, he thought that Leng Shiqi's cultivation base was only in the Ling Aperture Realm after all, even if the cultivation base was increased, the essence remained the same, and it could not be maintained for a long time.

   But with the gradual loss of time, Ji Wen found that Leng Shiqi's breath was still very stable, and there was no sign of excessive spiritual energy consumption!

   However, Ji Wen himself can't hold it anymore!

   Although he didn't use a lot of spiritual power, he used his sword intent to fend off the enemy~www.ltnovel.com~ But this would consume a lot of his mind. If this continues, although he will not be injured, his combat effectiveness will be severely reduced.

   can't be so passive anymore!

   Jiwen swung a knife, and the red flames flowed around his body. There was no killing intent in his sword, but he carried a powerful sword intent that could destroy the world!

   This is the strongest knife he has ever realized since he advanced to the Linggang Realm, but it consumes a lot of money and he doesn't want to use it at will. Even he himself didn't expect that this knife would actually be used on a person in the Spirit Aperture Realm.

   Ji Wen is also very confident, this knife is enough to break all the formations, and it can seriously hurt Leng Qi!

   Things really were in his expectation. This knife was as easy as cutting tofu and smashed the streamers, crushing the five formations, including Leng Seventeen!

   Seeing this scene, Ji Wen first smiled, but the smile on his face immediately solidified.

   Because the formation above the sky and Leng Shiqi's figure collapsed like dreamy phantoms, they turned into multicolored glazed flowers floating down.

   Jiwen’s eyes instantly became a little confused. At this moment, the flowers in the sky suddenly bloomed, and countless petals drifted away.

   It's just that every petal of this flower contains a three-strength sword aura!


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